The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 522

My Villains Chapter 522

67. Lord of Icebobalt (15)

Yu O ”

I swallowed my dry saliva quietly.

Suddenly, the sentence ‘Beware the anger of the patient’ flashes through my mind.

Heila’s black pearl-like eyes lit up a soft flame. It’s the first time I’ve seen him react to my opinion like this, so it’s even unfamiliar.

It feels quite different from Ellen, who gets angry every day, or Atalante, who often argues because of her selfish nature. Hey Mungchi, he sometimes feels like a pet, so his chest is completely different.

I had to sweat hard to choose the words to respond to Heila’s firm and fierce objection, who usually obeyed my will.

“I didn’t make the decision lightheartedly either. I know it’s never going to be easy to get Princess Yuril out .

I know you’re not at the level of helping out with Ellen’s work and taking care of it.”

“Of course you should know.”

“I know, but I don’t have a choice. I can’t just hide in the corner of this cozy room forever.”

“trunnion. It would be foolish to run out without proper defense.”

Is it a trained composure or an innate coolness? Heila maintained her usual tone even as her eyes dimly revealed a flurry of emotions.

“In the royal capital there is the King of Milanol, the Patriarch of El Ganore, and the Conspirators of the Council of Dawn. If Ellen and your guesses are true, the Dark Knight must be there too. For you, the royal road is obviously death.”

“I’m not saying you’re going to stick your head in without a countermeasure. I have a plan, too, and there are a couple of safeguards.”

Before I could continue my explanation, Heila intercepted what I was about to say.

“You’re not going to rely on Ellen or the palace, are you?”

uh’?” “Nashal Anwei, the most experienced grandmaster of the Palace of La Palais, has been beaten. The foundations that the palace had laid on the royal capital would have been swept away as well. Since we don’t even know who used their hands when and how, this will happen again and again.”

“Well, that might be the case, but… it will be a little different if you connect with the forces planted by the bank. Cooperation will be smoother if Mungchi goes directly-”

“The same goes for banks. The bank’s information network reaches only the outskirts of the royal capital centered on the commercial district, and the ‘Street of Glory’, where all the royal palaces, the Sisters of Thomasia, and the Dawning Council are gathered, is nothing more than a void. Moreover, it is questionable whether all the members of the organization are completely loyal to Rannon

. i know No matter how you try to hide in the royal capital, if you can’t get close to the Glory Street, you’ll be dumbfounded. Maybe Ian-Baptiste can fill that part.”

“You better not put your expectations on the bishop.” Ian-Baptiste

was the Bishop of Matiariot, one of the cathedrals of the royal capital, and a priest who had

a very ‘deep’ relationship with the Balouin family throughout his life .

As soon as I mentioned his name, Heyla shook her head in awe.

“He suffered considerable loss for protecting the princess in the dark several times. Rumors are still circulating that my position in the Order is in jeopardy, so I will not touch any involvement with the Excommunication. In the first place, I am not someone who would risk being dismissed for the sake of our family.”

“…but. His whining has gotten worse since last fall.” Bishop Ian-Baptiste, a high-ranking member of the Church of El Ganore and treated as an elder, was of great help in helping Princess Yuril, who was imprisoned in the Tomasia convent.

However, that help was mainly to protect the privacy of the princess by putting her own person inside and outside the convent. To go a little further, when the king Aekaris insisted on the return of the princess, and the high-ranking aristocrats requested that the princess be returned to the world and married, would he have stubbornly opposed it?

However, all of these were actions that he could and should have done as a high-ranking official. It’s not that it wasn’t helpful, but it’s not that it wasn’t a decisive help either.

In short, it meant that helping me get the princess out of the convent after receiving a letter of excommunication from the patriarch was a completely different matter.

“Even if you can’t get active help, it will be possible to get a little bit of negative information about me.”


“So what? Even that much is a great safeguard. There won’t be any sudden siege by the guards or cathedral knights. Even if my presence is discovered and chased, I can get out of any situation.”

“Don’t underestimate the defense of the royal capital.”

“I don’t mean to underestimate the royal road. I believe in myself and my men.”

“If it’s subordinates. bodyguards?”

“right. Because you can’t sneak in a combat brigade.”

Despite my false confidence, Heila was still negative.

“No matter how well trained combatants and wizards are, there are less than twenty troops. That much cannot guarantee escape from the capital.”

Ugh.” I let out a small sigh and let out my frustration.

“Then what? How much more preparation do you need to be satisfied? There are a bunch of elite battle wizards in the palace, assassins from secret societies, and trustworthy subordinates with the help of high priests. Isn’t this a gamble worth taking?”

“it is not so.”

“Why is something lacking?”


