The Copy Mage

Chapter 44: Mysterious Scroll

Chapter 44: Mysterious Scroll

"What the hell am I meant to do with these" he exclaimed as he looked down at the small scroll and the shabby dark book.

Opening the book, Lex could see writing in a language that he didn't recognise, which shocked him as from what he knew there was only one language in the world that he had transmigrated into.

[Utsusu, are you sure this was the right choice] asked Damian regretfully, hoping that there may be any chance that Utsusu could assist him to learn the method.

{Don't be disheartened, this was discarded and thrown as waste but might be the most powerful skill within this academy} reassured Utsusu.

Utsusu's wild statement was reassuring, but it also told him that Utsusu also had no idea how to read the skill.

"Well then, the moment of truth" commentated Damian as he opened the scroll.

Opening the scroll it seemed to be blank and all Damian could see was his reflection.

"What is this" asked Damian, baffled by the empty scroll that showed him only his reflection.

As soon as Damian opened the scroll he felt a similar feeling to when entering the cultivation method, when his body was mysteriously scanned,

{This must be a hidden treasure that requires the treasure to choose its owner and would be useless to somebody who wasn't chosen} affirmed Utsusu to himself.

{Why don't you try placing you blood o..} suggested Utsusu before cut off by Damian who suddenly blacked out and lost consciousness.

There was an abrupt flash of light from the scroll, and Damian's body instantly lost consciousness and fell off the bed.

Utsusu was also unsure of what had happened and from the knowledge he had in his mind, there was nothing about losing consciousness when gaining a treasure.

He was expecting Damian to join him within his mindscape, but after a while was worried that something may have happened to Damian who didn't appear before him and had lost consciousness for a long time.

Meanwhile, Damian opened his eyes after losing consciousness to find himself floating in the sky above the clouds.

"Nooooo" he screamed, thinking he was going to fall and because he was afraid of heights.

But opening his eyes again he found that he was still floating.

"You will now be tested to see if you are worthy of gaining me. You are the first pesky human to pique my interest because of your weird energy and Soul Spirit, but you still must show me that you are worthy" declared a mysterious yet powerful voice.

Damian had no idea what was going on and was scared by the sudden loud and dominant voice that resounded all around him.

"Where am I and who are you" called out Damian.

Damian didn't receive an answer for a few seconds until a figure appeared in the distance, out of thin air.

"Mother" he exclaimed questioningly.

The figure of his mother flew towards him and halted in front of him.

"I am not your mother, but am the spirit of the scroll that you opened. This form was the form that you chose for me as the dearest person to you" stated the being before him that was identical to his mother.

The spirit had exactly the same voice as his mother and Damian wouldn't have been able to tell her apart from his real mother if he had to.

"The test that I have chosen for you is simple. All you must do is reach that mountain" stated the spirit, pointing downwards.

The clouds instantly dispersed revealing an island surrounded by water with an extremely tall mountain in the centre.

Despite its height, Damian felt as though it was a task that wasn't impossible and that he would be capable of reaching it, until he heard the spirit's additions.

"However, you will not be allowed to use energy, or Soul Spirits and will be placed within an uncultivated Mortal body" added the spirit.

As he heard the spirit's addition, he was about to refute and say that it was impossible, but he suddenly felt himself be sucked into another location.

The next time Damian opened his eyes, he was stood on sand.

"This must be the shore of the island the spirit showed me, and the test must have begun" assumed Damian.

His body felt empty and didn't have a shred of energy within it.

"It really is as she said. This body is useless" observed Damian.

"This can't be real and must be a mental test" hoped Damian.

But as he pinched himself and felt pain, he realised just how real everything, that was happening, was.

He felt like giving up on the task at hand and asking the spirit to allow him to leave, but at the same time, he was unwilling to back down from a challenge, especially one that offered him rewards.

Calming down his mind and body, that was worrying and extremely anxious, Damian sat on the sand and began to take deep breaths.

While doing so, he was planning his next plan of action.

[I don't have any assistance from Utsusu nor any energy or any Soul Spirits to use. So, I am no better than an average child that doesn't cultivate and pursue strength. Yet my task is to climb that mountain that seems to be at least a few kilometres tall] summarised Damian to himself.

It seemed like an impossible task to accomplish, but Damian was keeping a calm and positive mindset and was more focused on gaining whatever the scroll had to offer.

[So to prepare for climbing the mountain. I will need food, water and more clothing for myself, as it will be much colder at the higher levels of the mountain, in order to be able to climb the mountain. I will also need to make a weapon to defend myself from any beasts that might be residing on the island and or the mountain] planned Damian, covering every angle of surviving on the island.

He was unsure of how long he would be on the island for and what he would have to overcome, but what he did know was that he would try his best.

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