The Butcher of Gadobhra

Character Sheet: Ben, Tier 4, The Ingenious Imperial Courier

Character Sheet: Ben, Tier 4, The Ingenious Imperial Courier

Damien's Heir (Legendary Legacy)

He isn't dead yet, but you've already taken his signet ring, pajamas, and his bedroom in Franklin House. Don't feel bad; if he's smart (and he is), he won't risk Harmonia's wrath by returning. But why stop there? Embrace the insanity of the Franklins and carry on Damien's legacy of invention, exploration, and destruction.

-Gain personal instruction from your favorite Uncle (if you can find him).

-Inherit an assortment of his favorite books and journals and a map to one of his favorite places to steal spare parts.

-Skill: Inventor is changed to Skill: Mad Scientist.

-Gain plans for Rocket Boots and the formula for Cataclysmite.

-Blending Science and Magic becomes easier as reality bends to your will.

Name: Benjamin Franklin the 7th Titles: The Friendly Local Courier, Demonbane, Faebane, Wolf Rider Class: Ingenious Imperial Courier Level: 16 63000/73000 needed for Level 17 Race: Human, House of Franklin Heritage: Path of Invention Legend: Damien's Heir Role: The Friendly Local Courier Quest: "Make sure the Thieves Guild doesn't get this evidence!" Try to get the evidence past the lurking thieves. Quest: "I'm sure you can handle an assassin or two." Avoid assassins along your route. Quest: "Watch out for bandits, I hear there's a wily group of them on that road." Negotiate with or avoid the bandits, but beware of players poising as a bandit gang! Quest: "Get this message to the Emperor!" Ok, this actually is a real message! Don't die! Quest: "Thirsty Goblins!!" Make sure the goblin tribe has enough alcohol to keep them off the warpath and partying for a week! Stats: Base (200+200 per L) Perks and Gear From Stats Total Health 3400 800+500 3040 7740 Stamina (x3) 3400 x3 = 10200 +500x3 2960x3 20580 Mana 3400 1400+500 7280 12580 Characteristics Stat: T4 Base Rank Cap Experience Gear and Bonuses Total STR 23 0 5 23 DEX 35 (+3 Curry Comb) 0 5 +3 38 AGI 42 0 5 42 CON 27 0 5 27 INT 36 0 5 36 WIS 13 0 5 13 CHA 35 (+2 Hat, +5 Ring) 0 5 +7 42 PER 53 0 5 53 RAD 47 0 5 47 Magic ItemsDescription Imperial Courier's Ring Damien's Ring: This custom storage ring was constructed by Damien Franklin to aid him in his many journeys. The crest of the ring identifies him as a scion of House Franklin, but also disarms his own traps and locks. Grants +5 CHA.

