The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 99

My Villains Episode 099

25. Rainy Season (4)

Returning to the inn, I sat down with Ellen and first fed her the covenant.

“Is this really okay for me to drink? Don’t you find the prince a weakness for no reason?”

“If I thought I would be caught with this one weakness, I would have to be a prince’s servant now. Don’t talk and drink quickly.”


Ellen gulped down her face as she gulped down the covenant.

“how is it? Do you think medicine is coming?”

“O uh” —T5.

Ellen groaned and wiggled her toes. Then his ankles spun and his knees twitched.

“Oh oh! Hey, are you moving well?”

“…my knees don’t move well yet.”

“About the waist and pelvis?”

At my question, Ellen closed her eyes tight and sweated profusely. Then the thighs and pelvis started to move little by little!

“It’s rare. Isn’t it normal to recover from the part close to the waist? How do you move your feet first?”

“Grunt I don’t know.”

“How do you feel?”

As I hesitated on my calves and knees, Ellen shrugged and clenched her fists.

“Ugh go tickle.”

“What? What did you do?”

“I don’t know how I know. I said tickle things tickle.”

After a brief check, the senses seemed to have returned to near 100 percent. It was almost recovered from the knee down to the point where I could stand upright if I held my arm.

It just seems like I’m tickling it a little too much… I’m a little worried that this might be some kind of side effect.

“Hmm, let’s drink the other three bottles step by step. He recovered this much in seven sicknesses, so he should be cured in ten sicknesses.”

Ellen quietly nodded at my expectant words. Seeing that he doesn’t seem very happy, it seems that he is still not sure that he will be completely cured.

After putting Ellen back down, I sat across from her.

After hesitating for a moment, he opened his mouth.

“By the way, Ellen.”

” huh’?”

“Can you tell me this?” Saying so, he handed Ellen a small piece of parchment. It was a note written about the pursuers in La Palais Palace.

“…why is this what is this?”

“The prince gave it to me.”

Ellen’s face hardened. Then he took a deep breath and opened his mouth with difficulty.

“What did you hear?”

“huh. Who are you and what is your situation? I heard that.” The blue eyes shook violently.


“…huh? You mean ‘so’?”

“So what are you going to do? You are disappointed in me.”

“Disappointment? What’s the sudden disappointment? What are you talking about?”

When I asked again with my eyes wide open, he replied in a creeping voice.

“I cheated.”

” what?”

“I didn’t tell you that I ran away and that I was being chased.”

“Wait a minute. Ellen.”

The watery eyes looked up at me. Embarrassed, I clapped my hands and continued.

“I think you are misunderstanding something. I’m not interrogating you or reprimanding you or anything like that.”


“I don’t think you lied, and I’m not angry or disappointed. I just asked you because I wanted to hear about this story. You don’t have to talk if you’re uncomfortable.” At my dissuade, Ellen shut her mouth. By the time the water filled with cinnamon splashes in her big eyes, “Eww. Hey, give me your hand.”

“Ugh huh?”

“Ask for a hand.”

When Ellen showed hesitation, I quickly grabbed her hand.

folded hands. It’s a pretty familiar feeling now.

“Ellen I told you.”

“……Muh what.” “I’m on your side with something.

let’s not shake I do not remember?”

“I remember. Yeah I remember.”

“So um, there’s no need to feel sorry for having this much. I really don’t mind.”

Looking at Jinju’s dangling eyes, I mustered up the courage to wipe them off with my fingertips.

“Ugh. why do you cry so often It hurts.”

Ellen closed her eyes tightly. The amount of tears I couldn’t handle flowed down, putting my efforts to wipe them to shame.

“Oh hey. don’t cry.”

“Sorry *sigh* I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry?”

“I should have told you, but I don’t know how you would feel if I told you.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“My Name. It’s Ellen, not Ellen. *ugh* Elenar Radakalin. It is a lie to say that you received an assignment from Master.”

“uh. That’s right.”

…I knew. My conscience is pricked for nothing.

“That Ellen. Don’t cry”

“Master is Master.”

The boy was sobbing incessantly with a messy frown on his face. I covered my eyes with my sleeves, but I couldn’t even cover the tears that flowed down my pale cheeks and jawline.

“On my birthday, I was eating sauté *huong*, but suddenly the spell thief. * Hehe* I can’t do anything, so my teacher will go away. That bad bastard”

“Hey, stop crying.”

Seeing her crying with her shoulders moving up and down, a corner of my heart feels stuffy and heavy, even to me.

