The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage

Chapter 7: Tutorial (5)

Otto's eyes glowed blue as he rapidly began to rapidly draw out his mana into barely visible strands.

The strands of mana wormed their way into two large blue overlapping spheres in front of him as characters, letters, lines, curves, dots, connecting and branching, then connecting again in patterns that at first glance looked like nonsense.

Otto's magic arrays tended to be, as one of his old friends had put it, 'ordered chaos.'

They were absolutely gorgeous to look at, but just as hard to understand in depth.

As he was working, Otto continuously kept the full picture of the array in his mind.

The center section was for the core displacement mechanism and to maintain the rocks' velocity. Array stabilizers sat directly above and beneath the core.

Behind it was the mana drawing array that would continuously power itself through the ambient mana in the surroundings, composed of a few dozen esoteric runes connected by a winding line.

The mana drawing array would also help stabilize the array as a whole until it was used; Otto didn't have any magical ink to use, so he could only use this as a substitute.

Luckily, the array only needed to last for a half hour before it would be used and destroyed.

For an arrayist, mana ink was one of their greatest tools.

Though mana ink was not absolutely necessary to use when drawing an array, it helped empower arrays and, most importantly, stabilized them on the surface.

This is what allowed them to last for days, months, years, or even, in some cases, centuries.

Otto used another five minutes to finish drawing the array in the air in front of him before looking at his work with satisfaction.

So complex! So beautiful!

One of Otto's quirks as an arrayist was that his creations had to be both beautiful on a two dimensional surface and impossible for even higher leveled arrayists to understand or recreate.

He had settled on this principle back when he had just started learning as a mere Beginner arrayist.

An Apprentice arrayist had painstakingly parsed one of his more useful creations, created a formula for it, then proceeded to sell it as his own work.

Otto had been furious at the time. While the man had eventually been killed by him, he had learned his lesson and from then on even arrayists more masterful than himself would have an exceedingly hard time parsing his arrays, let alone trying to recreate them into a formula.

Finally, with a small flourish of his hand, Otto finished drawing the array with merely twenty minutes to spare.

The back alley glowed blue for a second. The array lit up as it appeared on the ground before it dimmed and started drawing in mana.

It would remain dormant until it sensed the high-velocity meteor fragments approaching.

Now, Otto would have to work rather quickly.

Thankfully, the beasts were still coming from outside the wall; the military would hardly have time to bother with him.

It was unknown if the commander would figure out what he had done, but realistically it no longer mattered.

The danger they faced wasn't too significant- only dumber and weaker beasts would really go crazy for it, and it would be impossible for the Beast Lure to be traced back to him in any case.

Otto ran out of the alley and sprinted southwest before the meteor fragments caused the whole district to go up in flames.

Well, in one way of thinking, perhaps he had actually done this district a favor by redirecting the meteors…

Soon, a notification appeared in his sight.

[Congratulations. You have invented a brand new Grade 2 Magic Array.]

[Would you like to name your Grade 2 Magic Array?]

Array grades were actually more similar to spell circles than alchemy solutions that required higher grade materials to create higher grade potions and pills.

Basically, an array with a single circle in its two-dimensional form was considered a Grade 1 Array, an array with two circles was considered a Grade 2 Array, and so on, up until the theoretical ten-circle Grade 10 Array that Otto had never even heard of, let alone seen.

A two circle array was also qualitatively different from two one-circle arrays.

A one circle array needed to have a single sphere full of runes and connections. The simplest array Otto knew how to draw was called the 'Basic Light Array.'

It was the first array one learned on the path to becoming an arrayist.

The basic light array consisted of four runes with three lines each. Each rune formed a directional block 'Π' shape which was tilted up, left, right, and down in each of the four cardinal directions with the open end always facing outward.

These four runes were laid out in a cross-shaped pattern inside the array sphere and connected with two simple intersecting straight lines in the center.

When laid onto a table, it looked like a tic-tac-toe board if the square in the middle was composed of heavier strokes.

Now if this simplest array was to become a two circle array, it would increase exponentially in complexity.

The sphere containing this array would be placed inside another sphere containing four 'basic light' arrays.

The arrayist would now have to consider where to connect the five arrays for balance, the optimal configuration of the outer sphere in relation to the central array, how to maintain an even distribution of light, how the empty space in the sphere could affect the overall array, the length of the connecting lines, the power of the runes involved, how to neutralize the properties of the additional lines, etc.

In short, creating one two-circle array was typically well over a hundred times harder than creating two one-circle arrays.

Most arrayists couldn't actually calculate all of these perfectly. Instead, they created arrays with an exceptional instinct for reading mana, and Otto was no exception.

After the arrayist had studied for a while, most of the talented ones picked up an intuitive sense for where and how the mana should connect and which lines to form where for the optimal array.

Otherwise, it would take many millennia for arrayists to even break into fourth circle arrays.

Also because of this, creating a single new array wasn't actually that exceptional of a feat. Arrays were created based on the practical needs of the moment all the time.