100 slots for Magitech Components, organized automatically

Also holds 10 sets of clothing, 62 bottles of alcohol, 1 large bookcase (and books), portable workbench, and up to 27 cubic feet of anything else. Bloody Ghoul's Teeth Necklace +20 Damage to Slashing and Piercing. Half-Cloak of the Travelling GentlemanProtects a rider and mount from inclement weather up to and including tornados. Glitterspark, Coruscating Sword of the Last King of Pittsburgh Shoes of the Traveling Oatburner Increases the speed of a mount at the cost of twice as much feed needed. Curry Comb of Destiny Combs and cleans a a Chosen Mount in half the time. God-Worn Courier’s Hat of the Lost Phoenix Mitigation: 10 points, Fire Mitigation: 20 points, Darkness Mitigation: 20 points, + 2 to CHA. Maw-Tooth Adze Base damage 30 (10 base +20 enchantment). Skills: NameStatLevelT3 Total Earned in T4 P/S/T Techno Magical Tinkering PER 5 1000 Primary Riding AGI 15 10500 Tertiary Wolfback Riding (And other strange creatures.) AGI 15 10500 Tertiary Coachman AGI 15 10500 Tertiary Diplomacy CHA 15 10500 Primary Word of the Emperor CHR 15 10500 Tertiary Acrobatics AGI 15 10500 Tertiary Acrobatic Dismount AGI 15 10500 Tertiary Dodge AGI 15 10500 Tertiary Danger Sense PER 15 10500 Tertiary Etiquette CHA 15 10500 Tertiary Navigation INT 15 10500 Primary Run the Chains AGI 5 1000 Primary Whip DEX 15 10500 Primary Hand X-Bow DEX 15 10500 Primary Estoc DEX 15 10500 Primary Adze STR 5 1000 Primary Flames of the Phoenix RAD 15 10500 Primary Aspect of the Storm CHA 15 10500 Primary Explosion Resistance Con 15 10500 Primary Storm Resistance CON 15 10500 Primary Very Strong Poison Resistance CON 15 10500 Primary Mad Scientist INT 15 10500 Primary Inventor: Leather Working INT 5 1000 Subskill Inventor: Copper Smithing INT 5 1000 Subskill Inventor: Wood Carving INT 5 1000 Subskill Inventor: Silver Smithing INT 5 1000 Subskill Inventor: Black Smithing INT 5 1000 Subskill Inventor: Rune Carving INT 10 4500 Subskill Meat hook DEX 3 600 Primary Butchering STR 15 10500 Primary Slaughter STR 15 10500 Primary Choice Cuts WIS 15 10500 Primary Precision Cuts DEX 15 10500 Primary Anatomy of a Monster INT 15 10500 Primary Strike Undead RAD 15 10500 Primary Boar Hunting STR 5 400 Primary Predator Knowledge INT 3 400 Primary Bulldogging STR 5 1000 Primary Bull Leaping AGI 9 4000 Primary Skinning DEX 15 4500 Primary Scrimshaw DEX 10 4500 Primary Shark Hunting STR 3 500 Primary Woomera DEX 5 1000 Primary Fishing WIS 6 2000 Primary Hide Crafting DEX 5 1000 Primary Enhancements:DescriptionNext RankCost Run like the Wind 5 You move at +125% faster than normal. Affects mounts and conveyances Run Like the Wind 6 30 Ride like the Wind 2 You may ride a flying mount. You may train a flying mount if you attain it young enough. Ride Like the Wind 3 30 Extra Mana 5 +1400 Mana total Extra Mana 6 30 Extra Health 4 +800 Health total Extra Health 5 25 Pack Hunter 3 +60 damage vs elite monsters when in a group. Pack Hunter 4? Unknown Distant Shot 2 +100% range to all ranged attacks. Distant Shot 3 10 Critical Shot 2 Increased chance of a critical hit when using a ranged attack. Critical Shot 3 30 Trust Me! 6 Your Winning Smile inspires trust in all tier 3 creatures and helps with tier4. This greatly increases the chance of someone believing whatever you are trying to convince them of. Trust Me! 7 6 Identify 3 Gives information on an item or creature of levels 11-15, and Tier 3 magic items. Identify 4 10 Jumping Jack 3 You may leap four times your normal distance. Jumping Jack 4 3 Magic Sense 3 If a Tier 3 (or less) creature within 30' has an affinity for a type of magic and may cast spells you will get a feeling for what type of magic. You can tell if an item is magical, and if Tier 3, gain an idea of its use. Magic sense 4. 6 Dark Vision 3 Gives monochromatic vision to a distance of 180' when there is at least some light. Unlimited Dark VIsion 10 Soliloquy Time stops (or seems to) as you begin a Villainous or Heroic speech for 1 minute. You can be goaded into this. Endless Breath 2 You may hold your breath for 10 minutes of normal activity. Endless Breath 3 3 Perk NameDescription Imperial Equipment You have the skills needed to maintain your gear, mounts, or conveyance in the field, and to construct new gear when tools and materials are available. Imperial Courier's Burden Your Courier's Ring increases in size with your rank, and may accept written documents, books, and anything you are officially asked to carry in the course of your duties. The weight of what you can carry is equal to your Level x 10 pounds. Quest Mob When you die during a quest associated with your duties as an Imperial Courier, you suffer no resurrection penalties and you and your mount may immediately chose to reappear at your bind point. Jerry Rigged Quick repairs that almost never blow up. The Ring is Mine! You have claimed and bound Damien's Ring. Too bad for him. Inventive A better understanding of the theories of Magitech and Item Crafting. Higher chance to discover new ways to construct items. Less chance of things you make blowing up in your face. Agent of Hope Allies gain a bonus to morale if they can see you or know you are fighting for their cause. Flesh to Fuel Burn two stamina to restore one mana Blessed +20 Resistance to Death and Darkness Cloak of the Maiden A stealth ability that is only active when attempting the rescue of innocent victims, or a brave ally who has been captured by evil. Perk: Dig 4 Dig at ten times the normal rate creating tunnels that don't cave in. Perk: Haul 5 You may pick up and move objects weighing six times your normal limit. Perk: Sleepless in Seattle 2 You only need 2 hours per day of sleep. Perk: Endure 4 Nothing gets you down or keeps you from working. Perk: Push Onward 2 Usable once per day. Cost: 1000 Stamina or Health. Gain +5 STR, and +5 Universal Mitigation for 10 minutes. Usable a second time for a cost of 2000 Stamina, and a third and final time for 3000 Stamina. Perk: Tastes like Steak Convert food and food-like substances you put in your mouth tasty roasted meat, or another of your favorite dishes. Perk: Hunter's Slyness Your scent is masked from both other hunters, and your prey. High Perception can negate this. Perk: Cat's Ears You have the sensitive ears of a feline predator, greatly enhancing your stunted human sense. Milestone Abilities Milestone