“I didn’t do anything, but *sniff* I framed Master for being the head of a palace *huhhh*”

Without realizing it, I reached out my hand and embraced the guy who was talking nonsense. Ellen, who buried her face in her chest, sobbed louder.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Speak slowly.”

I carefully stroked her head to avoid breaking or breaking. The scent of lime spread through her flawless blond hair.

“Poi *huuuuuuu* poi.” Ellen babbled incoherently for a long time. I listened to his story while matching scenarios and puzzles in my memory.

By the time the story was roughly finished, Ellen was exhausted and fell asleep. With both arms wrapped around my waist.

“…Ugh. Maybe you like this crybaby.”

I silently brushed Ellen’s hair with her on my lap.

“…I decided to leave because of those circumstances.”

At my explanation, which omitted many things, the people seated around the table made eye contact as if they were absurd.

Except for Utequai.

“South Harbor is a nice city. But it’s not where the warriors live. I go where my mother leads me.”

He said that and drank a beer. I guess that means you know

Meanwhile, Grania, who was sitting next to him, was making a strange expression.

“So when are you leaving?”

“hmm. If I wake up early tomorrow and get ready for the trip, I wonder if I won’t leave before lunch.”

“…How urgent is it that you are leaving so suddenly?”

“It just happened that way.”

Arnal laughed at my carefree answer.

“Wait, Phoenix. You were appointed by Prince Ulkar, right?”

“Yeah, that’s how it happened.”

“What, ‘that’s how it happened’… that you would leave the city as soon as you were appointed by the prince? alone?”

“Are you going with Ellen and Utequai?”

“No, anyway. Can you leave like this since you got the land?”

“…How did you know you got the land?”

Arnal gaped at my question.

“Wow crazy. The rumors were true.”

“Are you fishing now?”

As I frowned, Arnal waved his hand and changed the subject.

“That’s done. It’s like getting a piece of money from a prince, being appointed, and getting a piece of land, and then you’re just jumping around. The prince said he would let you go?”

“huh. They said to come later if you feel like joining the army.”

“What is it? Didn’t you receive a separate request from the prince?”

Having said that, Arnal looked around and lowered his voice.

“You want to take the head of the first prince?”

“What bullshit are you talking about? It’s not like that.”

Grania, who was eating cheese, nodded.

“I can roughly understand what Prince Ulkar is up to. Where are you going?”

yeah that’s the problem where are you going

“I’m thinking of crossing Mount Graduil first.”

“…Are you going to leave the South at all?”

“Yeah what. It happened.”

If the background of Chapter 2 is South Harbor, Chapter 3 is ‘Cabin’ and Chapter 4 is ‘Raven’s Cliff’.

Well, the scenario won’t go as it is. Because I fully realized the gap between games and reality through my experiences so far.

Still, the fact that Ellen had to clear her name did not change.

Therefore, our immediate task is to catch the spell thief Sights. To do so, you must go to ‘Raven’s Cliff’ in the middle of the Milanol Kingdom.

Daria, who had been sitting on one side silently, had a twinkle in her eyes.

“Then you will pass Longville?”

“Longville? Well…

No matter how you think about it, Longville is the name of the area you’re targeting in Chapter 3. Thieves swarm and the leader goes…

“…robber baron.”

“huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“no. no nothing.”

Crazy why did I just remember this now?

It was the robber baron and his men who occupied Longville in the game!

But he died by my hand. So what about Longville?

“Then Poi.”

“Huh huh?”

“If you’re going to leave, isn’t it safer to go in a group rather than in three?”

“Is that right? why’?”

When I nodded, Daria turned bright.

“Then, how about going with the other merchants?” “The merchants?”

“huh. There are merchants who brought grain from near the capital, and they say they are going back after doing business.”


“They say they are looking for mercenaries. Just because the way back is a little uneasy.”

“As an escort of the upper ranks… but near the royal road? I have no intention of going there yet.”

Grania, who had crossed her arms at my negative words, shook her head.

“You don’t have to go all the way there, do you?”

“The reason why merchants heading north are seeking additional mercenaries is probably because of the remnants of the bandits.”

” ah.”

In the last battle, the robber baron, the leader of the bandits, lost his life to me. The bandits, who had lost their focal point, split into groups of at least ten, at most five or six, and scattered in all directions.

“Do you think those bastards are still running amok?”

“Because guys like Ulec and Greer were vicious thieves from the beginning. Just because the head of the cow is dead, there’s no way I’m going to farm or build it.”

