The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 42:

Chapter 42:

The nationalistic sentiment I proposed to Cheon Myeong-guk was rejected.

It seemed okay, but it didnt work out.

We decided to release it as a full video because editing could arouse suspicion.

Still, it was a bit disappointing.


The eyes that swayed from side to side according to my spoon movement were impressive. Then, when it touched the tip of my spoon, it popped. I scooped that up with my spoon.

The deep flavor of the Aul boars head, which could move forward, backward, left, right, and even 360 degrees, coated the tip of my tongue and spread throughout my mouth. Its a fantastic taste that I want to keep all to myself.

How is it?

The Presidents eyes were full of anticipation as he looked at me. We had become more comfortable with each other recently, and he was showing a considerable friendliness. I took another bite and honestly replied.

Its excellent.

To what extent?

Can I become the youngest son in your family?

What? Hahaha!

The President laughed heartily, clutching his belly. His wife, who was next to him, also laughed brightly.

I didnt really understand why they liked it so much, even though I just said it tasted delicious and enjoyed it. I should eat more while theyre in a good mood. I focused on eating.

It seems my wifes cooking will shine in her twilight years.

Why does it taste so good? I want more.

I understand the sentiment, but if we already unveil our exceptional dishes, wont that reduce the chances to showcase them in the future? Lets take it slowly and leave room for a variety of dishes so that we can continue to entertain even after we leave the Blue House.

Thats a valid point.

Smiling, the First Lady got up from her seat.

I should develop a new recipe in preparation for that time. Please continue your conversation comfortably.

Seeing that, I realized that being a politicians wife isnt for just anyone. The First Lady knew when to step back, aware that the President had something to say. She had a warm demeanor but was also cunning like a fox.

So, why have you been hiding your skills all this time?

Which ones?

I mean your hunting skills. You took down a Black Wyvern in a single blow.

You saw that.

Ive seen it all. Ive watched that scene over five times. I may not be an Awakened, but I believe I have a pretty good eye for things, and every time I watched that scene, I couldnt help but admire it. Even my friend who used to explain things to me shook their head, saying it was unbelievable. So, I laughed. I always knew you would succeed like this. I really did.

Considering that, it felt like he was pressuring me quite severely.

A politicians skill of changing face was quite remarkable. Maybe I should learn that too.

I believe you.

Well, thats a relief. Anyway, this has made my burden lighter. But why didnt you hunt with that skill of yours? If it was me, I would have gone crazy hunting monsters. Catching just one would cover the campaign expenses! Catching ten would revive the economy! Isnt this a miracle?

I wasnt really interested.

This one catch alone would be worth over a hundred billion when combined, you know? Its a distribution I cant even imagine. Ive seen people who claimed they had no greed for money but secretly hoarded it in the background, but youre beyond that.

If you combine the core of the Black Wyvern and its by-products, its worth over a hundred billion.

We will keep the hunting results secret as requested. Those who want to devalue Choi Jun-ho, the Transcendent, will taste bitterness. When do you plan to make it public?

At the National Guild Union meeting.

Its going to be chaotic.

The President, who had regained his appetite, asked cautiously,

Do you think it will really appear?

Director Cheon must have reported it. The probability of the monster appearing is 100%.


The presidents expression hardened.

To be surprised to this extent. It would take the appearance of at least two danger level 8 monsters for it to be actually shocking.

The Level 7 monsters are being driven away. The only ones capable of that are higher-grade monsters.

Well, this is a big problem. Its going to cause significant damage. Cant we launch a preemptive attack?

We could if we know where its going to appear.

If we thoroughly search Cheongju, Eumseong, and Goesan County, well find it, eventually.

These three areas were candidates for the level 8 monsters lair.

Do you think the hunters will yield?

They wont. Its their biggest money-making opportunity. But it seems like we can get the result we wanted by aligning our interest with them, right?

Thats a misunderstanding.

It doesnt seem like that to me.

