The Butcher of Gadobhra

Character Sheet: Ozzy TIer 4

Character Sheet: Ozzy TIer 4

Legend of the The Sausage Maker

You get things done, and the boss doesn't care how you do it. Things run better when you're around, and whether that's because of fear or encouragement is up to you. Your crew works 10% faster and gets 10% more accomplished, working together like a well greased meat grinder.

Your personal efforts are even better. Any special sausage or magical meat made by you is more powerful than normal, giving either a 50% stronger effect, or double the normal duration. Your preserved meats will not go bad for three times longer than normal. If left in sealed barrels infused with smoke from your Pit, the duration is indefinite. No one can steal your recipes, but you can gift them. That person cannot gift them, or be stolen from.

Intimidation, fear, or encouragement abilities that you use are 10% more effective.

Name: Ozzy, Captain Ozymandias Shipbreaker, Titles: Butcher of Sedgewick, Whale Rider, Ship Killer, Ghoul Slayer, Chain Breaker Class: Contract Worker: Butcher (Sausage Maker) +5 STR, +5 COR, +5 RAD Level: 16 63000/73000 needed for Level 17 Race: Titan Innate Ability: Stature Heritage: Legacy of Prometheus +2 INT, +2 PER, +1 CON per Tier, STR per Tier, Regenerating Liver Legend: The Sausage Maker Role: The Butcher of Sedgewick: A friendly local boy who grew up in the village. Quests: Meat for Muspelheim A wandering Firewalker clan is stopping by to pick up a shipment of meat. They want the succulent taste of Gristle Daemon. Kill 20 Gristle Daemons, and stuff their carcasses into the provided Bag-of-Meat.

Reward: Meat Gathering Bag, information on Muspelheim, a shot of Strawberry Surprise, and another quest. Have a Shot of This! Survive a shot of Strawberry Surprise.

Reward: Gain the skill: Fire Eating A new Sausage Grinder Look for a Sausage Grinder in The Pitt of the Butcher and bring it back to Ozzy.

Reward: Tasty magical sausage and another quest! Something Stirs in the Darkness! Bring the Butcher information about a strange dungeon filled with Gristle Daemons.

