The Copy Mage

Chapter 7: First Copy Part 1

Chapter 7: First Copy Part 1

As he was gaping in awe, a surprised voice resounded throughout his mind.

{Kid, you actually succeeded in your first try, you really know how to follow instructions}.

Damian was overwhelmed by that rushing energy that was streaming through his body and didn't focus on his Soul Spirit's words.

Despite not being a cultivator, the surrounding reacted with the book and rushed through his body, overwhelming him.

Damian didn't know what the energy, that he felt rushing through his veins and was streaming into his dantian, was, but enjoyed the sensation it caused him.

{You feel the surging of the changeable energy within your body which is exactly what will fuel your Copy Ability}, stated to him the copy book.

[Really copy book, what is changeable energy, we weren't taught that in the family teaching], asked Damian within his mind.

{Changeable energy is your unique attribute, which is an energy capable of becoming or forming anything or any element that is used through Soul Spirits}, announced to him the copy book almost gloatingly.

As he got a clearer understanding of what was rushing through his body, he was beginning to understand how his unique and special power worked.

{Listen, kid, you have infinite potential and I as your amazing Soul Spirit will continue to grow indefinitely, but the only thing that will hold you back is your willpower and mental strength, which must be strengthened} announced to him the book proudly.

[Copy book, copy book, you are amazing]; he praised within his mind.

But the reaction he received was the complete opposite of what he expected.

{You idiot, stop calling me copy book} roars the frustrated book within his mind.

[Well then what should I call you], asked Damian baffled and intrigued by the weird talking book in his hand that was communicating with him within his mind.

{My self-chosen name is Utsusu, that I chose from a language which I liked known as Japanese, which you won't know} stated to him Utsusu.

He seemed to recognise Japanese for some reason, but he didn't know from where and didn't seem to recollect why.

In his past life that was filled with abuse and harassment, was a life that nobody would want, so he would try to escape it through engaging in games, novels, comics and mostly anime.

He watched anime so much to the point he began to learn and understand the language.

However, in the world he was currently in, everybody seemed to speak the same language that he understood since integrating with this body.

[Utsusu is a nice name], he said to himself as he felt a sense familiarity with it, it was unique and was fun to say.

[Well, what do I do from now Utsusu] he asked with the silver book in his hands.

The book cover was plain shining silver and was extremely thick and large in comparison with his small hands.

{Damian open the book and drip the blood that you have on the first page} instructed Utsusu.

As he opened the large book the seemingly infinite pages flutter to one side as it opened to the first page.

It was a white blank page that seemed normal.

With the cup in hand, he dripped the few drops of blood that was in the cup onto the page.

The drops were instantly soaked in and absorbed by the page as Damian felt that his soul was sucked out and he was in another space entirely.

It was a dark infinite space that was very similar to his mental space.

It was only him alone in the space and he was confused and frightened.

[I need to calm down, this must be the place where I will have to defeat the consciousness of the Soul Spirit], he said to himself as he regained composure and looked around him worried and cautious.

A flame emerged in the distance about 50 metres before him.

The flame began to grow and formed a burning figure of a man.

The man had long brown hair, similar to Sarah's, and had the same black eyes.

"The Maxwell Ancestor" exclaimed Damian in surprise seeing the face he recognised that had many paintings and pictures hanged all around the family ground and everyone would pay their respects to each year.

"Boy who are you, where am I and why do you call me ancestor," asked the fire spirit confused.

Collecting his thoughts Damian began to understand the situation, from what he knew.

[Utsusu told me before that Soul Spirits all have consciousness, but some are too weak to be awakened, so this must be the spirit of all of the Maxwell Fire Spirits must be the ancestor, but they are still too weak to gain consciousness].

"Ancestor, it has been hundreds of years since your death and you are now a Soul Spirit," informed him respectfully Damian.

The flaming figure of a man had a baffled expression, but also curious and saw this as an opportunity.

"I can't sense my bloodline within you, and this is the perfect opportunity for me" he announced as he burst out into evil laughter.

Damian could sense his evil intentions and was instantly cautious as he began to walk back.

"Don't worry child just allow your soul to be devoured by me so I can take your body, you must listen to your ancestor" said to him the flaming figure, that slowly approached him with an evil smile.

Seeing him with evil intentions Damian didn't answer him and was trying to figure out a way to beat him.

[Utsusu, Utsusu, what do I do now, he is trying to kill me], screamed Damian within his mind anxiously as he continued walking back, keeping the same distance from the ancestor.

{You must calm down and suppress him with your will and soul power, and I cannot physically help you, you must rely on yourself}.

As he heard Utsusu, his face slumped, but his soul ignited the drive within him to do well in life.

"I cannot let my mother down" he exclaimed as he prepared for battle.

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