The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 4: The Obligation I Cannot Abandon

Chapter 4: The Obligation I Cannot Abandon

June 8th, 2088

Its been a week since the start of summer, and I was taking a break.  Specifically, I was browsing some web novels on my phone while finishing up a bounty in the other world.  One of the many unexplainable things in this world was that I still somehow maintained my cell phone reception.  The irony of reading a transported to another world story while in another world never ceases to amuse me, so I often spend my waiting time doing so.  It was easy to pass off my holophones projected screen as a magic item.

Currently I was seated upon the carcass of a particularly large quad-bull, a vicious monster twice as large as a normal bull with two pairs of golden horns on its head and a black steel like hide.  A quad-bull specialized in charging, but its agility was what made it truly dangerous. 

The joints of its legs had a 360-degree range of motion and there were four hooves for each ankle, so the quad-bull could literally turn on a dime while maintaining its momentum.  But it was an extremely simple beast, so an established tactic was to encircle it with people and have it run itself to exhaustion since it would change its focus and charge to whoever hit it last.  It would rank as a threat level of 8 if one had to fight it in close quarters but this wasnt an issue for me. 

The flexibility of the quad-bulls joints came at the cost of having relatively fragile ankles compared to its hide, so I dealt with it by shooting a clip of 9mms into its ankles and crippling its mobility before slitting its throat with my rhomphaia as it thrashed around helplessly on the ground.  The meat of a quad-bull was a high-class ingredient, so bounties were often issued for them. 

I had sent a message with a crystal orb to my employer about my successful hunt and so I was waiting for them to come to collect the corpse.  Hmm, Kira should be back from her trip by now so Ill go visit her after this.  I thought to myself as I saw my employer coming with a group of mercs and a wagon to haul the corpse away.

The Employers POV

I, Everett Cook, am the proud owner of the Obsidian Steakhouse, my house specialty is quad-bull steak.  It is a favorite amongst the nobility and I often get hired to cater noble functions.  As an elf, I have been doing this for 150 years or so and the number of bounties I have issued to acquire quad-bull meat are near countless.  As such, I am well aware of the danger of that monster.  It takes about 10 or so talented mercenaries to bring down the beast by exhausting it through a day long battle, and casualties often occur. 

But today I met the bounty hunter known as the Terra the Peerless.  He walked in, with his entire body completely covered, and handed over the bounty sheet I had posted.  I explained the bounty to him and handed him a crystal orb to contact me when he caught a quad-bull.  Honestly, I was skeptical about his ability to handle a job that requires 10 pros.  I examined him rather closely, but I couldnt figure out anything.  He didnt speak a word and although its obvious hes not a dwarf, I couldnt tell if he was an elf or beast-kin or even a savage race like a hobgoblin.  Well, lets see if the rumors are true or not.  I thought to myself as I watched him leave. 

Terra the Peerless had mysteriously appeared 3 years ago and quickly became a famous individual in the queendom.  But the rumors surrounding some of the bounties he had completed were so outrageous I found them hard to believe.  Until now.  Maybe 2 hours after he left, the crystal orb I had started shining and an image was being transmitted to me that left me dumbfounded. 

The bounty hunter Terra was calmly seated on the corpse of a huge quad-bull on the plains nearly two hours travel away.  To have already completed the job meant he would have killed that quad-bull in less than 10 minutes after arriving.  He was a monster, an absolute monster.  Cold sweat started forming down my back as I quickly called my guards together to go collect the carcass.  It wouldnt do to make him wait and lets increase the payment just to be on the safe side.

Terras POV

I was back in Obsidia, in the southern residential district to be exact, walking as I double checked my recently collected reward.  I was a little confused at the unexplained increase in the payment, but I decided to chalk it up as a bonus for finishing the job so quickly.  I quietly stepped into an empty side alley before casting an invisibility spell and heading to a safe house I had set up down the street.  The southern residential district had much better public order than the northern slums due to a high number of guard patrols so travel was easy. 