A monster with a danger level 8 left nothing to waste, from their core to every part of their corpse. Moreover, they were so rare that the combined price of the byproducts was in the billions.

Large guilds would come running with money signs in their eyes.

The president was no exception.

For the first attacking team, you can yield to the guilds. But I want the next turn.

Do you think the first one will fail?

I hope it succeeds.

But its your turn to capture it next.

If the monster make it to my turn, Ill catch it.

The president, who had been thinking for a moment, summed up the situation briefly.

First, all these assumptions will only hold if a monster with a dangerlevel 8 appears.


Im still hoping for it not to appear, but we should be prepared.

A bitter smile tugged at the corners of the presidents mouth.


Despite concealing the fact of the Black Wyvern hunt, news of an attack on the hunting team after leaving the area began to raise the possibility of the appearance of a danger level 8 monster

A monster with a danger level 8 meant that it was different from the usual monsters hunters encountered so far, much like how a Level 8 Awakened was evaluated as a transcendent being.

Thats why each one was named.

Mishandling a danger level 8 monster could lead to the destruction of the nation itself.

However, South Korea had already faced danger level 8 monsters seven times, and while they had caused great damage, the countrys hunters had also managed to hunt them down a few times.

The first to react to the news of the danger level 8 monsters appearance was the stock market.

Foreign capital was leaving, causing circuit breakers to be triggered, leading to turmoil.

However, the market quickly recovered as the anticipation of the level 8 hunt led to a cap on the price of related stocks.

The right to hunt a danger level 8 monster was initially auctioned off to the largest guilds affiliated with a Level 8 Transcendent. And to control the rampaging monsters due to the disrupted ecosystem, hunting restrictions were lifted, pouring countless byproducts into the market during this process.

The Sacred Guild was one of the first to hear about the danger level 8 monster.

Its a level 8, finally, a hunting target that gets the blood boiling.

Uncle, do you want us to take the lead?

Of course. Its an opportunity for our group to leap forward. Think about the Reaper Guild that rose to prominence after capturing the seventh, Daon, last time.

However, Lee Se-hee remained lost in thought instead of answering.

Baek Gun-seo saw her like that and asked.

Do you have any other thoughts?

There are a few concerns. First, Jun-ho-ssi seems to be quiet. Uncle must have heard the rumors, too, right?

Baek Gun-seo immediately understood what was being referred to. It was a hot topic these days.

You mean the half-baked one? Ive heard it, and there seems to be some logic to it. Dealing with monster hunting presents its own challenges.

Its just baseless rumors.

Oh, really?


Lee Se-hee recalled the momentum that Choi Jun-ho had shown when he imitated a monster. It was a display of skill that would be impossible without an excellent understanding of monsters. She wondered how many monters he had seen to make it possible. Curiosity led her to attempt to mimic it, but she eventually gave up. However, she was certain of one thing.

Choi Jun-ho knew more about monsters than she dared to guess. And while that understanding didnt translate into hunting skills, she couldnt imagine him not being able to hunt them.

Thats why Im cautious. And the Black Wyvern, I think Jun-ho-ssi might have caught it.

But didnt you say you couldnt obtain any information?

Yes, I couldnt. But the blocking is too thorough. By doing so, it fits the puzzle. Jun-ho-ssi probably requested to keep the information hidden. He must be working on a bigger picture.

There could be various reasons, but the most likely one was still the bait for those people spreading the half-baked rumors.

There were quite a few people who were jealous of his unconventional existence.

Choi Jun-ho was definitely not someone who would let such situations slide.

If this was all to lure them in

As Lee Se-hee contemplated this, her body shuddered. Just the thought of the aftermath was frightening. How many heads would roll?

Fortunately, hers wouldnt be one of them.

If your judgment is like that, then I wont insist. If we back off, Lee Chan-taek, that guy, will come charging enthusiastically.

Didnt you have high expectations?

