The Conceptual Deck

Chapter 11: Following a lead

Chapter 11: Following a lead

I spent the next morning exercising and practicing my martial arts, starting with a long morning jog. I reluctantly left the cuff off, worried that the support it gave would hamper any progress in my own fitness. It made the process much more painful, physically and mentally. When I was done with my run I returned to my apartment to stretch and work on my martial arts. I didn't have a lot of space in my apartment, but the ability to card the majority of my furniture certainly helped. While I went through my routine, Ema and I went through the game plan for later that night.

"The address itself is for a warehouse in a small industrial complex." Ema explained as I did some sit ups. "There are a handful of buildings around it, a few of which offer perfect observation points."

"Alright, that's a good place to start." I agreed. "We need to stop at a few hardware stores before we go. We got lucky the other day but I need some tools, specifically a set of bolt cutters."

"Alright." Ema agreed, making a note on the laptop.

"The big question is, do we wait for the warehouse to be empty or do we empty it ourselves? Assuming it's worth it."

"You seemed to be able to handle yourself." Ema pointed out.

"True, but all it takes is one lucky shot" I pointed out before shaking my head. "We will observe for a while. If it seems worth it we can head in."

Ema nodded floating around in the living room as I showered quickly. I sat down on the couch carrying a bundle of the below level capture arrows and the final bag of sound baffling foam.

"What are you making?" Ema asked, still focused on the laptop.

"Well I realized that while these capture arrows will work they won't keep anyone quiet. That's fine if I'm not worried about stealth. But if I want to knock out six guys in a row without getting caught"

I quickly combined the remaining foam sheets into ten pieces, combining each with a capture arrow. To override any weakness I may have introduced I combined the finished pair with a normal arrow. The result was ten arrows that would completely ensnare someone and keep them whisper quiet.

"I think that will do. Now let's head out to a few hardware stores."

It took me twenty minutes to get out the door after that, taking it easy as we had plenty of time. After carding something from my closet I carded Ema and left, heading to two different hardware stores, buying a set of bolt cutters and a pair of hand held tree pruners at each store. I also bought a lock at each store to make buying bolt cutters seem less suspicious. After combining them quickly in an alley I tried the resulting handheld bolt cutter on a piece of steel pipe, laughing as it cut through easily. From there I didn't even bother going home, instead I hopped on a bus and headed further in state.

When we finally arrived at the warehouses, the sun was just beginning to set. As the sky grew slowly darker I made my way across a few mostly empty parking lots and slowly emptying sidewalks. I managed to find a quiet corner to camp out in for a while, doing my best to look like a worker taking a break. Eventually, after scanning the corner for security cameras, I felt confident that I was alone and unwatched. I quickly changed into my stealth suit, including my new runners cuff. I waited another hour, tucked into a shadowed corner, waiting for it to be dark enough. When I was finally sure I flicked a card into the air, releasing Ema.

"Hey" I said, peaking around the corner. "It's been most of the day. I'm about to head to the warehouse next door to get a good vantage point."

I explained, pointing at the building across from the one I am hiding against. A singular ladder is visible from where I was standing. Finally pulling away from the shadows and walking out from around the corner I slowly made my way across the empty parking lot, up to the next building and up the ladder. It was higher than it had looked across the street.

"Careful, your armor won't do much from this height." Ema pointed out as I crested the top edge of the roof.

"Thanks, that really helps." I responded sarcastically. "Do me a favor and check around for security cameras."

I asked, walking slowly to the opposite side of the building, watching as she flew around the structure slowly, high enough that she was almost impossible to see. I kept my own eyes peeled, noting a roof access hatch off to one corner. As I got closer to the edge the warehouse I was going to be watching came into view. With a flick I pulled out my chair, sitting down so my head was barely peeking over the side. Eventually Ema returned.

"I don't see any cameras on this building." She confirmed, hovering over my shoulder. "And I didn't see any obvious ones on the target building."

