The Copy Mage

Chapter 161: Beast Woods

Chapter 161: Beast Woods

Finding a carriage in the nearby transport district, Damian was on his way to the edges of the city where he could find the different beast areas that he was looking for.

He chose hunting missions that were situated in similar beast areas that were close to each other so that he could complete them all at once and all he needed to bring back were the beast cores, so it wouldn't be too much to carry.

Since he was bringing back valuable beast cores and killing beasts, the rewards for the 6 missions that he chose were very high and would be enough for him to have earned the 1000 contribution points that he needed to be eligible for the Inner Academy test.

However, the beasts he had to kill and bring back their beast cores were all rank 5, making the missions almost impossible for a lone rank 4 to be able to complete, especially one that was as young as Damian.

Despite that, Damian was confident that he could and would complete the missions and after being dropped off at the edge of the city by the carriage driver that he paid, he left.

To get back to the academy he was planning to find a carriage at the edge of the city which shouldn't be too hard to find and since he was planning to spend a long time in the beast areas, he didn't need the carriage driver that drove him to the edge of the city.

[First beast area is the beast woods that I have already been to and fought the Boar Beast there with Milo. Let's just hope that I don't come across that same weird monkey beast] said Damian to himself.

That monkey beast was the smartest and strongest beast that Damian had ever come across and seemed to be playing with them when it fought against them, and Damian didn't want to find out what would happen if it fought seriously.

[The first beast that I will be hunting is a rank 5 Moose Beast. It is going to be a hard beast to find, since they are usually very passive and won't initiate battle. It will also be difficult to take down, but with the small amount of my cultivation types that I can harmonise, and my abilities, I am sure I am powerful enough to take it down]

With that in mind, Damian headed straight to the beast woods without wasting any time, and those that saw a small kid with a large bag heading towards the beast woods, thought that he was crazy.

The Akegria Academy sigil was quite well known, but on the outskirts of the city where mostly the poor would live, since the housing and land was cheaper because of the dangers of beasts, it might not be as known.

It was crazy for a young child to try and go into the beast woods, but none of them cared enough to stop him apart from a young man that jogged over to Damian.

"You shouldn't be going in there alone. It is very dangerous and there are beasts in there. Only cultivators can go in there" warned him the man as he went to grab him and take him back.

However his hand completely missed his body and Damian smiled slightly then replied, "There is no need to worry. Thanks for the warning, but I will be fine"

The small villages that were found near the beast areas, although were dangerous to live in, were always quite busy with all of the cultivators passing through them to reach the beast areas.

Because of that, it was quite a good place to trade and there were usually lots of cultivators around, which made it so that the people living there felt slightly safer.

Damian didn't pay attention to what was going on around him and headed straight to the beast woods without caring about what people were saying about him or how people were looking at him.

That didn't mean that Damian wasn't aware of his surroundings and he was on high alert, but he was ignoring what people were the ordinary people were saying and doing as it would merely distract him and waste his time.

The large bag he was carrying on his back wasn't heavy and it wasn't the weight that affected him, but it restricted his movement and also made it so that he couldn't turn around as quickly or draw his bow as quickly.

However, Damian was ready for anything and was already holding his bow as he headed deeper into the beast woods that was the first beast area that he was planning to hunt in.

It was also probably going to be the beast area that he spent the most time in out of the other beast areas as it was one of the largest, it had more space for him to battle, had many trees and was also the home of the Moose Beast that he was searching for.

Since the Moose Beast was very passive and wouldn't fight unless it had to, and would usually have its own territory that it protected, it would probably be the hardest beast to find.

It was also a very hard beast to find since it was very large, but was still very fast and nimble and had long and hard antlers, that would be very pesky to deal with in close combat.

From what Damian had read in the academy and memorised, along with what was evident in the beast woods, there were three main parts of it.

The Outer Section where he was likely to only find rank 1-3 beasts, the Inner Section where he was likely to find rank 4-6 beasts and the Core Section where he was likely to find rank 7+ beasts.

Damian was planning to stay clear of the Core Section of the beast woods and the beast that he was looking to hunt would be found in the Inner Section, but he still had to be careful and not head too deep into the Inner Section.

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