The Copy Mage

Chapter 139: Recovering / Eating

Chapter 139: Recovering / Eating

Despite being sore all over and extremely fatigued to the point that his entire body was on the verge of collapse, Damian still wanted to clean himself before resting. After taking a quick bath and changing into a fresh set of the academy uniform, Damian went to sleep on his bed.

As soon as Damian's head touched his pillow, he fell into a deep sleep and even if one were to scream at him or push him off the bed he still wouldn't wake up.

His body with the chance to finally relax without anything to worry about completely shut down as it began to slowly absorb energy and circulate it around his body to stimulate and increase his recovery speed.

Since Utsusu, his Soul Spirit, had gained awareness and independence, it could assist Damian slightly with his body and as Damian's power increased along with his link with the copy book, Utsusu would be able to support him more.

With Utsusu aiding his recovery while he deeply slept, Damian's recovery was astonishingly fast and was even faster than the recovery that the infirmary would have been able to provide him with.

After 3 entire days of sleeping, Damian's body finally regained consciousness and the whole time Damian was researching and reading through the books that Utsusu had stored within his mindscape.

He would then compare and relate what he read to the Golden Flame Inheritance and what he knew and experienced, but he felt that there was still something that he hadn't realised yet that he was on the verge of stumbling onto.

Getting up, Damian was surprised to find that his body was revitalised and was completely recovered as he stretched his body, flexed his muscles that had been trained quite well and circulated his Internal Energy.

After making sure that he had completely recovered and that there weren't any hidden injuries, Damian made sure to thank Utsusu for aiding his recovery before leaving his room for the first time since returning 3 days ago.

He was extremely hungry and needed a lot of food to make up for all the meals that he had missed over the past few days, and decided that he would spend a few spirit coins on a large meal that had beast meat.

Although he didn't have many spirit coins from when he sold the body of the boar beast, he was confident and comfortable enough to spend on a nice meal and it wasn't something he was planning on doing regularly.

Leaving his room, Damian made sure to carry with him some spirit coins and found that all of his friends were at home at once, which was quite rare as most of them would usually be busy studying, training or completing missions.

From what Damian could sense, his friends were all surprisingly managing to keep up their cultivation level with him, but Damian didn't want to rush his cultivation and even if their level surpassed his, he was sure he would still be able to beat them.

After experiencing and learning how to temporarily copy a Soul Spirit, although he knew it wasn't recommended, he could still use it to gain the Soul Spirit of an opponent and overpower them with his skill and the use of his other Soul Spirits that he was planning on copying.

Damian relaxed for half an hour with his friends and they all filled each other in on what they had missed, but the entire time Damian's stomach was rumbling.

"That's it, I need to go and get some food. I want to eat beast meat" stated Damian, overwhelmed by his hunger as he jumped up and prepared to leave.

"I've been wanting the same thing, wait for me bro" exclaimed Milo excitedly as he ran up the stairs rapidly, brought some of his spirit coins, and caught up with Damian within a second.

Damian was so hungry all he wanted to do was eat and headed straight to the canteen. He had lost around 10 kg in the past 3 days and since he was already quite slim, he appeared very skinny.

As soon as he reached the canteen, he ate his free academy meal within seconds then ordered a large serving of roasted beast meat that cost him spirit coins.

Those that were watching him eat were amazed and even Milo couldn't keep up with him as he continued wolfing down food and in the process, Damian had spent quite a large amount of spirit coins.

But since 1 contribution point was 2 spirit coins and since his mother must be very wealthy working in the Pill House Association, he was sure he had nothing to worry about and could always earn more contribution points from completing missions, which he was intending to do anyway.

Damian didn't want to rely on his mother and quickly wiped the thought of asking her for money from his head, knowing that if he could earn it for himself, there was no reason for him to ask his mother for it.

After eating his full, Damian's stomach bulged out and he looked like he was skinny with a belly, however, Damian had a wide satisfied smile after letting out all the pent up hunger that he had.

Milo also ate his fill and after that, both of them didn't have anything urgent that they needed to do, so they decided to go to a private training room.

They were both excused from going to required Internal Cultivation Lessons as Damian had shown his teacher that he knew all that information already and had also gotten Milo excused, so they could do whatever they pleased within the academy.

When they reached the private training room they both warmed up and practised a few skills and techniques but it was clear to each other what they both wanted.

"Do you want to spar?" asked Damian, eager to test out Milo's power.

"I thought you would never ask," said Milo, also excited to battle against Damian.

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