I have expectations. But one should never underestimate a leaders intuition. Rather, you should respect it. Brother was like that too. He guided the Sacred Group to this position during times of upheaval with that intuition. You have that talent too.

Thank you for understanding.

But Im curious about the details. A guy who used to ruthlessly catch villains actually has considerable hunting skills? Whats the secret to being able to display that level of prowess at his age?

Baek Gun-seo looked at Lee Se-hee with a subtle gaze.

If you ask, wont he tell you?

I dont want my head to explode. Uncle, you also saw Anna Christine was ignored.

I saw it. Ive never seen a man jilt such a pretty girl. Tsk tsk, if it were me

Uncle, it seems like Anna Christine looked quite pretty in your eyes. Are you going to the United States because of this? Shall I contact Anna Christine and introduce you?


Lee Se-hee smiled as she watched Baek Gun-seo coughed awkwardly.

Ill continue to gather information. Ill do my best to meet Uncles expectations.

Good, thank you. But do you have an appointment today?

Does it look like that?

You look different from usual.

When it came to Lee Se-hee, she was the epitome of glamour. She was a walking exhibition of luxury goods with billions on her body.

As a leading figure in the top Sacred Guild of South Korea and a celebrity, the luxury products she would wear in a day had an enormous promotional effect, to the point where the stock would soar that day.

But today, she exuded a different kind of purity in her casual and calm attire.

Had Baek Gun-seo ever seen Lee Se-hee like this?

Thinking back, Baek Gun-seo concluded that it was the first time.

Sometimes I want to dress like this too, said Lee Se-hee, smiling slightly.


My parents had come up to Seoul. At first, they had firmly insisted on staying in Cheongju, but after making up their minds once, they quickly moved to Seoul.

The timing wasnt bad. Whether it was during the northward journey of the Executioner or considering one of the potential places for Nuri to appear as Cheongju, I made arrangements so they would come up here as soon as possible.

So, Seoul is good after all?

Its not bad.

Thats why I told you to come up earlier. Why are you being so stubborn?

The culprit was her father. At her mothers nagging, her father replied with an awkward expression.

We agreed not to interfere with the children.

I told you the children would figure something out. Its good that we com up here, so lets trust them a little more.

The place we were in right now was actually an apartment located in Yongsan with a Han River view. Its a 34-square-meter apartment, but the apartment price was a staggering 6.5 billion won, which was where I invested all the money earned from monster hunting.

It didnt matter, though, because I would soon have over 100 billion from the Black Wyvern hunt.

My parents looked around the apartment and kept exclaiming.

Its really nice. Did Jun-ho prepare it?

Yoon-hee also put in some effort. Theres a department at the Sacred Guild that helps.

After rolling around at home, Yoon-hee has grown up.

Shes grown up, but now all she needs to do is marry well, and there will be no wishes left.

What do you mean, shes already getting married? How young is Yoon-hee! She should meet several men first. Thats how you choose a good man.

But she shouldnt marry some strange guy.

Its okay for my parents to talk about Yoon-hees love life, but why did they keep glancing at me?

Were they telling me to date? Or did they have no expectations at all?

It seemed like the latter, but did I really look like I couldnt date at all?

I saw a lot of comments in the news saying that I love you, Oppa. Didnt that mean I was quite popular, too? But I didnt understand why they always added those vague comments afterward.

Jun-ho, have you had dinner?

Not yet.

In that case, how about we look around a bit and then go have dinner together?


It was around 6 oclock now, so going out in a bit seemed fine.

Then I heard the doorbell rang.

Who is it?

Im not sure.

I was puzzled because no one else was supposed to come, but then I saw Lee Se-hee standing at the door.

Why was Lee Se-hee here?

When I opened the door and looked at her, her attire was different from usual.

The usually glamorous woman seemed unusually simple today.

Maybe she ate something wrong.

