The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 34:

Chapter 34:

Yoon-hee, who had been looking at me with suspicion, walked out, leaving me and Lee Se-hee alone.

The recovery potions performance is impressive.

Coming from the person who uses it the most, its the most authentic review. Thank you for the compliment.

Its a natural assessment.

Did you come here to tell me something?

As expected, Lee Se-hee was quick to pick up on things, making it comfortable to work together. She seemed to assign meaning to everything excessively, though.

Today, I realized for the first time that there were actually calculations hidden in my actions.

I want to make a request.

What kind of request?

I know that Sacred Pharmaceuticals is the best in the country. Its competitiveness is also recognized globally.

Right, the recovery potion that Jun-ho uses is one of our Sacred Pharmaceuticals products. While the ones the United States produced have good quality, their price is quite high. So we can compete with them at our price. Is what Mr. Jun-ho wants to request related to the recovery potion?


What would it be?

I want to request the development of a recovery potion that can reattach severed body parts.

Is it difficult?

Lee Se-hee seemed to be having a hard time managing her expression.

Wasnt that idea worth trying?

I was just wondering about what Mr. Jun-ho might be thinking for you to request that. Um, well. Is it with the intention of recovering from unexpected accidents during battles?

Thats the idea.

Its possible, but I dont know how effective it would be. Even if a limb was reattached using surgery, it couldnt immediately be used for combat.

But I can correct the imbalance if I hold the sword in my opposite hand. Ill be less effective in combat, but my losses will be minimized.

Thats true, but

I threw a bait to the hesitant Lee Se-hee.

Its not that Im asking for it for free. I will support your research funds.

Research funds?

And I know a good way to reattach severed body parts.

Then we can greatly shorten the research.

Will you do it?

Only if the information Mr. Jun-ho gives is clear.

I succeeded in getting Lee Se-hees cooperation like this.

Lee Se-hee thought that this recovery potion was for me, but I had a different idea.

Its inevitable that there would come a time when I might have to sever someones neck. If I blow up their head using landmine, it would be troublesome. But if I cut it off and reattach it, I could minimize the responsibility.

The outer packaging was crucial.

But when you attach it again, would the traces of the cutting disappear?


Late at night, Cheon Myeong-guk and Jung Ju-ho had a meeting. The two of them drank soju with fish grilled with shellfish stew as a side dish at a shabby country tavern.

Im sorry for contacting you suddenly.

No, its fine. When the director calls, you have to come. And a significant incident did explode today. I thought such a situation might arise.


Are you okay?

Jung Ju-ho was worried about Cheon Myeong-guks state, who let out a dry laugh.

Its okay. It has to be okay.

What if he was in Cheon Myeong-guks shoes? Jung Ju-ho was thankful he was just a mere departmental director.

I pushed hard for Choi Jun-hos contract.

I was there, I know.

As you know, the regular contract is for 7 years. Whether its Choi Jun-ho or our government, we need to maintain the relationship for 7 years.

But an incident happened on the very first day. The contract with Choi Jun-ho only passed for a day. Hahaha! The remaining contract period is 6 years and 364 days. Thats 2554 days in terms of dates, and since its 10 oclock now, its 107,270 hours left.

Taking care of Choi Jun-ho for more than 100,000 hours? Just hearing it made him feel dizzy. He almost said that he would rather ask to be killed than do it.

When specific numbers were mentioned, he understood why Cheon Myeong-guk was drinking so much.

Director Jung, did you know what kind of person Choi Jun-ho was?

If I say I didnt know, Id be deceiving the Director. I knew. Choi Jun-ho is originally that kind of guy. But if I have thought he would have an accident like this today, then no. That guy always exceeds imagination.

Jung Ju-ho clinked glasses with Cheon Myeong-guk, who was drinking silently.

For this moment, their hearts aligned.

I can imagine how much Director Jung has suffered all this time.

Well, it was only half a year for me.

Right. I have 6 years and 364 days. 100,000 hours Ugh!

Cheon Myeong-guk filled his glass and drank.

Come to think of it, Im not sure if I can hold on until then. But if I give up, who will control Choi Jun-ho? No, was there even control to begin with? If I lose the reins that give me the least amount of control, I dread that situation.

Why are you already thinking such thoughts?

Because Ive made mistakes. Director Jung, how should I proceed from now on? I requested this meeting because I want to gain guidance.