After I entered it I quickly changed my outfit and sent it back to my room in Tokyo.  I also unequipped my weapons and strapped on a standard longsword onto my hip instead as I put on a shirt with long, billowy sleeves and some breeches.  Lastly, I put on a hooded cloak that covered my ears from sight.  After this change of clothes, I continued on my way until I stopped in front of a small store with gargoyles on each side of the entrance with a sign saying 9 Lives Trading Outpost. 

I entered through the front door and called out Kira, are you home? At my words a golden blur raced across the shop before lunging at me like a predator at its prey.  I heard a joyful shout of Big brother! Youre back! as the golden blur successfully pounced on me and hugged me tightly.  I returned the hug and was rewarded with a loud purring noise. 

I smiled and looked at my precious little sister Kira, the one reason why I hadnt already abandoned this shitty world, as well as the living reminder of my failures.  She was an absolutely adorable girl of about 13 years, with long golden hair and sparkling amber eyes with cat-slit pupils.  Her skin was flawless and cream colored.  She also had this cute little mole just beneath the corner of her left eye that looked like the number 9 upon close inspection.  She had light pink lips and perfectly defined facial features. 

In a few years she would without a doubt become an earth-shattering beauty.  She had a pair of golden cat ears tipped with white on top of her head, with a matching tail that was currently dancing around in joy.  How was your trip?  Did you cause Grandma Kuma any trouble?  I asked her as I started stroking her ears.  She didnt expect that and let out a cute Nya! in surprise.  Mou, big brother dont do that so suddenly!  Oh? So should I stop?  I didnt say that.  I grinned at Kiras response as I continued petting her.  The trip was fun, we got a lot of cool merchandise to sell! Granny is in the back putting it away right now.

The door to the back coincidently opened at this time and an elegant elderly cat-kin woman walked in.  She had short brown hair and amber eyes just like Kiras.  Hello Terra, nice of you to visit again.  Poor Kira here was so forlorn that she couldnt see her beloved big brother this past week.  Kiras ears and tail both perked straight up in embarrassment as she turned to her grandmother while somehow maintaining her hug on me Granny!  Dont exaggerate!  Ara, Im surprised you managed to stop purring long enough to respond.  Kira turned red at this and buried her face into my chest as Grandma Kuma simply laughed.  

Cat-kin purr when they are happy and content.  It is something they only do in the presence of those they trust such as close friends and family.  So I am not exactly sure whats so embarrassing about Kiras behavior but I certainly cant say I know everything about cat-kin culture.  So are you joining us for dinner? Grandma Kuma inquired.  I nodded Yeah, Ill be intruding for a bit.  Ive also brought some sweets to contribute.  Both Kira and Grandma Kumas ears perked up and their tails started dancing around as I said that.  I often bring some kind of treat from my world when I visit and they have all been quite well-received.  I grinned at their response and took off my hood as we headed to their kitchen to eat. 

Kira and Grandma Kuma are the only people in this world that know I am a human as well as a wizard, although they are unaware that I am from another world.  They are also the only people here that I give a damn about and I have gone to great lengths to ensure their safety.  The gargoyle statues out front are actually a type of golem I created that is powered by a contracted demon rather than a magic core.  There are also various hexes against intruders on the interior and I also placed several vengeful ghosts in the walls to attack anyone who survives the magic.  I even gave Kira a protective charm that would send me a signal if she ever was in danger. 

Lastly, I had bribed the guards to greatly increase their patrols in the southern residential district in order to increase public safety.  Specifically, I indicated for them to keep an eye on a house that was further down the street from the 9 Lives shop.  This was to ensure that if anyone ever investigated my affairs they wouldnt discover my connection to Kira.  The resident of the house I told them to watch is an arrogant elven bitch who tried to enslave Kira and her family when I was younger.  A truly evil and heartless bitch that one, who only has good looks to be proud of.  

Nevertheless, she makes an excellent decoy and this precaution has led to the guards believing that she is my lover or some such nonsense.  I also planted a special surprise to strike at whoever tries to kidnap the decoy.  Am I being paranoid? Yes, yes I am.  My experiences in this world and the things I have lost in the past due to my childhood naivety have made me to be cautious and wary above all else.  I visit Kira every day I can to make sure shes safe and doing well.  Its the only thing I can do to ease the guilt thats been burdening me since 3 years ago.

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