The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 504

My villains episode 504

interlude. Judges and Horsemen (2)

A secret room in the Cathedral of Eisbowald-O-Giol.

“what the. Of course it’s bullshit.”

The red knight burst into laughter when he confronted High Judge Kingsley and the King’s Horsemen.

If you say it’s bullshit.” “How do you get the princess here? There’s no way the king or crown prince would allow it.”

Phoenix, who had broken a brief seclusion about twelve hours ago, let out an enthusiastic shout from the Silver Prince’s garrison.

The loud speech persuaded most of the 1,500 elite soldiers left behind by Ulkar, while it tickled the ears of countless merchants, mercenaries, city dwellers, and tribals snooping around the camp. Thanks to this, the red knight had to greet the envoys of the crown prince who had doubts.

“Princess, you’d better stay in the convent. Even for the current peaceful life. That noble person came to this shabby place to see something good…

Phoenix quenched his thirst with warm wine and looked at the people sitting across from him. He seemed a little worried that the hatred, anger, and vengeance contained in his speech might have aroused the prince’s henchmen.

“Rights and revenge were just words. I was just telling the soldiers what they wanted to hear.”

“You mean that the army of the three princes wants revenge?”

“It’s a cause. Not revenge.”


“Think about it from the position of the soldiers. Shouldn’t we find a ladder to wealth to replace the deceased prince?”

“That’s what you mean by wonder.”

“Why not? A comrade who served the prince together made a fortune as a great lord, so we have to stick to it.”

“I just made a convincing cause. So that you can take care of your pride and self-respect.”

There was still disbelief in the eyes of the three barons who sat silently. The enemy knight scratched his eyebrows as if embarrassed.

“I wonder why they are doing this…

He tilted his head and twisted his mouth crookedly.

“Have you ever been stabbed by something? If our goal is revenge, maybe we should be nervous? huh? Do you owe our prince anything?”

When no one answered, the red knight giggled while sipping the wine from his glass.

“There seems to be a misunderstanding, but I am not crazy. Could it be that I’m going to invade the capital with less than a handful of troops? I didn’t have the heart to act like that from the beginning, and now I’m sick and tired of fighting.”

Among the silent riders, Kingsley narrowed his eyes in silence.

“I don’t want war. Are you sure you want to say that?”

“Yes, that is it.”

Phoenix put down the opaque patterned glass and slowly stretched his body.

The look of tiredness is obvious. The chivalry of a knight and the madness of a murderer are crushed by the fatigue that rests on his shoulders. He massaged his temples with his long, slender fingers. The cold eyes are covered.

“Now that I have enough money and success, I want to enjoy life. As a pastime, take care of the territory, give birth to about 12 children… Occasionally, it would be nice to reclaim the forest, kill thieves, and go around eating all the maidens of the territory.”

The old judge was confused. It was because the sincerity was felt in the vulgar complaints of the red knight.

But he consciously kept his cool.

“Are you saying that the person who inherited His Highness’ army wants peace?”

“yes. What’s wrong?”

“It seems to me to be a complete contradiction.”

“What is the contradiction? What is the meaning of the cry of peace by the helpless?”

The red knight was coldly sarcastic.

“Originally, peace is the privilege of the powerful. If you disband the army, immediately all kinds of wolves will drool and attack you. There is no peace without an army. Why do you say something different when you know everything? Someone who has learned enough to learn.”

A voice close to a growl. A sense of intimidation that is revealed in the middle of the day.

The old judge was far from the battlefield. However, it was not difficult to see in the young man in front of him the aspect of a strong man who could turn the tide of battle with just his presence.

While Kingsley stiffened for a moment, Patina, the fourth horseman of the King, advised seriously.

“If you truly want peace, obey the Crown Prince even now. Since He has promised mercy and hospitality, we will be able to keep our current position and wealth as well as the much-awaited peace.”


Phoenix quickly lost momentum and scratched the nape of his neck. He did not hide his troubled appearance.

“I’m grateful for the meaning… but you know that there are circumstances where you can’t do that, right?”