Reward: 10 silver pennies and a sack of magical sedge jerky, and another quest. Stats: Base (200+200 per L) Perks and Gear From Stats Total Health 3400 2300 6780 12,480 Stamina (x3) 3400 x3 = 10200 500 x3 =1500 6900 x3 =20700 32,400 Mana 3400 500 7200 11,100 Furnace (Max Heat): 4050 Shielding: 5 Smoker (Max Smoke): 5450 Aura: 8 Characteristics Stat: T4 Base Rank Cap Experience Gear and Bonuses Total STR 58 (Includes Ship Breaker and Legacy of Prometheus Bonuses) +2 Tripepot 0 5 60 DEX 25 0 5 25 AGI 18 +2 (Sacred Totem of Ehecatel) 0 5 +2 20 CON 54 (Includes Ship Breaker and Legacy of Prometheus Bonuses) 0 5 54 INT 28 0 5 28 WIS 18 0 5 18 CHA 43+1 (Golden Hoop) 0 5 +1 44 PER 17 0 5 17 COR 38 +1 (Bloody Butcher's Gloves) 0 5 +1 39 RAD 38 +2 (Golden Hoop) 0 5 +2 40 Magic ItemsDescription Golden Hoop +1 CHA, +2 RAD Bloody Ghoul's Teeth Necklace +20 Damage to Slashing and Piercing. Bloody Butcher's Gloves (+30 physical mitigation, +30 damage, +1 COR) Probably won't cause a berserk rage Abused Ring of Mental Reflection The ring creates a subtle disruption in magical spells or skills used to read your mind or detect your location. Hade's Kilt A knee-length black and silver tartan. Indestructible and smells of death and taxes. Trammelian Chain A magical tattoo that becomes a thick chain of smoke. Ironhide Treasure Chest Size: 1' x 2' x 1.5' high. A magical tattoo that becomes a small treasure chest. Gitsplitter's Axes A pair of Flensing Hatchets. Magical and heavy. (40 lbs. each.) Tattoo on Left Arm. Base Damage of 200 points. Kraken Ring +1 to a Captain's Aura Tripe Pot +2 STR Ancient Billhook of Entwined Fates Channels mana and spells similar to a wizard's staff. Linked to Ozzy's Charnel Pit and Chainy. Base 200 Damage. Cookbook: Recipes for Destruction Only usable by the Owner, and safeguards his recipes from being stolen. Skills: NameStatLevelT3 Total Earned in T4 P/S/T Pit Alchemy CHA 15 10500 Primary Butchering STR 15 10500 Primary Slaughter STR 15 10500 Primary Choice Cuts WIS 15 10500 Primary Precision Cuts DEX 15 10500 Primary Anatomy of a Monster INT 15 10500 Primary Hack Undead STR 15 10500 Secondary Strike Undead RAD 15 10500 Primary Active Fire Resistance INT 15 10500 Primary Very Strong Poison Resistance CON 15 10500 Primary Weak Acid Resistance CON 15 10500 Tertiary Resist Torture CON 15 10500 Primary Aspect of Fire INT 15 10500 Primary Aspect of Smoke COR 15 10500 Primary Aspect of Radiance RAD 15 10500 Primary Aspect of Heat RAD 15 10500 Primary Aspect of Wood WIS 15 10500 Primary Throw Caber STR 15 10500 Primary Billhook STR 15 10500 Primary Heavy Flensing Hatchet STR 15 10500 Primary Meat Hook DEX 3 600 Primary Demon Slaying RAD 15 10500 Primary Fire Eating CON 10 4500 Primary Boar Hunting STR 5 400 Primary Predator Knowledge INT 3 400 Primary Bulldogging STR 5 1000 Primary Bull Leaping AGI 9 4000 Primary Grilling DEX 6 100 Tertiary Adze STR 5 1000 Primary Bear Hug STR 1 100 Primary Skinning DEX 15 4500 Primary Scrimshaw DEX 3 350 Primary Shark Hunting STR 3 500 Primary Woomera DEX 5 1000 Primary Fishing WIS 6 2000 Primary Hide Crafting DEX 5 1000 Primary Look Out PER 15 10500 Primary Run the Chains AGI 15 10500 Primary Row CON 3 600 Primary Smoke Weaving COR 10 4500 Primary Throw Chain STR 4 300 Primary Swim the Smoke CON 3 600 Primary Wood Wright's apprentice INT 3 500 Primary Heat the Sails INT 15 3000 Primary Boat work CHA 5 1000 Primary Smoke Stealing COR 10 4500 Primary Diplomacy CHA 15 10500 Primary Perk: Dig 4 Dig at ten times the normal rate creating tunnels that don't cave in. Perk: Haul 5 You may pick up and move objects weighing six times your normal limit. Perk: Sleepless in Seattle 2 You only need 2 hours per day of sleep. Perk: Endure 4 Nothing gets you down or keeps you from working. Perk: Push Onward 2 Usable once per day. Cost: 1000 Stamina or Health. Gain +5 STR, and +5 Universal Mitigation for 10 minutes. Usable a second time for a cost of 2000 Stamina, and a third and final time for 3000 Stamina. Perk: Tastes like Steak Convert food and food-like substances you put in your mouth tasty roasted meat, or another of your favorite dishes. Perk: Butcher Shop Basics Basic knowledge of running a mundane butcher shop, packaging and selling meat in a totally normal way. Perk: Enhanced Hometown Reputation Increases the trust between a butcher and his community. Those bad things you heard? Never happened. Perk: Hunter's Slyness Your scent is masked from both other hunters, and your prey. High Perception can negate this. Perk: Herd Sense You know when a member of your herd is in danger, and roughly where they are. Distance lessons the feelings. The closer you are to the herd member, the better the information. Perk: Whales Strength +1 STR and CON per tier. Currently (+4 STR, +4 CON). Perk: Monstrously Tough Grants +100 Physical and Elemental Mitigation. Combines with Hull and Mitigation skills. Perk: Noble Bearing Nobles react to you with either respect (or fawning if they are your Tier or less). You clean up well and are obviously of a Royal Bloodline. Officer Material. Perk: Darkly Glorious Minions recognize you instantly as a Dungeon Lord. Powerful creatures see you as worthy of respect. Your peers in the Pit want you dead before you supplant them Perk: Crushing Grants +50 all Weapon and Unarmed Damage. Perk: Chiseled Your strength and power are under your control and coordinated perfectly. You could crush granite in one hand while handling delicate crystal with the other. Perk: Vigorous Grants +1000 Health Perk: Shark Teeth Extra damage if your smoke creations have shark teeth. Perk: Find my way home You will always have a general direction of where home lies. Trifecta Level 3 +500 to Health, Stamina, and Mana Quadratic Level 2 All of your items gained as rewards are now bonded to you and cannot be lost through death. Mate's Perk: Tight Chains You know the tricks for weaving smoke into the best chains and nets. Captain's Perk: Shielding +2 The size of the ship that your shields can completely cover is increased by +2, along with their strength. Perk: Jack Fyrebeard's Crew Gain: Shielding (2) Perk: Shields are Holding! Gain: Shielding +1 Officer's Perk: Aura Adds +1 to your Aura Officer's Perk: Bright Aura Adds +2 to your Aura Officer's Perk: Shining Aura Adds +4 to your Aura Perk: Trusted Advisor Your clever words carry more weight when giving advice. This ability fails if you outright lie or give advice against the best interests of the person you advise, devoid of any benefit. Perk: Regenerating Liver Increased resistance to alcohol and poisons. Perk: Blood of Titans +1 STR and CON per Tier

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Enhancements Description Next Upgrade Cost Mitigation 5 +150 Physical Mitigation Mitigation 5 20 Extra Health 4 +800 Health Extra Health 5 7 Weapon Damage 3 +60 points of damage with melee and ranged weapons Weapon Damage 4

+40 Damage 20 One Fist of Iron 5 Your fists are weapons. Base 30%+10xL+5xSTR to Hit. Damage = 50+5xSTR. 5% chance to stun. Flurry every 3rd round. One Fist of Iron 6.

