The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 112: Past Life

Chapter 112: Past Life

Ling Tian barely managed to hide his grin as they approached the incoming rebel army. He knew that his ploy had succeeded.

That messenger earlier who blew itself up was actually a puppet that Ling Tian controlled. This was a puppet that he managed to unearth from some ruins 2 years ago.

This puppet was special, for whatever it can see, hear or sense can be felt by Ling Tian too. That means that if this puppet had seen a potential enemy from afar, Ling Tian will immediately see it.

He had this puppet wander around the capital city looking for any potential leads against Wang Hao. When Wang Hao and his allies attacked the guards earlier, the puppet and Ling Tian had seen it.

Ling Tian then immediately had the puppet paste explosive talismans on itself. He made it steal the clothes of the Kingdom’s messengers. He made it look like it had some injuries. He then used this puppet to say the same thing as the first messenger who arrived.

He personally controlled the puppet, which made its performance convincing. The line that it said before exploding itself was a famous tagline of the Raiders.

The explosion that followed afterward was of course prompted by Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was confident that all the disciples inside the room had their protective measures against the explosion. If none, too bad. As for Ling Tian, he made the puppet to divert the explosion away from him, making it focus the blast of other directions.

This gave Ling Tian another advantage for he had successfully made the other disciples use their protective measures, while Ling Tian had not used up any yet. This gives him a better chance to survive other disastrous situations that may come.

More importantly, that stunt of that puppet managed to gather the ire of all the disciples. Even the good-natured Li Min was enraged by what Wang Hao did.

To quote him word by word,

“That bastard really dared to do this to us? Does he think nothing of us? Come, my fellow disciples, let’s join hands to slay him! Scum like him deserves to die!”

Fang Yu’s and Tang Ya’s appeals were just heard by deaf ears. They can only watch as the disciples rushed out to intercept Wang Hao and the rebels. Both of them gritted their teeth as they followed too.

Ling Tian felt thrilled from all this. He was excited to see what Wang Hao will do. Seeing his behavior made Ling Tian believe that Wang Hao was a genius like him. People like Tang Ya and Fang Yu were naught but pawns on his own game board.

This was the benefit brought to him by the memories of his past life.

Ling Tian was actually a powerful expert who reached the peak of the Fifth Stage on this planet. He was considered to be undefeated under the Fifth Stage! Only those at the normal practitioners at the Sixth Stage can fight equally against him!

It was said that he was able to defeat the Immortal God Sect Head Tang Luo to a tie with both of them at the Fifth Stage! Such talent was monstrous!

It has to be known that Tang Luo was an absolute genius. He can fight against the Sixth Stage while being at the Fifth Stage. Ling Tian defeating him just shows that Ling Tian was a genius among the absolute geniuses!

As for his title, he was only called with one name.

The Million Hand Sword God!

It was said that when he fought Tang Luo, the skies were filled with millions of Immortal Swords! Ling Tian seemed to have no reservations as he used all of it to beat Tang Luo into submission.

It was only when Sect Head Xiao Ya had arrived that Ling Tian had to leave. This permanently marked him as the most genius practitioner in the Planet Thrae.

But with great talent comes great obstacles.

When he was half-step at the Sixth Stage, his closest friend had betrayed him! While he was busy on suppressing his Flames of Decay his friend struck him from behind, managing to inflict a fatal injury on Ling Tian.

To top it all off, this friend of his had applied a powerful poison on his wound that was fatal to anyone with the Flames of Decay. Once this poison entered Ling Tian’s body, his Flames of Decay went berserk, making Ling Tian unable to control it!

Coupled with his recent injuries, Ling Tian could only stare in dismay at his friend as he disintegrated into dust. But before his head fully disappeared, he saw something he could not forget!

It was his dao-partner kissing his friend!

She had a disdainful look on her face as she looked at the dying Ling Tian. Her expression says that she did not have any lingering affections for Ling Tian anymore.

Ling Tian had been fooled by this woman and his friend.

Ling Tian’s friend then caressed the woman’s breasts, making her moan in delight. They continued kissing as Ling Tian’s body fully dissipated into the air.

The only thought that Ling Tian had before he died was,


Ling Tian made sure that if he had a second life, he was going to reclaim his glory as the most talented practitioner in this planet. He will also make sure that these two who betrayed him will face his unending wrath!

The heavens seemed to have heard his oath as the next thing he knew, he was a newborn baby on a village near the Immortal God Sect.

A few months after his rebirth, Ling Tian had planned on what he shall do.

Even though he had to restart on his cultivation, he can still remember all the knowledge he had in his past life. He decided to use it not only to regain his power, but to make him stronger that before!

The only thing that made him frown was that all of his Dao insights have been sealed.

Because of this, any enlightenment that he will have cannot upgrade his Dao Grade, since his Dao was sealed. Only when his Dao was fully unsealed he can have the chance to upgrade its Grade.

For him to advance in cultivation, he had to slowly unseal his Dao Insights. He reckoned that he needed to use powerful treasures in order to succeed.

From observing his parent’s conversations, Ling Tian realized that he was near the Immortal God Sect. That was when he decided to be a disciple of the Immortal God Sect.

He lived as a rogue cultivator in his past life. In his new life, he decided to cash in the benefits of a sect.

Besides, he wanted to see how that womanizing Sect Head fares now.

He then spent the majority of his childhood regaining his fighting skills. He did not tell his parents and his siblings about his abilities for he wanted to stay lowkey.

He managed to raise his body to the Peak First Stage just at the start of the Disciple Selection the year before Fang Lin’s. He then talked to his family and he said he had a secret master that taught him the ways of cultivation. He then said that he will enter the Immortal God Sect to be a disciple there.

Before leaving, he left all the pills and cultivation manuals that he can on his family. Even though he was out for revenge, his new family managed to soften his heart. He wanted the best for them too. He made them promise to cultivate until they reach the First Stage.

Once they reach that Stage, they can go look for him in the Immortal God Sect. By that time, Ling Tian himself will be an established cultivator.

And that he did.

He got in the top 3 of the Disciple Selection in that year. He actually restrained his abilities for the fear of making Tang Luo and Xiao Ya doubt his identity. Because of this, not even the Elders present chose Ling Tian as their own disciple.

But Ling Tian was fine with it. He succeeded in his past, he will succeed again.

And once he reached a state stronger than before, he will personally kill the two who betrayed him.


While they were about to approach Wang Hao, Ling Tian scanned the stone fragment he had on his space pocket. He got this fragment from the rocks on the river flowing beside his home village.

His mother had him fetch water from the said river. When Ling Tian saw this stone fragment under the flowing water, he immediately realized its value and what it was.

With this treasure, he might possibly be able to unseal a portion of his Dao Insights!

Ling Tian patiently waited for the time the last fragment to appear. Now that it did, Ling Tian will waste no time to acquire them all!

With his scan, he realized there are still 5 hours before the other fragment holders arrive.

This gives Ling Tian enough time to deal with Wang Hao.

He smiled as the intense desire to battle erupted inside him.

“Let us see what you will do now. I am ready against whatever schemes you cook!”

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