The Copy Mage

Chapter 35: Independence

Chapter 35: Independence

Milo held tightly onto Damian's robe, dragging him out of the house as he led him out of the academy with only a single thought in his mind.


Damian was also extremely hungry and hadn't eaten anything the entire day since his abrupt awakening in the morning, rushing to get to the Academy entrance ceremony as not to miss it.

Since then he had, had a long day with many ups and downs and after such a long day, all Damian wanted was to relax.

Damian dragged by Milo, rushed from the white ranked residency to the western gate of the Akegria Academy that he entered from and knew was near the inn.

It took them 5 minutes of quick rushed walking for them to see the exit in the distance.

Damian had only just realised the sheer size of the Academy and it was comparable to a large town. It could function separately from the country with its own currency and had everything in it necessary for survival, forcefully forming their own city within the country.

No wonder the originator families saw the Akegria Academy as a threat as it was a completely functioning organisation that was full of powerful and talented cultivators, with all kinds of Soul Spirits, skills, methods and resources, that were continuously growing at rapid rates.

As Damian and Milo were approaching the exit they were stopped by the guards who stood before them blocking their way.

"Reason for exit and identification" requested a guard.

"Here is our identification and our reason for exit is to visit family" stated Milo covering for Damian who when it came to being under pressure and communication was still not up to standard.

"Okay, you two seem to be new around here so let me fill you in. You can leave 4 times a month and cannot exceed the leaving time of 6 hours, unless you have a long mission or permission from a senior, and are not allowed to miss any lessons by leaving" informed them the guard kindly as he returned their cards to them.

"Thank you for letting us know" thanked Milo as he accepted back their cards and rushed out of the Academy dragging Damian along with him.

"Which way is it" asked Milo who was merely leading them away from the academy and didn't know where to go.

Escaping Milo's grip, Damian then grabbed Milo's robes and dragged him towards the inn, reciprocating how Milo had been dragging him around as they both began to chuckle and talk about the competition.

"What do you want to accomplish through the Academy," asked Damian.

"Hmm, I'm not really sure" replied Milo who currently had no aims in life and had entered the academy seeking a purpose.

"There must be something you are working towards" stated Damian trying to draw out a purpose for Milo that would give him the drive he needed to do well.

"What do you want to accomplish, then" asked Milo wanting to gain some inspiration from Damian's aims.

"Well, I want to be strong and make sure me, my mother and my friends are never looked down upon and live a happy prosperous life" declared Damian thoughtfully.

With his second chance at life, after somehow being transmigrated into this world, Damian wanted to live his life to the fullest and without any past memories holding him back, his sight was set on the future.

"Then I also want to become the strongest and wealthiest man to ever exist and want to have thousands of women" declared Milo who was immediately struck on the head by Damian.

"The first bit was good, but take off the women bit" scolded Damian as they began to laugh casually.

"Finally, let's see if mother is in the inn" mumbled Damian as they strolled into the inn and headed straight towards the stairs without speaking to anybody.

Damian was recognised by the innkeeper and a few that were in the inn from the morning and saw him as quite annoying because he continuously ran in and out of the inn multiple times.

But now seeing him with the Akegria Academy robes and with the Soul Spirit student sigil they were stunned and slightly wary, not wanting to offend him knowing that he would have a bright future.

The inn being very close to the Academy, made it so that almost all of those within it knew a lot about Akegria Academy, that was on a level similar to royalty around them, and seeing the sigil on their right arms, were surprised to see the mark of a student with a Soul Spirit.

Most of them immediately went quiet and others began to whisper between themselves as the two boys walked past.

"Are we really that cool" whispered Milo to Damian, noticing the reaction they received upon entering.

"Don't let it get to your head. They were all looking at me" replied Damian jokingly as they began to wrestle down the corridor towards the room his mother had rented.

As they reached the door, Damian struggled out of Milo's grip and as he was about to knock, he was suddenly charged into from behind by Milo, as his mother opened the door sensing a disturbance outside.

Moving out of the way, she was greeted with a chubby boy on top of her son that fell inside her room.

"Get off me you fatty" uttered Damian under the weight of the much larger Milo.

"Hehehe, I won the fight" stated Milo gloatingly as he stood up to see a beautiful yet furious woman.

"You dare to bully my son in front of me" she stated glaringly.

Milo suddenly became scared under her glance until Damian jumped up to clear the misunderstanding

"Mother please calm down, this is my friend and we just play fighting" informed her Damian as he put his arm around the frightened fatty.

Seeing how rattled Milo had become over a misunderstanding, Sarah had an apologetic expression as she welcomed them in and returned to her kind and caring disposition that she would always display when with Damian.

"So what's your name," she asked Milo who sat beside Damian and was still nervous around Damian's mother.

"M.. M.. Milo" he stated nervously.

"Okay, Milo as my son's first friend we should celebrate and get some food" decided Damian's mother as she got up ready to leave.

As soon as Milo heard 'food' he jumped up and was also prepared to leave, forgetting all about the fear he was previously feeling towards Sarah.

Meanwhile, Damian was looking for his bag of clothes that were all his belongings.

"They are in my new residence at the Green House Pill Foundation," Damian's mother told him noticing him looking for his stuff.

Initially, Damian was slightly shocked by what his mother just told him, but then he suddenly had a complete change of expressions and became happy.

[Mother is finally moving on with her life and so am I. I will be independent and won't be a burden on her like I always was in the past] declared Damian within his mind as he followed after his mother and the eager Milo.

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