Hello, Jun-ho-ssi? Hello, Father, Mother. (T/N: This is just a simple greeting. Koreans usually greet older generation that way, especially if the ones theyre greeting were related to their friends or acquaintances.)

After Lee Se-hee greeted me with a nod, she greeted my parents.

Oh, oh! So, um

Who is this?

My parents were bewildered by Lee Se-hees sudden appearance.

I was quite surprised too. Why did she come?

Im Lee Se-hee from the Sacred Guild. Ive been indebted to Jun-ho-ssi a lot.

Shes Yoon-hees boss at work.

Really, youre so beautiful.

Jun-ho is lucky.

Im Jun-hos mother. But why are you indebted to our Jun-ho?

Se-hee said with a shy smile.

Jun-ho-ssi is so capable, you know? So, Ive been seeking advice on current issues and getting assistance on various projects from him. Hes been a great help.

Our Jun-ho?

Yes, Jun-ho-ssi is more outstanding than Mother thinks. Level 8 transcendent beings are among the most carefully managed individuals by the government. In fact, their official ranks are very high, and they play a prominent role as representatives of South Korea in international exchanges and activities

Lee Se-hee calmly answered my parents questions.

At first, my parents, who were initially unfamiliar with her, were completely captivated by just a few words.

Did she use a Gift? I checked just in case, but she didnt. It was all due to her words. Lee Se-hee frowned, as if she had noticed my checking.

Whats going on here?

If I was the one who said what Lee Se-hee was saying, they would definitely nag me.

Why were they more harmonious in conversation with her than with their own son?

At some point, Lee Se-hee took the lead and started introducing the apartment. She explained even the parts I didnt know and even introduced the apartments amenities.

Perhaps If she had her way, my parents would have signed a contract for another house today.

As we talked, time passed, and before I knew it, it was 6 oclock. It was almost time for dinner, but Lee Se-hee seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Ive made a reservation for dinner. Would you be okay with that?

For dinner?

Yes, theres a nice place nearby.

Then we should go.

Ill guide you.

So the four of us, including Lee Se-hee, had dinner together until evening.

My father, who lightly nudged my side, cleared his throat.

Ahem! Our Jun-ho has grown up.


News of the appearance of a danger level 8 monster spread. It was a news that shook South Korea.

A meeting of the National Guild Union was held as the news broke frighteningly fast.

During this meeting, a plan to deal with the monster would be decided, and negotiations among the guilds would be carried out.

Occasionally, there had been claims of one-sided benefits for some guilds, but they had generally gone through a peaceful negotiation process under the governments mediation.

The National Guild Union was treated like any other guild union in South Korea, but a guild had to meet certain qualifications. Various factors, such as the number of members, hunting achievements, and revenue, had to be met for membership.

This led to criticism that the voices of small guilds were not being heard, but hunting monsters was an era directly related to national security.

Minor complaints were easily ignored.

We will begin the meeting.

With all of Koreas powerful guilds gathered, I, as a Transcendent, attended the meeting with Cheon Myeong-guk.

All eyes turned towards the seat I had taken. The scrutiny was so intense that it felt like an attempt to silence me with their gaze. People have a tendency to be so intrusive, making it hard to stop the urge to collect their eyeballs.

Judging from the disturbance of the ecosystem and the strange Force observed, the appearance of a danger level 8 monster is imminent.

Peoples attention shifted to Cheon Myeong-guk.

The right to hunt danger level 8 monsters was determined through bidding, and it was up to the Awakened Security Office to organize it.

Cheon Myeong-guk, who was seated, approached the podium.

We are currently facing a massive threat. As time goes by, the world is increasingly exposed to the threat of monsters. The government plans to name the new monster Nuri as scheduled, and the first hunting rights for Nuri will be determined through bidding.

In this context, the term order referred to the order in which monsters were confronted. Obtaining the first right meant facing danger level 8 monsters on the front lines, and if they succeeded in the hunt, they would get full credit for it.

