The Crazy Mage Reincarnated into a Fallen Family

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Urgon’s Domain

Shan Kris.

Shan Kris was one of the major cities representing the Quebek region in the eastern part of the continent. It boasted beautiful scenery, spread widely around Lake Kris.

[TL/N: San Kris and San Baul would be changed to Shan Kris and Shan Baul; And Quebec to Quebek. The author clarified their spelling in this chapter.]

“Shan” meant “surrounding” in the ancient language, so a literal translation would be “the city surrounding Lake Kris.”

The fact that Lake Kris was used in the city’s name meant it was a famous landmark in the East.

Unlike other major cities, it was characterized by its natural atmosphere, preserving the beauty of the lake. As a result, it was also a place where tourists from outside came to enjoy their vacations.


I walked along the turquoise eastern lake, appreciating the surrounding scenery.

The water was so clear that I wanted to jump right in and splash around.

Small sailboats floated on the lake, and elegant buildings with blue bay windows blended harmoniously with the lakeside.

Sharp warriors, flamboyant merchants, rugged mercenaries, and mages in groups frequently roamed the streets.

It reminded me of Khaoto.

Khaoto was developing rapidly, but it was still far behind this place. The city’s aura felt different.

I was briefly overcome with nostalgia for the once-splendid Khaoto, feeling a tinge of bitterness, but then I became happy again.

It would have been such a shame to die without experiencing a place like this. Anyway, I was glad to be alive again.

There was an unexpectedly positive man, and that was me.

‘I should bring the brats here sometime.’

As I chuckled inwardly, feeling a sense of amusement, someone called me from behind.


Taylor was looking at me with a displeased expression.

“I wish you’d be a bit more tense. We’re not here for leisure.”

He was right, so I nodded.

“We’re not here for leisure.”

“I’m talking to you.”

“I’m talking to you too.”

Blair, who was glancing back and forth between Taylor and me, said,

“Come on, let’s go grab some dinner first.”

Come to think of it, I was hungry too.

Strength comes from food.

“Where should we go?”

“Anywhere. I just want to grab a quick bite.”

I shook my head firmly.

“There’s no such thing as ‘anywhere.’ Strength comes from food. Since we’re here, we should go somewhere delicious.”

Before they could respond, I approached a dark bench I had been eyeing.

A couple, seemingly lovers, were embracing tightly and making smooching sounds at each other.

“Excuse me.”

The man in the fancy clothes turned around abruptly and replied with an annoyed expression,

“What do you want?”

“Sorry to interrupt. I have a question. Do you happen to know the most famous restaurant in this area?”

“A pub famous for its bad food?”

“What are you talking about? Of course, I mean a place with good food. You’re saying strange things.”

The man waved his hand dismissively with an annoyed expression and said,

“Kris Beer.”

“Enjoy your time.”

I quickly turned around and looked at Taylor.

“Let’s go to Kris Beer.”

“That’s not happening.”

“I heard it’s the most famous place here. Do you know somewhere better? You should have said so earlier. You just wasted the precious time of a passionate youth.”

Taylor shook his head again.

“I told you we’re not here for leisure. I saw them selling rye bread and soup in the left alley. That’s enough.”

Now I saw that he wasn’t worth dealing with.

“Your taste is bizarre. Let’s each go our own way.”

I was about to pass them by when I paused, noticing Taylor’s peculiar expression. I looked back and forth between Taylor and Blair, then chuckled.

“Is it because you’re broke?”


“It’s sad to be broke. Not being able to eat what you want.”

I started walking and said,

“Follow me or not, it’s up to you.”

I took a few steps, but there was no reaction, so I turned around.

Taylor and Blair, seemingly hurt in their pride, hadn’t moved an inch, and Arin was staring at the lake, lost in thought.

I continued walking and muttered,

“Steamed fish with a glass of moonshine, ah! It makes my mouth water. Pride won’t fill your stomach.”


As I walked away, Blair grimaced and said,

“He’s so rude… Just bear with it, Senior Brother.”