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Heroic Charge (AGI and RAD) When an ally is threatened, you may move up to 50' and save them from harm by blocking, parrying, or taking the blow yourself! Their attacking is surprised, allowing you to retreat with your ally, or strike at them. Milestone

Spark of the Divine

(CHA and RAD) Your healing spells carry a spark of divine power. Add 10xCHR to any healing spell that you cast.


Healing Aura (RAD and DEX

Those around you are blessed by the Healing Aura that you can project. Anyone within ten feet of you will have small wounds slowly healed and larger wounds made smaller. Whenever an ally within 100' of you is injured, you may use Triage to heal 200 health and stop active bleeding. Cost: 50 mana. Milestone

Metamagic (DEX and INT) Fast Casting has been upgraded to Metamagic. Whenever you cast a spell, you may double its area of effect, range, damage, and healing, or a number of targets. This comes at the cost of three times the normal mana cost. Milestone

Natural Acrobat (AGI and DEX) You have an innate skill in the arts of tumbling, walking a tightrope, or swinging from a yardarm. You automatically succeed at difficult acrobatics, and sometimes do the impossible. If you have an evasive defense skill, it gains a 40% bonus to your chance of avoiding damage. Milestone

Rather Dashing (CHA and AGI) Twinkling eyes, windblown hair, and a flashing sword proclaim you as a scion of House Franklin. The doors of society are open to you (perhaps grudgingly). You gain a positive reaction from anyone with knowledge of your house. If you have a defensive ability, add 20% to your chance to avoid damage when using it. Sleight of Hand (CHA and DEX): Which cup holds the ball? Who has your coin purse? Want to see a magic trick? Picking pockets, performing feats of mundane magic, and adding aces to a deck come easily to you. Especially if you bother to practice. Also handy for plucking thrown daggers from the air before they stick in you, or tossing them back. Trifecta Level 3 +500 to Health, Stamina, and Mana Quadratic Level 3 All of your items gained as rewards are now bonded to you and cannot be lost through death. SpellDescriptionMana Cost Lay Hands Variable. Cures wounds, bleeding, curses, and infection. Requires time, direct contact, and concentration. Healing Flames A spell used in emergencies to save a badly wounded creature. At a touch, pale flames spread from your hands over a person's body. Bleeding is cauterized, small wounds are healed, and fractured bones are strengthened. Up to 200 health is restored as well. More grievous injuries are lessened but not totally healed. Cost: 300 mana base. Horrific injuries may increase the cost. Guiding Light: You create a glowing beacon of light in the air above you and within 10 feet of you. The light is as bright as daylight and has a radius equal to 20 feet per rank of the spell. Within its light, undead, daemons, and corrupted creatures have a -10% chance to hit and an additional -1% per rank. Radiant creatures gain a bonus to their chance to hit equal to 10% + 1% per rank. Cost: 50 mana per rank per round 750 Mana per round Triage Whenever an ally within 100' of you is injured, you may use this spell to heal 200 health and stop active bleeding. 50 Mana Flaming Brand Adds Rank x 10 Fire damage to any melee strike. Duration 1 minute. 100 mana base cost. Spark Adds Rank x 10 Storm damage to any melee strike. Duration 1 minute. 100 mana base cost. Flaming Hands Produces a cone of flame with a 20' range in front of the caster doing Rank x10 Damage 100 mana base cost. Flame Strike Calls down a 20' radius pillar of Phoenix Fire that burns all enemies for (rank x200 = 3000) damage and heals allies for an amount equal to 25% of the damage. 1000 Mana and 1000 Stamina Aspects Flames of the Phoenix Godly Aspect, Healing + Flame. Counts as Holy Damage to undead, daemons, and similar creatures. Rank 15 Aspect of the Storm Basic Aspect, primarily electrical damage Rank 15

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