Jung Ju-ho remained silent and refilled his glass. Cheon Myung-guk once again downed his drink in one gulp.

Its a dirty story, but after the incident broke out, I had diarrhea. They said it was due to severe stress. Just three months ago, I was clean. Ive been healthy all my life, but in just one day, Ive ended up like this. Even if I were defeated by monsters while hunting or even when I was drifting alone in a foreign country, Ive never felt despair. But now Ive become a miserable wreck. Sigh!

Jung Ju-ho took the bottle from Cheon Myung-guks hand and refilled his glass. Then, lifting his glass and making a toasting gesture, their glasses clinked.

After hesitating for a moment, Jung Ju-ho, with a resolute expression, spoke.

Director, Ive lost a lot of hair because of that guy.

Such a gruesome thing

We have to accept it. Hes already reached Level 8 and even obtained a non-arrest privilege. The more we try to control him, the more he slips away. Thankfully, if anything, hes so sure of his own justice that he doesnt meddle in every matter.

Ill have to figure that out.

Wouldnt it be less stressful to be mentally prepared for whatever might occur?

It means we cant do anything to stop it, only be prepared for it.


It felt like becoming a patient who had received a terminal diagnosis.

Not preparation for a defense, but preparing ones heart for whatever had to come.

Cheon Myung-guk nodded.

Nevertheless, if you get close to him, you can figure out how hell move. Occasionally, he listens to opinions like beans sprouting during a drought. Until then, I recommend enduring it. (T/N: An idiom used to describe a situation where something unexpected or positive happens in the midst of difficult circumstances, much like how beans sprouting during a drought would be an unexpected occurrence. This idiom conveys the idea of finding a silver lining or a small positive outcome during challenging times.)

Chairman, what kind of battles have you been fighting all this time?

I consider ensuring that he doesnt become a villain to be the greatest achievement of my life.

I respect that. For Director Jung Ju-ho.

For Director Cheon Myeong-guk.

Brought together by the shared pain of diarrhea and baldness, the two became sworn brothers at a dilapidated tavern.


As discussed with Oh Jong-yeop, Oh Jong-su arrived at work.

Hyung, hello. Thanks to you, my life was saved. Ill work hard to repay you.

Come on in. Its still a bit messy here, but can you clean it up and install the computer program?


While I was away for a moment, Oh Jong-su tidied up the desk, installed the computer, and even brought me the documents that had arrived.

What should I do next?

Youll sort through the documents, categorizing them. Things to be handled on the same day, within this week, within this month, and things to be rejected. Theyll be divided like this.

Ill do my best to stay on top of it.

Also, the main task is sorting out the incoming communications for me.

Starting with direct calls, then emails, messengers, and so on. If its not filtered, my desk would get flooded with National Security Agency work. Thats why I brought in Oh Jong-su to handle things on my behalf.

If the results fell short of expectations, theres nothing to be done. If he did well, it might lead to another opportunity.

Ill do my best. Oh? There are quite a few invitations already. Special invitation from the Awakened Academy, training invitation from government hunters, special lecture from a large guild, and a reception, and more

Decide based on the importance of each matter.


Youll just refer to it. Your decisions wont be directly reflected, so think of it as gaining experience and give it a try.


Around the time Oh Jong-su was starting with his work, Jung Ju-ho, who had come to work late with a face full of hangover, called out to me.

So, what happened to that reporter?

I ensured that the legal proceedings took place.

Will they be punished?

Even if they arent, they wont be able to act recklessly like before.

Well, since you labeled him as a villain, if he became the center of attention again he might as well just commit suicide. Anyway, thats the end of it.

This was just a small example. I dont intend to go all the way.

Actually, I didnt have high expectations for legal punishment. Rendering them powerless, unable to live or die, was much more certain.

While some might think of it as personal sanctions, my thoughts were different.

Level 8 Transcendent possessed the authority of immediate judgment. I utilized this somewhat broadly, but theres no problem with that.

Sometimes, thinking about what you call the end makes my hair stand on end. Please give me a heads up before you do anything. Do you have any idea how many lives are shortened because of you?

He used to click his tongue when he lost hair, but now hes switched to talking about lifespans.

But theres only Jung Ju-ho who complained like this, and these days he seemed to enjoy the situation even though hes complaining.

I decided to understand his fussiness.

Ill try my best.

So, whats your next plan?