Blair tried to calm his anger and said,

“Sigh, let’s just go eat some rye bread. A simple meal is enough anyway.”

“Steamed fish…”


Taylor, who had been silent, started muttering to himself.

“It’s dangerous to let him go alone. If he runs into Urgon, we’ll need someone to control him.”

Taylor suddenly turned his head towards Blair.

“Right, Blair? Arin?”

Taylor’s eyebrows twitched intensely, as if demanding their agreement.

“Th-that’s right.”

“Isn’t it?”

“Of course.”

“Let’s go.”

As Blair made eye contact with him, Taylor’s stomach growled loudly like thunder.

Taylor’s face turned red, and he suddenly dashed forward at an incredible speed. It was the exact same direction Ruin had gone.

“…Senior Brother?”

Blair stared blankly at Taylor’s back as he ran like the wind.

* * *

What were the must-visit places in Shan Kris?

There were several, but one that was always mentioned was “Kris Beer.”

The largest tavern in eastern lake, Kris Beer was famous for its clean appearance and the delicious food prepared by its chef, who came from a prestigious family.

If you excluded the western lake, which was firmly occupied by the Urgon Clan, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Kris Beer was the most famous tavern in all of Shan Kris.


I admired the exterior of Kris Beer for a moment.

It was a five-story tavern, and perhaps because it was situated near a hill, it looked particularly tall.

Upon entering, I found the first floor already packed.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, a server approached us.

“How many are in your party?”

I asked the two guys awkwardly standing behind me,

“Why are there only two of you? Where’s the other one?”

Blair cleared his throat and replied,

“She said she wanted to look around the lake a bit more.”

I nodded and told the server,


“You’ll have to wait. We’re full.”

“Are there no seats upstairs?”

“To dine upstairs, you must order at least one main dish.”

“Let’s go.”

The server led me to the second floor, but it was still full.

“I apologize. There was a table available just a moment ago.”

“What about the third floor?”

“To dine on the third floor, you must order at least two main dishes.”

“Their upselling tactics are impressive. So, is it three main dishes for the fourth floor?”

The server shook his head.

“The fourth floor has a separate seating charge. Three main dishes and a bottle of rum are also required.”


They were truly shameless. But they must be doing it because business was good.

“Lead the way.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said lead us to the fourth floor.”

The server looked me up and down, tilting his head in confusion, so I asked,

“How long have you been working here, server?”

“Why are you suddenly asking that…”

“Let me give you a piece of advice. For a server, being perceptive is crucial. If you keep looking at customers like that, you’ll get a good flick on the forehead someday. Now hurry up and lead the way.”

The rookie server suddenly became quick and efficient, guiding us to the fourth floor.

Meanwhile, Taylor and Blair remained silent behind me.

This was the power of money.

Since I had the money, they couldn’t complain even if they had any objections.

The fourth floor was finally a bit less crowded. But I wasn’t particularly satisfied.

“There are no good seats.”

Unfortunately, the few tables by the window were all taken. There was no point in paying extra for a seat on a higher floor if we couldn’t get a window view.

Seeing my displeasure, the rookie server said,

“Then would you like to wait on the first floor until a table becomes available?”

I looked around and approached a warrior blocking the stairs to the fifth floor.

“What do I need to order for the fifth floor?”

The server who had followed me replied,

“You can’t enter the fifth floor.”

I responded naturally,

“I have companions up there.”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course.”

As the rookie server’s eyes widened, I naturally climbed the stairs. However, it seemed my trick didn’t work on the warrior.

The burly warrior placed his hand on the sword at his waist and blocked my path.

“Whose party are you with?”

“It’s not working.”

I looked back at the rookie server and said whatever came to mind,

“Be careful of such tricks. There might be people trying to deceive you by pretending to have companions upstairs. A server should always be more perceptive than the customers. Anyway, why can’t we go to the 5th floor? Is it under construction?”

“Only those attending the banquet can enter the 5th floor.”

“What banquet?”

As soon as I asked the question, I realized the answer.

“Are you talking about Urgon’s banquet?”


