The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 37

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 37

Episode 37 A hazy precision diagnosis method (2)


The dark mind law was activated.

The circle spun violently.

My body’s senses became sharper.

The sound of a beating heart. The sound of spit going down the throat. Between breathing in and breathing out. Even the slight tremors of the bronchi and the fluctuations of the diaphragm. Rachiel was able to sense clearly what was happening inside her body little by little.

‘Because energy is circulating in my body too.’

Because you are alive, your energy and blood circulate. The circulating energy is mana. There is no part of the body that does not contain mana. Mana is contained in every muscle, bone, and hair cell, as well as all five organs and six organs. Everywhere life acts, it comes in, stays, dwells, permeates, pulsates, and breathes.

Rachiel felt that mana. I felt mana through the faint method of meditation and examined the body through mana. At first, I wondered if it was possible. But surprisingly, it was possible to some extent.

‘It’s like… I feel like an X-ray that uses mana instead of X-rays.’

Or, it felt like an MRI that probed the body using mana instead of magnetic resonance.

‘Then can we examine other people’s bodies in the same way?’

I moved my hand. I touched Georges’ shoulder. I carefully and slowly increased the rotation speed of the Mana Circle.


The circle surrounding the heart rotated even more intensely. The perception of mana has increased further. That much calmed my mind.

I slowly closed my eyes.

I finally felt it little by little.


When I closed my eyes, I saw a different world. It was a scene of another level of shabby mind. A completely black world. I could see lights flowing within it. It was the flow of mana circulating within Child Georges’ body.

The moving stream of mana was shining all over, indicating its path. It was as if you were taking a satellite photo of the Republic of Korea in the middle of the night and seeing a landscape where electricity was lit in every city and populated area over the pitch-black land.

‘But the flow is… chaotic.’

Rakiel swallowed his sleep.

The flow of mana circulating in the child’s body was strange. No, it was not only strange, but devastating. It was flowing as it should.

Originally, the circulation of energy and blood had to flow in a certain order along a certain path according to the principles of the five elements of yin and yang. When a person breathes, air flows in and out through the respiratory tract. Just as a person’s pulse moves blood from the heart to the arteries to the extremities of the body and back to the heart through veins. Every flow of the body had a definite path.

But what about inside the child’s body now?

The set path was not visible. All the mana was running wild. It was even flowing so powerfully. It was like a mess of twisted and twisted torrents collapsing valleys and banks.

‘Epilepsy… is something like this.’

It’s even more devastating to actually see the flow of energy and blood. Suddenly, I felt sad. But Rakiel was not swayed by such feelings. Now is a moment to be more cool-headed than ever. I don’t know how long I will be able to sense mana this sensitively.

So, we must cherish this opportunity.


Rachiel’s eyes lit up.

I kept an eye on the child’s runaway mana flow. Each one was tracked, reviewed, and analyzed.

‘We need to find the flow that causes epilepsy.’

A surge of brain waves.

I traced a flow that could be a clue. Numerous nerve trunks were explored through the spinal nerves. The tangled and twisted flow of mana was observed, classified, and the order was reanalyzed. I reasoned. Tracked.

Then I finally found it.


His eyes focused on the side of the child’s neck. There was a nerve trunk that came out of the child’s medulla oblongata and out of the skull through the jugular foramen. The 10th cranial nerve among the 12 cranial nerves that extend from the brain.

It was the vagus nerve.

However, the mana signal flowing along the nerve was very strange. It wasn’t just strange, it was horribly violent.

Parts! Wow!

Nerve signals flew like sparks flying. Like a meteorite falling. As if destroying the surrounding area. The vagus nerve, hit by misaligned nerve signals, spasmed.

Soon, a chain reaction of nervous energy and blood occurred. Just like a pebble thrown into a pond creates ripples. Just as a meteorite falling into the sea causes a tsunami. The destructive distortion of energy and blood originating in the vagus nerve swept through the child’s medulla. It upset the vagus nerve nucleus there.

The waves spread throughout the brain. A deluge of destructive nerve signals rushed through my entire body.

‘This was it.’

Rachiel finally realized.

Finally found the cause.

‘Faulty nerve signals originating from the vagus nerve. ‘It stimulates the vagal nucleus through the medulla oblongata, and that stimulation causes a nervous breakdown throughout the brain.’

He concentrated even more. I was paying close attention to the vagus nerve. We observed the patterns of nerve signals occurring there. I remembered. engraved

Meanwhile, the flow of mana that was running wild in the child’s body gradually calmed down. The symptoms of generalized tonic seizures, which seemed endless, were subsiding.

‘Then I’m here too.’

Fortunately, I saw everything there was to see.

Rakiel lost his concentration.

The activation of the Asurahan Mind Act has been stopped. The rotation of the circle, which had been pushing hard, also stopped.


The world inside the child’s body that was visible through Mana became distant.

I opened my eyes.

I could see a familiar world outside my eyelids. However, the appearance of that world was somehow unfamiliar. For some reason, all objects appeared to be two or three overlapping.


I had no strength in my legs.

I sat down without realizing it.

As I barely caught my breath, cold sweat was dripping down my cheeks. The same was true for the hand that was touching the child’s shoulder and the forearm.

‘Am I exhausted?’

I guess I unconsciously used my dark mind skills to the limit. It seems that diagnosis using mental techniques was not an easy task. Actually, this side is still struggling.

I felt dizzy.

I felt nauseous.


Shouting from all around.