“Are you talking about the false oath you swore to the Emperor of the Empire?”

“A false oath… Phoenix chewed the words in his mouth and let out a big smile.

“Even if you think so, it doesn’t matter. But the important thing is whether the Crown Prince can protect us when we switch sides.”

“It’s like you can’t believe His Highness’ promise.”

The red knight shook his head quickly, instead of snapping, ‘Then how can I trust that pig who has been idling about all the time?’

“Please. His Highness, the crown prince, is a man of honor, so he must try to be faithful. But who is your opponent?”

He tapped the table with a dark face.

“I am the emperor of Mittergerland. He is the most powerful man on the continent. Besides, if I break my oath, the Duke of Avillambus and his father, Burcard, will also join forces and attack again… Then tens of thousands of soldiers will gather in Obdorf and Angst.”

“If you think about it that way, it’s the same as if a war breaks out even if you don’t attend Crown Prince Kyung.” “well. This is originally the land of the empire, so wouldn’t your crown prince be satisfied with defending the border and resign?”

“You have a big dream.”

“On the other hand, what if you betray King Ruilix II? You’d take it as a terrible insult because you changed your mind less than a month after you swore allegiance to him. They will retaliate at all costs.”

“It is said that the Empire and Ruilix II fear more than the Kingdom and Crown Prince. Is that your true intention?”

“I was just weighing the risks. rationally. I don’t have to live either.” Phoenix shrugged his shoulders with an impudent face. At that attitude, the brilliant blond young Baron Daeon frowned.

“It is an amazingly mean word. Don’t you have the honor as a knight?”

“Yes what. Are you a mercenary? It should be seen that there is little.”

At the carefree answer, the envoys and riders all looked dumbfounded.

The red knight smiled deeply.

“Instead, thanks to that, ordinary knights

can make a very attractive proposal that you can’t imagine… would you like to hear it?”

Zacharys furrowed his eyebrows.

“An attractive offer?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The old judge looked at the prince and continued talking.

“The red knight said that the emperor’s large army was still stationed nearby, so he said he would dedicate the territory after they left.”

The army led by King Ruilix II is stationed in Bülsruhe, a province near Angst.

Although the vanguard suffered quite a bit of damage from the monsters that unexpectedly appeared – the heralds of the dark realm, the terrible dimensional door witches of hymns, and the fish-men army. However, the core elite unit and main unit were intact, and the emperor and other leaders were also unharmed. After confirming that the turmoil on the eastern border of the empire had been completely settled, they were to turn their heads.

“It has been the emperor’s long-standing desire to strike down and take away the southern colonies occupied by Amir’s sultans, so even if the allies pretend to turn around for a moment, they will run along the way.”

“Did the red knight say that?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As soon as Kingsley’s report was finished, a rider opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry, but this is a complete scam.”

It was a noblewoman armed with plate armor. Her face was red with anger and excitement, but she managed to maintain proper manners.

“A red knight is a traitor and deceitful person, and is good at turning the situation in an advantageous direction through deceit and verbal dexterity. Also, since he has a despicable mind to the core, Your Highness, you must not believe a single word he says.”

As the young noblewoman started talking, the crown prince let out a low laugh.

“Whoops. You said you had a hard time because of the red knight the other day, so it seems you haven’t forgotten that grudge.”

“…As someone who has met him face to face, I am offering advice, Your Highness.”

“I guess so. I can’t even understand the meaning of the sutra.”

The king’s eighth horseman, Baron Shaenna, bowed his head in silence.

In the past, she had a bad relationship with Phoenix in Modos, the castle town of Guistol. It was because of the experience at that time that I repeatedly emphasized not to lower my guard against the red knight.

“Besides, I couldn’t find the slightest reverence for the royal family in him. Even when he was a mercenary or a rogue with a few people, he was so stupid that he ignored the title offered by His Majesty the King, so I can’t even imagine where that arrogance would have reached right now sitting on the lord’s throne.”

As Shaenna tried to finish her criticism of the enemy knight in a calm tone, the crown prince’s gaze turned to the grandson of the Aryaga family and to Hwang Hee-baek.

