The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 98: Stones

Chapter 98: Stones

“It’s already midnight Fang Lin, why did you wake me up at this ungodly hour?” Eleanor rubbed her bleary eyes as Wang Hao roused her from her sleep. She was peacefully sleeping in her room with her siblings when Wang Hao rushed in, waking her up rudely.

“You better have a good explanation for why you woke me up. If not....”

“Ok already, its about what we will do tomorrow. We are going to meet those that were dissatisfied with the Kingdom.”

“Don’t tell me........” Eleanor straightened herself as she realized what Wang Hao was saying.

“Yes, I am going to start a rebellion.” Wang Hao said with a devilish smile on his face. Eleanor was dazed for a few seconds upon seeing this. She had to shake her head to straighten her thoughts.

Wang Hao then continued speaking.

“The Solstice Kingdom had been under the constant threat of the dragonspawn for some years already. This brought deaths of many citizens and wreckage of properties. I am sure that there are many citizens of this Kingdom that were dissatisfied with the King.”

“You are going to start a rebellion!” Eleanor had to lower her voice to avoid waking her siblings up. “Do you know the consequences that you will get if you are caught? Besides, how can you succeed in this rebellion? The Skydome Family is just nearby, and I doubt that they will let the Kingdom get overthrown.”

Before Wang Hao could give his answer, Eleanor continued speaking. “Not only that, but what can you promise to those who will rebel? Can you confidently say to them that you can end the dragon scourge once the rebellion succeeds?”

Once he was sure that Eleanor will not interrupt him, Wang Hao started his answer.

“As for your first question, I highly doubt that the Skydome Family can interfere once I initiate the rebellion.”

“And why is that?”

“It was because of the arrival of the Immortal God Sect Disciples here in the Solstice Kingdom!”

Wang Hao then explained to Eleanor that through some sect talismans, he was able to determine that around 23-25 Immortal God Sect Disciples arrived in the Solstice Kingdom earlier.

“But how is that going to stop the Skydome Family from interfering?”

“Imagine this,” Wang Hao drew three pieces of rock from his robes. He set the largest of the rocks at the end part of the table. He then placed the smallest rock at the other end of the table. As for the rock with the medium size, Wang Hao had it positioned at the middle of the table.

“This large rock right here represents the Skydome Family.” He pointed to the largest rock.

“The Immortal God Sect Disciples.” He motioned at the medium-sized rock.

“And finally, the rebellion.” He grandly prodded the smallest rock.

“Does the size of the rocks represent the overall power of each sector?”

“I intended it to be like that.” Wang Hao said with a nod. “The Skydome family, with its base here, had the most access to practitioners. They also control many kingdoms aside from the Solstice Kingdom.” Wang Hao held the largest stone and slid it forward. He stopped sliding it until the stone barely touched the medium-sized stone.

“As for the Immortal God Sect Disciples, even though they were only around 25 in number, they are some of the most talented practitioners of the Immortal God Sect. This talent was of course, not enough to let them fight head-on with the Skydome Family. But I think this is enough to overpower the rebels”

Wang Hao idly picked up the smallest stone in the table. He looked at it closely as he said, “As for the rebels, I am sure they were mostly composed of only mortals. If there are practitioners among them, I am sure that they do not have an impressive talent. Even though they have numbers, once they faced the combined might of the Immortal God Sect Disciples and the Skydome Family, they will break apart.”

Wang Hao then placed the small stone in front of the two other stones. He made sure to put some distance between the small stone and the two stones.

“In that case, the rebellion will fail.” Eleanor stated the obvious outcome.

“Yes, it will fail, but only if these two powers are allied.” Wang Hao then held the largest stone and threw it out of the window.

“But what if they have no way to be allied? What if some kind of enmity happened between these stones that alliance was no longer an option?”

“You want to sow discord between the Skydome Family and the Immortal God Sect Disciples.” Eleanor said dully.

“Isn’t that a brilliant plan?” Wang Hao was pleased as he boasted his ‘plan’. “Once a severe enmity happens between them, the Skydome Family will of course be enraged. But because the disciples have the backing of a Great Sect, the Skydome Family cannot do anything openly. They have to retreat and watch silently.”

Wang Hao looked at the window where he had thrown the large stone. He seemed as if he was still seeing that stone as he continued. “At these situation, the Skydome Family had no chance to retaliate at all. But then, the rebellion happens.” Wang Hao pushed the small stone and let it collide against the medium-sized stone.

“It it’s the normal circumstances, the Skydome Family would have helped the Solstice Kingdom to repel the rebellion. But with the Immortal God Sect Disciples around, I am sure they will use the rebellion to their advantage.”

Wang Hao picked up the two stones with one on each of his hand. He raised them both in the air as he repeatedly bumped them into each other.

“The Skydome Family will just let the Immortal God Sect Disciples to deal with the rebellion along with the Solstice Kingdom. The Skydome Family can just say that the rebellion was part of the mission of the Immortal God Sect Disciples, and that the family cannot interfere with that.”

Wang Hao then placed the small stone in the table while the medium-sized stone was still in the air.

“If the rebellion was repelled, the Skydome Family will praise the Immortal God Sect for the skill of their disciples. But as for the said disciples, the rebellion would have thoroughly annoyed and burdened them. That might be enough to satisfy the Skydome Family.”

Wang Hao then raised the small stone in the air with the medium-sized stone in the ground.

“But if the rebellion succeeds, the Skydome Family will surely blame the Immortal God Sect Disciples. Such kind of failure will be enough to humiliate the Immortal God Sect. That will be the most satisfying revenge that the Skydome Family can exact for their enmity.”

Wang Hao then threw the medium-sized stone out the window as he kept the small stone on his robes. Eleanor just stared at Wang Hao, as if she could not believe what he said.

“So, you can be scheming if you want to huh. But how will you make that enmity happen?”

“That’s a secret for now.” Wang Hao said with a smirk.

“Fine! Then how about my second question? What can you promise the citizens to make them rebel?”

“Ah for the second question, I may need to rely on you for the answer.”

“Huh? Me?’ Eleanor was confused by what Wang Hao said. “But you know about my situation!”

“Yes, and we are going to use that to incite them tomorrow.”

“What? That will put me and my siblings in more danger! I will not agree!”

Wang Hao then sighed as he approached Eleanor. As he was near her, he whispered some words into her. Upon hearing this, Eleanor’s eyes widened as she stood still on her place.

She then slowly muttered,

“Ugh. Are you sure about what you said?”

“I am pretty sure, here, I can show it to you.” Wang Hao then showed a letter in front of Eleanor. The letter was tied shut by a light blue ribbon. Eleanor immediately grabbed the letter. The ribbon fluttered on the floor as Eleanor read its contents. Once she fully read it, Eleanor stared at Wang Hao. Her lips trembled as she said,

“If we go through with this, my identity and your identity will be exposed immediately. Are you sure we should go through with this?”

“Hehehe, won’t that just make it more fun? Of course, I will see this through.”

“Sigh, seems like I have no choice but to say yes.”

“Well then, start making your speech now. We start early in the morning.”

“Wang Hao! You lazy bum!”


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