The Copy Mage

Chapter 207: Great Skill

Chapter 207: Great Skill

"You really are an incredible kid and a prodigy just like you said, but understanding the Serpent Step alone will not be enough to defeat me," said the mercenary, who was still calm and confident despite the amazing perceptivity that Damian was displaying.

"I will give you the honour of facing me while wielding my spear, but when I use my spear techniques and match them with my Serpent Step, my defence is invincible. Nobody can even get close to me and now I will show you the gap between our power"

What he was saying was very frightening and one would expect him to be exclaiming such things and becoming excited to battle, however, he was still calm and seemed bored.

Despite his display of confidence, Damian was realising something the more he fought, the mercenary seemed to be afraid of being wounded despite the mercenary acting as though he was fearless.

His dullness might not necessarily be boredom, but lack of ambition or will to live and Damian knew that everyone had a story and a past that shaped who they were in the present.

"I pity you. You have no purpose in life and will not be able to progress much without one" stated Damian as he jumped backwards, sensing danger.

As he did, he narrowly dodged a rapid spear thrust aimed at his shoulder and if it wasn't for his sharp instincts and reflexes, that rapid spear strike would have pierced straight through him.

The mercenary is very skilled in movement, evading attacks, using a spear and keeping his enemies far away.

His footwork was so quick, smooth and complex, and yet Damian began using it himself and initially it appeared to be very incoherent and all over the place, however, quickly Damian's footwork and movement began to improve.

[An opponent that focuses on skill, but also seems to be afraid of being injured and seems to have no will to live, will be easily taken down by me. Nobody can match my ambition and I will make sure to always suceed] stated Damian to himself.

Damian started off on the defensive, improving his movement and dual-wielding ability while also trying to understand his opponent's spear thrusts, but the mercenary's skill, speed and power were overwhelming me high ad Damian was suffering slashes all over his arms that he was using to protect his body.

Clay wanted to lend his assistance, but he knew that he would merely get in the way of their combat battle and also couldn't find the right moment to strike the mercenary, so all he could do was watch and be on high alert.

"Thanks for your guidance. With it, I have an understanding of the serpent step and have also greatly improved my blade and dual-wielding capabilities. But now it is my turn to attack and your spear attacks are too predictable" stated Damian.

There was truth behind his words, but he also wanted to anger his opponent who was too calm and cautious to the point that he was paranoid and weird.

Such an unharmed and well-kept body didn't suit a mercenary and displayed his skill, but also made Damian curious about the past and story of the mercenary he was facing.

Hearing that, there was annoyance on the mercenaries face, but he was still too careful and was hesitant as he attacked Damian, more focused on keeping his body unharmed and wary of Damian's attacks that were becoming faster, more precise and more difficult to block or evade.

It was a battle of footwork and movement more than anything and a serpent would always seek the right time to strike, and unfortunately for the mercenary, Damian found it first.

Seeing Damian focusing on the tip of his spear, the mercenary swept his spear towards the legs of Damian, wielding it like a staff.

The mercenary was hoping that he would be shocked by the sudden blunt attack and launched sliding away, or that Damian would jump back and avoid the sweep of his spear.

It was a very expensive, durable and well-made spear and that sweep had a lot of force behind it, enough to break the bones of Damian's leg.

However, just as the spear was about to strike Damian's leg, he suddenly used the Flame Burst Skill and his attack completely surprised the spear wielder.

He had been so careful and wary of Damian's blades, that all of his calculations and defensive measures were based on Damian's blades, and he never expected Damian to ditch them and suddenly launch himself towards him.

Fire Fist

Damian stopped supplying energy to his blades and threw them away, disintegrating shortly after, then coated his fist with explosive fire energy and launched it at the mercenaries face, sending him sliding backwards.

The momentum and force gathered from the Fire Fist were boosted by Damian bursting towards him and any normal cultivator would have been knocked unconscious by the sudden and powerful blow to the face.

However what happened next completely shocked the royal academy students, Damian and Clay who had never expected such a thing to occur or even be possible.

Damian's counter to the mercenary's attack and smart combat was impressive, but he could see that after striking the mercenary with a powerful, the mercenary group leader was amused instead of worried or angry.

"Hahaha, now you have done it, kid. He is the monster of our group although he doesn't look it and also has a naturally awakened powerful Soul Spirit that is extremely dangerous. You overestimated yourself and actually believed you could take him down that easily"

"You are weakened and have awakened a monster that you won't be able to put down"

Blood dripped from Damian's robes that were drenched in his own blood from the slash wounds that he had suffered all over his body from the Sabre and Spear Wielding Mercenaries and he had also used quite a lot of energy.

He didn't know what exactly to expect from the mercenary that he had just fought, but he felt great danger and began to cautiously move backwards.

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