The Carnation Goddess

Chapter 38 The Verdant Rain Manor

Back to the Holy Maiden Sanctuary;

The night between Shen Lie and Jie Ying were seen by many who was not mistaken that they were together.

And many had thought that Shen Lie and Jie Ying had actually been intimated with each other. However, they had stopped short of it as Shen Lie had wanted Jie Ying to be a candidate of his Carnation Goddess Painting.

Jie Ying was actually very surprised because she had expected that Shen Lie would take her that night.

But he did not and she thought that Shen Lie was indeed a gentleman and this had caused her heart to be even closer to him.

This would go on for 7 nights.

And Shen lie would also be 'whipped' for 7 nights by Saintess Sheng Feiyan, Hua Zixia and Nangong Shu.

At the end of the 7 days, it was time for the trainee cohort to form their 10 groups of 20.

Elder Li Hong, her two assistant elders and 8 senior protégés were now appraising everyone now.

Naturally Shen Lie had not really found a group yet because to him, any group would simply do.

As for Jie Ying, she was sticking with Shen Lie no matter what.

Chu Feng, Xiong Ba, Mei Xuan, Xu Shaoqing and Xu Shaoxing were naturally in a group.

As for Shortie Lai, he had managed to anchor himself to a group where there were a few beauties.

When it was time for Shen Lie to get a group, he was slotted to a group of 18 men and Jie Ying had also joined him; Jie Ying was the only female protégé in their group and Shen Lie was the envy of his group.

Elder Li Hong said, "Everyone should have a leader of the highest cultivation strength. In the group, a leader's decision in the experiential training is absolute. Anyone that disobeys the leader without a valid reason will be punished by a black card."

She then proceeded to say, "Now this is the leaders of the group…"

Xiong Ba was picked to the leader of his group, Di Shitian was picked to be the leader of Shortie Lai while Shen Lie was picked to be the leader of his group.

When Shen Lie was picked to be the leader of this group, everyone was astonished because he did not fare too well during his first cultivation lesson and was in fact the last.

But when Elder Li Hong heard the commotions, she quickly explained that Shen Lie's latent aptitude for Qi cultivation was the strongest in his group and there was also no third cultivation realm cultivator of the Bronze Core stage in his group.

Shen Lie laughed weakly, "Well, I guess that I am the leader of this group."

Except for Jie Ying who had shown pride that Shen Lie was the leader of his group, the rest of his group was not happy about it.

It was because they were also unhappy that Jie Ying was Shen Lie's woman and she was also the most beautiful maiden in their entire cohort.

Just as Elder Li Hong had given the orders for the 200 new protégés to set off to the mountain wilderness, a panicky senior protégé had suddenly entered the outer court and said breathlessly. "All of us are summoned to the heaven's gate immediately. We are under attack from the Verdant Rain Manor and their holy saintess is here personally!"

When they had heard from this senior protégé, Elder Li Hong and many of the protégés were shocked; the Verdant Rain Manor was the 6th biggest holy land and they had always had a friendlier relationship with this holy land. After all, the Verdant Rain Manor and the Holy Maiden Sanctuary were two of the smallest holy lands.

Elder Li Hong gravely said, "Come, all of you follow my lead."

Shen Lie was also startled but he was more excited because the holy saintess of the Verdant Rain Manor was someone that he had known.

So he turned to asked Jie Ying, "What is the name of the holy saintess of the Verdant Rain Manor?"

Jie Ying was surprised that Shen Lie did not know so she quietly answered him, "Holy Saintess Qian Yufeng. She is also known as the Thousands Projectiles Phoenix."

Shen Lie laughed softly, "Her secret projectile skills are indeed quite legendary."

Jie Ying pretended to be angry as she hummed, "So you are only teasing me. So you already know who Holy Saintess Qian Yufeng is."

Shen Lie explained with a gentle smile, "Oh no, I've only heard of her skills but I have no idea who is in charge of the Verdant Rain Manor."

Jie Ying shot him with a look of disbelief, "Everyone knows who is Holy Saintess Qian Yufeng and she is in charge of the Verdant Rain Manor. Why shouldn't you know? Are you a frog in a well for a hundred years?"

Shen Lie laughed weakly, "Actually I am…"

Elder Li Hong was now calling for all the proteges to be on the move now and everyone was now following her lead nervously.

It was because if this was a battle then it would be a fierce battle between the two holy lands!

When Elder Li Hong had reached the heaven gate, there were already thousands of protégés in the place and they were now facing the protégés of the Verdant Rain Manor which only numbered some 30.

Elder Li Hong and many of the newly arrived trainee protégés looked a little disappointed as they were expecting an earth-shaking battle to take place.

Holy Saintess Qian Yufeng had brought too little of her protégés and they were all from her holy land.

This looked more like a visit and not an attack...

Everyone could see that Holy Saintess Qian Yufeng was very fair and she was extremely alluring in her short skirt and she had a yellow cloak on her.

Behind her were 30 of her protégés all in straw hats, yellow cloaks and white robe; they were all female cultivators.

Nangong Shu was blocking the Holy Saintess Qian Yufeng as she said firmly, "It is useless to see our holy saintess. Please leave immediately. She isn't free to see anyone or to have any visitors."

Saintess Qian Yufeng felt indignant, "She won't see me? Is she telling me a joke? Or have you taken her hostage and is controlling her from behind the scenes? I've just have a peace treaty with your Elder Hua Zixia not long ago and now your saintess has just sent me a transmission to cancel it? This doesn't look like her doing. I demand to see your saintess immediately!"

Elder Hua Zixia looked really awkward as she said respectfully to Saintess Qian Yufeng, "It is indeed true. Our holy saintess has indeed cancelled the secret alliance between our two holy lands. Please leave immediately!"

Saintess Qian Yufeng looked at the thousands of protégés that were surrounding her from the slopes and the steps of the heaven gate, "Do you think that any of you will be able to stop a lofty holy saintess like me from barging in? My secret projectiles are able to kill hundreds and my lightness skill is also number one…"

When she had said that, she had already flashed high above Nangong Shu with a startling speed and she was making her way up the steep cliffs of the Holy Maiden Sanctuary; none of the hundreds of protégés of the Holy Maiden Sanctuary was able to stop her a least bit!

She was not kidding that she had the best lightless skill.

Just as she was confidently flying up the steep cliff while avoiding the thousands of opposing cultivators, Shen Lie had suddenly popped from one of the edges of the cliff where he was stationing with Elder Li Hong and he was smiling politely, "Isn't this my beautiful Yufeng…"

When Saintess Qian Yufeng saw that this man looked and was speaking like Shen Lie, she had turned pale immediately and had lost her vital energy due to being startled by him; almost immediately when she was being greeted by Shen Lie, she had plunged down the steep cliff down a hundred metres below!

Not only were Saintess Qian Yufeng's protégés stunned, Nangong Shu, Hua Zixia, Elder Li Hong and all the cultivators who saw it, were also startled when they saw that the Holy Saintess Qian Yufeng was suddenly plunging from mid-air…

Saintess Qian Yufeng looked as though she had just seen a ghost and she was so startled by Shen Lie that she did not know how to react…


Author Note:

1. I want to write a story about the POV of the 7 holy saintesses but only one of them is guilty of crippling Shen Lie. I wonder if the readers will be able to pinpoint the culprit? This is still a great mystery;)

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