The Court of Souls?

Chapter 20: ~Draconis.~

Chapter 20: ~Draconis.~

A dragon is a mythological representation of a reptile. In antiquity, dragons were mostly envisaged as serpents, but since the Middle Ages, it has become common to depict them with legs, resembling a lizard.

Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-like wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with wings but only a single pair of legs is known as a wyvern.

- The Journey to the Afterlife

***Dedessia, the Sea of Souls, Clan: Draconis***


Draconis is different from what I expected. When Doreen mentioned a flying city I imagined... I don't know what exactly I imagined, but certainly not this! The city is on top of a gigantic jellyfish, which is essentially not much more than a huge balloon.

The city is built on top of its umbrella, which seems to have a hard outer shell. Which is good because I would find it very undesirable to walk on top of spongy jellyfish. Doreen took me, Chloe, Titho, Zeren and Hores on her diplomatic mission. Shawn and the others stayed behind to guard Yggdrasil.

I already know Titho, but Zeren and Hores are a blank page to me. I didn't expect Doreen to choose them for this mission.

Zeren is a dark skinned, lanky man with white hair, who seems to be entirely uninterested in the current situation.

Hores is a soldier. And I don't just mean his outfit, which looks like a uniform. He has also cut his hair accordingly and stands, walks and talks as straight as a stick.

The other matter is the portal which we used to arrive here. If moving between Carissimi and Draconis is that easy, why didn't Doreen and Moonray use it to secure Yggdrasil? One word and Draconis could have helped out. Quianna could be still with us.

I survey the waiting room which was offered to us. Apparently Moonray wasn't available on short notice, but according to the representative who talked with us he will be back soon.

In the meantime they try to put us off with food, drinks and a nice view from the balcony of their government building. A ten story tower with enough space to house a small army of bureaucrats.

Since we are currently waiting for Moonray and his staff, I may as well annoy Doreen a little bit.

Why didn't you use the portal earlier?

Doreen's attention turns towards me. They are a risk. Opening one isn't that hard, but they require a lot of energy. Because of that they are easily traceable. The hard thing is to aim the portal where you want it to be. For that purpose you either need a focus point, or hitch a ride on another portal.

The more often you open one, the easier it gets for outsiders to focus in on your position. That's why we have hard restrictions on everyone who can create a portal or draw focus points. The one we used right now was a small one for emergency messages. Just enough to get five to seven people through.

Her eyes wander to the ground. If you aren't careful with the portals you can easily end up like we did. With portals opening up right and left and suddenly you are surrounded by enemies.

But we were not careless with the portals? I ask, just to be sure.

Doreen looks up again and I see anger on her face. Never. The only focus point which allowed for a safe connection between Draconis and Yggdrasil was securely hidden away until I retrieved it after the battle. That's why your theory about a traitor sounds very appealing at the moment. Someone sold us out and created focus points all over Yggdrasil. Then he gave the information to home in on them to Parle. Otherwise they never could have pulled off a stunt like that.

My eyes flick to the three persons who aren't members of the family. But just for a short moment. So Doreen took the ones whom she trusts the most? Or did she want to keep the enemy close?

I am saved from staring at them when Moonray and five other men arrive in the waiting room. Grandfather immediately bows to Doreen with a grim expression on his face. My condolences. I heard what happened to your clan.

Grandma stands up to face him. They have Quianna. And their attack was grave enough to call upon our alliance. I need your men.

Moonray nods. Of course, but do you really think that going to war is the right thing to do? Even if we gather people from all our alliance members, we will be an even match for Parle and Inanimatum. Especially on their native land where they can rely on all their mids and lows. And don't forget the slaves. Shouldn't we simply try to buy our people back?

I think I misheard him just now? Buying our people back? What guarantee do we have that they don't lie about who they have and have not? What if they say that people died in their custody and don't give all of them back to us?

I am so shocked at Moonray's words that my mouth is left hanging open.

Doreen's eyes flare up in blue fire. Are you saying that you are violating the alliance?

Moonray raises both hands. I am just asking if there is a way to minimize losses. You know me. If push comes to shove I am all in with you, no matter the cost. I am the one who always preaches to end Parle and Inanimatum. I am just surprised that you are suddenly so willing to go to war. If we had done this before your clan got crippled, the odds would be in our favour.

Doreen's nostrils flare and I can already see her killing Moonray any second now. She already dismembered him once in my presence when I was a child. I am not that keen on seeing a corpse defiled.

But somehow my grandmother reigns her emotions in.

