The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 26: escape plan

Chapter 26: escape plan

Whoosh!! The wind howled fiercely as Clark ran to meet the policeman head-on. The policeman waved his baton, trying to strike him but, in his eyes, this guy was just too slow.

Sorry bro, he thought, as he quickly dodged the blow. He expertly retrieved the baton from his opponents hand, while conveniently knocking him out with a slap to his neck.

He turned to continue forward but was surprised again as 3 policemen were already coming from his front, while 2 others approached behind him. He immediately knew that this was a well-trained police unit, their strategy, planning, and movements were top notch.

He observed his surroundings, while rapidly making calculations inwardly. His initial plan was to try his best to give the police a hard time catching him, but he was ready to be detained by them.

Due to his outstanding but controlled maneuvers, he was confident that the terrorist organization will break him out to make him earn their gratitude and join them. One of the biggest and well-known traits of terrorists is that they never leave prospective recruits behind.

After observing his surroundings, he discovered that he was sandwiched from both sides by 2 compound walls. He quickly jumped up, scaled the wall, and flipped over to the other side of the fence.

He heard the startled shouts from the policemen, as they clearly didnt expect that he could do that. The fence was a relatively tall one, they couldnt scale it, so they simply turned back to enter from the main gate.

After dropping down inside the building, to his surprise, the compound was very wide, housing many connected-story buildings.

Connected story buildings are like estates built by the government, where government workers usually stay during work hours. They call them connected because the whole compound is controlled and monitored by a single-A. I [artificial intelligence], and the buildings are built very close to each other.

His expression quickly soured, as he knew in detail the capabilities of an A.I. They can erect different technological defense and restraining structures against intruders, they can also attack and do a host of other things.

Despite this, he still decided to enter inside the buildings, as the compound was probably already surrounded by the police. He sprinted into a nearby building, the doors were open, so his entry was easy and straightforward.

He quickly found the stairs, as he acrobatically scaled upwards without slowing down. The workers were slow to react to the situation, but after seeing the police outside, they understood as some workers started screaming.

They probably thought he was a murderer or something. The police quickly arrived inside the building, as they chased him upstairs. The story buildings were not too tall, around only 2 to 3 stories at most. The building he entered was a 3-story building.

As he reached the second-floor, security personnel in the building already mobilized, as they quickly converged on the second floor, chasing after him. He steeled his mind, after making some calculations.

His original intention was to create commotion and stall for time. So, he didnt engage them as he sprinted to the window closest to where he was.

Boom!! He dived as he leaped from the first building, aiming to land in the second building. Not everything went according to his calculations, as a policeman shot at him from below with an electric gun.

Zap!! Zap!! He was electrocuted, as he landed roughly on the second building. He felt numb due to the electricity as he cursed his luck. He threw stalling for time to the wind, as he engaged the security personnel who came to intercept him in the second building.

By now, he already discovered that the connected building's A. I was a very low-tier one, as it didnt erect any defense structures, only revealing his location to his pursuers.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! He attacked recklessly with the baton he got from the policeman, as the security personnel shot more electric shocks at him. He jerked every now and then, but he persevered, striking 2 personnel on the face.

As he slowly began feeling dizzy, he saw a shadow emerge behind the security personnel. They were concentrated on incapacitating him, so they didnt notice the nearby threat.

Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Three security personnel dropped down, losing consciousness, as they were knocked out by the mysterious intruder within seconds.

The remaining 4 personnel quickly turned in alarm to face the unexpected new threat, but the mysterious intruder was simply too strong and fast, as he knocked them out in only a couple of moves.

Clark was amazed and shocked despite feeling dizzy, he recognized the man. He was the silent weird customer he saw in the restaurant.

He already suspected initially that he was one of the terrorists, but he simply didnt know that this guy was a high-grade soldier. Just like him, this guy already had his first breakthrough.

He could only thank his luck for restraining himself, as this guy would have recognized his strength as a high-grade soldier if he had performed more exceptionally.

He tried his best to keep his face normal vigilantly, despite grinning inwardly. Who are you? He asked cautiously.

This guy decided to take the mysterious route, as he said, who I am doesnt matter, all you have to know is that I am here to save you.

I know you are suspicious, but the choice is yours. You can decide to trust me and Ill save you immediately, or you can decide to remain stubborn and the police will detain you.

Clark just stared silently at him, while feigning vigilance. You only have one minute to decide, before the police get here, the terrorist quickly added.

He finally said ok, while trying his best to act desperate. It was only normal for a hoodlum to be desperate when being chased by the police. Good was the terrorist's only reply, as he advanced to knock him out.

Clark could have resisted, but why would he resist when this guy was giving him free passage into his organization.

Pah!! He fainted immediately, as he put his trust in the fact that even if this guy tried to kill him, his armor can withstand it, giving him enough time to wake up.

But I hope everything goes according to plan, he thought for the last few moments before fainting.

[Thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate it. Please if there is any problem with the translation quality or there is any wrong spelling or sentence, indicate I'll try to fix it immediately.]

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