“I am curious about the meaning of the kings. What do you think of the message left by the red knight? Is he trustworthy?”

That attitude was closer to questioning a vassal than seeking advice from the great lord.

Perhaps because of his dissatisfaction, Garwin didn’t answer anything, and Oth looked sideways at his grandfather as if delaying an answer. The old Marquis gave an answer in an ordinary manner.

“Well, wouldn’t it depend on the situation?”

“Tell me in detail, Marquis.”

“As Baron Shahenna said, he is good at deceit and speech. At the same time, they are crueler than the devil and meaner than Sagar. If you keep them as enemies, few will be as fearful as they are.”

“It seems that most of the rumors are true.”

“yes. But when you stand on the same side, it’s a little different.”

Eavon spoke slowly.

“He treats his subordinates with great value, sharing friendships regardless of status or origin. Even though he always runs at the front, he doesn’t know how to boast about his achievements and doesn’t have much desire for money. It’s only natural to receive the respect of all warriors. As an ally, there is no one more reliable than him.”

“…that’s too much praise.”

“I am just telling you what I have heard through my grandchildren and vassals.”

The big prince didn’t like it, but the old Marquis didn’t care much and continued to give advice.

“He must be contemplating which side to stand on as he compares between King Ruilix II and His Highness the Crown Prince.”

“I agree with that opinion.”

It was Dae-eon, a young man who had met the red knight in person.

“He was not worthy of the title of knight. He looked more like a mercenary or a merchant.”

“Do you mean a profit seeker?”

“Yes, Your Highness. I felt that way.”

Zacharys rested her chin on her head in thought. Eavon finally got to the point.

“Conciliate the red knight, Your Highness.”


“yes. It won’t be easy, but it won’t be impossible if safety and profit are the conditions. If you compare him to merchants and mercenaries, he is a trustworthy merchant and a faithful mercenary-”

Sparks flew from the blue eyes of the crown prince. He tried to hide his anger with a calm face, but he couldn’t hide the redness in his eyes.

“Does that mean that I should appease the man who declared vengeance for Ulkar—the illegitimate son in front of thousands of people and bring him under my command?” His sharp tone clearly shows his uncomfortable feeling. The Marquis quickly shut his mouth and lowered his gaze, as if he felt sorry for him.

After staring down at him for a while, Zacharys questioned Supervisor Gedo and Expeditionary Force Vice Commander Kraus.

“The red knight fears the emperor’s army more than us. Is this a correct assessment?”

“It is not so, Your Highness.”

Gedo, a middle-aged aristocratic military officer, expressed his denial without hesitation.

“The size of the entire army and magic power are inferior, but the percentage of elite soldiers and cavalry power are far superior to ours. If we can induce them into the field, we will surely win.”

“What if it’s not a night battle?”

“…If they use the fortress to solidify their defense, difficulties will surely follow. However, I will not be defeated.” Unlike

him, who squeezed out an affirmative answer, the gray-haired general sitting next to him gave a very concise answer.

“The one who strikes first loses, Your Highness.” Zacharys’ lips hardened at his assertion. Krause nodded his head as if he was sorry, but did not break his will.

“Here, in a castle like High Castle, we have to break the momentum of the enemy once. And you have to fight to win.”

“…Second Commander. Our immediate task now is not to defend, but to advance into the enemy’s territory.”

“Then you lose.”

He blinked his wrinkled eyes and spoke slowly.

“Obdorf is covered in forests halfway across the country. Marching along that unfamiliar forest road is bound to be a bad idea. At the end of the march, it is also a bad idea to strike at the castle guarded by Linhow’s saboteurs. After fighting melee for about a year, I will retreat after losing a lot in the field.” When the prince glared at him silently with burning eyes, the old general came up with a solution as if he hadn’t won.

“If the silver prince cooperates, we win. Within half a year at the longest, three months at the shortest, we can expel the emperor’s army from both provinces and return to the capital.” Anger welled up in Zacharis’s blunt eyes.

In my heart, I wanted to drive out that old man who was pouring out unpleasant words. However, punishing the old man was not that simple.