Now that Ive been recognized as a Level 8, Im going to do something that will make me stand out as a Transcendent. First, Im going to sort through the various invitations and official schedules that have come my way, and then Im going to take down the organization involved in the villain uprising in Incheon.

Oh wow! Youre doing that?

Its partly because of the League, as well.

The people from above will like it. Yes, how great it would be to take care of such things. Hahaha! Since the National Security Agency is backing you up, feel free to rampage.

Certainly, with the NSA, they could surely handle the aftermath.

Thank you, sir. But you must have had a lot to drink last night.

When theres someone who shares similar pain, its hard not to drink more. Im fine, but that person was in a bind. They arent really doing well right now. Tsk, tsk!

I hope they recover well.

Its probably impossible. The source of their stress is going crazy.

Thats unfortunate.

It is. Eventually, they would become even more pitiable.

For some reason, Jung Ju-ho stared at me as he spoke. In this world, there were things that couldnt be overcome. To manage stress, its best to make peace with your mind.

I stepped outside. When I head to Incheon, I decided to make a detailed plan.

While heading back to my office, I saw Jung Da-hyun standing in front of the door. I took Jung Da-hyun with me and entered the office.

I want to ask for advice.

Go ahead.

Lately, Ive been feeling stuck. When I see Yoon-hees progress, I want to do well too, but its not easy to find the right direction. I want to ask for advice from you, Oppa.

Do you use your Intuition in your daily life? (T/N: Its her Gift.)

Yes. I try to keep them active 24/7.

If you want your Intuition to develop further, youll need to elevate them to a level of conviction. To do that, youll need various experiences. What you need most right now is practical experience.

I had never seen training bring as much enlightenment as real-world experience did.

I considered things like being cautious not to get injured as childs play. A battle where blood and flesh fly and lives were on the line was the true stage of enlightenment.

Mainly, it was the opponents blood and flesh that were flying, not mine.

Real action, experience.

To do that, it would be best to catch a formidable villain. Incompetent villains wont do. Villains of similar capability, ones that can create tension, would be preferable. Level 6 would be suitable.

I suppose Ill have to search for them.

With your intuition, you can differentiate between enemies you can deal with and enemies you cant. If you refine this further, youll be able to distinguish villains you can defeat or lose to, depending on the situation. By developing it to that point, youll be ready to open the path to what comes next. Can you do it?

Jung Da-hyun mainly handled the apprehension of villains in the city.

Its a coveted position that puts one in the media spotlight even without having to deal with a high level villain.

Jung Da-hyun was the shining star and icon of the National Security Agency, walking a diligent path towards Level 7 in the future.

I knew that Jung Da-hyun would continue to progress as time went on. But she wasnt satisfied with that.

This time, were dealing with villains outside the city. There were high-level villains who operated alone, vile criminals who commited heinous crimes, and gangs of villains who overpower with numbers.

Its a task where one had to achieve results in a place where unexpected variables might arise.

I also happen to need to deal with demons, so I can at least accompany you outside the city.

Ill give it a try.


I cheered her on as she made a determined effort. We would probably run into a few people on the outskirts of the city.


Lately, Jung Da-hyun had been feeling thirsty for more.

Everyone around her was growing.

Her friend, Lee Se-hee, was an Awakened and had excelled in key positions within the Sacred Guild, not falling far behind her. Choi Yoon-hee, the younger sibling of Choi Jun-ho, was demonstrating a shining talent and achieving rapid growth.

And then there was Choi Jun-ho.

A genius who was officially recognized as a Level 8 at the age of 25.

He was once her subbordinate, but now he had soared to places she couldnt chase.

Watching this process, Jung Da-hyun realized her own shortcomings. If she had been more diligent and more determined, she would be in a higher place now.

Falling behind was never a pleasant experience. Thats why she sought advice from Choi Jun-ho to move forward.

To stand by his side, I have to catch villains.

So, Jung Da-hyun left the city with Choi Jun-ho to find villains.


I thought I was going to die.

Black agent Han Sang-min from the Foreign Cooperation Agency recently recovered from an injury and returned to the front lines.

Those days were tough due to the injury. Under the orders of Director Yeom Ki-chul, he posed as a villain and collected information on them, but the experience of that day was a horrific moment. He didnt want to go through again.

That crazy guy is Level 8. Should I consider it fortunate that I survived?

Recalling the difficult rehabilitation moments, Han Sang-min shook his head.

