The Copy Mage

Chapter 230: Kong's Combat Prowess

Chapter 230: Kong's Combat Prowess

Milo using some sort of feline beast transformation had grown claws from his hands and his speed, balance and flexibility greatly increased as he pounced towards Damian.

As he did so, Julia formed two water blades that she flung towards Damian and was controlling their trajectory, making it so that she could find an opening before striking Damian with them.

Milo slashed downwards with the claws that had newly grown from his hands and they were as tough as steel and as sharp as knives.

Blocking the slash with his batons, Damian released a burst of explosive fire energy through them as Milo struck them, launching Milo backwards.

With the feline beast transformation activated, such an attack couldn't take him down and he landed perfectly and barely sustained any damage.

However, Damian's intention was only to create some distance between them and he was able to narrowly dodge Julia's water blades that slashed his side.

As they slashed him and flew past, they turned around aiming to strike Damian in the back, but he already knew how Julia's ability worked and was expecting her to do that.

Instead of finding a way to dodge or block the water blades that were flying towards his back, Damian flung a fireball towards Julia.

She had no choice but to put up a water barrier to block it and in that instant, she lost focus and her water blades collapsed.

Damian observed all of their weaknesses and Julia's was that she could only control a certain amount of water at once, while she also couldn't control three different uses of water properly.

He wasn't underestimating her and knew that she could still progress during their battle, so was prepared to handle three of her attacks at once, but for the time being, he found a weakness that he could exploit.

However, Milo didn't give him any time to breathe and his speed surpassed even that of Damian's as he rushed towards him before unleashing an onslaught of rapid slashes.

Each of the slashes that Milo managed to barely land would draw blood and leave claw marks on Damian's body, slicing his academy robes into tatters.

However, Damian's perceptivity and dodging skills were still remarkable and despite the series of rapid attacks, he dodged all of them and only suffered minimal damage, while he was also using Milo as a shield to block any openings that Julia could exploit.

Julia and Milo were impressive, but Damian was impressively able to take them both on even footing.

At that rate, Damian would tire out much before them, but it was still amazing that he could take them both on at once.

Milo's attacks were only getting faster as he unleashed more and more power from the beast transformation and he could also switch to other beast transformations in an instant, while Julia was saving a lot of her energy and preparing a powerful attack.

It wasn't looking good for Damian, and Kong was in a similar situation.

Although Kong's body had a limited invincibility, unlike Cole, his body wasn't actually hardening and didn't have any special properties.

Matilda's Sonic Cry Beams matched with Cole's great strength, combat prowess and hardening ability made a great team and Kong was on the defensive most of their battle.

Kong was still managing to dodge most of their attacks, but it wasn't finding any openings to land an attack either since Cole was covering for Matilda's openings, while she was doing the same for him.

Kong's evasive ability, along with its physical strength, were very impressive as it continued clashing with Cole, while avoiding Matilda's Sonic Cry Beams and occasional physical attacks.

They were obviously amazed by Kong's ability and how developed the mind of the beast was, however; they were still overestimating it very much and didn't realise that it was merely observing their attacks.

It had grown to have a great combat prowess after observing so many battles and fighting against each of them and Damian many times.

They believed they knew his limits and that if he was overwhelmed, he would burn out in a short while and would be defenceless, but Kong wanted them to think that way.

While Cole continued attacking him and Kong clashed with him, while mostly dodging their attacks, he was watching all of their attack patterns closely.

Kong knew that they knew most of what it was capable of, but them underestimating him was exactly what he was relying on for his plan.

Cole had a few attacks that he would repeat and since he had a very powerful body and Matilda supporting him from behind, he would leave some openings, confident he would come out unscathed.

With Kong's great perceptivity, he had been observing all the patterns and had been luring them into his trap.

A spinning back fist strike was the attack that Cole liked to use to finish his combos and Kong allowed him to strike it with the attack multiple times.

He did so to make Cole continue to use it and while using the attack, the instant in which Cole would spin, would create an opening that Kong could exploit.

Spinning to generate momentum and power so strike Kong with a back fist, Kong was shocked when Kong suddenly shrunk to his smaller form.

They had spared against him many times and he would switch between his larger form and smaller form during their spars quite a lot, but he never expected that he would do it so suddenly.

In the smaller form, Kong's speed was greatly enhanced, and he burst through Cole's legs as he spun around and launched himself towards Matilda who always stood closely behind him or to his side.

Kong's speed was incredible, and he had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to get past Cole and take down Matilda.

After taking her down, he could then weaken and tire out Cole, or support Damian, as he would have no chance to take down Cole using physical and direct attacks.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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