The Copy Mage

Chapter 32: Semi-Finals

Chapter 32: Semi-Finals

Everybody was excited for the battle, Matilda vs Damian, and nobody was quite sure who would win in such a battle.

Damian was obviously superior with the number of skills he had and their application, but so was Trevor who was defeated by a single powerful Sonic Scream from Matilda.

Matilda was in the infirmary recuperating and so was Damian, who was staying with Milo, so they were unsure of whether Matilda had regained consciousness.

"As Matilda is fatigued from her previous match, the match will be delayed until after that of the next semi-final match" decided Ivan.

"Instead we will skip to the other semi-final match" announced Ivan.

"First Semi-Final Match - Cole vs Julia"

As everybody heard Ivan's decision, they were all excited to witness the battle, but unlike the battle that Damian was supposed to have, most believed that Cole would win.

His superior strength and hardened body would be a massive advantage and the Water Creation that Julia could wield with her Soul Spirit, seemed less useful against Cole's exterior that could harden.

Ivan who was noticing the crowds becoming restless and realising that the newbie competition, that wasn't the most entertaining, was dragging on for too long with all the surprises and complications that had come up, wanted to speed up the semi-finals to quickly get onto the finals that the audience were anticipating.

"Quickly come on stage" he urged seeing the hesitation and slow approach that Cole and Julia took towards the stage.

Seeing the anticipation of the crowds, that were beginning to complain, they rushed onto stage, but also felt slightly disrespected as though they were circus acts, that were fighting for the pleasure of others.

"The competition must be finished within the hour as the arena will be in use after" stated Ivan to Cole and Julia, making up an excuse for the rushed treatment they felt.

Standing opposite each other they felt slightly awkward and hesitant to battle because of the friendship born between them that Damian acted as the centre of, but both knew that it was a competition and a battle that must be fought for them to prove themselves, their strength and make the most of the opportunity.

"We try our best, but are still friends afterwards" stated Cole calmly, who enjoyed the feeling of kinship he felt with the others that he had never felt before in his life.

"Agreed" replied Julia with the same angry expression she always tried to put on.

"You may begin" announced Ivan.

They both activated their Soul Spirits as Cole's entire body was covered with a silver, grey metallic tint and Julia activated her Water Creation Soul Spirit that turned her jet black hair into an ocean blue colour.

Different Soul Spirits have different tells after their activation, with some being more obvious than others.

Cole with his Soul Spirit activated, was in a battle frenzy state, which the intelligent Julia knew was a massive advantage that he had over her.

As Cole charged towards her, he was unhindered by the friendship they had between them, and was aiming to completely defeat her.

Julia began to swirl water around her, that seemed to be mysteriously formed by her and under her complete control.

Nobody understood exactly how her Soul Spirit worked and it had a very mystical ability, that allowed her to control water, to create and form solid objects and weapons that would be under what seemed to be her telepathic control.

Even Ivan who was, very intrigued and was closely observing the few Soul Spirits that caught his eye, was unsure of exactly how Julia's ability worked.

"She seems to be unknowingly controlling the scarce water particles in the air and some moisture from her body and isn't controlling the water with her mind but with some sort of spiritual sense and she seems to use it as an extension of herself" observed Ivan analytically, but he wasn't completely sure and didn't have any details.

"Just who the hell are these monsters that have all grouped up together as friends" mumbled Ivan, fascinated by the talent and abilities of all of those in Damian's new friendship group, including Milo.

Julia was still managing to stay slightly calm but the metal juggernaut, Cole, that had closed in on her, was too overbearing for her to do anything against.

Without combat experience or skills to use her incredible Soul Spirit efficiently, she was helpless against Cole's much more straight forwards Soul Spirit.

She had the thought of producing a shield, but against Cole, it wouldn't be very useful and she hadn't completely grasped the use of her Soul Spirit, so knew it was a lost cause to attempt to battle against Cole.

"I give up" she stated just as Cole reached her position.

Just as Ivan was about to intervene, he stopped himself as he saw Cole manage to barely stop himself from attacking her and control himself slightly as he retracted his Soul Spirit before he lost control over his battle intent again.

The battle had no interchange in strikes, but both knew that Julia had no chance against Cole without any training or experience as they shook hands and walked off stage together, seemingly not affected by the results.

But deep down Julia was hungry to be taught skills and different applications of her Soul Spirit to gain strength and never feel the helplessness that she detested, as it reminded her of how helpless she was against the woman who took her father away from her.

The next round was obvious and Ivan didn't need to announce it and as he looked over to Cole and Julia, they knew what they were going to be told to do and went over to the infirmary to bring over Damian and Matilda.

Ivan didn't have a very orthodox way of doing things and went with whatever he thought was best when it came to teaching his students, which was why he was hated so much and not given the elder position despite his strength and knowledge.

Ever since he joined the Academy as a senior figure, not too long ago, he had never been given an official class under him and unlike the other elders he wasn't able to choose disciples, but now he had an opportunity to prove himself with his own class and fate seemed to be on his side, gifting him with a few very talented cultivators.

Wanting to gain the trust of the students that caught his eye and wanting to draw them closer to him, he wasn't strict with them and allowed them to do as they pleased to an extent.

As if it was any other senior within the academy, Damian would have been kicked out multiple times for him acting out of the conduct and doing as he pleased during a competition.

The rumours and comments about him didn't faze him and he was more focused on the future and the nurturing of his newly gained talents.

Asking a nurse for directions, they were pointed to a small room where they found Damian and then found Matilda sitting on a bed, and seemed to be completely recovered after the miraculous medicine that the academy provided her.

When they informed Damian that Matilda had defeated Trevor, initially he was quite sour and let down, but hearing about the strike that Trevor received, he felt that his anger was eased slightly.

Either way, he had no reason to have anger towards his remaining opponents that would all be one of his friends.

The group of 4 returned to the arena, and Damian and Matilda stood opposite each other in the centre.

When they were allowed to begin, they both activated their Soul Spirits and Damian, focused on winning, burst towards her.

As he reached her had a fist prepared to strike, Matilda gave up.

Matilda felt the same helplessness that Julia felt and didn't have the desperateness or intention to harm Damian like she did against Trevor, to allow her to unleash a powerful Sonic Scream and didn't even attempt to battle against Damian who had a Soul Spirit with more of a direct use like Cole.

Both Matilda and Julia felt the same way, with their unique Soul Spirits that were very different to most Soul Spirits when it came to application and would require training, skills and experience before it could be useful in battle.

Seeing this, Ivan wasn't surprised, but was curious to see whether the results would be the same in the future, with Matilda and Julia's growth potential.

The competition was in place to see the ability of those newly entering the academy and weren't expected to have skills or be experienced, which was why it was quite boring to watch for those who had come to spectate.

It was especially hard for those who had unique Soul Spirits, that didn't have simple and direct uses.

Both Cole and Damian weren't injured and had used a similar amount of energy leftover, so were ready to begin the finals straight away.

"Final Round- Damian vs Cole" announced Ivan as they stepped onto the stage.

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