The Copy Mage

Chapter 58: Knowledge Part 2

Chapter 58: Knowledge Part 2

Damian, as per the librarian's directions, went down the corridor to the right, then turned towards the centre of the building and headed towards it.

The library was enormous with many floors, and Damian after reaching the knowledge library, couldn't help but gape in shock and awe.

There seemed to be tens of thousands of books in the large hall that was filled with bookshelves and had multiple floors, with an open centre.

"Incredible" uttered Damian in awe of what he was seeing.

Instantly he was both overwhelmed by the sheer amount of knowledge and information stored within the library, and also excited to see how much more he could learn, to quench his thirst for knowledge.

[If this is the amount of knowledge in the Aria Akegria Academy Branch, I wonder how much could be found in the Royal Academy and in the Akegria Academy that is in the capital Gratis] thought Damian to himself.

"Where should I begin" mumbled Damian who was unsure of what to start reading from the tens of thousands of books.

There were books of almost everything that Damian could think of and he could see areas that were all for different sections of knowledge.

The three that interested Damian the most was the anatomy of the body section, the beasts section and the history section.

{As you will be taking a mission, I think it is important for you to have information about beasts, so I will copy as much knowledge as I can about beasts. While I do that, you should learn about this country's history and if there is any information about the rest of the world} suggested Utsusu.

[Does that mean you have the ability to copy not only Soul Spirits, but also knowledge] exclaimed Damian joyfully.

{That is correct, but it is not as easy as that and it requires me to be in contact with the book being copied through the host. It is also very draining on me as a spirit and I can only store a certain amount of information at a time, which will increase with the host's strength} affirmed Utsusu.

[It really is incredible being the Copy Mage, and the half of my energy that is absorbed by you is definitely worth it] stated Damian, overjoyed by the revelation of Utsusu's ability.

Damian headed towards the beasts section, so that Utsusu could copy the knowledge, and every book that Damian touched, after a few seconds, would be copied by Utsusu.

After a few hundred books, Utsusu, who was a spirit, felt strain and pain for the first time and realised just how strong Damian's will was in comparison to its self.

Meanwhile, Damian was also beginning to feel pain within his mind, that he could tell wasn't from himself but from another entity within his mind, along with the pain coming from the silver book within his dantian.

{Damian I cannot handle any more information within my information storages and am going through immense pain that is also causing the host backlash} screamed Utsusu within Damian's mind.

{I estimate my limits are around 200 books that all average a few hundred pages in size, and currently I have copied over 300 books, as I was unsure of my current capacity of directly copying knowledge} stated Utsusu, who seemed to be in more pain than Damian.

Damian could feel that the pain and strain on his mind and body were increasing, caused by Utsusu overwhelming his information storages, and he didn't know what to do.

{Calm down and circulate your energy. I will filter the useful information and remove the information that isn't useful to us, to reduce the amount of knowledge stored within my storages, to an amount that I can handle} stated Utsusu.

Damian, following what Utsusu had told him, sat on the ground in the middle of the beast section and began to circulate his energy and calm his breathing, while Utsusu filtered through the large amount of information he had copied from the beast books that Damian had touched.

It took an entire hour for Utsusu to filter through the large amounts of information that he had stored and formed a beastpedia of his own within the mindscape.

After half an hour, the pain had lowered to a level that it was negligible, and after that Damian headed to the historical records found within the academy.

He picked out 3 books that all linked to each other.

The first was on the origin of the Orignator Families, which included the royal family, the second was on the origin and formation of the Gobe Country and the third was about the origin and formation of Akegria Academy.

With his enhanced memory and perceptivity, Damian began to rapidly read through the origin of the Originator Families and began comparing it to what he was taught within the Maxwell Family.

Both stated that the twenty family originators were the first to awaken Soul Spirits and were the strongest in their own areas when it came to cultivation, so they all agreed that one of them should become their leader, while all of them would hold power in their own areas.

Over generations, villages, then towns, then cities and eventually an entire country was built around the 20 originators and their descendants. Their descendants were known as nobles and held the most power and wealth in the country, while the descendants of the leader of the Originators became known as royals and named the country after their family name.

Soul Spirits were becoming more and more common over generations, but most couldn't get the resources and were either forcefully taken into the noble families or suppressed, so that they couldn't become a threat to their authority in the future.

It went into much more detail about each of the ancestors and their Soul Spirits, that were all powerful in their own right, and told tales of what they had accomplished and what beasts they had defeated, while also describing the Gobe Royal Family's Soul Spirit.

Although it never once spoke about the rest of the world.

It was a mysterious Soul Spirit that allowed the user to enter a liquid state, so that all attacks seemed to pass through the user without damaging them in the slightest. However, overall it wasn't explained in as much detail as the rest of the families and was very mysterious and unique.

With their superior abilities, resources and wealth, the royal and noble families were able to have complete control of the entire country, all up until the emergence of an organisation led by a mysterious man.

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