The past is the past and now is now. The alliance was forged exactly for a situation like this. To stop the slavers from gaining too much power. It is the first time that their actions got out of control like that, Doreen answers in a mechanical voice.

Moonray tilts his head as if he is in deep thought. Then he gestures for Doreen to follow. Let's talk between the two of us. We have to present a united front when we face the other alliance members. And I have a proposal to make.

After Doreen and Moonray are gone, I let my eyes wander through the room. The remaining people immediately create groups to talk with each other. Apparently the members of Carissimi and Draconis are quite intimate with each other. The fact that their leaders just spewed acid at each other doesn't seem to concern them.

Don't worry. They are always like that. Chloe pats my shoulder and smiles. I smile back to reassure her. Hopefully Mom is right and isn't just lying to herself for comfort. She excuses herself and heads over to Titho.

I head towards the balcony to have another look at the city. It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that we are riding on a huge, tame animal. But then again, my people live inside a gigantic tree. I shouldn't debase others for their choice of home.

We feed him dead dragons.

I turn around to find that two men have joined me on the balcony. The one who spoke draws an imaginary hat from his head and bows to me. Lirian and Antonius, at your service. We wanted to make your acquaintance since Moonray mentioned you and your sister.

I study both of them. Lirian seems like a smooth talker and is dressed in blue, silken clothes. Finely tuned muscles draw a nice shape on his upper body.

Antonius is a muscular hulk with dark skin. Much like my father, but with a less round and nice face. The beard hides most of his features. If a girl likes close encounters with a bog brush, she would probably choose him.

I decide to test them and cross my arms in front of my chest, pushing it up. Just a bit. My name is Elona. I am Doreen's granddaughter.

Antonius fails the test. His eyes wander immediately to my chest and stay stuck. Even if he is a man of few words, he should at least try to feign decency.

Lirian keeps smiling at me and decides to step closer. Moonray mentioned that you and your sister are still available. I would love it if we could rescue her for you. As your knights in shining armour.

Finally Antonius manages to get his eyes under control. Yes! Of course. Do you think she would grant us a date if we rescue her?

Of course! She would eat the two of you alive... if she is still alive. These two are the perfect idiot duo.

And how about a double date? I must admit that your beauty immediately caught my heart. Lirian winks at me.

I try not to roll my eyes. What do these two idiots want? We are talking about going to war and they ask me for a date!

I don't understand what you have in mind. Or better, I understand it, but don't want to think about it. Moonray mentioned that he has two men who are about our age, so I assume that he sent you two to sway my heart and recruit me for Draconis.

Let me tell you two that dates are the last thing which is on my mind right now. And I don't date men who are no challenge!

I try to push past them, but Lirian grabs my wrist. Are you sure that a weak deity like you should throw away our help?

Weak? Why am I weak? Because I have my aura under control and don't leak energy into my surroundings like them? Let go. Or you will regret it.

Antonius reaches for Lirian's shoulder. Lirian, she is an ally and in trouble. You are over-

Lirian interrupts Antonius. Shut up. Some women want nice guys, and some have to be sho-

Something inside my brain shorts out. I have other things on my mind. Playing the damsel in distress to hire admirers who fight for me is the last thing I would ever do!

I place my knee between his legs, lifting him half a metre into the air. Before he touches the ground my hand is on his head. The balustrade offers itself as a nice target to break a hollow nut like his.

A short burst of power is enough to achieve my goal. The stone balustrade breaks along with Lirian's head. It's not like he put it to good use so far, so I guess he doesn't really need it.

I let him slide to the ground and dust off my hands. Then I return my attention to Antonius who is watching me with big, round eyes.

Maybe I misjudged Antonius. I pat the muscle man's chest and smile at him. Don't worry. I didn't kill him. I just ensured that his head will hurt for the rest of the day. You are a nice guy, but the next time you try to pick up a woman, you should try not to check her out so obviously. And please shave. That thing on your face is a serious mood killer for every girl.

Antonius nods. Thank you for the advice, my lady.

Good boy. I head back inside to find out that both Moonray and Doreen returned from their private meeting. My grandfather nods upon seeing my return. I assume that the noise from outside meant that Lirian failed to conquer your heart?

Miserably so! I answer.

Doreen holds out a hand to Moonray and he winces. Fine. You've won. I'll join your cause with everyone whom I don't need to defend Draconis. But you have to promise that you will think about my offer. Your clan is gravely weakened, even if we manage to rescue most of your people.


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