The Copy Mage

Chapter 117: Escort Mission Part 2

Chapter 117: Escort Mission Part 2

Sat in the carriage was a mesmerisingly beautiful young girl and beside her was an old man that seemed to be her servant.

"My lady are you sure that you want to ask for help from this small country's royal family," asked her the old man respectfully.

"We don't have any other choice and those relentless assassins will come after us and will catch up to us any time soon" stated the girl with her soft voice that could make any man's heart quake.

"Alright then my lady, but we must be careful in this foreign country, even if it is small and weak compared to your family" reminded the old man.

At that moment, there was a sudden flash of light as a flying knife was thrown at the carriage's wheel at a speed that was too fast for any of the guards to react in time to do anything about it.

With one of the back wheels being broken off by a flying knife, the carriage skid and as it abruptly turned, crashed into an alleyway that trapped the carriage and blocked off their attack.

The carriage itself was too durable to be taken down by a flying knife and it wouldn't be able to pierce through the walls of the carriage, but the vulnerable parts of the carriage that weren't as durable, were the wheels.

It was a timed and calculated attack, which revealed to them that they had been followed and watched for a while without them realising.

The horse beasts that were leading the carriage were then swiftly slaughtered, with throwing knives embedded in each of their necks, and if they wanted to, the only way they would be able to escape, was on foot.

Damian's heart was beating rapidly as he reflexively withdrew his bow, but thinking about how they were being watched and followed without them knowing, and the power of the throwing knife, it didn't seem as though they had a chance against the attacker.

Damian's first priority was his own survival, and before thinking about how he was going to help the carriage, he thought about he was going to get away.

Three figures that were covered in black robes and wore completely black masks, jumped down from a nearby building and landed before them as they all had an air of death around them.

"You would dare to attack my goddess. Men prepare for battle" bellowed the guard leader furiously.

The guard leader was quite a large man, and although was smaller than Elder Marth, was larger than most and held a large axe that he wielded with both hands.

The 3 figures covered in dark robes couldn't help but chuckle at the guard leader who in their eyes was insignificant and week, and even though their cultivation level was only a few ranks higher than the guard leader's, he couldn't be compared to them in the slightest.

They were all skilled assassins that were very skilled in killing and all had deadly Soul Spirits that couldn't be compared to whatever trash the guards had.

Damian as soon as he saw the 3 figures, for the first time, was massively intimidated by a cultivator that was threatening his life. The only others that intimidated him as much as them, were the elders of the academy, the elders of the Maxwell Family, his mother and the academy swordsman.

But even with them, he didn't feel the evil and malice that were coming from the 3 robed figures, which added to how much he was intimidated by their presence.

He knew that he had no chance against them and the only hope he had of survival was to escape while they were being distracted by the guards that would be able to hold them off for a short while.

Damian didn't care if it was a cowardly move, and although he liked to believe that he was a good person, his priority was to preserve his own life before thinking about saving others.

"3, I told you we had nothing to be scared of on this small and weak country," said one of the robed figures.

"Yes, 2, you were right. Even we can live as kings in this trashy place" replied the other as he let out an evil laugh.

[These can't be normal people and from what they have said, they are not from this country. This is the first time I have come across somebody from outside the Gobe Country and just from their presence, that has nothing to do with their cultivation level, they are leagues above us] thought Damian to himself as without thinking about it, he streamed large amounts of Internal Energy into his legs and launched himself into the air, landing ontop of a building near the carriage.

The guard leader seemed to have a cultivation level at around peak rank 5 External Cultivator from his aura, and might even be at rank 6, but Damian still felt that he had no chance against the enemy.

He rushed towards them, then launched himself upwards, aiming to strike down onto the 3 figures with his axe.

However just as his axe was about to strike one of them, they disappeared and appeared behind him, then launched a fast kick at the guard leader's back.

The guard leader swiftly turned around and blocked the kcik with his axe, and even though it was a basic and simple fist, Damian was still surprised that he was able to block it.

The rest of the guards seeing their leader fighting against the 3 figures and, having blocked an attack, charged in to assist him as Damian watched from the building, still not escaping yet.

Looking down at the carriage, an old man came out and although he seemed ordinary, Damian had a weird feeling about him and couldn't gauge his cultivation level.

After climbing out of the carriage, the old man ripped off the side of the carriage and grabbed a soft hand, pulling out a girl wearing a pure white dress.

Her beauty was unbelievable and even Damian who was young and mostly focused on increasing his cultivation felt his heart flutter.

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