I nodded and pulled another card from the deck, pushing a basic pair of binoculars into my hands.

"I remembered I had these in the back of my closet." I answered the unasked question from Ema. "They barely work so I need to get a new pair at some point."

Pulling the binoculars up I studied the building, making note of windows, doors and anything else I noticed. A chain link fence surrounded the building, though the front gate was unlocked and open. The corner of the lot farthest from me was against a small wooded area.

"It seems pretty busy considering every other place around here is almost empty." I pointed out, looking through the lit up windows. "At least if the amount of cars still parked outside is any indication."

"You are correct, there does seem to be a lot of interior activity."

I focused on the roof of the building, scanning for hatches or entrances. Sure enough in the back corner was a small square structure with a door.

"Ema, think you can do a loop of the warehouse and see if there is a staircase or ladder to get to the roof?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Of course, I will be back in a minute or so."

I nodded. watching as she flew off and eventually faded into the darkness. I focused back on the building, watching people move around inside. I counted at least five separate people that I had seen cross in front of windows. I assumed that there was probably more since there were seven vehicles parked outside by the building, all in pretty good condition. After a few minutes Ema returned.

"There is a ladder, though it looked even less safe than the one to get up here." She said, floating around me. "Though it would probably hold you."

"Any more cars parked in the back?" I asked, still looking through the binoculars.

"No, there was nothing but a large trash dumpster."

"Alright" I said with a nod, starting to formulate a plan. "Any ideas?"

"Well assuming this is something illegal the most obvious choice would be to sneak in from the top."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking." I agreed. "Walk around the back, using the woods as cover. Cut a hole in the fence and get to the roof, from there I can make my way inside and really poke around."

"But we are waiting a bit, yes?" she asked. "To make sure they are doing something illegal?"

"I mean the fact that they were connected to a chop shop, requesting specific expensive cars is a bit damning." I point out. "I'm pretty sure this is some sort of waypoint for fancy stolen cars."

"That is what I assumed as well." Ema admitted. "But we should just make sure. It would be-"

"Hold on I think that truck is coming down this way." I say, pointing to a car hauler driving down the road slowly.

The flatbed hauler looked completely ordinary, but on its bed sat a car shaped bundle, dozens of straps and bungees keeping a thick tarp secured over it. The truck pulled into the parking lot alongside the building, stopping by a set of large garage doors. A person came out almost immediately, shaking hands with the driver as they walked around the truck. I focused the binoculars as the truck driver pulled tarp off, showing a shiny classic car.

"You know I'm not a car expert But that looks expensive." I said with a smirk.

"I recognize it off the list Carson, it's one they were looking for." Ema confirmed.


We both continued to watch as the vehicle was slowly unloaded and driven into the warehouse through the now open bay doors. When it was finally done the delivery guy was handed a wad of cash as well as a small package before he got back into his truck and drove away. I watched as the bay doors were closed, just barely catching a hint of more cars inside.

"I think that is more than enough evidence for a little sneaking around. Once we are inside you can float around and listen in, or I'll listen from somewhere."

"So I'm going in with you this time?" She asked, turning to face me as I stood and carded my chair, already heading back to the ladder.

"It depends on what we see on the other side of that door." I responded, gesturing behind myself as I stopped by the edge of the building.

She bobbed and followed me as I climbed down the ladder, making sure to swing wide along the woods as I walked away. I kept my eye on the building as we walked, staying in the shadows of the woods as much as possible until we reached the far back of the lot. Once we got to the back of the lot I wordlessly hooked up my earpiece so I could talk to Ema directly. I then pulled out my new handheld bolt cutters, quickly clipping through the fence, leaving a few connections in place so the freed section wouldn't fall in. I gave one more look around before cutting the final metal connections and crawling into the lot.

