The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 78

My Villains Episode 078

21. A moonless night⑴

A bucket full of water spilled over the top of my head.



Ice-cold underground water flowed down the sculpted body. The clear water mixed with a little sand had turned into black soup when it reached the bottom.

After pouring water a couple more times, he wiped himself with a cloth soaked in lye.

After brushing my teeth with a toothbrush made from dried pig hair and washing my hair in water mixed with ground cinnamon and oil, I groaned naturally at the refreshing feeling.

“Ugh good.”

Even though I had spent a lot of silver coins to buy bath products for two people, I didn’t think it was a waste at all.

I would have been willing to pay even if I had been asked to pay in gold, but it was only a silver coin. It’s nothing like this.

Middle World Among them, the kingdom of Milanol was a world that reminded me of the Middle Ages in many ways.

However, this is a world where magic exists, priests exercise divine power, and monsters of all kinds roam the fields and mountains.

Perhaps that’s why, culturally, there were quite a few differences from the Middle Ages on Earth. One of them was hygiene culture.

Except for mercenaries and beggars, even the lazy commoners washed their faces in the morning and evening and brushed their teeth once a day. And I always take a bath once a week.

In the case of nobles, they used high-quality spices like water to wash their bodies, and the extravagant ones even put a bath in the mansion.

Well, the reason why this culture has taken root seems to be a bit complicated.

First of all, there will be an influence of the environment.

Unlike Europe, where most of the underground water or river water is lime water, Milanol’s water quality was very good.

It is said that if you dig a well anywhere, clean water will spring out, so people have become a little… friendly with water.

In the case of South Harbor, I drink more beer than water because the water is salty, but it doesn’t seem to interfere with washing.

The alchemists who play the role of scientists in the Middle World must have had an influence as well. Because they are people who spread the common knowledge that ‘if you don’t wash your health, your health will deteriorate’ and sell soap and perfume.

However, even without the above factors, people would have washed hard. It’s because of Gwangmyeonggyo.

Those who kept the purity of mind and body by shaking off the unclean things… Well, what to do. In any case, there is such a phrase that in Gwangmyeonggyo, body cleanliness is both a duty and a virtue. I guess this is why the public bath is crowded on the eve of the week.

Personally, it is very fortunate. If this world had been as unsanitary as it was in the Middle Ages in Europe… life would have been twice as difficult.

I finished the shower thinking about that and put on the pants and tunic that Daria had found for me. Just in time, I saw Daria carrying a large bathtub with another maid.

“it’s over? What about Ellen?”

“Oh, I went up to my room.”


Daria nodded as she dumped the water in the bathtub.

“huh. When I said I would support you, he said no and used magic.”


“It suddenly floated up and went up alone? I hit my head on the ceiling a couple of times…”

…Does he really hate Daria that much?

I shook my head and looked back at the young lady.

“Are you the one who helped me take a bath?”

“Ah uh yes yes. I attended Ellen-sama’s bath.”

The girl, who must have been 12 or 3 years old, stammered and lowered her head.

what? Is your face pale?

“It must have been a lot of trouble. Anne De has a bad temper.”

“No, it was rather comfortable because he kept sleeping


When I gave her a couple of pennies as a tip, the young waitress ran away without leaving a faint greeting.

“He’s a shy kid.”

Daria smiled bitterly at my muttering.

“…it must have been because of your rumors.”

“huh? My rumors?”

“Nothing. Are you hungry? Let’s go in quickly.”

The inn, led by Daria’s hand, looked different from before.

All the tables had been cleared except for the one at the bar. The rest of the space was draped like a partition with a thick tent cloth. It was installed by the guards.

I clicked my tongue as I sat down at the table where the food was prepared.

“Is this an inn or a quarter? It will be very uncomfortable.”

“Oh no. How safe it is thanks to you.”

“Well, that would be it.”

The food served on the table was very shabby. Hardtack the size of a fist soaked in water, three or four pieces of beef jerky, and watered-down beer that barely tasted like alcohol was the end.

Ugh, the city situation is like this, so I can’t complain.

“I heard that the guards are very naughty, isn’t it?”

“uh? Who did you hear from?”

“To Arnal. They said it would be hard.”

Daria, who had been sitting with her chin on her head, hesitated for a moment before shaking her head.

