The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 63

My Villains Episode 063

17. Popaluk Katalas (3)

What bullshit is this?

“Wait a minute. Didn’t Ellen die?”

“Still like that. It’s bleeding profusely, so if you leave it like this, you’ll die soon.” As I turned my head towards Ellen, the undead that were blocking my view split like a sea of clouds.

Seeing Ellen up close, her appearance was even more terrifying.

A bloodless pale face, huge wide-open eyes, a mouth with red cloth stuck in it, a stomach with deep wounds, a puddle of red blood….

Just as I was about to gnash my teeth and curse, Luke, who had approached Ellen before I knew it, muttered something. At that moment, “Cheuk—”

As if struck by lightning, Ellen trembled and breathed heavily.

live. Ellen is alive!

My eyes grew hot and my breathing quickened, but I tried to open my mouth.


Ellen responded to the terribly trembling voice. He was limp, probably because he had lost a lot of blood, but after blinking his eyes a couple of times, he turned his gaze towards me.

“Black soil”

“Ellen Ellen…”

Her blue eyes trembled, and soon, pearly teardrops flowed again. Ellen made a frustrated noise and her fingertips trembled.

I tried to hold it in, but the tip of my nose tingles without realizing it.

When I couldn’t speak, Luke, who had been fiddling with something or a glass bottle he had taken out of his pocket, opened his mouth.

“Huh, unlike it looks, it’s a tough life.”

“How is it? Will you listen to my persuasion?”

When I silently nodded, Luke narrowed his eyes and asked again.

“I have to answer, Phoenix-kun. Will you listen to my persuasion?”

“okay. I’ll listen, so hurry up…”

Luke opened the bottle with a wrinkled smile. Contents began to flow.

The red liquid dripped onto Ellen’s head and flowed down her skin, forming small bubbles when it touched the wound. As expected, it is also a potion of wound healing.

“You’re spilling all of Mr. X! Apply it properly!”

Before I could finish my words, Luke clicked his tongue and straightened the vial.

“Are you not ready to talk yet?”

“You said you would, you bastard!”

“I want a conversation with consideration. Wasn’t Phoenix-kun originally a polite person?”

I took a deep breath to swallow the swearing that burst out.

“After- yes. I’m ready to talk, so treat Ellen properly.”

“Ugh. It’s still a bit lacking. Try again.”

His fists trembled.

“…please, Mr. Luke. Please treat Ellen properly. I will engage in a serious conversation.”

Luke chuckled.

In fact, it was not to the extent that anyone could call it ‘proper treatment’.

Luke didn’t even take off his blood-stained shirt, let alone bandage it. I just sprayed potions from a distance. The potion landed on the wound only after soaking the bloody shirt.

It was like a scam, but I couldn’t say anything. It’s because my head cooled down a bit and I accepted that I was at an absolute disadvantage.

There was a wound healing potion inside the breastplate, but I didn’t bother to take it out. Rather than giving Luke a potion and asking for additional treatment, it would be better to see the opportunity and save Ellen and treat him himself.

Let’s get our minds right after that. You must rescue Ellen and escape.

“I guess you’ve calmed down a bit?”

“…okay. Seeing you play around calms me down.”

Grinding his teeth, he replied, but Luke didn’t seem to care. Are you satisfied with this?

“Don’t be too hostile. I have no intention of harming you.”

“Stop talking bullshit and say whatever you want to say.”

“Is that bullshit? What I am saying is the absolute truth. If the goal was your life, the conversation would have already ended.”

…That’s something I can’t bear to refute.

Luke’s level is probably around 18. Of course, that doesn’t mean that his strength is level 18.

Among the stats of the Necromancer, there is something called ‘Dominance’. It determines the amount of undead you can have with a concept similar to population in RTS games.

A level 18 necromancer’s dominance was at most 20. If you select only skeleton soldiers, six dozen is the limit.

However, Luke is wearing the ‘Crown of the Ancient Ruler’ on the ‘Kurnugia’s Bone Staff’. The dominance that the two items give you is a whopping 30. crazy shit In addition, one of the fixed options of King Goji is ‘

Decrease the required control of the corpse system undead by 1’.

Zombie Skeleton Soldier} You can pick up more Doulahan.

For reference, the required control of zombies is 1. What if I cut that by 1? That means you can summon an infinite number of times. It’s a new twist. This is…

Actually, zombies aren’t a big threat no matter how many there are. However, the rest of the undead honestly seems to be difficult to handle. The Skeleton Soldiers are also dangerous, but Dullahan, who is guarding Luke’s side…

will probably survive. I know his specs best.

…To see him trembling in front of his bukae. Do you have any cases like this?

As I remained silent, Luke twirled and opened his mouth.

“Now, are you ready to hear my story?”

“…wait for a sec. I have a few questions for you.”

“hmm? Something?”

“Was everything that happened today planned?”

“What if it happened today?”

I replied while looking sideways at Ellen.

“Either Ellen went down the sewer or we ended up here.”

“Ah-haha that can’t be! How could you anticipate and plan all that? It’s nonsense.”

Luke waved his hand with a smile on his face.

“My plan was to bring Miss Ellen and you here.”

“To here? Why do you care?”

“As you can see, isn’t it a cozy space?”

“Is that the end?”

“That’s right. What more reason

do you need?” …doesn’t this bastard know what this ‘altar’ is for?

