The Copy Mage

Chapter 225: [Bonus Chapter]Mastering Wind Energy

Chapter 225: [Bonus Chapter]Mastering Wind Energy

It was easy for Damian to copy the Wind Scythe Innate Ability using Larry's blood.

Just like he expected, it was an ability on par with the great abilities that once existed in the country, and the spirit of the Soul Spirit was an Originator Spirit.

Meaning it wasn't a natural spirit that gained sentience through the ability, but was the spirit of the person who originally awakened the Soul Spirit.

To Damian's surprise, it was a pretty woman, but he still didn't let his guard down and treated her like any other enemy, until he was sure that she was a docile and friendly spirit.

The altercation between Damian and the spirit was similar to Damian's chat with Clay's spirit, and it disappeared after a few minutes.

Since Damian had copied the Soul Spirit using Larry's blood, the copy book was somehow able to draw out the purest and original form of the ability, which was also the strongest.

As soon as he did so, Kong, who had been attached to Damian ever since they returned to the academy, was amazed and could sense and see the changes in his body.

Kong was a very curious and attentive creature, so it would analyse and observe all people, but was yet to see anyone that interested it as much as Damian.

The only one that was close was Milo, who Kong seemed to hate due to the bad feeling that Milo's body gave it.

Seeing the changes in Damian's body, Kong jumped up and down and wanted to spar with Damian and see how much he had improved.

The density of Damian's energy, along with his total power, increased quite massively with each Innate Ability that he copied.

His copy book was like a container that represented Damian's talent, potential, and power.

The more he filled it with the Innate Abilities of others and the greater the quality of those Innate Abilities, the more his talent, potential and power would increase.

Damian felt great and was eager and excited to test out the new ability that he acquired along with wanting to study and master the use of Wind Energy, however, he was still tired after a long day of studying and training.

"Kong, let's sleep for now. Tomorrow we can skip going to the library and head straight to the private training room," decided Damian.

Cleaning up and getting into his bed, Damian fell asleep within an instant and despite his display of power, if Larry and the others prepared properly and were trying to kill him, it would have been difficult to fight them off after being fatigued from training.

Kong jumped into the bed and snuggled into Damian's arm, and they both slept the night away.

Since Kong would cultivate in his sleep, after waking up, Damian was careful not to disturb the small monkey beast and allowed it to continue sleeping as he prepared himself to continue his training.

Kong would come to him once it awoke and knew exactly where Damian was at all times after they formed the connection with each other.

In a private training room, Damian had eaten and was ready to use the Wind Scythe Ability and Wind Energy for the first time.

Communicating to Utsusu to activate it, since he didn't like to use the copy book to manually use the abilities that he copied, Damian felt his changeable energy transform into something he had never experienced before.

He always had the capability to transform his changeable energy into Wind Energy, but he had never done it as he always focused his mastery on what he could actively use.

He also wanted some sort of ability or technique to be the basis of his use of a form of energy.

Wind Energy was known for its speed and slicing capabilities, but just like all the energy forms, depending on the wielder, they could have all sorts of different capabilities.

Everyone's basic understanding of energy is the same, however, as one delved deeper into the use of energy and cultivation, everyone had their unique understanding and method of usage.

Damian didn't want to be restricted, and he was planning to use the Wind Scythe ability to broaden his horizons, and also increase his ranged capabilities, that were limited without the use of a bow.

Upon activation, he felt that he could use the energy in a different way and use the air all around him, while he also felt that he had an ability he could instinctively use.

Since Damian had worked with a few different abilities and types of energy, his control and understanding of energy were much greater than others.

However, it still wasn't enough to be able to control an ability completely on his first attempt.

Swinging his arms like he had observed Larry do, Damian instinctively used the ability, and a blade formed of Wind Energy was released from his forearm and hand.

It blitzed through the air and was incredibly fast and sharp, making it a powerful ability.

However, that wasn't what drew Damian to the ability.

What drew Damian to the ability was the potential that he saw in the ability and it wasn't necessary for the Wind Scythes that were formed by the ability to be thrown.

Just like the mercenary he had fought against previously, Damian formed blades out of energy around his hands and within a matter of seconds had created another application of the Wind Scythe ability.

Larry's father and younger brother would obviously know of such an application of their ability since they were both skilled and talented individuals, but the same couldn't be said for Larry.

Playing around with and practising the use of the ability for an hour, Damian had a much deeper understanding of how it worked.

He was beginning to be able to control the size and speed of each wind blade he produced, along with being able to control the amount of energy each one used.

If Larry could see how much Damian's mastery over the ability had progressed in the short amount of time he had copied it off him, he wouldn't believe it.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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