“It was until the day before yesterday, but not since then.”

“why? what happened?”

“That…because of Mr. Hatanka.”

“…Hatanka? Why Hatanka?”

As I put down my beer mug, Daria glanced sideways at the guards and whispered softly.

“I could have been dragged away by those guards.”

“what? Are you being dragged away?”

“…They risk their lives to protect the city, so I have to volunteer too…

Ha. How many times is this?

Looking at Daria, I feel it again, but having a beautiful appearance sometimes seems to be a curse. Especially in a fucking world like this.

I felt pity for Daria and at the same time my head became hot.

“Aren’t you crazy bastards? Someone said something like that”

“No need to get angry. Since the atmosphere in the city is so heinous these days, the guards are a bit…

“Since this is the situation, the guards have to be more alert! It’s not a dog in heat, and it’s not Hu. I’m not going to heat you up. The guard captain said, “

When I stood up with the chair, Lia was frightened and held the sleeves.

“No, I won’t! done!”

“…is it over?”

“They are all badly injured.”

Utequai didn’t just get into a fight with the guards over alcohol.

The four guards who were trying to drag Daria away… were dried in a rather rough way. The four people who were said to be crippled were those guys.

From the point of view of the other guards, they witnessed a savage cripple their comrades.

Utequai knocked down the fully armed soldiers who attacked in such a horde with his bare hands. It is said that no one was seriously injured among the soldiers who attacked later, as if they had managed to control their strength.

“The captain of the guard handled it well. He kicked out the four troublemakers.”


I thought Utequai was just an alcoholic and a main killer…. It was a bit harsh that he crippled people, but I can understand it emotionally.

Daria sighed with a heavy expression.

“But I heard Mr. Hatanka… will be executed tomorrow.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Even though he’s a savage, his heart is a bit heavy because he owes a lot to you.”

I shoveled the leftover food into my mouth, emptied my beer glass, and stood up.

“don’t mind. Because I don’t know yet.”



“no. I just need to rest.”

As I was about to move on, Daria hurriedly caught up with me and grabbed my sleeve.

“Wait a minute there.”


“That… go right up?”

Daria, with a light blush on her cheeks, smiled a little.

Although the jade-colored eyes shimmer and emit a pure light, the twisted body is voluptuous.

… is strong. I just can’t resist it.

But… But no!

One of the causes of the hardships of the last few days underground was none other than sleeping with Daria.

Fighting with Ellen because of that was the beginning of everything. So, I couldn’t be swayed by such a temptation.

As I was about to make up my mind, Daria lifted her tiptoe and whispered in my ear.

“If it’s because you’re tired…you can rest in my room.”

Will it be okay for a while?

It was around midnight when Ellen and I woke up.


Ellen, waking up with a messy hair, whimpered and lifted her upper body. Then, he stretched out his arms as if he were lying face down in front of him.


Ellen rubbed her eyes and looked up at me wearing armor. Even after sleeping for nine hours, my face is still covered with blood.

“…What are you doing?”

“Ready to go out. Sir Ariad’s servant has arrived.”


I donned the chain hood and glanced around my neck. I think I only slept for five or six hours, but it feels like all the fatigue from that time has been relieved.

“They told me to come to the pier. You’ll know when you follow it.”

Ellen nodded quietly and groped for her head, relying on the light from the candle. I put on my belt and stopped him.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s not going to happen.”

“…what? why?”

“Where are you going with that body? I’ll be back soon, so get some rest.”

Ellen, who rubbed her eyes with her sleeve, snapped in an annoyed voice.

“You’re talking shit again. Are you going alone?”

“It would be crowded with horned soldiers alone.”

“Anyway, I will go too.”

“Is it okay? I can’t carry it on my back all night, and I can’t even fight because I care about you.”

“Why are you carrying it? I just need to fly.”

Seeing him fidgeting under the covers, I burst out laughing.

“Flying horns. I can’t even balance, I’m going to wander, and I’m sure I’ll drown in the sea.”

“…you just have to fly low. I can’t believe it. Tie a rope around your waist.”

“What kind of stupid thing is that? And even if you could fly, how far would you fly? If you use up all your mana, you’re done.”

“If you want to, you can do it for thirty minutes, right?”