Otto thought the [Tower] had called it an exceptional achievement not because he created an array, but because he created a two circle array without any prior study.

Otto decided to name his array the 'Mana Conserving Aerial Displacement Array' mostly because 'Aerial Displacement Array' and 'Displacement Array' had long been taken.

Another notification popped into his vision.

[Would you like to use one of your Profession Slots for [Magic Arrays]?

NOTE: You have two remaining Profession Slots]

Otto mentally agreed once again.

He would also never give up magic arrays, no matter what.

[Congratulations. You have become an [Magic Arrayist].]

[Congratulations. You have been promoted to [Apprentice Arrayist].]

[Congratulations. You have made an exceptional achievement.]

[Achievement Type: Racial First]

Description: First of your race to gain two Professions in the Tutorial.

AP +10

[Congratulations. You have made an exceptional achievement.]

[Achievement Type: Tower First]

Description: First in the tower to promote one profession to Apprentice Grade in the Tutorial.

AP +100

+1,000 crystals

[Your account has been credited with 1,000 crystals.]

[NOTE: Account is locked until Challenger passes the Tutorial.]

'Whoo, I actually got a Tower First from that one.'

Tower First achievements were well known to give excellent rewards. Most people would feel like they hit the lottery if they accidentally achieved a 'Tower First' achievement.

As such, they were incredibly tough to earn. The [Tower] played host to so many different races that it was almost impossible to count them all.

At least a few trillion lifeforms lived in the tower, and perhaps the number was even larger than Otto could imagine.

That was part of the reason any 'Tower First' was such a big deal.

However, Otto also knew that the [Tower] was fair.

For example, the reward just now.

Normally, a 'Tower First' achievement would add somewhere between thousands and tens of thousands of attribute points.

Since attribute points scaled drastically on the later floors.

But Otto was in the Tutorial. It would be impossible for the [Tower] to break its own balance by assigning him so many AP so early.

Had the [Tower] done that, Otto would have been able to sail right through the early floors, which was not in keeping with the [Tower's] typical modus operandi.

Instead, it decided to limit his AP to 100. Admittedly, still a very large amount for a new climber, but not to the point of letting Otto have it too easy.

In recompense, Otto earned a large sum of money, usable only after Otto exited the tutorial into the [Sanctuary Cities], where people lived in between floors.

Still, Otto was elated at the enormous sum of 110 AP. With this, he could be considered equal to a native powerhouse in the [Tutorial].

Otto thought hard about how to distribute them.

Put nicely, Otto was someone who preferred to balance his attributes in general. Only in cases of immediate necessity would he heavily favor a single or even two attributes.

Put bluntly, Otto was greedy as hell. He wanted all his attributes to be exceptionally strong, such that even his own weakest attribute was enough to fight the enemies' strongest, should he ever be caught in a pinch.

Ideally, his enemies would never stand a chance against him.

Of course, this principle obviously wasn't realistic in the tower, where enemies are each stronger than the last, and crouching tigers and hidden dragons abounded.

There were many humans who hid their strength deeply in case they were targeted by fellow humans.

The [Tower] warranted such caution.

Otto sighed and settled in for a longer-term distribution. Right now, his immediate needs were met.

He needed to be stronger in a comprehensive manner, improving his chances of survival for his upcoming mission.

Otto distributed his attributes calmly and rechecked his status.


New Summoned

Class: None

Profession 1: Alchemist

Profession 2: Magic Arrayist

Profession 3: None

Health: 105/105 (0.08/minute)

Stamina: 98/105 (0.8/minute)

Mana: 794/880 (0.5/minute)


Strength 6

Speed 10

Stamina 8

Sturdiness 8

Mana Pool 43

Intuition 21

Magic Power 31

Regeneration 21

AP: 0

He distributed five points each to his physical attributes to get them up to a standard where he wouldn't be too worried about dodging, running out of juice, or being killed in one hit.

The rest were distributed semi-evenly among his other attributes. Between twenty and thirty went to each of them, with slight priority to his mana pool and magic power.

Otto briefly considered dumping all of them into [Regeneration]. But then he remembered that even if he had done so, it wouldn't have unlocked a fighting style that allowed him to worry less about his mana.

At most, he would have regenerated it quicker after battle, which wasn't all that useful to him at the moment.

Plus, considering his future growth, all four magical attributes were needed. Thus, the rationale for keeping them reasonably tight.

Otto breathed a small sigh of relief but continued running away from the 'Splash Zone' where the meteor fragments would hit.

It would soon be time to sit back and watch the ensuing action.


Large and small flaming rocks fell through the sky, streaking the night with brilliant reds and oranges.

Passersby and pedestrians watched with growing horror as the rocks fell directly towards Bront City. That it had happened once already didn't make the spectacle any less terrifying.

Plus, who knew where they would hit?

It would be easy to get caught directly beneath a meteor fragment, or even to die in the ensuing chaos and the destruction they caused.

A blink's worth of time was all it took for the people below to run away in panic, screaming their lungs out as the flaming rocks continued to fall.

In fear of death, all were equal.