“Pitiful- is that what the ‘King’s Commander’ would say now?”

It was once again Baron Daeon who raised his voice on behalf of the crown prince. He glared at second-in-command Kraus with eyes full of contempt.

“How can a great work be accomplished only when each condition is considered? For the sake of it, victory is not something you pick up for free, but something you get, so know that with a cowardly attitude of avoiding hardship and adversity, you can only achieve defeat!”

The old man, who was born in the reign of King Doksil and held a spear at the call of the King of Knights, and received a sword from King Juneom, remained silent with a face like a stone statue.

“Your Highness, trust us.”

Before long, the eyes of Daeon’s determination turned to Zacharys.

“Five years ago, His Majesty’s loyal riders wiped out the traitorous bandit in half a day.” “You mean ‘The Battle of the Two Gates’?”

When the crown prince mentioned a major battle during the ‘Thousand and One Day War’, the young rider quickly nodded.

“Yes, Your Highness. At that time, the army of riders was only 2,000, but with courage and determination, they advanced and defeated more than 5,000 enemies. Compared to the situation at that time, now-”


It was another jockey who stopped the young man who was overflowing with excitement.

“Calm down a little. Stop being silly

.” “…but Baron Geisel.”

“Do you know who led the battle and say that?”

Daeeon quickly shut his mouth when Geisel, the ‘thunderbolt sword’, secretly narrowed his forehead. Even though he was the rider of the same king, he was a giant who could not even be compared with himself in terms of fame or weight.

“To bring up a battle in which you have never participated. Stupid braggart…

He grunted and bowed his head slightly to the crown prince.

“I apologize, Your Highness the Crown Prince. I don’t think Dae Eon was talking nonsense like that on purpose.”

“It’s nonsense. He seems to think that I can’t defeat the Emperor of the Empire.”

Geisel replied, running his well-groomed mustache with his fingertips.

“Yes what. Yes.”

“…disappointing. Even among the 16 horsemen, the chieftain, Kyung, has no ambition at all.”

“War isn’t about winning, is it?”

“okay? So, what does Kyung do with war?”


Geisel blinked slowly before giving an erratic answer.

“well. love?”

“…Are you kidding me?”

“I’m sorry if it sounded that way.”

He continued talking with a chin in the direction of Baron Daeon.

“But the ‘battle between the two gates’ he said was really a victory for love.”

“Again, Sir Geisel. The white noise is getting longer.”

“It’s not white…

he really thought so.

At that time, all the warriors on the battlefield fell in love with Ulkar, the man who stood in the forefront. Geisel, a famous horny man, also said that he fell in love with the silver prince at that moment as if he were bewitched.

“…it sucks.”

While Geisel licked his lips and fell silent, someone knocked on the synagogue door.

“Who are you? what’s the matter?” Hearing the prince’s voice, a man in a robe burst open the door and entered.

“His Highness the Crown Prince- that’s it.”

At first glance, the man who looked like a wizard hesitated and glanced sideways at Si Anan, a member of the Dawning Assembly. Then, when the crown prince quietly narrowed his brows, his shoulders trembled as if startled.

“The message came from the capital.”

“message? In the royal capital?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Bring it here.”

When the wizard took out a small, rolled-up letter from his sleeve, Miriam, the chief protocolist, handed it over to Zacharys.

The prince, who immediately opened the letter, closed my lips. After a short silence, harsh curse words flowed out, and the people gathered in the audience were able to notice that something serious had happened.

“I must return to the royal capital.”

Zacharys, who crumpled up the letter, muttered as if chewing it. Marquis Eabon, unable to contain his curiosity at the distorted face, cautiously asked.

“majesty. Whatever happens to the capital-”

“His Majesty has passed away.”

” yes?”

“My father is dead.”

The royal courtiers and riders painted their faces white.

The Marquis of Eabon also opened his mouth in a daze at the sudden news. However, unlike the others in the audience, he was thinking a little wildly.

‘I’m incredibly lucky.’

Recalling the red knight, the Marquis quickly lowered his head to hide the unintentional laugh.

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