The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 90: Dragon Scourge

Chapter 90: Dragon Scourge

Around the time Fang Lin met up with the entourage towards the Forest of Death, Fang Yu had been busy feeding Tang Li.

Since she tasted her ‘milk,’ Tang Li would pester Fang Yu nonstop until Fang Yu gives her milk.

At this session of breastfeeding, Fang Yu cussed because of what Fang Lin got himself into. Tang Li of course cried since she thought she angered her Sis. Fang Yu managed to calm Tang Li down and made her finish her course.

“Dwelishus!” Tang Li was extremely satisfied as she let out a burp. Fang Yu hastily fixed her clothes as she called out the room.

“You can enter now.”

The door opened and Tang Ya and Empyrea walked in. Tang Ya still had an awkward expression on her face while Empyrea had an annoying smirk that Fang Yu wished she can wipe off.

“So... let’s go meet up with the other 7 groups. They will make us ride on a separate spirit ship that will bring us all to the Solstice Kingdom.”

Fang Yu nodded as she put the now docile Tang Li on her head. Tang Li comfortably curled herself as she went invisible and went to sleep. The three of them then went outside the spirit ship.

Upon going outside, Fang Yu saw multitudes of disciples going out of the spirit ship. It seemed like they were about to start their own missions too. She scanned her eyes over the crowd, and she found out what she was looking for.

About 50 meters from her were a group of people that just stood there. They exuded an aura of confidence that managed to deter other disciples from coming near at them. Fang Yu nodded to herself, thinking that they are the other disciples who will join them.

Fang Yu, Tang Ya and Empyrea then approached them. As they arrived near, the confident disciples looked at them. All of them gave some nods as only few of them gave a smile at them. But Fang Yu could still feel the multiple eyes roving across her body greedily. She huffed, clearly showing her displeasure. She sighed in relief as she felt those eyes rapidly averting.

All of them awkwardly stood there as they waited for the others to arrive. After 20 minutes of waiting, all 23 of them were present. Fang Lin was absent of course.

It was at that time that the Grand Elder arrived. He slightly gave a reproaching look at Tang Ya. Tang Ya just stared back innocently. The Grand Elder could only sigh sadly. He looked at the 23 disciples in front of him as he said,

“You 23 shall now have your escort ride towards the Solstice Kingdom. But once you arrive there, you will be on your own. Whatever you do depends on all of you.” His eyes then narrowed as he continued,

“Be sure to keep the honor of the Immortal God Sect while you do these missions! There will be observers, and we will see who among you are the mediocre. Do you all understand!”

“Yes! Grand Elder!” All of them shouted.

“So, any questions?” At that moment, Li Min raised his hand. His eyes had a curious look as he looked over at Tang Ya’s place. He seemed to be dissatisfied upon not seeing someone he should.

“We are only 23 here, we are still lacking one.” Li Min was obviously referring to Fang Lin. “We need to wait for him right?”

“There is no need to wait for him.” Li Daozi said in a slightly irritated voice. It seemed like the matter of the swindling last night still pissed him off now. “Fang Yu sent him to do other things. Fang Yu of course knew that it will be a risk for their group, but she said she was confident on it anyway.”

“Oh.” Li Min looked disappointed as he retreated his hands. His two teammates elbowed him out of annoyance.

“No more questions then? Seems like you have done your research!” Li Daozi then clapped his hands and a spirit ship descended in front of them. The ship was around the same size as Xiao Ya’s, but with a different design.

“This is my sprit ship.” Li Daozi said proudly. “It may not look big but with spatial manipulation, what was inside this ship was much bigger that what you can see from outside.”

The doors then opened as Li Daozi beckoned all of them to enter. Once they were all inside, Li Daozi closed the ship from the outside.

“Due to some matters, I cannot join you all on the trip on the Solstice Kingdom. Do not worry though, this ship has an item spirit that will manipulate the ship by itself. So just sit back and relax. Goodbye!”

Fang Yu then felt the ship slightly rising from the ground as it shot forwards, heading towards the Solstice Kingdom.

Fang Yu, Tang Ya and Empyrea avoided all the other disciples as they went inside their rooms. There are 24 rooms inside the spirit ship, one for each disciple. Each room can only be unlocked by the token held by the disciples. Each room corresponds to only one token. This means one cannot enter the other disciple’s door without using the token corresponding to it.

Fang Yu unlocked the door to her room. Once it was opened she went inside, bringing Tang Ya and Empyrea inside her room.

