The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage

Chapter 121: Ivocraes (2)

"Relax, Toto."

His eyes bored into Otto's.

"I'm not your enemy."

A smirk seemed to be glued to his face.

Somehow, Otto got the feeling that even if the entire planet crumbled, Ivocraes still wouldn't lose his smirk.

Otto narrowed his eyes.

He couldn't feel a single hint of pressure from Ivocraes.

No powerful mana waves rolling off of him, not even the scent of the death element hidden in his mana veins.

"Were you the one who reanimated his corpse?"

If so, how could Ivocraes, a Throskart, use a dark element spell?

As far as he knew, there was no such mutation among the Throskarts.

Was it perhaps unique to the purple robes, related to how they were able to stay in power for such an extended time?

Otto pondered.

But the woman he'd met on the first floor hadn't used any spells with elements.

Perhaps it was some advanced magic tool that would allow a Throskart to turn mana without an element into dark element spells?

Otto's body was tense even as his mind ran a mile a minute.

Typically, an inability to sense pressure from his opponent could mean two things.

Either his opponent was too weak for him to notice, or… too strong for him to properly gauge.

Alas, Otto wouldn't put his money on the former.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean he would be afraid.

He rolled up his metaphorical sleeves.

Otto was never short of confidence in his own strength.

"Reviving a corpse to become a 'contestant,' pitting the corpse against me time after time, doing everything in your power to make sure I was unable to win this round,"

Otto's face was impassive, but Ivocraes could detect a tinge of impatience from his tone.

"I don't think there's another word for that, other than an enemy."

Otto didn't relax his guard in the slightest.

Ivocraes's actions had been nothing but hostile. His response didn't clarify anything for Otto.

"Hmm, it was a necessary evil. Well, I suppose you can also consider that a…test, of sorts."

Otto barely restrained himself from scoffing.

"Well, perhaps I should test you in return?"

Otto's eyes glowed with power as he quickly cast two spells.

The first was a light element recovery spell.

[Sun's Aura]

Light Element

Level 10

Create a zone of recovery: healing, energizing, and strengthening all allies in a defined area. Zone grows with mana and strengthens under the light of the sun.

No upper limit.

Mana Cost: 610

Cast Time: Instant

No Cooldown

It was a spell that Otto didn't often have the opportunity to use.

Truthfully, it was the perfect spell to cast in the desert.

Otto barely put any mana in it whatsoever, as the zone he was creating needed only to cover him alone.

Still, its effect was enormous.

The sun glared down on Otto and fully showcased the sheer volume of energy it emitted as the spell transformed the light until it was usable by his body.

Otto felt the change immediately.

His body lightened and his muscles filled with power anew.

All his stamina returned at once; Otto could feel his defense and resilience rise in tandem.

Even the mild dehydration which came as a natural side effect of living under the sun was significantly alleviated.

It was the perfect midday buff.

At the same time, Otto chose to cast a second spell: a small ring of fire appeared under Ivocraes's feet and started trying to burn his clothes.

Otto hadn't immediately gone for a killing blow, partly because he could sense that the person opposite did not truly hold him hostility.

Well, he could still be taught a lesson.

Ivocraes's expression didn't change in the slightest, even as the fire burned directly beneath him.

Otto's brows slowly furrowed.

The fire didn't seem to affect Ivocraes at all!

Otto tensed to brace for the man's retaliation as he prepared two additional spells.

But even two seconds later, Ivocraes did nothing.

He merely stood there, that same infuriating smirk taunting Otto, as if to say,

'Do you want to continue?'

Suddenly, Ivocraes's body vanished.

And in the same spot, another 'Ivocraes' appeared, only without the fire burning below him.

The smirk, of course, hadn't moved a millimeter.

"Relax, Toto. I come bearing good will."

"Besides, as you can see, I'm not really here. A fight would only cause you to lose more precious time…"

"My body here is but a projection, a magical projection only visible to you."

Otto could only helplessly retract his mana.

There was no way for him to attack a target that was probably not even on this planet.

At the same time, a hint of relief worked its way through his chest.

He had initially worried that his opponent was simply too powerful for him to get a read.

Now, it seemed that his opponent wasn't actually here at all.

While Otto couldn't attack a projection, a projection likewise would not be able to attack him.

It looked as if there was no danger.

Otto kept the recovery spell active, though, just in case.

He crossed his arms, and spat.

"State your piece."

Otto still had to kill Mikelo; he was in a bit of a hurry.

Ivocraes chuckled lightly,

"It seems you have some misunderstandings about me."

"I've been following you ever since the preliminaries."

Then, he dropped a bombshell.

"Did you think it was so easy to get away with that bead?"

"That your little speech begot no retaliation?"

Otto's eyes widened imperceptibly.

Did Ivocraes have something to do with that situation?

"That's right. I ran a little interference for you."

