The Court of Souls?

Chapter 27: ~Family.~

Chapter 27: ~Family.~

A Rakshasa (Sanskrit: rkasa) is a demonic being from Hindu mythology. As mythology made its way into other religions, the rakshasa was later incorporated into Buddhism. Rakshasas are also called maneaters (Nri-chakshas, Kravyads). A female rakshasa is known as a Rakshasi. A female Rakshasa in human form is a Manushya-Rakshasi. The terms Asura and Rakshasa are sometimes used interchangeably.

- The Journey to the Afterlife

***Dedessia, the Sea of Souls, Nurien***


Doreen watches me in silent puzzlement while I feed my dessert to Elona. I still don't get how you two got so intimate with each other. And just from seeing Shade... I would never have believed that he could be this docile.

Docile my ass! If I don't keep it low for a bit I'll piss off the girl who took me to the doors of heaven and back! Though the issue with Legna is still on my mind. I thought of getting her back, but Elona was firm about keeping her.

I can only hope that Elona is on my side when Legna regains her memories. It will be one, honest to god, awkward moment.

Elona smiles in delight and touches her cheek. It almost tastes like vanilla. This fruit paste is really a delicacy.

Yeah, I suppose so and I want some. Feeding her my dessert is a real test of courage for me. But she promised that she would forgive me our little accident if I surrender to her all the treats I come across this week.

At first I hoped that I would get some kind of bonus points since she was the one who lost control during our second time doing it.

But apparently I lost all my leeway when I simply continued using her after she had passed out. My story about Legna's death wasn't taken well either. But since there were no other witnesses I was given the benefit of the doubt... until Legna regains her memories.

Though I have to say that fucking Elona feels much safer when she is unconscious. No sucking out my energy. No sucking out souls, most important. No damage to the furniture or me, even more important.

The surprised expressions and the attention on us is uncomfortable. The only ones who don't seem to be surprised about my behaviour are Tisha and Chloe.

Though my mother seems a bit agitated. Tisha bends her fork and sniffs the air. She used the trap on him! Shade, didn't I tell you to use protection?

Did she just... smell Elona's circumstances? My expression hardens into a forced smile and I lock my eyes to Elona's. She is obviously enjoying this. But what frightens me much more is Tisha. How by the nine hells did she manage to smell 'that'!

Chloe stabs the slice of meat on her plate with a fork. Then she takes a hearty bite and chews. You know, Daughter, when you managed to capture that guy from Parle, I thought that you made a big step forward as a succubus.

She did? I ask, and watch Elona's cheeks flush, then she breaks the eye-contact.

Yeah, and then eight years of nothing! I was really worried for her future. A succubus tends to dry up if she doesn't get regular infusions. Chloe mumbles with a sad expression.

Elona wasn't dry. Not at all.

But then Chloe's entire face lights up. But that doesn't matter any more. Now she has you. And she even managed to take all the necessary steps in a mere two days. As a parent I can finally lean back and watch my finished work.

Shawn starts choking on his own food, only the fact that Quianna pounds him on his back saves him. Elona's sister has a puzzled expression on her face and scans the room with her eyes. What is going on? It seems like I am not getting something.

They are talking about the baby, you dolt!

At last Shawn gets a grip on himself. How can you be okay with that, Love! They've known each other for less than a week.

Chloe makes a dismissive gesture. It's okay, Dear. We knew that this could happen with them being soulbound and all that. If you had taken your time to think, you wouldn't be surprised.

Tisha studies Chloe with a mournful expression. As much as I dislike to admit it, but you have spirit and the correct view on the world. I may dislike my son's situation, but I am not against the act itself. I like you. Are you sure that you are Doreen's daughter? We didn't talk much, but you have grown considerably in... several departments.

Chloe takes the compliment with a smile. Oh, please. Don't flatter me, we are made from the same stuff.

Finally Quianna's eyes widen as the gears in her head make the required connections. S- s- sis? You are going to have a baby?

Elona shrugs her shoulders. I suppose that's the natural consequence of sleeping with the guy of your dreams... maybe not exactly my dreams, but he is close enough. Congratulations... you will be an aunt!

Quianna gasps. I am not an aunt! I am much too young for that.

My attention wanders to Manticore and Aswang. They are trying hard to stay out of the conversation, but Manticore has her hands crossed in front of her chest and stares at Aswang as if he has some kind of impotence problem.

Aswang is keeping his eyes fixed to a wall, content in ignoring the situation. What's that supposed to mean? I grimace upon remembering that I am still avoiding a decent conversation with them.

Let us return to the important issues. Survival first. It will take Yggdrasil about a month to reach Semper Fidelis. Doreen starts rubbing her temples, clearly not happy with how things are turning out.

Tisha sets her eyes on Doreen. Have you already investigated our suspects?

I have assigned permanent surveillance to them. Soon we will have a better picture of their day to day activities and I hope this will yield results. I am feeling bad about doing this to clan members whom I trusted so far, Doreen answers. She is visibly upset by having to distrust her own people.

I raise my hand. How about changing to a more immediate subject? Like, are Aswang and Manti joining the bout at the end of the week?

No! Yes! Both of them call out as one.

Aswang shakes his head. Manti, I told you that I won't join a stupid competition for people who think of themselves higher than others. We lived for years in hiding and had to train hard to become higher immortals.

Aswang, please! Let us kick some butt! Manti shakes her comrade who is trying to put up a hard front.

Have you ever thought about the fact that the decision isn't up to you? Tisha intervenes, still nibbling at her slice of meat.

This time it is me who has to raise his eyebrows in surprise. Why should it not be up to them? I thought the bout is a friendly form of challenging people from other clans?

Tisha snorts. Of course not. It's a way to intimidate the other factions. Doing poorly may as well make them disregard you as threat, which invites all sorts of attacks on all of us. Right now it is more important than ever to show off in front of the others. All they see right now are two weakened groups. We can't even be called proper clans because we are so low on higher immortals. Of course that's just on our own. Still, we have to show them that we exist and are working together.

So all four of you will join the bout. And Doreen and I will show ourselves together in public. We will even put up a united front to the other clans. Nobody is allowed to think that we are weak or have to deal with fighting between our two groups.

Doreen nods. Which will surely happen, once the two groups start mingling with each other. But you are right on the part that we have to avoid showing weakness in this party. If our subjects have problems with each other it can be dismissed as a normal occurrence during a fusion. The leadership on the other hand must show a strong and united front to other parties.

Again, I raise my hand. Ehm... why are you two showing yourselves together? If it is about clan leaders working together, shouldn't I and Doreen-

No. No! Both Doreen and Tisha bark at me. Seriously. Why have such an unnecessarily earnest discussion?

You have to be with Elona. Now more than ever. Tisha crosses her arms in front of her chest.

Then I notice that, during the discussion, I've fed all my pudding to Elona. Damn! You know, guys. Zip it! I need some time alone with my wife. So excuse us.

I shoulder Elona who lets out a surprised shriek and leave the room, ignoring Shawn's protests.

Hey! Don't treat my daughter in such a disgraceful manner. Turn around when I talk to you-

Shawn, sit! Chloe's tired voice shuts him up.


Sit down and shut up. Your daughter is strong enough to deal with that guy if she wants to.

You can't mean that she likes that!

I slam the door shut and head for the next free room.

Shade? Elona asks nervously.


People are staring...

... I don't care.


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