If I had known, I would have avoided it sooner. There’s a secret stairway leading to the top, and it’s good for hiding the undead, so he must have used this place as a base without knowing where it was.

When I shut my mouth, Luke shook his head and answered.

“The rest was full of unexpected work. Meeting the fishmen and Miss Ellen coming down here alone. In particular, the fact that the followers picked up Miss Ellen… can only be said to be luck.”

“…then how did you first approach me?”

“Oh that’s- hmm.”

After contemplating for a moment as he touched his chin, Luke nodded and said,

“Yes, this must also be a procedure of persuasion.”

” procedure?”

“Listen. Let me explain from the beginning.” As I said once, I am a seeker of the Golden Gate.

Oh, don’t even think about comparing yourself to the confused seekers. Unlike fools who only speak plausible words, I step out to save the people who have fallen into delusion. In other words, I am an activist.

hmm? Oh, that’s… Literally ‘rescue’.

Life is a thorny road dotted with pain. They live, grow old, get sick, and suffer endlessly. Intoxicated with momentary pleasure and pleasure, he struggles to forget the pain… but what can he do? What can never get out of the wheel of pain.

Those who can let go of their attachment to life are—very few. It’s sad. It’s virtually impossible unless you gain enlightenment through long-term archery like me.

So what ordinary people need most is salvation. It is to be liberated from a life filled with pain and lead to a state of freedom from attachment.

kill? Well, you might think so. It’s the same reaction as most people. The gap between delusion and enlightenment is so great.

stop. First, listen to my story.

You’ve just shown it well, but saving those who are obsessed with delusions… is seldom understood.

So what we need is ‘donors’. Those who receive relief and leave their bodies and souls behind. I care for the souls and bodies of donors and help others. It is a good thing for me and the donor because I can build good karma with the spirit and body that will be left meaningless.

Huh, saying I’m undead is ridiculous.

The body is just a shell, so how can it be against the law to use it again?

so is the soul Someday, when it is used up, it will return to its original place, but it is said that it is an enchantment because it is holding on for a while? It’s not worth it.

anyway. I’ve been wandering the Middle World for a long time. By luck, we were able to find several remains of forgotten heroes.

But still I’m alone and lacking in strength. We need more powerful spirits and bodies. After wandering around like that, I ended up right here in South Harbor.

Ah trend people talk? Of course that’s not true. Most of the people in my hometown were saved right away. There are still a few people who follow me. yes i am stuck in the middle

Heh heh, it’s not going to be that hot. Followers are in a state of freedom, without any pain or attachment. They say that as I get older day by day and see them all, I rather envy them. The reason I live is only because of my responsibility and duty as an enlightened person.

anyway. I heard about a swordsman who knows no mercy while secretly relieving people in South Harbor. Yes, Mr. Phoenix. I mean you.

The purpose, of course, was to receive your donation. The spirit is insignificant, but the flesh seems to be useful.

After discarding the donated meats, I went to see you… Haha, my God! I met Miss Ellen! It was an unprecedented achievement. The moment I saw that soul, I made up my mind. I will say that I will pioneer a new stage that I have not reached before.

Since then, as you know. Although I had to suffer unexpectedly for the groundwork to gain trust… Well, it was a fun experience. Because I felt relieved thanks to putting down my duties for a while. It’s always fun to show off your natural character and build bonds with people.

On the one hand, like a summer storm, inspiration rushed incessantly. An inspiration to new heights. The new realm I’m talking about… is to create a combination of spirit and body commonly called ‘Ghoul’. It is a powerful being that flies through the sky like a ghost and roams the earth like a giant.

Of course, you can pick up such a trivial body and soul and combine them. However, exceptional people always seek to be special. I came up with a good idea by looking at Miss Ellen’s soul being stained.

Let’s unite your beast-like body with Miss Ellen’s shining soul! Isn’t this the tomb of true harmony?

Hee hee, you must have admired it too.

But here’s where I ran into a problem. It means that I have never made a poem before. I can imitate, but should I say that I am not good at it?

To be honest, I don’t have the confidence to succeed if you don’t voluntarily follow along. That’s why I’m trying to convince you through this conversation.

Oh sure. This may be an attractive proposition for you as well.

If successful, you will become my right-hand man and become a savior who will go down in history. You’ll be accumulating good karma for nothing even if you devoted your whole life to it. I guarantee it.

And that’s not all. I will make another ghost with your lesser soul and Ellen’s lesser body.

Do you understand what this means? Now, you and Miss Ellen are two wholes, yet a perfect one! forever!

I opened my mouth wide.

is this my nephew?

“Hehe, isn’t it a bit difficult concept, too?

What do you think, Miss Ellen?”

At Luke’s question, Ellen expressed enough disgust with her half-closed eyes.

“hmm. Didn’t Miss Ellen understand? You’re not very clear like a wizard.”


“Isn’t that what Miss Ellen was hoping for? You say you can become one with Phoenix-kun forever?

Who likes being an X-arm undead? It’s worse than just dying!

And what? A crossover between soul and body? Where the hell did that crazy idea come from?

I thought so to myself, but I tried to calmly ask the question.

“What if we don’t accept it?”

Luke answered while scratching his graying eyebrows.

“At that time… you have to accept the possibility of failure.”

…Agree or disagree, you’re saying you’re going to try, right?

As my expression crumpled, Luke chuckled happily.

“Looks like you understand now. For you guys, it is always to your advantage to accept my offer. Do you understand?”

Did you do that, you idiot?

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