The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 494

My villains, episode 494

, 66. Prince Silver (49)

“…my back hurts.”

Ellen frowned and shook her hips. She was riding a long-legged, slender horse. Unbecoming for hunting, the horse was more docile than a fairly modest farm horse, and even when its owner with a bad temper kept shaking the balance and tightening the saddle, the horse did not tremble once.

“Um, are you very uncomfortable?”

“Does this look comfortable?”

The one-eyed Simos, her bodyguard, errand boy, insult, and apprentice, shrugged at the young High Master’s flirtatious gaze.

“Then can I get you the reins?”

“it’s okay. I take care of my own business.”


Ellen was sitting on an unusually shaped saddle. Unlike ordinary saddles, which are commonly called ‘side saddles’, these are items that allow you to sit with both legs together on one side.

But whether it was a bad seat adjustment or something wrong with her tact, Ellen’s back ached and she couldn’t stand it.

‘If I’d known this would be the case, I would have gotten on the carriage.’

Before the sudden change of plan, so at the time of leaving Eisbowald, I was planning to briefly explore the nearby forest entrance. If I had known that I would run through the empty field all day like I am now, I would have brought the quadruped wagon stuck to the Permanent Court.

“The distance is getting wider, so shouldn’t we hurry up a bit?” “…it.”

Aktufir, an elderly man with both hands covered with golden rings and golden bracelets, asked in a laughing voice.

The old man was rich in warrior knowledge befitting the title of ‘Grand Warlock’. Her horsemanship was also comparable to that of a skilled cavalryman, so it was nothing compared to Ellen, who had never fed a horse in her entire life of eighteen.

“Stay still. Neither do I.”

After one shot at Aktupir, who was lounging on the back of a large warhorse, she snapped the reins. Then, he held out his glossy black pole toward the dust cloud rising in front of him.

“Ventus Ictorios!”

The air that burst from the tip of the staff blew a thick cloud of dust across the field. And about 70 men and horses appeared.

The largest among them was Prince Silver’s heavy cavalry.

This elite cavalry unit, which had been active in the Highlands and Obdorf under the command of the ‘giant’ Ankir, was on standby at Eisbowald as Prince Ulkar ordered.

Some of those heavy cavalry galloped through the nameless fields. Leading this detachment was Langboldt Earl Shore, the first knight of the Silver Prince and also known as ‘The Shouting Wave’.

What was surprising was the fact that Langvolt was not leading this group. Running in the lead was a young man wearing a hood.

“Lord, tell your lowly servant the truth. A

man wearing a black robe and a cape draped over his shoulders offered a simple prayer. Soon, under the hood, his eyes turned white.

The divinely empowered eyes of the young priest, Luis de Goodman, scanned the horizon.

As if he had found something, he fixed his gaze on one spot and twisted his head slightly.

The two monks and five knights of the cathedral who were close behind him, as well as Langboldt and the heavy cavalry, also turned to follow Louis.

“Ah, that’s annoying-”

Ellen pondered inwardly as she dragged her horse along with those ahead of her.

‘Maybe it would be better to ride the carpet instead of going through such a hard time.’

She glanced down at the quarters stick in her hand.

Borrowed from Ai Nar, Ellen’s aunt and one of the Grand Masters of La Palais Palace, it is a monster that transforms into a flying carpet when a little bit of mana is injected into it.

But the conflict was short-lived, and she looked away. He is now chasing the traces of the ‘King of Death’, Luke, along with the monks of the Norik society. I don’t know if it was Mars, but it wasn’t wise to continuously consume mana.

In the end, instead of injecting mana into the pole, Ellen started cursing the priest who was leading the way.

‘Are you looking for the right path for that son of a corpse?’

The monks of the Norik Society act as the Heretic Inquisitors of the Church of El Ganore. It was only natural that such holy hounds would be tempted to talk about the traces left by the King of Death.

While Phoenix followed Prince Ulkar into negotiations with the Emperor, Ellen pursued the evil trail and was determined to put an end to Luke or any of his minions.

However, on the way to the forest, Louis, the leader of the monks, trembled as if having a seizure, and suddenly turned his horse to the southwest. He ran all day without any explanation, and the rest of the group had to run all night without knowing what was what.

Ellen slowly lost trust in those monks as her back ached from this unknown situation. Anxiety and dissatisfaction built up.

Soon, her gaze turned to a man riding a horse in the awkward moment between the monks of the Order of Norrik and the knights of the cathedral.

‘Where did that guy come from?’

Frankly, Ellen was terribly embarrassed to be acting with that middle-aged man.

The fact that the monks of the Order of Norrik, who appeared with the middle-aged man, guaranteed that nothing would happen was of little consolation. His opponent was a monster that could destroy a building with a single punch, so there was no way he could be so relieved.

For that reason, upon recognizing the appearance of that middle-aged man, Ellen immediately summoned someone who could be used as a shield. Of course, that shield is still with us.

As Ellen turned around, a group of horses came into her field of vision. To be precise, it was a direwolf carrying two people and riders surrounding him.

Those who rode eagerly were Phoenix’s men, such as Mackay the spearman and Keegan the iron-gaunted Taggart and the bone-armor. Priest Okan, who was said to have been brought from Seteniora Monastery, and Kabar, a knight of the cathedral, were also mixed.

Among them, the men and women who were holding the back of the direwolf were none other than Utequai and Iophya.