Back then, he cursed, thinking he had been bitten by a mad dog, but looking back now, just being able to return like this was a blessing.

Where on earth did such a guy pop up from?

Despite experiencing both the life of a government hunter and that of a villain, he had never seen his type before.

Because of the injury, he couldnt return to his usual base. Han Sang-min first went to the black market to buy the necessary items and then planned to contact the villain organizations to inform them that Blink, Na Kyung-wook was alive.

After visiting the black market and coming out, he walked along a deserted street and was engulfed in discomfort. He felt the same thing when he had suffered a miserable defeat from Choi Jun-ho in a similar situation before.

Dj vu? Nah, it cant be.

Would the esteemed body of a Level 8 Transcendent appear in the black market? Thinking it was an exaggerated reaction, he tried to leave his spot. When he felt a presence from behind, he entered a state of alertness and caution.

I found it. Level 6.

Are you Jung Da-hyun?

It was Jung Da-hyun, the flower of the government hunters, known more for her beauty than her talent.

Though somewhat stern in personality, she was known as a shining figure among government hunters due to her resounding sense of justice, even if her character could be a bit rigid. Why would she be here?

Shes mainly known for apprehending villains in the city, right?

Right now, shes emitting an eerie aura that felt unsettling.

She was looking at him with the eyes of a predator looking at her prey.

Level 6 villain, Blink, Na Kyung-wook.

Uh, wait a moment!

Han Sang-min was lost in thought as he saw Jung Da-hyun approaching with a sword.


Jung Ju-ho was in a good mood after meeting Cheon Myeong-guk the previous day.

Finally, someone who had tasted Choi Jun-hos flavor had appeared. The feeling of relief that he no longer had to endure that terrible taste alone was overwhelming.

I hope his diarrhea gets better.

But the taste of Choi Jun-ho was just beginning. How well could Cheon Myeong-guk endure the upcoming storm of Choi Jun-hos taste?

Its so relieving to be one step removed from the aftermath.

Now, even if that guy caused trouble, its not his responsibility anymore. He just needed to lend a hand to the operation, pretend to control the situation, and take care of any mistakes.

Still, since he decided to honor him as his senior, he should probably prepare a good remedy for his diarrhea.

As he was smiling to himself, his phone rang loudly. It was his friend and confidant, Yeom Ki-chul, the director of the Foreign Operation Agency.

Hey, whats up?

Hey, you crazy bastard!

Suddenly, why are you acting like this? Did you have a fight with your wife yesterday?

You crazy bastard, Han Sang-min was seriously injured as soon as he returned to work! He left for a mission today, you crazy bastard!

What are you talking about?

Cant you even manage your subordinates now? Huh? Your subordinate injured Sang-min seriously! It will take a year for him to recover!

Upon hearing Yeom Ki-chuls voice, which was getting louder, Jung Ju-ho realized that the situation was not normal.

However, Jung Ju-ho was innocent. Theres a 99.99% chance that Choi Jun-ho, who was prone to causing accidents like this, recognized Han Sang-mins face. Since he knew that the other was only an undercover villain.

Above all, Choi Jun-ho was no longer his subordinate.

Isnt this a mistake? Choi Jun-ho wouldnt injure Han Sang-min again. And what misconception do you have? Choi Jun-ho established a cooperative relationship with the National Security Agency. Hes not my subordinate anymore.

Its not Choi Jun-ho.


Jung Da-hyun.


Your niece, Jung Da-hyun, made Han Sangmin a half-wit! Crazy bastard!

Oh, come on. That cant be true. It couldnt be.

Are you really convinced that its not true? Really?

It was a moment of bone-chilling realization. Jung Da-hyun, his own niece. She had been famous as a genius since childhood and had handled her work excellently with a strong sense of justice and upright character.

Jung Ju-ho believed she would become a brilliant hunter for South Korea, shining brightly. Even if she was influenced by Choi Jun-ho, she would use it as nourishment to break her own limits.

No, Jung Da-hyun couldnt do that. But why couldnt he firmly deny Yeom Ki-chul?

Having reached that point, Jung Ju-ho found himself unknowingly tearing at his hair in shock.

Oh, no!

T/N: I used Oppa and Hyung in this chapter. Should I continue to use it instead of Brother? If so, then I will also use Unni/Noona instead of Sister from here on.

PS. Updates will be Monday to Friday starting next week. ^^

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