The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 24: clarks childhood flashback

Chapter 24: clarks childhood flashback

Clark grew up in Vatican City, a relatively small city when compared to other big cities in Sparta.

Due to the introduction of implants, children from the age of 10 hardly have any physical friends. After he received his implant at the age of 10, he was exposed to the amazement of the outside world virtually.

His childhood friends became more distant, as curiosity overwhelmed all of them. They spent less and less time together, instead, they spent almost all their time on the internet or learning new knowledge through their implants.

He made virtual friends online, but never really got close to them as they didnt meet physically.

His situation was slightly worse than that of his friends, as both his parents were soldiers. They hardly stayed at home, as they were always deployed to various places for missions and other assignments by the government.

Due to this, his parents also became a little distant from him as he spent more time on his implant, while they spent more time on their deployments.

They refused to hire a nanny nor maidservant in the house, as they always reasoned that humans were untrustworthy.

So, they opted for the safer but more costly option of installing an A. I in the house. The artificial intelligence was in control when his parents were out, as it prepared his food, prepared his water for bathing, and provided services for all his other necessities.

He quickly learned more about soldiers, the military, and most especially high-grade soldiers through his implant. He was fascinated and attracted to the feeling of being a soldier, which led to his decision to be a soldier which his parents happily supported.

After knowing his passion, his parents saved the money for his military cadet training when he was still 12 years old. They saved for the best they could afford as they aimed for the best cadet training institution in southern Sparta.

His parents didnt know the name and location of the institution as the military regarded it as confidential information. Unfortunately, they couldnt get the best, so they settled for the second-best military cadet training base.

His parents were by no means high-grade soldiers, but they served in the military for years thereby accumulating some wealth.

In the street he lived, Elegant street, his parents were one of the richest. They had their own house, a 3-bedroom apartment.

At this age which seemed more like people were under military rule, the government was the owner of most apartments. Personally having a 3-bedroom apartment was already a great achievement.

He never visited any of his relatives nor was he visited by any of them. They were in a very fast-paced and technologically developed economy, so he mostly had an impression of his relatives from the internet.

Sparta republic is divided into 4 regions, the northern region, the southern region, the eastern region, and the western region, or you can refer to them as protectorates.

Vatican City is only a middle-sized city in the southern region of Sparta. The northern region is the capital region of Sparta, where most resources are concentrated and where most high-grade soldiers aspire to be.

The president of Sparta is also the commander in chief of the whole armed forces of Sparta, Commander Maiker Lionel. He is a high-grade soldier who already had his 5th breakthrough, placing him at the peak of individual strength in the whole Spartan military.

Clarks parents worked for the southern military, the Vatican division. His parents died when he was still 14 years old. He didnt get to see their dead bodies, as the military reported that they were burned to death by the Moca republic soldiers.

Since then, he vowed to work hard as a cadet, graduate, and kill any Mocan soldier he faced as revenge for his parents death.

The military provided compensation money to him as he was their next of kin. The A.I his parents bought controls all finances after their death, as it paid for his enrollment into the institution selected by them the next year after their death.

So, it began, training, training, and training again, as he was pushed together with the other new cadets to break their limits by their cadet training instructors.

After finding Leo on his first day, they quickly became friends as they flowed together. Unlike him, Leos parents died when he was at the tender age of 5. His parents were not rich, so he became homeless when his house rent became due.

When he celebrated his 14th birthday, the government scouts went to his community in search of prospective soldiers. He was selected, as he passed all their tests and became a prospective candidate for a breakthrough.

If observed critically, he was slightly too muscular for someone his age after years of living in the streets. Unlike his friend, he fought his way into this institution which was something Clark always respected him for.

Clark sat with 4 other cadets in a military jeep, as the jeep brought them near civilized areas where they came down from the jeep.

The 4 cadets separated, following directions from their wristwatches as they went their different ways, going to their designated Persian Tigers base.

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