Unlike his sister-in-law, who was an insignificant shaman, his brother-in-law was a warrior with few enemies in the entire continent. Ellen willingly followed the search because Utequai accepted her request to accompany her.

‘This won’t be dangerous.’ Ellen calmed down as she looked back at those who could be called ‘sure allies’.

After feeling relieved like that, the surrounding fields suddenly came into view.

“Simos. Where are you?”

“…Uh, that’s it. It was early morning when I set foot in Angst, so it must be somewhere west of Proshafen.”


Ellen furrowed her eyebrows.

“You mean the port city that is about to fall into the possession of a nude prostitute?”

“yes? Ah… yes, that’s right.”

When the young high master made a displeased expression, the one-eyed magic swordsman quickly added his words.

“If you’re lucky, you might run into a phoenix master.”


“yes. Since the imperial army’s garrison is somewhere on the border of Angst, the place for negotiations must be around here as well. It may be a lot closer than you think.”

“…is it?”

Seeing his pink mouth soften, Aktufir opened his mouth.

“I wonder if I’ve forgotten, but it’s difficult if I run into the emperor. Rumors are already spreading that Tirin Mel is collaborating with the 3 princes, so you have to be more careful.”

Ellen closed her mouth and looked away. He might be angry at not even answering, but the old Warlock just shook his head.

It was about that time that the riders who were running ahead of them all came to a halt.


Seeing the clergy looking back, Langbolt stepped forward.

He adjusted his blue cloak, which had been fluttering wildly in the headwind, and looked at a pair of horses running away from the horizon.

After a while, Langboldt’s superhuman eyesight finally identified the identities of those who were running.

“…Randel Yves?” They were long-time subordinates of Prince Ulkar, and were also part of the Guards Corps that followed the negotiations.

“Why are they…

Langboldt’s pale face hardened in an instant, and the young monk standing next to him groaned.

“That’s it.”

When Louise’s white eyes spotted the black air rising near the horizon, Ellen sensed a nerve-wracking sign and her shoulders trembled.

Langboldt, some knights, and the priests of Norrick Society exchanged glances. All of them had their faces fixed at the ominous sign. In the meantime, Ellen and Utequai urged the Huntsman and the Direwolf, respectively, to approach them.

“Langbolt! Why did you stop?”

“It looks like His Highness is involved in this.”

“A prince?”

Langboldt nodded to his pagan comrade, the size of an ogre.

“So far it seems so.”

“Then what are you waiting for? You don’t have to join us right away!” When Ellen got off the horse, kicking off the sidesaddle, and urged Langboldt to keep his mouth shut with a prudent face. The knight next to him answered instead.

“Listening to the situation is the first priority, magician. Isn’t there a messenger coming over there’?”

“Hey you stupid- can you hear that kind of sound even after seeing that?”

“What is that?”

The moment the knight followed Ellen’s finger and turned around, a gray air current swirled up from where she pointed, connecting the earth and the sky.

Woo woo woo woo!

A grotesque roar followed.

Amongst the knights who were startled by the unexpected roar and the clergy who were hardened by the intense morale that seemed to stain their souls, Ellen shouted in frustration.

“Run you idiots!”

At the same time, the black quarter stick turned into a magic carpet. Ellen stood up there and put on a ‘cloak of flame’.


The camouflage spell melted in the hot mana, and a three-color tiara appeared on top of a gorgeous white robe and rich blonde hair.

The magic carpet took off like a bird. Ellen looked back at the riders on the ground, who had become as small as fingernails in the blink of an eye –


“Oh. Calm down.”

A middle-aged man with a soft look stood in front of Ellen, who let out a brief astonishment.


“Binseung has committed a great disrespect. I wanted to confirm the existence of evil spirits as soon as possible, so please understand.”

It was none other than Iljin, a Buddhist monk of the Zemu sect, who rode on the magic carpet using the technique of Daenai as if blinking.

“…under. What the heck… Unlike

Ellen, who flies by leaning on the suction power that pulls the soles of her feet, which is permitted by the owner of the magic carpet, Iljin stood unconcernedly on the carpet that was not her own.

The hood he wore instead of a hat came off, revealing a shaved head of Farani. The magic carpet flew faster than the arrow and the hem of his clothes fluttered furiously, but the middle-aged man with the terrifying nickname of ‘a ghost-like monk who shattered the sky’ only smiled awkwardly as if he was sorry.

“If it doesn’t go out right away, I’ll turn it into a lump of charcoal.”


Ellen’s cloak of flame shook greatly. The menacing heat reached his chin, but the monk from the East did not move.

“Now is not the time to quarrel among us.”

“So you’re just watching a monster like you?”

“At least today, binseung won’t have anything to stand against you, so don’t worry.”

“Ha, it sounds less-”

“Umm, this should be enough.”


“I owe you. then.”

Before Ellen could react, the monk Iljin flung herself under the magic carpet.


Only then did Ellen discover a huge mass of flesh wriggling down there.

Being distracted by the terrifying presence that occupied his back, he belatedly noticed the magical power of the world of fate that filled all directions.

The moment Ellen, startled, hurriedly prepared the order.


A monk who was falling with his palms together held out his palm towards the huge piece of flesh, the ‘incarnation of the Underworld’. A red haze shimmered as I slowly extended my heart, and before long a strong heat wave was launched.


The ‘heat shock’ exploded right at the huge mass of flesh that had just stretched and roared.

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