Otto couldn't help but feel slightly bewildered.

He raised an eyebrow.


The critical question.

What did Ivocraes want from him?

Who was Ivocraes?

Initially, Otto thought it was the [Tower] adjusting the floor slightly to match the difficulty he'd selected.

After all, if an entire military force of Throskarts openly targeted him on this game show, perhaps even [Titled I] difficulty would be too low a rating.

But now, it seemed that there were other factors at play.

Ivocraes's projection slowly stood straighter.

His gaze towards Otto carried a gravity that was previously absent.

The smirk on his face also disappeared.

If Ivocraes's colleagues saw this expression, they would have been astonished.

For it was well known among the small contingent of purple robed Throskarts that Ivocraes never, ever lost his smirk.

"Toto, let me properly introduce myself."

The purple robe came off as Ivocraes's face slowly changed under Otto's vigilant stare.

His previously wide-set eyes narrowed by half, as his bone structure raised and lowered in various places.

Even his hair lightened considerably in color, until it was a bonafide blonde.

Blond hair was a color not ordinarily found on Throskarts.

Ivocraes looked seriously at Otto.

Then cut his finger.

Revealing a single drop of blood.

Bright red blood.

Otto's face twitched as he began to put the pieces together on his own.

"You're a human."

"Undercover amongst the highest echelon of Throskart society."

He wanted to laugh.

"A purple robed human?"

Ivocraes nodded,

"Indeed, I've been helping you on the sidelines ever since you appeared in the competition."

"Great job killing Agatha, by the way. She was insufferable."

"It only goes to show my choice might prove correct."

His eyes hardened once more.

"However, let me be clear, Toto."

"I am no altruist."

"I did not help you out of the kindness of my heart, nor simply because you are a fellow human."

Otto nodded calmly.

"You want the bead?"

Ivocraes didn't speak for a second, but then he slowly shook his head.

"Yes and no."

"Regardless, that is not the reason I came."

Otto watched as he stepped forward and extended his hand.

"Actually, we have chosen you."

Otto left the hand hanging,


"Yes, our organization."

Otto was beginning to grow impatient.

What was with all this mystery?

If there were no magic eyes around anymore, was there a truly need to act so secretively?

Then, Otto sighed.

Perhaps the heat was affecting his temper…

"Well, to be precise, I have chosen you. The others remain unconvinced."

Ivocraes retracted his hand and shot Otto with a long, hard look.

"Try your best in the next round of this game. If you pass that too, I will come before you once more."

Ivocraes's eyes twinkled.

"Bearing a sizable gift."

Otto took a second to scrutinize this human, before he nodded and came to his own conclusion.

"You want me because I could help you out with something."

Otto's glare was challenging,

"And how would you know I'm not already making a contribution to the human race?"

Ivocraes's smirk stealthily returned.

"Because anything you were doing would have been directed by myself."

He chuckled again,

"And I know for a fact that I gave no such order."


"I believe you could be of enormous help to our cause."

"Your position right now is…unique. The Throskart higher ups dispatched me to supervise your 'fair' demise."

"Since the last department head…met a rather unfortunate end."

Well, it WAS at his own urging, but Ivocraes was never one to quibble over such tiny details.

"I come to you now not for the reason you may believe."

"You see, I belong to a certain organization from Earth."

Otto's eyelid twitched.


Is that how the human planet name on this floor was also translated?

"I only appear before you now to make you an offer and to give you a warning."

"I am willing to help you deal with the final contestant."

"In return, I require a promise that you will join the organization when offered."

A notification from the [Tower] appeared in front of Otto's eyes as the world slowed to a stop.

[Would you like to turn in your mission?]

[Accepting [Ivocraes's] offer would render your mission complete.]

But Otto was not tempted. He immediately shook his head.

He knew nothing about such an organization.

Just because it was in service of humans rather than Throskarts, did that necessarily mean that it was a good organization to join?

Absolutely not.

Humans were no better than any other race in that regard.

Moreover, even if he would only be in this 'world' for two more floors, Otto was a person who preferred planning and preparation over spontaneity.

An impulse decision would only lead to later regret.

He selected 'no,' and the world regained his color.

"Thank you, but I believe I can handle this by myself."

Ivocraes did not look disappointed.

He nodded calmly.

"Very well."

"In that case, I will give you a warning."

"IF, and I do mean IF you manage to kill the final contestant, you must vanish immediately after."

"Even you would not be able to handle the resulting retaliation."

Otto nodded, his expression somewhat hard to read.

"Then, until next time, Toto. I suppose I shall be seeing you very soon."

His figure disappeared.

Otto stared at the air before he looked down at his hand once more.

He was not surprised to realize the finger bone, the Gold Grade Tool, had vanished along with Ivocraes.

His gaze swept through the far reaches of the desert.

Now, all that was left to do was to kill Mikelo…

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