Quickly I walked to the ladder, looking up and checking its stability. It was significantly more rusted than the other building's, but it still looked strong. I hurriedly climbed up the ladder, eager to get out of sight. Once I climbed up I let out a sigh before pushing out my quiver, quickly putting it on before pushing out my bolt cutters.

"You ready?" I asked Ema, walking to the door.

"I am all set." She confirmed.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment to calm my now pounding heart. After a moment I opened them again, sliding the thin cutters between the door and squeezing them, cutting through the deadbolt with a bit of struggle. The door pulled open easily, though it squeaked as I did. The door opened to a simple concrete stairwell, barely lit by small lights. After propping the door open I slowly made my way down the stairs, quickly realizing that they led all the way to the bottom floor. The only door at the bottom had a small window, just enough to look through and check out the other side.

The warehouse was full of cars, at least half a dozen. In the far corner I could see a paint room with its doors open, a modern mustang being guided in. Three cars had their hoods popped open, each with someone leaning over the engine. Car parts were stacked on shelves on the farthest wall, while tools were littered along the whole space. After a few minutes of observing them I crouched back down along the door. On one of the sides was a small raised area with what looked like computers and an office space. As I watched as a man came to the guardrail and lent on it, watching as everyone worked.

"Okay, so I'm pretty sure we were right." I said, looking at Ema. "That close guy was absolutely filing off the pin numbers or whatever on that motor.".

"I noticed that." Ema agreed. "Further, repainting the cars is a good way to hide that they are stolen."

"So now we have a question." I said, chewing my cheek. "Do I try and wait for the place to shut down, or do I just jump in and go all out, trying to be stealthy for as long as possible?"

"Do you think that you could take them all?"

"I'm certain I could get two pretty easily right off the bat." I guessed. "My worry is if they have guns. I can kick the shit out of all of them, but I can't martial arts my way out of a bullet"

"How about you wait until the mustang is getting painted. It looks like two of them are getting dressed to go into the paint room."

I peeked into the room again and saw that there were in fact two people getting dressed in full white suits, strapping large filter masks on. I leaned back and nodded.

"Good call. Alright, let's wait a few minutes and we will give stealth a try."

I leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath, trying my best to calm my nerves and put the roiling mess of anxiety to rest. After a few deep breaths I looked up at Ema.

"Remind me to work on night vision glasses or something. This would be a lot easier if I could cut the power and go all solid snake or something."

"I'll remind you next time we have the resources C-Sir"

I nodded and closed my eyes again, only to immediately open them again.

"Alright, I'm not getting any calmer." I admitted, standing upright and flicking the bow card into my hand. "I'm gonna leave the door open. If you hear shouting, come in and watch my back."

I push the bow into my hand and whisper for a light capture arrow, nocking it but not drawing it back. Instead I put my back against the door, peering into the room. When no one was looking I opened the door and-

Froze when a loud beeping noise echoed throughout the warehouse. Everyone looked up and around, a few of them cursing, one even dropped the box they were carrying. Eventually the closest person noticed me, a shadowy, hard to focus on figure in a well lit room.

"What the FU-"

I smoothly drew and fired my capture arrow, hitting the man in the chest. His shout was immediately cut off, though his mouth still moved, as the arrow exploded into a mess of ropes, wrapping tightly around the man. He stumbled and fell to the ground, completely immobilized and silenced.

"The farthest one to the left has a gun!" Ema all but shouted into my ear, already floating to the ceiling. "Then there is one coming up to your left!"

I called for another capture arrow, firing it over the cars and into the furthest man, not hesitating for a second. The arrow was already halfway to the man when I saw she was correct, he had been pulling out a pistol. I turned to the second man Ema had warned me about, reaching back to my quiver to pull out my next arrow when I realized he was getting too close. I pulled the bow into a card, flicking it into the air while reaching out and blocking the man's first punch with my forearm. I spun, putting the extra momentum into my fist, cracking him across his chin. Using my other arm I grabbed his forearm and pulled away from him, destabilizing him and adding extra force to an elbow to his face. I could feel him falter and stumble as I released him, calling the card back to my hand and pushing the bow back out.