However, this wasnt all good news. On the contrary, sacrifices would increase as they faced the dangers head-on.

But as time passed, expertise in hunting accumulated, and the strength of hunters rapidly increased. Guilds with bidding rights wanted to have the first priority, and the government felt the same way.

However, Cheon Myeong-guk announced that the government would give up the first order.

It moved according to my demands.

The murmurs grew louder.

Instead, the government intends to exercise the second hunting right, and the first, third, and fourth orders will be determined by the results of the bidding.

The minimum qualification to hunt danger level 8 monsters was to have a Level 8 Transcendent in the guild. Currently, there were only four groups with the necessary qualifications: the government and three guilds.

The commotion grew even louder at those words.

Once again, all eyes turned to me. I heard the word half-baked in the middle of the discussions. There were also expressions that didnt seem very favorable.

When Chun Myeong-guk finished speaking, a person stood up and shouted from his seat.

Isnt it necessary to prove that the government has the ability to hunt, even before determining the second hunting order?

It was a burly man with a shaved head who spoke up. He was in his mid-40s, muscular, and his identity was on the blacklist, or rather, on the classified document.

He was Yoo Heung-ryul, the guild master of the Fang Guild operating in Suwon Gwanggyo. It was said that he achieved significant results in a short period of aggressive hunting, and he had expanded the guilds size.

However, it was said that they were having frequent quarrels and feuds over hunting grounds as they tried to expand their territory, causing friction with guilds in Suwon and Yongin.

In the meantime, Yoo Heung-ryeol looked around and continued speaking.

I dont doubt the ability of the first hunting party, but they might fail due to lack of information. The second team would then have to intercept the monster, but the government is going to take over? If the monster get through, the guilds would have to face a danger level 8 right in front of the city! As a member of the National Guild Union, I dont trust an unproven hunting team from the government!

Many responded positively to Yoo Heung-ryeols words. I kept the faces of those who supported him actively in my mind. Just because I was curious.

I signaled to Cheon Myeong-guk.

Perhaps worried that the commotion would escalate, Cheon Myeong-guk raised his voice.

So, I have prepared a video. Would you please pay attention for a moment?

It was a tense moment.

The process of me hunting a danger level 7 monster, a Black Wyvern, known to be difficult even for large guilds to hunt, began to play on the large screen in the meeting room. It was a plain video without flashy thumbnails.

A danger level 7 monster. The room fell silent, then erupted into an uproar as the video showed how I had killed a monster that was known to be difficult for even the largest guilds to hunt.

But whats up with how this video was filmed? Its awkward.

Should I pay more attention to the camera and try to hunt more impressively? I should be more careful in the future.

In the meantime, I skimmed through the confidential document prepared by Cheon Myeong-guk, which contained what Yoo Heung-ryeol had said.

Phrases like inexperienced half-baked, a guy who trembles in front of monsters, if he kneels and begs, maybe Ill share some hunting tips, and did he became a Transcendent because he has videos of the President and the Director of the Awakened Security Office? were recorded.

The language was pretty blunt.

Killing the Black Wyvern in one shot

When the one-minute full video ended, everyones attention was focused on me.

The eyes of Yoo Heung-ryul were shaking violently. Was he starting to feel scared now?

This is interesting.

It was a strange situation.

I had reached Level 8, and there was no way he didnt know that I was a Transcendent.

Why was he picking a fight without knowing his place?

Did he think I wouldnt lay a hand on him?

On what basis?

Thats a seriously mistaken belief.

Im pretty good at taking down hunters too.

Some of the people around me seemed surprised.

I rose from my seat and stomped lightly on the floor, quickly crossing the room to stand beside the podium as Cheon Myeong-guk made way for me.

I stood in front of the podium.

This spot is good. I can hear you all well.

I smiled at the guild representatives facing me. They would have their work cut out for them.

After dismissing them, I said to Yoo Heung-ryul, who looked pale with blue lips.

You have a loose tongue. Keep going.

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