But just as they were about to smash onto the northeast part of the city, the majority of the flaming rocks simply vanished from sight, leaving nothing but a bewildered populace behind.

Some spectators were shocked and awed by this scene, though the danger wasn't over yet. After all, not all the fragments were captured by Otto's array.

But the chaos had disappeared in that moment, and even the fires from the leftover fragments were not enough for the mass hysteria to reappear.

They merely felt thankful for whatever power had saved their small lives this night.

Meanwhile, in the extremely conspicuous southern district of Bront City, folks were not as calm.

The reason was simple.

Flaming rocks had appeared! Moreover, they were moving at the same blistering speed through the atmosphere. Even the fire behind them looked to have been transported along with them, not that onlookers understood it.

Yet in a marvel of nature, or what many thought was a targeted attack, every single fragment was headed in one direction.

The Brenner Mansion.

Normally, it would defy logic for every single fragment to be targeting an area as small as a mansion.

But in this case, no one thought the scene was outlandish.


Rather than calling it the 'Brenner Mansion,' it would be better to call it the 'Brenner Compound' or 'Brenner Palace.'

Because the 'mansion' was massive, covering many acres of land all by itself!

The fragments did not stop, and they gave the Brenner family little forewarning.






The fragments rained heavily down on to the sturdiest mansion in the city. It was a mansion thought by even the strongest men to be impossible to break into.

Magic arrays covered the surrounding area, defensive arrays and energy gathering arrays surrounded by scouting arrays and illusion formations.

Even if one broke through those arrays, the mansion itself was made of the sturdiest wood, brick, and metal, then enchanted three times for further toughness and durability.

Yet facing the wrath of nature itself, all these measures might as well have been a thick sheet of paper attempting to block the charge of a bull.

The arrays glowed for a second before cracking, producing loud 'Booms' that reverberated through the area, then the first meteor fragment smashed directly onto the top of the main mansion.

The roof dented and shuddered greatly, but held.

But that was only the first meteor fragment.




The roof finally cracked and caved. Screams and shouts of panic emanated from the Brenner nobles in the mansion, interrupted of their revelry.

After the roof caved, the mansion spontaneously caught on fire- the inner parts of the mansion were nowhere as well defended as the outer portions.

Everywhere in the mansion, men and women ran away screaming out of the fire.

A veritable flood of people poured outside half-dressed, in their night clothes, or pulling their pants up. One man was very noticeably stark naked, his d*ck wet with an unknown substance…

Onlookers gazed at the spectacle with wide eyes and murky emotions.

Competitors felt schadenfreude at the sight of the most arrogant family in the city brought down by nature. Some nobles, on the other hand, worried that they would be next.

A deafening roar of rage erupted from the bottom floor of the mansion's basement, leading the rubberneckers to quickly and visibly scatter, fear pooling from the depths of their hearts.

'The patriarch.'

Darius Brenner was 83 years old this year, and increasingly spent his time secluded in the mansion. But his might still shook the entire city.

Denizens of Bront knew that Darius's strength had definitely not declined in this time. Rather, it was likely that it only increased.

Moreover, in stark contrast to the regular civilians who, even if they trained their bodies for years, could only live to the age of 80 or 90 at maximum, his lifespan was nowhere near over.

In fact, one estimation had concluded that Darius could even live to be 150 years old if he maintained himself well enough.

And if his strength was already so powerful now…what about in twenty years? Wouldn't he be the uncontested overlord, playing with the whole city on his whim?

So when his anger was felt throughout the district, people couldn't help but feel a seed of fear in their bones. No one wished to be nearby if his anger was released.

The mansions surroundings soon grew eerily quiet.

However, in contrast to his resounding cry when he felt his base being attacked, the 'anger' Darius was supposed to be feeling was nowhere to be found on his face.

It was clear that this man had not gotten to his current heights by impulsivity. On the contrary, he remained cool-headed and sharp even in these circumstances.

But while his face displayed none of his emotions outwardly, the servant who was tasked with attending to his needs felt an even greater chill from his current behavior.

He was currently standing beside one of the meteor fragments that had effectively razed half his mansion to the ground.

Darius picked the basketball sized fragment up nonchalantly, only to use a single hand to directly crush it in his grip, spraying rock powder all over the floor.

She could tell that this old man was indeed angry!

"Miriam, send for Glen and Rosella immediately. There are traces of mana on these fragments."

"Yes, master."

Glen and Rosella came quickly, small beads of sweat evident on their faces.

Rosella was still okay- she was a middle-aged High Mage in service to the Brenner family, where she had been working for the past fifteen years, and had met Darius quite a few times previously.

But Glen had only just become a High Arrayist a few months ago, and had never even seen Darius, let alone met him when he was angry.

But Darius unexpectedly didn't let his anger out on the two of them.

He grabbed a meteor fragment and handed it to them before demanding,

"These rocks did not naturally fall. This was a targeted attack. Trace the mana back to its source."

His brows knitted in anger,

"We'll see who is so bold to attack our Brenner family like this."

Glen and Rosella nodded and quickly got to work.

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