"The man on the platform!" Ema shouted.

Another arrow flew not a moment later, striking the man who had been observing from the raised platform. As the rope wrapped around him I saw a phone fall to the ground. I cursed and looked up at Ema

"Go see if someone is on the other end of that phone!"

I scanned the room and saw two people running for the nearest door, easy targets that got caught up in rope before they could get away. I absently turn and fire an arrow at the man struggling to stand before turning and heading to the paint room. I pause for a moment to collect myself before kicking a side door open and stepping into the room. A capture arrow zips across and over the car and entangles another man, while his companion takes cover behind the mustang.

"Ema, tell me we aren't on a time limit right now." I pleaded into my earpiece as I took cover against the door frame.

"It appears you got him just in time Sir. He was in his contacts."

Before I could let out a sigh of relief a chunk of the door frame exploded, a loud bang echoing in the enclosed painting room. I stepped further away from the opening as a few more impacts slammed into the frame and the wall on the other side of the opening.

"Ema, fly down to the paint room doors. Hit the door open button on three and stay out of the way!"

I called into the earpiece, waiting for a long moment for Ema to confirm she was in position. I counted down and on three pushed into the doorway silently, just in time to hear the doors thump and begin to open. The man, standing on the other side of the car and holding a pistol, turned to the sudden noise and fired twice, bullets sparking off the metal doors and shattering a glass window. I took aim and fired, the capture arrow striking him in the chest just as he began turning back to focus on me.

After a long moment I let go of a deep breath, while Ema flew over to me and scanned me, muttering and fretting to herself. I leaned against the door frame again, letting her check me over as I caught my breath.

"Everything all set?" I asked when she was eventually done.

"You are unharmed." She confirmed. "That was"

"Yeah, I know."

Eventually we had calmed down enough for me to think straight. I walked around and grabbed the man's gun as he struggled and shouted silently.

"Ema, fly up the stairs and outside." I instructed. "I need to know if anyone could hear him shooting."

With a nod Ema flew out the open doors, across the warehouse and into the roof access stair well. A few moments later she had made it outside.

"Alright, firing!"

I aimed the gun at a few boxes stacked in the back of the room and pulled the trigger, the bullet slamming into the box with a bang and a spark.

"I could hear it but it shouldn't have traveled far." Ema said. "I think we should be good."

"Alright, come back down."

As I talked I started heading back out into the main room, scanning around to see if anyone else was in here. When no threats appeared I jogged up the stairs to the raised platform. The man up there looked furious, soundlessly screaming at me as I got closer. Ema floated up to me, bumping into my fist as I held it out to her.

"Scan the rest of the room, make sure no one is hiding somewhere." I say with a smile before bending over and with a groan, lifting the man over my shoulder. "Cmon, you and your friends are going to hang out in the stairwell. The less you see the better."

I could feel the stamina aspect of my cuff working overtime as I struggled to carry him down the stairs and into the stairwell, laying him down as gently as I could. By the time Ema confirmed no one was hiding anywhere I was pausing for a moment before repeating the process with every other person. Soon the stairwell was filled with squirming, completely silent people all wrapped up in rope. I pulled an extra magazine off of the guy who had almost pulled a gun on me, having already carded his gun as well. I quickly did a pat down of everyone, snagging three pocket knives and three phones. I combined all three knives with the knife I had gotten from the chop shop. With a little finger wave I shut the door to the stairwell, stacking the phones by the door.

"Was all that necessary?" Ema asked, now floating around me. "Why move them?"

"So I have plenty of time to go through everything, without having to worry about them listening in or memorizing what I look like or what I can do."

We both headed back up to the elevated office area, looking at the space before turning and looking out into the warehouse.

"Damn, that's a lot of stuff to go through." I said to Ema, looking over the whole warehouse, turning to inspect the office type area. "Better get started."

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