The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 47

My Villains Episode 047

13. Army of Young Lions (2)

Screaming like that and running rampant like crazy, the bandits, tired of themselves, hesitated and spread their distance.

“Damn, there’s no such thing as an ogre…” “That sword- isn’t that magic?”

“I thought I saw it wrong…! That’s blood magic!”

The guys who had retreated like that looked back a little and suddenly took on a bright color. The bandits who had fled into the forest were running this way again.

I think there are well over a hundred at least.

Ha, there is no such thing as a complete dog pack.

“Grania. Grania!”

Thanks to my desperate rampage, the bound Grania was lying at my feet before I knew it. I touched her with the heel a few times, but there was no response. Damn, you’re not dead, are you?

At my action, the nearby magicians slowly drove their horses with their eyes glistening. Seeing them form a siege net at a distance, it seemed that they had no intention of attacking directly.

Are you wasting your time? Absolutely the worst.

“Huwoo …… Car


who was preparing for the last rush by choosing a breath!


I immediately ducked to avoid the arrow. By the way-


The arrow was not aimed at me from the beginning.


Hearing the screams, he looked up and saw an arrow with a blue feather stuck in the neck of a certain bandit.

He fell off his horse like a piece of rotten wood, clutching the shaft.

The heavy sound of horses’ hooves, which had been buried in the turmoil of bandits until now, was crossing the plain.

I unconsciously looked back.

It was the same with the magicians. A trembling voice was heard.

“That’s that-”

“They’re knights!”

A group of knights were rushing towards the ship of a demonic enemy filled with fear.

The knights, shining blue in the moonlight, were showing off their presence with the heavy sound of their hooves instead of shouting.

I – so Kim Seung-soo – have never actually witnessed the existence of a ‘knight’. As a person living in the 21st century, it is very natural.

However, apart from the lack of experience, those who ran from there were obviously knights. I could tell by looking at it.

There were only sixteen of them, but they were terribly menacing.

A giant horse, plate gold armor that can’t be seen through a gap, a helmet with a faceplate, and a spear that can be seen beyond 3 meters (W槍).

Some of them even had armor on their horses.

To be able to run so lightly while carrying a rider and wearing heavy armor… I don’t know, but it must be a good breed of combat horse.

The knights were accelerating little by little, but the line spread in a straight line was not disturbed.

The distance was close enough that if you stretched out your arm, you could touch the knight next to you, and no one was ahead or behind.

Unlike me, who was mesmerized by a scene like a scene from a movie, the bandits showed a variety of faces in the face of imminent death.

“Get back to the river!”

“What bullshit is that! If you let go of them, the boss will kill you!”

“If you don’t back down, you will die right away! And I’ve already missed a few, so who cares!”

“Cargill! Captain Cargill!”

“Cargill is dead! I was beaten by a magician!”

Then another arrow flew in and pierced the mouth of a demon.

Come to think of it, only one of the knights was holding a bow instead of a spear.

The knight in the center of the ranks fired two more arrows in quick succession, killing two enemies. He was a man with great bow skills.

Then he hooked the bow to the saddle and pulled out the longsword slung around his waist. Then, he stretched out his sword towards the magicians and shouted.


The booming voice was unexpectedly that of a young man.

In response to the shouts of the young knight with a long sword drawn, his comrades also responded and threw their spears forward.

As the knights accelerated with full force, a loud sound resounded like falling hailstones.

The magic bandits gathered around me were already in disarray at the majesty of the knights.

In the end, after running out of the forest, they had no choice but to catch the rush of the knights.

No, would the expression “received” be a bit inappropriate?

Smashed seems to be a more appropriate expression.




A knight pierced a horse and a man at once with a spear.

Even then, the knight’s war horse ran as it was and rammed the man standing hesitantly into the chest.

As soon as the spear was stabbed, most of the knights drew their swords and began to slaughter the bandits.

War hammers and axes were occasionally seen, but the most impressive weapon was a huge two-handed sword.

“I am Ankir of Whitestone!”

The gigantic knight who let out a thick roar freely swung a sword that was well over 150 cm tall.

Every time his two-handed sword sprayed the moonlight, the arms and necks of the magicians soared long into the sky.

Occasionally, the bandits that came close slammed them down with a fur merle or cross guard, and smashed their faces with punches. It was not like a man, but like a swift bear.

A knight wearing a blue cloak also caught my eye. He pierced two bandits with a spear and then drew a sword that looked like a rapier.

He wasn’t as good as the Ankir I’d seen before, but he was of considerable stature.

That’s why I thought holding a light sharp sword wasn’t very suitable, but-



He had no choice but to correct his sentiments as he held his breath and saw the sharpened sword. It was because the sword shot like a bullet pierced his shield and hand and even stabbed his throat.

It was a tough stabbing that took the life of the enemy by smashing the obstacles, not aiming for vital points with agility.

Every time the blue cloak fluttered, the demonic enemy with holes in its body rolled across the dirt floor.

It seemed that a mere magician’s skills would not be able to stop him.

