The Court of Souls?

Chapter 49: ~I wish.~

Chapter 49: ~I wish.~

The jinn, humans, and angels make up the three known sapient creations of God. Like human beings, the jinn can be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent and hence have free will like humans. The shaytan jinn are akin to demons in Christian tradition, but the jinn are not angels and the Quran draws a clear distinction between the two creations. The Quran states in Srat al-Kahf (The Cave), Ayah 50, that Iblis (Azazel) is one of the jinn.

- The Journey to the Afterlife

***Dedessia, the Sea of Souls, Semper Fidelis***


I sit in my throne and listen to the latest reports about the interrogation of our prisoners. Seria is sleeping in my arms and looks like she has not a single worry in the entire world. If I could, I would hide myself inside this palace and shield her from all the horrible things out there.

Shade shouldn't have departed so fast. It looks like we are getting really interesting information from the captured soldiers. Shawn took it upon himself to interrogate them and he is doing a fantastic job in extracting information.

Like, for example, several of the captives reported independently that they noticed a man who always acted high and mighty. He walked in and out of Enwick's private quarters like he owns the place. And their description of his facial features fits a certain someone.

I've sent Antonius to talk to them directly. Of course I didn't tell him who is my prime suspect so that I don't influence him beforehand.

When Antonius returned, he gave me the same name I had in mind. Lirian, his former buddy from Draconis. I think that's actually solid enough to face Moonray eye to eye. Antonius spent a few years at Lirian's side. If even he says that the description sounds a lot like Lirian, then it has to be him.

Or Lirian has some kind of evil twin, which sounds strange because Lirian is already the evil one in my eyes.

I turn to Tisha who is aiding me in gathering information. Tisha, would you be so kind as to compile the results into a report. The others have to know about this.

Tisha opens her mouth to answer when a flash of light announces that someone teleported directly into the throne room.

Wheeee! Now we are talking guys! Just wait! It's just a matter of time until those who are messing with me have to pay the price. I feel like my old self!

Shade appeared in the middle of the room, power emanating from him like a vast ocean. In his hand is a blue crystal staff which is criss-crossed with red veins. He is waving it around like a holy artefact.

Is he on drugs!?

Then I recognize the material which the staff is made out of. I groan. He did it again. Crystal technology. I thought it was unavailable in this realm, so we could have a nice, quiet existence once the issue with the other clans is settled. Now everyone will come to us because they want the knowledge.

Shade, what is that evil thing!? Tisha points at the staff. It is giving me the creeps, is that chaos magic?

I facepalm.

This, dear Mother, is the solution to all our problems. He rams the staff into the floor and the ground starts transforming.

I have seen something like that before. Shade, are you mad!? What do you think you are doing? Don't you remember what happened the last time your little crystals went out of control? And from where did you get that thing!

Shade shakes his head with a triumphant smile. Don't worry, Dear. The bad incident you are remembering can't repeat itself in this case. I was just learning about mana crystals back then. And as for your question, I am using the excess energy inside the staff to transform this entire city. Once I am done, it will be as safe from spirits as it can ever be.

I get to my feet and jump over the threshold between the spreading crystal and the palace's stone floor. The process of transformation is slow, but steady. If someone walks slowly away from it, he can easily escape.

As for me, I trust that Shade took measures to stop people from being turned, but I don't want to be the one who tests the theory.

Tisha follows my example with a horrified expression on her face. Shade, this is creepy. You could have given us time to warn our people. It will cause a panic if someone thinks that this is yet another spirit attack.

Then go and warn them, everything is fine, Shade answers and waves his hand towards the guards, instructing them to spread the word. I have a lot of things to do, like shaping the city, designing control interfaces, equipping you with your own weapons.

Shaping the city!? Tisha shrieks.

Of course! I refuse to live in this hellhole for a moment longer. If we are gods, then we should live like gods. Not like some medieval peasants! First point on the list is a crystal core to control the city. Shade twists his staff like a key, and a huge crystal starts growing from the ground in front of him.

I raise my hand and approach him. Honeybear? Are you sure that using your power like this is okay? I was never proficient with mana crystals, but don't your actions require a lot of power? You shouldn't waste it. Who knows what we might have to face in the future.

Don't worry. This staff absorbed a sizeable amount of energy from the mana storm. It's power in it's densest form. I could probably grow two entire cities with that much energy. And it is also an investment into the future. The city will be an extension of my staff and start generating power on its own, Shade explains with a smug expression on his face.

Tisha starts hopping on the spot and clapping. It's like she had a total change of mind. That's incredible! But I don't get how you are transforming the stone.

Shade purses his lips. I am not so much transforming it, as breaking it down to energy and replacing it with mana crystal. As you know, matter is just another form of energy. Mana crystal is simply a highly condensed form of matter which is arranged as a piezoelectric crystal. It contains much more power than its size lets assume.

Okay, now I know that Shade isn't thinking much of his Mom's scientific knowledge. That was his 'fuck off and let me work' explanation.

He concentrates his attention on the mana core and the big crystal forms out something like a touchscreen. A few moments later a map of the city blinks into existence and Shade starts manipulating it.

I draw closer to take a look. Seria is stirring in my arms, but she keeps silent.

Shade is manipulating the map with his mind, forming the city into a hexagon. It includes living quarters, merchant districts, industrial space, he even adds a second layer above the first one... geez our people will freak out if their houses start changing around them.

Suddenly Doreen, Aswang and Manti burst into the throne room. They look a little dazzled, so I approach them and explain what's happening.

They take it surprisingly well. But I suppose that nobody would say 'no' to getting his house rebuilt for free. Especially if you get to exchange a medieval shed for modern living quarters.

I return my attention to Shade and his mana core. Is that thing something like a computer? If so, then I should also be able to link up to it. I haven't forgotten everything about my techno-mage reincarnation. I simply have to replicate my old body's genetic gifts by reaching out with my mana.

So I join Shade at the crystal and touch it. It's easy to establish the connection. Shade has yet to protect the core against unapproved access. While he enlarges and strengthens the city wall, I add a few bath houses.

Then he creates some large and nasty spikes, turning the entire city into a huge hedgehog. That should discourage the larger spirits from attacking.

I order the streets to make the best use of the available space. Then I add some public buildings to make good use of the gained ground. Like a school and a big block for administrative services. Having to shape every room on its own is troublesome, so I simply create a template and copy-paste it to all my buildings.

When I am done, I use some of the space to make a huge, heart-shaped park. That gains Shade's attention and he quickly turns the heart to a hexagon. I like to tease him. I wonder how long it will take him to notice the cute textures I used as decorations. Oh, and not to forget! The red allows me to turn our bedroom's colour to a neat pink. Or should I go with red?

Shade slaps my hand away from the mana core. No pink bedroom!

Aw! At least make a pink room for Seria. I complain and return to hold the baby with both hands. Then I decide to give him some leeway. How about a red bedroom? I am willing to compromise.

Shade shudders. I have to put a password on this.


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