The Court of Souls?

Chapter 37: ~Blessings.~

Chapter 37: ~Blessings.~

Level IV: Ultimate ensemble

The ultimate mathematical universe hypothesis is Tegmark's own hypothesis. This level considers all universes to be equally real which can be described by different mathematical structures.

Tegmark writes that:

Abstract mathematics is so general that any Theory Of Everything (TOE) which is definable in purely formal terms (independent of vague human terminology) is also a mathematical structure. For instance, a TOE involving a set of different types of entities (denoted by words, say) and relations between them (denoted by additional words) is nothing but what mathematicians call a set-theoretical model, and one can generally find a formal system that it is a model of.

- The Journey to the Afterlife

***Dedessia, the Sea of Souls, Semper Fidelis***


I sigh and hug Shade from the side. It has been two weeks since we had to deal with the rakshasa. Since then, everything was quiet. Maybe a little too quiet, but I have no problems with an uneventful life. Simply lying here in our bed with him as a body pillow is more than enough. Though my belly is starting to show a little and I already dread the time when it will be in the way.

But there is another problem. Shade?

Hmmm? he grumbles, but doesn't open his eyes.

Have you watched the northern horizon recently? There is a rumour throughout the city that something is happening in the north-east. During the night, you can see flashes of light. They say it's like a big thunderstorm. I was playing with the idea to send someone in order to scout out the situation. But Doreen said that we should leave it be. I play with the hairs on his chest. Ripping them out is always a good way to keep his attention.

But this time he didn't snore off. Instead he grumbles and pulls me closer. Don't worry. I suppose Ishaan and Tisha are having a quarrel. Remember? I told you that Tisha went to see my father? He is living in the tundra north-east from here.

I do a fast calculation in my head. But there is the swamp between us... and... the tundra is far away. Are they trying to kill each other?

He shakes his head. Ishaan is strong. I never saw Tisha in action, but I suppose she can handle him. It was her decision to visit him in the first place. If they are having a lover's quarrel it's none of my business.

Looking up, I scrutinize him. Are you serious? They are your parents. How can you not care?

Shade snorts and starts telling me the whole tale of his time in this world. While I listen to what he had to endure, I can't help but feel sad. While my life certainly wasn't an easy one up until now, I had it easier. A lot easier. At least I did not have to fear for my life day and night.

When he is done, I decide to return the favour and tell him everything I experienced so far. It's only close to the end of my tale, when Shade interrupts me.

I am sorry to say this, surely every male in this realm will curse me for doing so. But could you loosen your grip a bit?

Grip? I look down. True, my hands are around his chest and my tail wriggled around his legs. The wings enfold both of us with a smooth, tight grip. Better than having to rely on the bedsheets. Sorry. But I have to put my additional appendages somewhere.

Didn't you learn to change shape? he asks, puzzled.

Rawrr... where would be the fun in that!? I shift position and bite into his earlobe. It doesn't take much to flip his switch. Stealing a little power from him is the best part of sleeping together.

Shade frees one hand and uses it to roll on top of me. I will show you-

But then the door flies open and Doreen enters the room. Tisha is back! And she-, oh... should I come back later?

Shade groans. Why does this always happen. Have you ever heard of knocking?

Doreen bristles with anger and crosses her arms in front of her chest. I just thought that you would like to know that Tisha is back. It's not like you tried to hide the fact that you are screwing my granddaughter. Oh, and there is the fact that Tisha brought Ishaan along. They want to see you.

What!? Shade pushes himself up, I seriously thought that they were going to kill each other. Then he is up and out of the bedroom. Somehow he untangled himself by turning partly to shadow and slipping out of my grasp!

They are waiting in the living room, Doreen says with glee.

Wha... Shade! Don't leave me hanging like this! I reach out for him, but he is already throwing off his pyjamas and dressing himself inside the walk-in cupboard. Damn it! I was already wet and he leaves me hanging like this! I pump my fist and notice Grandma's scrutinizing gaze on me.

Her eyes wander up and down my body until she finally decides on a reaction. To think that my own granddaughter would sleep in those kinds of undergarments, she shakes her head, I already failed with your mother and it only got worse with you.

I inspect my nightgown, a black push-up bra and red laced panties. There is nothing wrong with showing off a little. My body will have a new curve soon enough.