‘Half-orc Ulmec’ ‘Beast Greer’. They appear with random names in the Boss Phase of Chapter 2. Since ‘Scaled Ogre Harcleo’ appeared, I thought other random names wouldn’t appear, but my expectations were wrong.

Seeing that the two of them are rampaging, it would be easier to think that all five of them are still alive, since six names, no, Haklio are dead.

“It’s the plains nearby that they’re roaming around after all.”

“Oh then?”

“Sayburn and Leadburn are a bit dangerous, so you’ll need mercenaries, but by the time you pass Marva, the road going up won’t be known.”

Sayburn is the name of the province to which South Harbor belongs, and Leadburn is the neighborhood attached to it. But where is ‘Marva’?

Daria spoke to me while I was lost in thought.

“Just in time, those merchants are also going through Longville.”

“…ah. Was Longville the province of Marva


“huh. Because the south side of Mount Graduil is the Marva region. Why don’t we sign a contract on the condition that we only go to Longville for now? I could earn money and feed them.”


It’s definitely safer if you have more companions.

And neither I nor Ellen Utequai know anything about the geography of our surroundings. It would be much more convenient to accompany the merchants than to scramble for a crude map. But the problem

is that we can’t reveal

our destination . Since the three of us have become so famous, rumors will spread quickly if we recklessly join the Sanghaeng…

Ah, my head hurts.

“First of all… can I meet with those merchants?”

“I heard you’re on a drunken pony, but wait a minute!”

“Oh Daria!”

Daria left the inn before I had time to stop her.

Arnal looked at the back and let out a laugh.

“That year was very sweet. It’s cute.”

“…what kind of uncle do you talk like.”

At that time, Lindsey, who had served the grilled pork ribs and onions, said with a worried tone.

“You went out to Daria’s drunken pony, right? I wish I didn’t have to go through the alley…

“What are you so worried about, kid? If it’s a drunken pony, it’s right in front of you.”

Arnal’s question was answered by Lindsay with a frightened expression.

“Okay. I heard that a dead person was found today.”

“also? That ‘artist’?”

“yes. It even said it was near the square this time.”

“Wow, he’s really crazy. A plaza is where the prince is, right? Unless the liver comes out of the stomach…

When Arnal stuck out his tongue, Grania, who was cutting the cheese, frowned in displeasure.

“Why do people in this city give such a nickname to a madman who tears people apart?”

“My nickname is very cool. The red bear is wise and powerful.”

“…I’m glad you like it, Mr. Hatanka.”

Lindsay blinked her big eyes and lowered her voice.

“But there’s a reason why they were nicknamed artists.”


“They say all the dead people have strangely little blood.”

“however? Why is that?”

“The criminal took blood to paint. I want to use it as paint!”

“Haha yeah? Are you really scared?”

When Lindsay made a terrifying expression, as if trying to scare her, Arnal let out a smirk and tousled the girl’s hair.

Contrary to Lindsey’s concerns, Daria quickly returned to the inn. It was with three merchants.

Me and Ellen Utequai were the three most famous people in town, so the merchants seemed very welcoming to us.

The pay is good, and it’s nice to be able to ride in a wagon.

After thinking about it for a while, I met alone with a middle-aged man called ‘Perso’, the representative of merchants.

When I came down to the first floor after finishing the private room, Daria quickly approached me and asked.

“How’s Poi?”

“Oh, that.”

As I quietly scratched my chin, Mr. Perso said with a sad expression.

“Unfortunately, we couldn’t sign the contract.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Instead, I decided to introduce other merchants to Lord Phoenix.”

“Another merchant?”

Daria opened her eyes wide and turned around. I replied with a shrug.

“Coming to think of it, I thought it would be more comfortable to take a boat at all. I plan to turn west and cross over to the middle.”

“…Don’t you have to cross a plateau to get there? It will take about the same amount of time anyway.”

“Oh yes, but.”

As I paused, Mr. Perso interrupted.

“I heard from you that you’ve cleared monsters five times in the past few months. As long as you pass the sea route, the road will be fairly smooth after that.”

At that explanation, Daria let out a small sigh.

“…I see. The sea is scary.” “huh? what?”

“No no. What more do you want to eat? potato? duck?”

“Um, don’t you have bass?”

“Anyway, you really like fish. Wait a minute. I’ll fry it right away.”

Daria smiled brightly and headed for the kitchen.

“…Why are you so excited?”

After watching her back for a while, I emptied my beer glass and waited for the merchants Mr. Perso would introduce me to.

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