+10 Damage 10 The Other of Steel 5% Chance to Stun the opponent on hit. None If the right doesn't get you, the left one will. Flurry of Blows every 3rd round. Six attacks Cost = 600 Stamina None Yo' Mama is Ugly 6 Increases Hate in all tier 3 creatures around you that can hear you as you taunt them and encourage them to fight you. Yo' Mama is Ugly 7 6 Don't Mess Around with Jim 6 Most Tier 3 creatures will not attack you unless they have 3 to one odds, are elite, or mindless. DMAWJ 7 6 Dark Vision 2 Gives monochromatic vision to a distance of 60' when there is at least some light. Dark Vision 3 4 Magic Sense 1 If a Tier 1 creature within 30' has an affinity for a type of magic and may cast spells you will get a feeling for what type of magic. You can tell if an item is magical, and if Tier 1, gain an idea of its use. Magic Sense 2 3 Endless Breath 4 You do not need to breathe for an hour of normal activity. Minor Hostile atmospheres don't bother you. Max Jumping Jack 1 Your ability to jump is doubled Jumping Jack 2 3 Skilled Provider 3 Your gathering skills have an increased chance of finding better quality items. (Gems, heart of a tree, magical ingredients, etc.) Max Abundance 5 When you gather resources, you produce +100% more than normal. This includes basic crafting of logs into board, flax into thread, or anything into sausage. Max Officer's Perk: Aura Adds +1 to your Aura Officer's Perk: Bright Aura Adds +2 to your Aura Officer's Perk: Shining Aura Adds +4 to your Aura Pack Hunting 3 +60 damage to elites when working in a group. Hunters Guild Stature 4 Gain +1 foot of Height, and +5 STR for each level of Stature. Stature 5 10


Butcher's Breath: Fire erupts from the Butcher's furnace in an arc in front of him. Damage dependent on Mana, Stamina, or Heat used.

Breath Smoke: The Butcher breathes out a volume of hot smoke from a small ring to enough to fill a 10x10 foot room. Cost: 100 mana. Volume may be increased by expending more mana. The amount of 10x10 volumes of smoke that can be filled in one round is equal to the Butcher's rank is Aspect of Smoke

Chain Drag: When a victim is hooked either by a wrap of chain or a meat hook, the Butcher instantly pulls them to him. Cost: 100 stamina.

Curse: The Victim of this Cantrip takes an extra 10 points of damager per hit. Cost: 50 mana.

Cleanse: Cleanse a large area or person of dirt, filth, clinging vegetation, or crusted blood. May cleanse 1 person or a 10x10 area for the cost of 100 mana.

Jaws of the Void: Creates a shark made of smoke and fire that is as intelligent as a normal shark and can fly and attack the Butcher's foes. Cost is 200 mana. Damage is 200 slashing, and can be increased to 400 slashing by spending an additional 200 mana. The shark is as intelligent as a normal shark and will respond to the Butcher's will. It can take 1000 damage before being dispersed.

Smoke Weaving: Smoke breathed out by the Butcher can be shaped and controlled. Increased versatility with practice.

Imbue Smoke: Forces smoke into a piece of wood, food, or other object. Imbued wood is easier to shape and resistant to fire.

Imbue Heat: Forces heat into a weapon which will do extra damage. The weapon is protected from the fire and heat. For each 50 mana or stamina used, the weapon will do +10 heat damage for 10 minutes. The max heat is 10 x Rank. Flammable creatures will take extra damage and may catch on fire.

Shielding: Similar to how a Captain of the Smoke can protect his ship, high level Mages in the convergence can form a hard shield of pure mana that protects anyone behind it from physical and magical damage. A difficult ability to use and costly in terms of mana, stamina, and health. Shielding against a very powerful spell or blow can kill the mage putting up the shield. Minimum of 1000 mana, or Heat is expended to form the shield. Each thousand points provides 100 points of mitigation against physical, magical, and elemental attacks against those behind the shield, or a shielded ship. Each point of Shielding adds further elemental and magical mitigation of 50 points.

Steal Heat: A terrible ability frowned on by the inhabitants of the smoke the way citizens of the convergence look upon someone who could steal a soul. And yet, many people in the smoke know how to use this skill. In the convergence it can be used to move heat from an object to the Butcher, lowering its temperature.

Warp Wood: A low level spell used by wood wrights to bend and shape wood. Variable cost.


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