A knight came running to me while I was breathing and watching the battle. It was the same knight who was shooting arrows in the center of the assault ranks.

I didn’t know it when I saw it from a distance, but when I looked closely, I saw that it was wearing beautiful plate armor with gold ornaments engraved on its shoulders and chest.

In addition, the helmet was shaped like a lion’s face.

Somewhat familiar armor…?

Even thinking so, the driver looked down at me and asked a question in a dignified tone.

“Are you from South Harbor too?”

‘You too’… You must have already met Ellen and Luke.

I felt somewhat embarrassed by his natural expression, but I nodded my head cautiously.

“…That’s right.”

“Get behind me. I will give you a seat.”

Saying that, he shook his head at the knight who reached out and pointed at Grania.

“Please start with my colleague here.”

“Are you alive?”


I woke up and quickly knelt down and put my ear to Grania’s mouth.

The sound of suppressed breathing.

“Whoa, he’s alive.”

“Right. Put it on the back.”

As soon as I lifted Grania and put it on the saddle, the knight shouted ‘Randel!’ A knight rushed to the call and I was able to ride on his back.

“Fuck it-!”

At the command of the knight who carved the gold ornament, the knights who had been rampaging in uninhabited areas gathered in one place.

Everyone looked fine except for one, who fell on his horse’s back and was reined in by a colleague.

On the other hand, nearly half of the 150 or so bandits died in that short period of time, and the rest were running away. It was an unbelievable exchange fee.

The blue cloaked knight who joined his teammates shouted.

“Look at the forest! They are coming!”

Just as he said, the forest was dotted with glowing torches. Perhaps the leader of the bandits or a key executive would bring his henchmen.

A giant knight, Ankir, who had calmed down the raging words, proposed in a loud voice.

“How about taking this opportunity to wipe it all out! Opportunities to face them on the plains are rare!”

A few knights agreed with that opinion, but the gold-encrusted knight shook his head resolutely.

“no! Rescuing these mercenaries is the priority! Everyone returns to the garrison!”


There was no questioning. The knights immediately formed a lozenge and started running north.

Knights with Ankir, blue cloaks and barding stood at the rear, and knights with gold decorations stood at the fore.

The magicians chasing him fired arrows, but their poor recurve bows couldn’t pierce the thick plate armor.

Occasionally, when there were guys approaching, a couple of knights would jump out, slay them, and then come back.

A series of processes took place naturally without any special command. These knights

must have been working hand-to-hand for a long time.

Looks like you got it right.

As I thought to myself, a strangely familiar place caught my eye.

It was a garrison surrounded by carts erected sideways and a giant spear made of wood as an outer wall.

A huge flag fluttered in the center, embroidered with the profile of a golden lion standing on its hind legs.

The scenery in which the background seen in the 2D screen was embodied in reality was still new.

My sentiments ended with a loud shout that erupted from within the garrison.

Subsequently, dozens of arrows pierced the night sky, and an arrow that flew low enough to grazed a knight’s helmet feathers knocked down countless bandits that were pursuing him.

The knights who had shaken off some of the bandits entered the garrison through the passage.

“Now pull!”

With a sergeant’s shout, six or seven soldiers pulled the rope.

Then, the magic spear, which was lying low on the floor, stood up at an angle.


“Keep it!”

“Oh, Shang-!”

Four human horses were threaded like skewers on wooden wedges sharp like fangs.

Before the horse’s mournful neighing was over, the soldiers waiting nearby rushed in unison and hurled their long spears.

Four or four of the bandits barely stopped talking and lost their lives as they were stabbed by spear blades.

“Back off!”

“Retreat retreat!”

Arrows were continuously pierced at the retreating bandits.

Looking back, I saw crossbowmen wearing weapons on top of the overturned cart and archers standing behind them shooting arrows nonstop.

The group of bandits, who suffered great damage in an instant, spat curse words and retreated.

“Fight back!”

“Set it on fire and throw it away!”

The bandits, who were in high spirits, circled around the garrison, shooting arrows and throwing torches.

The arrows were mostly blocked by the shields raised by the soldiers, but the torches quickly grew in size as they consumed carts and dry grass.

“Damn water! Bring a bucket of water!”

“But there isn’t enough drinking water.”

“Stop being stupid!”

The desperate soldiers shouted busily, and the caged dogs barked loudly as well.

The gold-decorated knight who saw it also raised his voice, showing off his unique clear voice.

“Limond! Where is Master Limond!”

As if responding to that shout, a blue figure appeared from somewhere.

Is that- a water spirit?

The spirit, whose whole body was made of transparent water, had the appearance of a naked boy. Instead of her lower body, she wore a swirling stream of water, which flew freely through the air as if she were surfing.

The spirit circled the garrison, extinguished the fire, and soared high into the sky, spinning slowly. Then, the swirling stream of water spread out like a puffy dress.

The faint moonlight scattering in a dizzying way on the water curtain was very mysterious.

Was it because he was overwhelmed by his majesty?

The bandits wandered around the garrison several times and then disappeared towards the forest.


I was relieved and sat down with a long sigh.

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