The Court of Souls?

Chapter 61: ~Additions.~

Chapter 61: ~Additions.~

The Vila are the Slavic versions of nymphs, who have power over wind, with which they delight in causing storms of high winds. They live around hills, mountains, and high mounds. (cf. Leimakids, Limnades, Oceanids, Dryads, Nephele). They can appear as a ghost-like figure with a long billowing cloak wrapped around them.

- The Journey to the Afterlife

***Dedessia, the Sea of Souls, Semper Fidelis***


I guess that Shade's diplomacy wasn't all that bad. Yes, he alienated some of the allied clans, but most of them never had any mentionable ties to us anyway. The only two clans which are close enough to have a reasonable diplomatic relationship with us are Equilibrium and Soistaat. And their representatives are clearly on our side.

My eyes wander to Ajax and Takea who practically ditched their comrades during the negotiations. Now they are talking to Tisha and Doreen.

The recent months slowly led to the eradication of every major power in this area, which resulted in one big clan at the centre of it. Us. Was that Moonray's goal all along? Or did he also plan for various other outcomes?

I return my attention to our two visitors. I wonder if we should put any trust in people like them. Someone who switches sides once has no qualms in doing so again, I mumble to myself.

But Shade heard my comment and adds his thoughts. They are simply people who know where their loyalties lie. I like those who side with the winning faction. Do you know why?

I raise an eyebrow and look at him. Why?

He smiles and spreads his hands. Those types are predictable! You never have trouble with guessing at their next action. I value that more than people who follow you just for some nebulous, ideological reasons. One might never know when the person in question decides that he or she is fed up with their ideals. Of course such changes of the mind can also occur with the power seeking type, but I find it much less likely in those cases.

I let out a deep sight and get out of my chair. I'll go and take care of Seria. You can try to think up a suitable strategy against Moonray. With all our immediate problems solved, we should start thinking about a solution to our phoenix problem. I strongly suggest to devise some kind of long range artillery. Moonray's facility reeks of a trap and I am not inclined to send people anywhere near there.

Shade's expression turns surprised. Do you really think that Moonray planned his base for years and forgot to protect it against something as basic as that? Somehow I can't believe it, but we can always try to throw some rocks at him.

I purse my lips. Probably, you are right. It would be too easy. But what else can we do?

He stands up to follow me on my way to our private quarters. I have been thinking about digging a tunnel right under their base. Then we set up a strategic spell and blow the entire thing skywards, right when a mana storm is about to hit the area.

Or we could try to create some monsters of our own and send them at their base. I just remembered those growing slimes you mixed up once. They would be perfect to infiltrate their underground facility and distract them while we attack and destroy the circle.

I sigh and shake my head. Those things aren't sentient enough to send them after a small elite force like Moonray's men. And which guarantee would we have that he doesn't activate his trap? The biggest problem are the inhibiting effects of the mana storm. We can't manipulate huge amounts of magic in its vicinity, but at the same time we would need to do that in order to attack in a meaningful way. It would be nice if we could simply take the storm out of the equation.

Shade scratches his forming beard and I scowl. He really should shave more often. I dislike the tingling feeling when we kiss. After a lot of scratching he thought his idea through and nods. That might work, but I need Yggdrasil's seeds and your help.

I frown and gesture for him to go on. Please speak, my Lord.

He claps his hands and launches into an explanation on how we could try to control the mana storm. I listen with great interest to his idea, especially since it would involve solving a part of the mystery behind this world.

If we are able to manipulate Yggdrasil's seed and combine it with our crystal technology, then we might be able to recreate something akin to the old pathways of the multiverse. The crystals already showed their potential when they completely converted an entire planet. Shade's only problem lies with the biological nature of Yggdrasil. He already investigated the bond between the huge tree and Doreen. The reason for his interest in the tree is the fact that it gathers and stores magical energies in a similar way to his crystals, although much less compressed.

The tree is less of a plant and more something like a spiritual energy construct. A natural one. If we would manage to manipulate and control its nature, there might be a chance to create something that's able to tap into the storm's energy and use it for whatever reason we see fit. Like turning Moonray's spell into a new pathway network.

We definitively have to pursue this thought. If we tap into the storm's energy to recreate the pathways, the storm will surely be diminished. Once that's achieved, we can attack Moonray as we please! I hug Shade, pressing myself against him.

Yes, but we should take our time. Rushing a huge project like this wouldn't end well, Shade answers a little sadly. We might have to find another way to deal with Moonray in the short run. He is surely fuming that we didn't take his bait and are simply sitting on our asses while he is waiting for us.

So you think that he isn't out of moves? I lick over my lips and return to reality. Shade is most likely right. Moonray already demonstrated his ruthlessness and his capability for long term planning. He is bound to have a way to provoke us to attack him. If that's what he wants.

We enter our living quarters and take a look at Seria who is sleeping in her crib. I can't help it, my heart simply warms at the sight. Isn't she cute? I wish she would grow faster and remember her previous identities, so that we can be a family like in the old days.

I try to remember our first lifetime with her. She was such a rascal, always concerned about improving my relationship with Shade. Though her attempts at creating romantic situations between her parents ended up in more mischief than really accomplishing her original goal.

Shade shudders. I must say that I like her best in this stage. Much easier to handle and no problems with her remembering about... that.

I press my lips into a thin line, Shade's story about her death comes to my mind. I am sure that she will forgive you. What is one bad experience compared to lifetimes of good memories?

He furrows his forehead and looks down at me. You are sure? I thought she might be angry that I robbed her of the chance that she might have one lifetime in which she isn't our daughter.

I smile, a thought coming to mind. That might be the case, but it seems that our bond doesn't allow for such a thing. You can hardly be blamed if it is very likely that she would have died in one way or the other anyway.

I reach for his pants and unzip them. We simply have to make sure that she has a lot of siblings to play with. That will keep her off of our backs.

Raising one leg, I circle it around him and hug his head with my arms. His arms wander instinctively towards my butt to support me.

Then he walks me to the closest wall and sandwiches me between it and him. You are only suggesting this because you like to educate them! He slides up my skirt and starts fumbling with my nether regions. You witch! Why aren't you wearing panties!?

I chuckle and lower myself onto him. Then I whisper into his ear. Because they are in the way! And the one who wakes the baby loses the fight.


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