Once inside, they started reviewing about the details of the Solstice Kingdom and its dragon scourge.

The Solstice Kingdom was located at the foot of Mount Skydome, whose peak was said to reach the clouds. Of course, the Mount Skydome and the Solstice Kingdom were under the control of the Skydome Family.

From what Fang Yu knew, the Skydome Family mainly resides at the Mount Skydome. Only the members of the Skydome Family were allowed to step foot in the mountain. As for the Solstice Kingdom, it was just right beside the Mount Skydome.

The Solstice Kingdom was called as such because of the unique position of the kingdom in correlation to the mountain.

The sun that could be seen crossing across the sky had its own fixed path. It never deviates a little bit, ensuring no changes on the day-night cycle.

As for the Solstice Kingdom, its day-night cycle was being influenced by the shadow of the Mount Skydome. Because of the massive size of the Mount Skydome, it has a shadow that was able to cover all of the Solstice Kingdom.

Because of this, the Solstice Kingdom had longer time spent in darkness as compared to other places in the Tian Ji Empire. The residents there experience approximately 18 hours of darkness, leaving only 6 hours for the sun’s rays to shine upon the Kingdom.

This is where the Kingdom got its name.

As for the dragon scourge, it was quite a sensitive issue.

It had been known that some divine beasts can take on human form and have relationship with other humans. As for the case in the Solstice Kingdom, their current king unknowingly married a dragon who took on a human form.

Nobody had expected that their current queen was actually a Fourth Stage Dragon.

At first, the king was happy upon having a beautiful wife. Upon a week of intense ‘workout’, the whole Kingdom was delighted upon hearing that the queen was pregnant with a boy.

Everyone was happy, since this child will be the Crown Prince of the Kingdom. Festivities were abound as they awaited the day of his birth.

But that was when the tragedy struck.

Only three months after getting pregnant, the queen started to get sick, with her body being covered with dark bruises. The king was grief-stricken, seeing his beloved wife in such great pain. He hired the best doctors in the Empire, only for them to fail.

The king was about to ask for help outside the Kingdom when suddenly, the queen lost her human form.

Her body began to grow as her skin were replaced by scales. Wings sprouted from her back as black fire spouted from nostrils. That was the time that the whole kingdom discovered their queen was actually a dragon.

What was worse was that the queen in her dragonform still suffered the sickness. She twisted around, feeling such excruciating pain. The King had no choice but to chain her to keep her from hurting others. As for the child, it was still on her belly.

If it was just like that, the King can still sigh in relief. But worse things happened after that.

The dark bruises that ran rampant across the queen’s body started to swell and get filled with pus. After 1 week of swelling, all the pus burst open with hideous-looking creatures popping out of it.

Their strength was around the Third Stage!

What was worse was that they have the ability to partially turn themselves invisible and intangible. This meant that any containment for them after they got out of the pus will not work, since they can just pass through it.

These creatures will then wantonly attack residents of the Kingdom. These beasts were of course brought down by the Kingdom soldiers and their resident practitioners. This cycle of appearing monsters always happen at a weekly basis.

With this kind of disaster caused by the dragon, the citizens of the Kingdom wanted the King to have the dragon killed. But the King was obstinate, refusing to kill her. He said that he will continue to find a way to help his wife. As for the sprouting monsters, he just decided to create a task force to purge them every week they appear.

But even with this task force, the Kingdom still suffered greatly from their attacks.

The King knew that keeping his wife alive will cost his Kingdom big. That was why he started requesting anybody at the Immortal Continent to help him deal with the dragon scourge. Years have passed, and all the given help had failed.

From what Fang Yu heard, this experiential training by the Immortal God Sect might be the last help that the King can receive. Other Families of the Tian Ji Empire wants the dragon’s death already, since they do not want to be damaged too.

“That’s really sad.....” Tang Ya was touched by the love shown by the King. But she herself knew the severity of the situation. She was about to say something when they heard someone knocking on the door.

“Knock, knock.”

Fang Yu used her token to see who it was, and she saw that it was Li Min. She then opened the door and asked him what he wants.

“Well.... All of us have decided to have a meeting related to the matters of the dragon scourge. They said it will be good if all of us are present there.”

“Ok.” Fang Yu nodded. “We will go there, just give us a minute.”

“Hahaha, see you then!” Li Min then started walking towards the meeting venue as Fang Yu closed her door.

Her face had a serious look as she stared at Fang Yu. She then stated,

“It seems like we have some face-slapping to do later!”

“What makes you think that will happen?”


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