Ha ha hela.” “trunnion.”

She swallowed for a moment.

The tone that followed was the same as before, but the short pauses in between sounded like a commanding tone.

“You are irreplaceable.”

“know. That is why I am going to the royal capital.”

“You have to be willing to take risks in order to succeed. I agree. But the risk you’re taking now is too lethal. On the other hand, the chances of success are extremely low. This is a gamble you should never take.”

Before I could say anything, Heila continued.

“I wonder why you are in such a hurry. You’ve been patient so far. Yeongji is stable now, so things will get better in the next few years. You can gamble with better conditions.”

“it is not so.”

“Isn’t it?”

“If I dragged it out any longer, I would miss the opportunity to even gamble.” Heila silently demanded an explanation, and I scratched my brows to organize my thoughts.

Silence ensued, and she blinked slowly. Not only did he not sigh, but his small, white face was dripping with frustration.

“Are you talking about that ‘Prophecy of the End’?”

“…hmm. The context is the same.”

It was a secret that could not be easily told to anyone, saying that now I am closer to Kim Seung-soo than Phoenix, thanks to the fact that the soul of a foreigner named Kim Seung-soo was mixed with a human named Phoenix.

It’s a fact that Heila can’t confess even more. Aren’t they not only family members who share roots, but have maintained an engaged relationship since childhood? It’s hard for me to guess how she will react to the fact that some kind of gossip has taken over the body of a man who is her cousin and fiancé.

Because of these circumstances, the lie I kept pushing was a story embellished by reversing the facts. Using the personality of Phoenix as the subject, he absorbed the soul and memory of a person from another world.

Conversation with the necromancer Luke The scenery of the Republic of Korea, which the party witnessed while wandering in the dream land, was used as the basis for the lie.

Of course, only a few heard this lie. Ellen agreed after a long conversation, and Atalanta showed enthusiastic faith, and the reaction was that it had nothing to do with mungchi.

Finally, Heila was a very difficult to accept.

Heila is the only person who has deeply interacted with Phoenix both before and after being contaminated by Kim Seung-soo. Thanks to her, she noticed my sudden change, but she was quite confused when the soul of an alien person mentioned your personality as the cause.

It was highly likely that Heila’s trust in my partial foreknowledge – or that she was trying to – was based on her affection for me.

“…The story of the middle world being swallowed up by the dark world is a common apocalyptic theory. But it’s also something that many wizards have been seriously claiming…

“It’s a situation where a Dark Knight, a being from the Dark World, is playing tricks in the middle world, and even in the capital of a kingdom-well, it’s still speculation. In the meantime, the magicians of La Palais Palace had been expecting something to happen, but now it can’t be done.”

“So you have to move now?”

“Uh and…

After a moment of hesitation, I put my hand into his bosom. What I took out of the pocket of my velvet tunic was a rolled piece of paper.


“I’m from Lianwell.”

“The Marquis of Eavon?” I nodded, and Heila blinked slowly, accepting the letter.

The rolled up letter was only a couple of fingers wide, but it was quite long and contained more than it seemed. Of course, for Heila, one sip of coffee was enough time.

“…I will let you freely enter and exit the Glory Street.”

Black eyes turned back to me.

“Do you believe in this?”

“I think it might be worth looking into.”

“You’re the Marquis of Eavon. It’s not called ‘Ariaga’s old fox’ for nothing.”

“that’s right. That means he’s not stupid enough to commit a fraud by being prepared to make enemies with me.”

Heila caressed her eyes with her thin, long fingers. The pain in the back of the head is evident.

“Previously. How on earth does the Marquis know about your plans?”

“I don’t know what the detailed plans are. I just stabbed him.”

I quickly added words to the eyes demanding an explanation.

“I yelled so loud that I was going to save Princess Yuril. How many people are in the Milanol Kingdom without knowing that? Rumors must be circulating like that. You must have guessed that I have business in the capital.”

“This is not the first letter I received. Have you been in touch with the Marquis of Eavon?”

“Just what.”

He shrugged his shoulders with an impudent face, then parted his lips at Heila’s stare.

“…I replied a couple of times. I was curious about what you were talking about.”


“It’s a charming enough story, though.”

“no. it is not so.”

I asked in a low voice to Heila, who seemed to want to leave the room at any moment.

“Do you know where exactly on the Glory Street is the place the Marquis will let you in and out?”

“I’m not curious.”

“It’s the Royal College.”

In an instant, a different color seeped in Heila’s eyes.

“Royal University. When I asked Princess Theodora, she said it was right between Sister Tomasia and the Assembly of Dawn.”

“Isn’t this still attractive?”

Heila sighed and closed her mouth.

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