The Copy Mage

Chapter 228: Arsenal Of Abilities

Chapter 228: Arsenal Of Abilities

"How should we do this spar? There are 6 of us. 3 against 3?" asked Matilda.

Damian spent the past few weeks training with his friends and Kong, and since he trusted them, he allowed Kong to spar with them and showed them his companion's power.

They were amazed, and he was the perfect opponent to test their capabilities against, so they would take any opportunity to spar against him and each other.

Fighting was the best way to find one's weaknesses and improve, especially when facing an opponent that was one was evenly matched.

The one that made the fastest and largest improvement during the battle would be the one that would win and each time, the winner would change.

Their progress was unbelievable and sparring against Damian helped them to develop how they fought and find new ways to use their abilities.

Since they wouldn't hold back during their spars, Damian had found the opportunity to make them all bleed and permanently copied all of their innate Abilities.

It was very straining to do so, and he had reached his limit of the number of abilities he could copy at that time, but he had a large arsenal of Innate Abilities.

He had the Maxwell Fire Soul Spirit, Clay's Soul Spirit, Larry's Soul Spirit, Cole's Soul Spirit, Matilda's Soul Spirit and Julia's Soul Spirit.

He only had the innate ability of each of the Soul Spirits, since the spirit of the ability would be unique to each person, but it was still more than enough.

All the abilities had unique applications and had powerful capabilities, while also making it so that he could progress much faster.

However, although Damian could progress much faster, he also needed more energy to improve and had many more things to train and master, so his overall progress speed seemed the same.

To an observer, Damian and his friends progressed the same amount, but Damian was mastering 6 abilities at once, while also practising his use of Shadow Energy and trying to learn as much as he could from the Shadow Steps Skill Book.

The Dark Shadow Kin were beings that Damian wanted to investigate and remembering that they were wiped out, Damian couldn't imagine what exactly could wipe them out.

There was much more to the word and even the universe that he wanted to find out about and even from within himself, the copy book and Utsusu couldn't be explained using what he had learnt and seen so far in his life.

His ambition and drive kept him going and their training period was coming to an end with the Inner Student Examination coming up in a few days.

They all agreed that they should take the time to have an all-out battle against each other, then they could spend the rest of the time they had before the examination recovering and relaxing.

"I had a different idea in mind. How about we make it me and Kong against the 4 of you?" suggested Damian.

He wasn't being arrogant or underestimating them, he was just confident in his own capabilities and that of Kong.

He was also sure that their teamwork would compensate for their lower numbers, while it would make it the most fun and fair battle.

They had booked a large hall with reinforced walls and ceilings that would allow them to spar with their full power and unleash any powerful attacks that they had been saving.

"That sounds good to me, but don't cry when you get beaten," said Milo.

"Yeah, if you are happy with it, so are we. But don't take us lightly,"

Agreeing with Damian's suggestion, they created a 10 metre gap between themselves and whispered to each other for a few seconds before starting their battle.

Damian didn't need to speak to Kong, since they could communicate telepathically, while they could also already tell what the other was thinking and were ready to fight together.

Since Damian would only use the Maxwell Fire Spirit along with Shadow Energy against them, since he didn't want to reveal his copying ability unless he had no choice, Damian was restricted slightly.

They couldn't recognise or understand Shadow Energy, so he could use it without them knowing what it is, but he couldn't use their own abilities against them or others that were completely different from Fire Energy.

However, Damian was still confident and was planning on supporting Kong while he fought them in close combat.

As he did so, he would be looking for any opening and the two he was targeting were Matilda and Julia.

Their abilities were the least predictable and could unleash ranged attacks, while they were the weakest in terms of close combat, even after cultivating externally and practising their combat skills.

Kong was on the same page as Damian, and their battle began.

Damian was expecting Cole and Milo to be the ones to charge towards them, but what he didn't expect was for Julia and Matilda to be the front attackers.

It was surprising, but Damian, and Kong, didn't allow it to get to them and were still focused and ready to battle.

After Julia and Matilda neared Damian and Kong who didn't move, Cole and Milo suddenly burst towards them.

However, Damian had been expecting that to be their plan and prepared a counter for it.

He never expected that the two he was targeting would come to him, and formed a barrier of flames across the battle hall they were in.

It used quite a large amount of energy to form and sustain, but he estimated that Kong wouldn't need long to take them down in close combat, which would then only leave Cole and Milo.

However, something was off and both Damian and Kong had felt it as they jumped away from Matilda and Julia, while Damian also released the fire wall that he had formed.

Damian who had thought that he had caught them in his trap, was almost caught in their trap, but he didn't escape unscathed and their battle was only beginning.

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