The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 50

My Villains Episode 050

14. Berserker (1)

His name was ‘Alby’.

He didn’t even know why he had such a cute name. Because he had no parents or siblings.

The first scene in his life that he remembers started with getting beaten up by an angry vendor while stealing food.

After that, he became a beggar or pickpocketer, and when he came to his senses, he became a member of a band of bandits.

The moment Alby’s life changed was an encounter with a wounded wandering knight.

His gang swallowed their saliva at the sight of the Wandering Knight’s armament moaning for help. The impetuous thieves, blinded by lust for money, attacked the wandering knight.

And surprisingly, all of them were slaughtered by the dying wanderer.

Alby, who watched the scene, sat under an oak tree to avoid the scorching sun.

Then, when the shouts mixed with profanity subsided, he approached the fallen Wandering Knight and stabbed him in the neck. From that day on, Albi became a wandering knight.

Even after that, Albi was immersed in stealing.

The difference from before was that I no longer had to act as a subordinate.

Alby learned horsemanship and martial arts to pretend to be a wandering knight. As the gang grew in size, Alby’s imitation of a knight became more plausible.

As Alby’s skills rose, so did his notoriety, and the gang grew larger.

When the number of thieves under his command exceeded 1,000, Albi realized that the status of a ‘wandering knight’ did not suit him.

So he made himself a nobleman and appointed his subordinates as knights.

‘Baron Albiane’ and his bandits were born.

A large number of men and horses were camped among the low-growing reed fields.

A wide boulder was lying in the middle of the camp, and a heavily armed man was sitting on it.

At first glance, he looked like a knight, as he was wearing black plate armor.

The heavily armed man, self-proclaimed ‘Baron Albianne’, frowned with his arms crossed.

“The prince himself?”

“Yes sir. Fifteen cavalrymen wandering along the riverside from the evening twilight are poised to come over here at any moment.”

“Hmm. I mean.”

As Alvianne stroked her chin and fell into thought, the raiding leaders standing nearby raised their voices.

“It looks like they’re trying to break through the siege, but we have to stop it unconditionally.”

“There may be some guys rushing out from South Harbor to respond, lord.”

“Well, at least not twenty of them, so why don’t we drag them into the forest and kill them?”

It was a very polite way of talking about pretending to be a knight in the field, but the baron laughed at the opinions of his subordinates.

“Even Heung-kyung is pretty stupid. Does Dae Gary only turn like that? If you want to cross the river, you must have crossed it at once, not wasting time.”


“At first glance, it’s a trick. It’s a ploy to focus attention on the prince and then break through elsewhere.”

Watching his subordinates keep their mouth shut with puzzled expressions, the baron clicked his tongue.

‘To think you’re taking these ignorant bastards as your subordinates. I should hurry up and sit down and clean it up.’

“Sir Aldo! Bring the news to the pirates. Maybe you’re aiming for the beach.”

“Yes sir.”

“Sir Fageneau! Patrol around the tunnel. You can turn your attention to the east and dive right into the tunnel.” Upon receiving the instructions, Fageneau grumbled and questioned.

“Didn’t you already send the children to the tunnel? I don’t think you need to go there, lord.”

Then the baron twisted his face and fired at him like a growl.

“It means to chase down and catch a foolish bastard, you stone head. Before you pluck out your eyes, don’t talk nonsense and jump out!”

At the baron’s scolding, Fageneau swallowed his curse words and hurriedly moved on.

While discussing countermeasures, a messenger arrived in front of the baron.

“What else?”

“They’re over!”

The baron’s eyes widened when the expectation that he would waste time wandering along the riverside was wrong.

“What? how?”

“They fired arrows from across the river, and the cavalrymen crossed the river in an instant!”

“arrow? Did you bring the foot soldiers?”

“It seems so!” After receiving the report, the baron became very angry.

Aside from the fact that his prediction was wrong, it was because one of the looting captains around him laughed at him.

“This meaty bastard!”

With a roar, the baron picked up the huge weapon he had leaned against the rock. It was a mace (flanged mace) with several pieces of iron attached to a pendulum.

Before the knights could react, the baron slammed down the mace he had raised with both hands.


The looting captain, who was secretly laughing at him, had his head shattered without leaving a last word.

Blood mixed with white brains and ruptured eyeballs and crumbled bones splattered in all directions, and the raiding leaders froze in unison. The baron looked around and yelled again.

“Why are you standing there blankly, you incompetent bastards! Gather all your troops!”

Baron Albiane gnashed his teeth at the sight of the white-faced marauders running in all directions. May on the southern coast was exceptionally long.

Even when the party left the camp after a full dinner and reached the northwest coast, the sea was reddish.

I was worried that I might be spotted by pirates going to and from the forest, but the low cliffs along the coast covered the sandy beach.

The white sandy beach with a mixture of round pebbles and fine sand created a very nice scenery.

But out of the group of nine people sitting on the rock, it seemed that Luke and I were the only ones relaxed enough to look around.

“Now the sun is going down.”

The man who let out a small sigh along with the horse was Randell, the heavy cavalryman who gave me a ride yesterday.