“Oh yeah? Are you going to watch without using magic?”

When the speechless Ellen kept her mouth shut, I put on my shield and rebuked her.

“I can’t help it until my leg is completely healed. No matter how strong your spells are, if you can’t move properly, the risk is too great. You’ll get hit by an arrow right where you sit.”

“So you’re going alone?”

“I don’t want to do that either, but I can’t help it.”

It’s not like I want to leave Ellen behind.

No matter how crippled he is, his magic is clearly powerful. And when I think of the bad things that happened every time I fell with him, I can’t get my feet off.

However, the opponent she will meet at the pier is too threatening for Ellen. There will definitely be a situation where you can’t guarantee the guy’s safety.

“…I don’t want to be alone.”

Ellen’s lips protruded and muttered in a small voice.

After tying up her black half-cloak, she crouched down in front of Ellen. Then he made eye contact with him and patted him on the shoulder.

“Don’t fall asleep until I come and stay alert. If a suspicious guy

comes in, put a flaming arrow right away. got it?”


I continued, sweeping my lips.

“Don’t go anywhere. This is a request.”

The pupils illuminated by the candlelight shone light purple, causing ripples. Her lips, like pink flower petals, moved slightly.


“Okay, I’ll be there.”

Ellen, who was about to leave the room, hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth.

“when are you coming?”

“I don’t know… maybe it will come before the sun rises?”


“What is he saying? What kind of promise is this all of a sudden?”

“hurry. Promise.”

“what the. I will do my best.”

“If you don’t come by then, I’ll do whatever I want.”

I chuckled and pinched the boy’s cheek.

“When did you not do as you pleased? Goes.”


Leaving behind the fluttering Ellen, I left the room.

‘Acer’ is a servant from a commoner who has been serving Lord Ariad for six years already.

The top of his head reached the size of my chin, but his shoulders were narrow and skinny, so he didn’t look suitable for a knight. However, it was not an easy impression because of the curved nose and sharp eyes.

“Hanging the bait and waiting quietly. That’s Lord Ariad’s preferred method.”

“So what’s the bait this time?”

“I spread the information to the trading post and the Ruge Street market. The snitch will definitely come out to the pier.”

I listened to Acer’s words as I walked down the dark alley.

“First of all, there is a treasurer behind the trading post. With customs officers and customs collectors under his command, all traders have no choice but to look at the treasurer.”

“Why are you suspicious of the treasurer?”

“The finance minister is a commoner, but he has a lot of power because there are many officials in charge. But recently, the clerk of the salt castle said that his position was being threatened. The clerk is a relative of the count.”

“You must have betrayed because your position is threatened?”

“Personally, I am also a person who is greedy for money.”

“Did you say Rouge Street? Where?”

“Rouge Street is the area where the Count’s relatives stay. Now that the count has been imprisoned in the salt castle, the captain of the guards and his younger brother are holding on tight.”

“Ah, the captain of the guards.”

When I was cooperating with the guards and trying to apprehend the snitch, the captain of the guards tipped off the captain of the guards. I don’t know if that’s why, but the operation ultimately failed.

In short, you’re under suspicion because of my tip-off? I’m sorry for some reason…

“Lastly the mayor”

“Right? The thug boss.”

“I know you well.”

Uvar, like other thugs, rules the market behind the scenes and is a salt trafficker. Even if he ate with the thieves, there was nothing strange about him, and he was like that in reality.

Hmm…. It’s a bit frustrating to know the answer but keep your mouth shut.

“How did you know all this, since you’ve only been in the city for five days?”

“If you have a sharp knife and plenty of money, you can make up for the lack of time to some extent. All you have to do is grab the right tramps and pull out their nails or give them a silver coin.”

When I heard that the soldiers were moving in less than 12 hours, I was puzzled inside.

“What about distributing information?”

“I spilled the word that the guards will be moving sometime tomorrow. It will attack the infiltrator.”

“…will that work?”

“Of course not. We kidnapped the treasurer’s subordinate and the concubine of Ubar, the nephew of the head of the guards.”

“what? why?”

“The one who did nothing wrong will come to the guard, and the one who has been stabbed will jump out. We just need to catch the bouncing guy. Isn’t it simple?”

…It’s simple, but these are pure thugs, aren’t they?

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