The Copy Mage

Chapter 24: Combat Round Part 2

Chapter 24: Combat Round Part 2

Watching everything that happened around him, Damian who had always been indoors in the Maxwell Family, was beginning to realise more and more how unfair the world is.

With his kind-hearted nature, Damian was imagining himself in the position of one of those his age who were probably poor and lived in hardship and only had a Body Augmentation Soul Spirit or didn't even have a Soul Spirit, and found it unbearable.

{You should focus on yourself. Life is unfair and you should do your best to do well for your mother and friends and not worry about others} advised Utsusu.

[But what about others that aren't as lucky as I am] Damian said feeling bad for the others.

{Life is unfair and you should strive for strength if you want to have some power in this world and be able to implement the changes you want} Utsusu stated to him, slightly irritated by the ignorance of the boy he was integrated with.

The innocent Damian was being influenced by the ignorant memories and experience of the 10-year-old body that he was in, and because of his choice to lose his past memories, made it so that he had nothing to rely on for experience and could be compared to a child mentally.

However, when it came to battle it was Damian's instincts from his past life and what he had watched from shows, movies and especially anime that had a major subconscious impact on his actions and how he fought.

His thoughts and contemplation were cut short by an announcement.

"The placement of the final 10 will be through a tournament structure, that I have planned, and the final 10 will be ranked based off the winners of the battles and my own judgement" Ivan announced as everyone listened closely.

"There are 6 confirmed places in the top 8 which are for Cole, Damian, Matilda, Julia, Jaspal and Finn, while the rest will have to face off one other to gain a position in the top 8" continued Ivan.

Hearing this Damian jumped up and was about to refute after hearing that Milo who was in the top 7, wasn't guaranteed a position in the top 8 like the rest of those that succeeded in the Will Test were, but before he could he was stopped by Milo.

"It's not worth it bro, calm down" whispered Milo who was touched by his friends care for his results.

Damian would never have been able to confidently speak in front of others let alone refute his class representative in front of a large crowd, but when it came to those that were close to him, he felt as though he was capable of anything.

Sitting back down, still agitated, he calmed down and listened to the rest of what Ivan had to say.

Ivan had paused seeing Damian's suddenly jumping up, then continued seeing him calm down and sit back down.

"Like I said it is also based on my judgement and not only the results of the Body and Will tests" he stated indirectly providing Damian with a reason for Milo not being guaranteed a position in the top 8.

"The first 2 battles for a position in the top 8 are Wilfred vs Orlando and Milo vs Trevor" Ivan announced.

As he heard Ivan's announcement, Damian gave Milo a nervous look, but what surprised him was that Milo had a wide smile.

"I will win this one for you bro" stated Milo.

It was obvious to Damian that Milo must have had his own hardship and no matter how bad their life was in the Maxwell Family, he always had the bare minimum and a caring mother which he was grateful for, knowing many people weren't as fortunate.

"You got this" encouraged Damian.

"Wilfred and Orlando, come up to the stage," said Ivan.

The two boys that had just battled in order to get into the top 10, had to battle again, but they had no choice and climbed the stairs onto the stage.

Standing opposite to each other in the centre of the stage, they both glared at each other competitively and seemingly had the intention to rip each other apart.

Damian was shocked to see two young boys the same as himself, have such aggressiveness towards each other even in a friendly competition.

"You may begin" stated Ivan who stood on the edge of the stage, ready to intervene at any moment.

As soon as he said so the two boys rushed at each other as they screamed as loudly as they could.

It was a wild battle and both with common Body Augmentation Soul Spirits merely strengthened their bodies with their Soul Spirit and wildly, without tactics or techniques, swung their arms at each other.

It was over in less than a minute, when Orlando with the larger body hit him with a knock out punch to the temple.

With the larger body, Orlando was able to sustain slightly more attacks and also attack with slightly more power and therefore had a slight edge over his opponent.

"Round 1 Completed - Winner Orlando" announced Ivan as two students ran onto the stage and lifted up Wilfred's unconscious body and led Orlando to the infirmary connected to the arena for them to recover.

"Next Round - Milo vs Trevor. Please come on stage"

Milo kept a confident front, but in reality, was extremely nervous as he walked up onto the stage with Trevor.

Trevor had a skinny body and was very tall for a young boy and also had a Body Augmentation Soul Spirit, yet it was one of a higher rank, with a higher talent rank, and seemed to hate Milo for some reason.

"You may begin" Ivan stated.

"You hang out with the talents and those with rare Soul Spirits and look down on those with Body Augmentation Soul Spirits, but you are still a trash that can only sprout some chicken wings from his back that you can't even sustain for long. Well, now I will show you my power" ridiculed Trevor hatefully, with his insecurity acting as a fuel for his spiteful words.

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