Doreen rolls her eyes and finally flees the scene. Apparently she doesn't want to hear about babies. I join Shade in the wardrobe and pick out a nice, red dress for myself. Then we head for the living room. Since we took control of the palace, we moved into the northern wing and made it our private quarters.

Once we arrive, I get to watch a very peculiar scene.

The living room is big and roomy. There isn't much furniture since it isn't long since the palace was looted. The vandals took everything from carpets to most tables. At least we have a big sofa and three chairs with a small table between them. But that's not important at this moment. What's important are the two people who are sitting on the sofa.

I already know Tisha, but the man who is sitting next to her is new to me. He is a giant! Even while sitting, he almost reaches my shoulders. He looks like some Greek hero who was carved out of marble with blue hair and eyes like ice. I already met Ishaan once. Back then I only got a glimpse from afar, but from up close he is even more impressive.

What's puzzling is Tisha's and Ishaan's state. Tisha has a black eye and a bruised cheek. Additionally she is holding her hand as if she sprained it. Ishaan doesn't look any better. Someone scratched his face deep enough to draw blood. Five trails of dried up blood run from his forehead down to his chin. Tisha got a really good blow at him. And his nose is swollen and red... most certainly broken.

Don't tell me that they fought until neither of them had enough mana to heal themselves?

Tisha raises her good hand when we enter the room. Hi, Shade. I persuaded Ishaan to visit the wedding ceremony.

The ice giant turns his attention to Shade. I heard that you remember more about your past. Do you already feel like taking me on? I still remember your brave words and am looking forward to it. Ishaan throws a disarming grin at us, revealing a missing tooth.

Shade purses his lips and takes in the view of his parents. Sorry, Dad. You don't look like you could take on a tundra wolf right now. How did you even manage to get here in this state?

Tisha gestures with her hand. Oh, we walked back after I had won the argument.

I thought that I spared your life? And I won the fight! Ishaan crosses his arms in front of his chest like a sulking child.

But I won the argument! And the following battle also ended in my favour. Tisha adds.

That wasn't a battle! Ishaan snaps back. But then he makes a dismissive gesture. Since she can't go on without me, I decided to take her back. Ishaan crosses his arms in front of his chest. Apparently I made a mistake. I should have killed Moonray on the spot and taken back my wife instead of running away.

Tisha looks away with a sulking expression. I am already regretting this. I forgot that he is a macho who thinks of women as property.

I raise an eyebrow and point my finger at them. So the both of you are good with each other? You are back together?

Both shake their heads in unison and answer. No!

To my astonishment Tisha leans against Ishaan. But we decided to try to work it out with each other. A new start.

Only if she tells me everything from now on. If someone does so much as touching her, I will twist their heads off! Ishaan answers angrily.

Suddenly the ice giant stands up and approaches me. So you are the one who seduced my son?

I gulp upon realizing the size of the guy. Of course, he isn't in his best shape, but still two heads above me! Seduced is too strong a word. Shade practically ate me when he got the chance. He took me as if he never had a girl before.

Ishaan's forehead wrinkles into a frown. There aren't many women in that tundra. And one must be very desperate to satisfy oneself in that cold. If you aren't fast, it breaks off before you are done! Hahahaha... Shade, are you serious with such a girlfriend? It almost looks like you are falling for the same type as me.

I retreat behind my husband and call out in unison with Tisha. What's that supposed to mean!?

Then I have to clear my throat. We are both sex demons after all. We are already husband and wife. The soulbond is stronger than any ritual could be.

Suddenly both Doreen and Tisha unite against me. No. Certainly not!

There has to be a proper ceremony! After all, you two are the symbol of the union between our clans. Everyone has to see that we are one.

Yes, we just adjourned the wedding ceremony until Yggdrasil arrives with the rest of our people!

Ahem... Okay?

Don't frighten my wife, Ishaan. If she thinks herself in danger, she might fold you over backwards, Shade says and gestures for his father to step back.

The ice giant isn't impressed. Instead he stares down at me with his icy eyes. But I have to get to know her. How else am I supposed to give my blessing to this marriage? And soulbond? I thought you already have one with a certain girl? How many are you hiding down the road?

I raise two fingers, gaining some confidence. Just two. Legna is our daughter. And I am expecting, so don't start anything or I will break you, bone for bone!

Ishaan shakes his head. Son, you could have at least looked for a girl with common sense.

I shift behind Shade and snake my arms around him possessively. We will see who will have the last word.


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