As the prince’s personal soldier, he was facing the sunset in a light outfit wearing only leather armor.

“It moves slowly.”

“Yes, it should be.”

Leaving Mr. Randel, who was nodding his head with an unrefreshed expression, as he stood up, shaking his butt, the rest of the party also began to move.

The two skirmishers who had followed as guides lost their helmets to deliver the letter from the prince, so Mr. Luke with his brown hair exposed and Arnal rolled up wrapped around a grania bow, and I also got into a small wooden boat. It stuck.

As the eight men pushed the boat, leaving a long trail on the sandy beach, Ellen, who was moving slowly, was startled by the unexpectedly fast speed and teased her with slowing down her steps.

What kind of boat is this all of a sudden?

Damn I don’t know. It wasn’t like this in the game.

According to the original scenario, ‘arrogant Sir Liam’ had to plan the strategy.

It was a risky but simple operation, when the army moved through the secret passage to the west, and the player broke through with all their might and returned to South Harbor by taking advantage of the loosening of the siege.

However, perhaps because the scenario was a bit twisted, in reality, Prince Ulkar took the center stage and plotted the strategy.

This makes the operation slightly more complex and much more daring.

According to the prince, the pirates and the pirates had a cooperative relationship, but they did not get along very well.

Evidence of this is that there has been no coordinated operation to date even after occupying the sea outside the bay and the wide reed field at the same time.

So the prince considered the beach and the coastal waters to be the biggest loophole in the siege surrounding South Harbor.

That’s why I ordered the nine of us to make a plan B and follow the beach into South Harbor.

So what is Plan A?

straight through the front

During the chase on the plain last night, the cavalry band suffered more than a hundred casualties.

Since the defense line along the Sogeum River would have been weakened that much, Plan A was to break through it head-on.

If the bandit’s attention is attracted to our side, the probability of success in the front increases, and if the eyes are attracted to the front, the probability of success on our side increases.

I heard that if the head-on breakthrough fails, the prince

will carry out ‘Plan A-2’ no matter what our side’s castle or hand is. That was a really crazy idea.

When I reached the beach and the water was up to my knees, I looked around and nodded.

“Hurry up everyone! I will push.”

Watching the soldiers and colleagues get on the boat,

I suddenly looked back…

“…what are you doing?”

“hurry. My shoe was torn.”

Standing on the beach, Ellen reached out both hands to me as she said that.

I was thrilled with his imposing attitude, but I didn’t want to waste time, so I quickly picked him up and put him on the boat.

“Let’s go.”

Raging waves crashed on the tide, but I rather accelerated, planting my feet firmly on the ground.

Eventually, when the water reached the top of my stomach, I grabbed Arnal’s hand and got on the boat.

I asked the young man, or the boy, in front of me, wringing out the leather clothes that hung down under the breastplate.

“Are there strong waves? Is this okay?”

“Iknow, right. I guess I’m going to *groan* farther than I planned.”

The guy who answered with all his might was a young junior soldier named ‘Aibo’.

He was a tall guy with a slim body, but his face was full of acne, so he must have been around Ellen’s age or a year or two older at most.

“It would be difficult to get caught by the pirates. Wouldn’t it be better to run along the beach?”

“Uh, that’s-”

Aibo hesitated for a moment, looked sideways at the other side, and then shrugged.

“Actually, I don’t know. Romet-nim will have an idea.”


I don’t think so.

Romet, a seasoned skirmisher, sat on the prow and looked out over the sea. Frowning and scratching at his beard mixed with gray hair, it seemed like he had no choice but to eat jjambab for over 20 years.

Eventually, the boat veered southward, taking in the waves to starboard.

Grania and the three soldiers were rowing hard, but the speed was slow because of the strong waves.

Seeing that uneasy look, the spotted dog that I left at the garrison flickers in front of my eyes.

It would be really exciting to ride a horse and run along the beach.

The servants who manage the horse said that with proper training, the spotted horse would become a good warhorse. Even if it’s not as good as the assault horse of the knights, the skeleton is pretty good.

It reminds me of Spotted being hit in the butt by an arrow, and I am worried. Will the servants take good care of it? I heard that a war horse costs fifty gold coins no matter how cheap it is…

Ah, I’m not doing this for money. It’s a comrade who overcame the danger of death together, albeit briefly, so it’s natural to be worried, right?

Of course, he’s a comrade I’d sell if he gave me a pile of gold coins, but- Cheol-



All thoughts were interrupted by Ellen’s shrill scream.

The big wave hit the boat, so the guy, who was wet all over, couldn’t find anyone to get angry at, so he was thrashing around alone.

Then, a glance in my direction was like, ‘Just say something. He gave off an atmosphere of ‘I’ll do a damn thing’.

Of course, I can’t keep my mouth shut because of that atmosphere.

“I knew it would be like that ever since I was trembling because I didn’t want to get my feet wet. You look good bitch.”

“You’re such an idiot-”

Ellen wheezing fiercely glared at Arnal, who was giggling.

Arnal, who was resting his arms on the railing, closed his mouth and smoked a different voice, and Ellen sighed for a moment before turning her head away.

Parangson Fusion Fantasy ‘A Novel

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