Suddenly, Taylor and Blair’s auras sharpened, and a heavy atmosphere filled the air. The warrior nervously placed his hand on his sword, and the server gulped.

I asked the server,

“Who decided that?”

“It’s an order from the Urgon Clan.”


I suddenly remembered what Kant had said.

It seemed the rumors about Urgon’s influence spreading throughout Shan Kris weren’t exaggerated. It was highly likely that the entire tavern was under Urgon’s control.

Blair whispered from behind,

“Let’s just eat downstairs, Ruin.”

“Do you have money?”

As I approached the warrior, Taylor blocked my path this time.

“That’s enough.”

“I told you I make the decisions.”

Taylor’s gaze hardened.

“Listen to me before I drag you down by force.”

“That sounds good.”

Just as mana fluctuations surged from Taylor, Blair intervened with an urgent voice,

“Senior Brother, if we cause a scene here, they’ll find out anyway.”

Taylor, with a frown, suppressed his mana and said in a low voice,

“Ruin, listen to me.”

“Looking at your eyes,”

I noticed one thing hidden deep within Taylor’s venomous gaze.

“I see you’ve been infected with a disease.”

I smirked and walked past Taylor towards the warrior.

“You said only those attending the banquet can enter, right?”

I took out the invitation from my pocket and showed it to the warrior.

“Can I go up now?”

The warrior’s eyes widened just like the rookie server’s. I passed them and went straight up to the 5th floor. Taylor and Blair followed me with hardened expressions.

* * *

The 5th floor had a completely different atmosphere.

From the floor and lighting to the furniture, everything was several times more luxurious than the lower floors.

On one side of the window, a group of young people, blessed with wealthy parents, were having a noisy drinking party. The rest of the seats were empty.

While Taylor’s expression hardened as he observed the group, I took a seat at one of the window tables.

A new server appeared from somewhere and attended to us.

“Welcome. What would you like to order?”

Judging by his smooth-talking manner, he seemed to have been a server for a long time.

“Bring me the price list first. I don’t intend to be ripped off.”

“All dishes are complimentary on the 5th floor.”

“Oh, you mean it’s free?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I don’t want to go bald, but it’s okay in a place like this. It was definitely worth coming up here.”

I looked at Taylor and Blair as if to say, “See?” Then, I politely requested the handsome server,

“Bring us a few of your best dishes.”

“What about drinks?”

“The most expensive one. Is this also free?”

“Of course.”

As the server bowed and left, I looked at the lake view reflected in the window. It was quite picturesque.

Round lanterns emitting colorful lights illuminated the night lake from above, and people strolled along the lakeshore.

Suddenly, fireworks erupted from the lanterns, painting the sky with bright colors.


It was a magical phenomenon. It was probably another one of Urgon’s setups.

I glanced at Taylor because he had been unusually quiet, and his expression was stiff as a board.

Someone from the group across the room had spotted us and was walking over.

A flamboyantly dressed man approached and greeted us affably.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Argain Heintz from the Heintz clan. If you don’t mind, may I ask for your names?”

Taylor replied in a low voice,

“Taylor Samael.”

“…Samael? I’ve never heard of it.”

The man who introduced himself as Argain’s attitude suddenly changed.

He lifted his chin slightly and looked down at us with an air of arrogance that seemed ingrained in him.

“Hmm. I see you’ve been invited to the Urgon Clan’s banquet. This is fate, so why don’t you join us at our table and have a conversation?”

“No, thank you.”

“Don’t be shy. Many descendants of prestigious clans have gathered here. It’s a good opportunity for a clan from the outskirts to make connections.”

I replied with an annoyed expression,

“Stop asking and go away. We haven’t even eaten yet. What kind of nonsense is joining your table?”

“What did you just say?”

An unexpected silence fell, and someone from the group across the room muttered loudly,

“Did I hear that right? Samael?”

The man who had been drinking at the head of the group finally looked in our direction.

After confirming Taylor and Blair’s faces, the man frowned as if he had seen something unpleasant, then smirked.

“Well, well, well. Look who it is.”

I read Blair’s lips as he cursed.


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