But Rachiel waved her hand as if it was okay. Rather than taking care of my own body, I first looked at the child’s details.


Fortunately, the child was safe. The seizure seemed to have ended and he fell asleep as if in a daze. Only after confirming that did Rachiel look around. Although they are only three or four steps away, it feels as if they are incredibly far away. Lord Gardin, Damian’s Special Forces and the Royal Guards.

He smiled slightly at them.

“Bring a blanket. Cover the child. This kid is exhausted. Your entire body’s muscles must be extremely tired from suffering from cramps. So rest is the most important thing right now. Don’t wake me up, let me sleep like this. Don’t even move to bed. Don’t make a loud noise. “Don’t make a fuss.”

“My highness?”

“And I think I should… rest too. “Please bring another pillow and blanket.”


The sound of someone shouting.

The world spun with that sound. A dull sensation where the head meets the floor and chin slightly roughly. The ceiling is spinning. The world feels distant.

Went away.

It got dark.

I fell asleep.

Soon everything was immersed in darkness.

‘…Oh my head.’

Did I fall asleep soundly?

Rachiel slowly opened his eyes.

The surroundings were not very bright. Only a few flickering rays of light illuminated the night-drenched area near the bed. And next to that bed….

“Are you awake?”

Damian is looking this way.

The guy’s face, reflected through jet black hair, looked unusually smooth. It was amazing all over again.


This is what it feels like to see the main character you imagined in a novel in real life. This is what it feels like to face each other and talk.

Is it because I felt burdened by the look in their eyes? Damian’s brow furrowed slightly.

“You were lying down for half a day.”

“is it. “It must be past midnight.”

“yes. Sir Gardin was by my side until a little while ago and went in to take a short rest.”

“Tsk. “The patient has lost consciousness, but is he going to sleep?”

“I reassured him and let him in.”

“Are you reassuring?”

“yes. “I knew you would wake up soon.”

Damien paused for a moment, probably thinking he needed to explain further, and then spoke again.

“I don’t know the details, but what can I say? “I could smell it.”


“yes. “The smell of your exhaled breath has changed subtly.”

“So you knew I would wake up soon?”

“It’s a little strange, but yes.”

“What’s strange?”

I burst into laughter.

Depending on how you hear it, it may be a strange statement. I knew he would wake up because of the subtle change in the smell of his breath. No, I couldn’t believe I had sensed such a subtle difference in smell before. Of course, this is impossible for an ordinary person.

But what about Damian?

‘It’s possible.’

Perhaps it won’t be long before I reach the upper level of Sword Expert. When that day comes? You will suffer from the so-called ‘Sword Master Syndrome’, in which all senses in your body become overly sensitive.

‘Of course, we’ll still need more time.’

So, more about that later. About the time he really suffered from the syndrome. After organizing his thoughts like that, Rachiel changed the topic.

“What about the child?”

“Georges woke up early around evening. “He seemed very tired.”

“I guess so. “Because I suffered from such a seizure.”

“yes. “After feeding him a hearty dinner, I put him to sleep again.”

“okay. good job.”

“But is that child really not possessed by an evil spirit?”


Rachiel nodded.

“It’s not such a superstitious phenomenon. “It’s a cranial nerve disease.”

“Cranial nerves… you mean?”

“Hmm. Fortunately, we found the cause.”


I found it.

Rakiel recalled the events of the day earlier. A vague, precise diagnosis method using the heart method that I tried for the first time. It was a strange and surprising experience. The results were even more surprising.

‘I did it just in case, but it really succeeded. It felt like I was looking directly into the child’s body… Anyway, the cause of the seizure was the vagus nerve.’

Then there is only one treatment.

‘Vagus nerve stimulation.’

It was a surgery performed at a hospital.

Surgery to insert an electrode wire into the vagus nerve on the left side of the neck. What if the electrode wire inserted like that gives a subtle electrical stimulation to the vagus nerve?

‘The stimulation is transmitted to the brain and reduces epileptic seizures.’

A small surgery can have a big effect. Of course, it was not effective for all epilepsy patients. However, customized treatment can be performed by continuously observing the progress after the procedure and adjusting the size of the electrical stimulation.

Moreover, there are very few aftereffects. It was a procedure that could be an ideal treatment if it suited the patient’s situation and symptoms.

‘It’s especially perfect for someone like Georges. ‘Epilepsy occurs because the nerve congestion of the vagus nerve is the cause.’

In this case, drug treatment such as gabapentin, valproate, or carbamazepine is not necessary. There is no need to try to get the drug that is not available here.

There is no need to explore alternative treatments such as using therapeutic hemp oil (CBD) or the ketogenic diet.

All you need is vagus nerve stimulation.

And Rakiel had already planned a way to implement vagus nerve stimulation here.

‘I was thinking about this just before I passed out.’

I thought and thought about it.

I thought and reasoned.

And finally it occurred to me.

‘It’s worth a try.’

Also, there is no reason to hesitate now. Rachiel got up from the bed.

“let’s go.”


Damian tilted his head at the words he suddenly said. I frowned at the sight of this person quickly putting on a shirt and outerwear.

“Where do you want to go this late at night?”

“Imperial palace.”


“There’s something you should try. “Just follow me.”

“…All right.”

I left the bedroom with him. They left the villa and moved on the streets of the Imperial Capital after midnight, leaving behind the sound of rattling carriages.

Arrived at the imperial palace.

“Hard work during the night. “Please guide me to the court wizard, Sir Janetis.”

“To Lord Janetis… you mean?”

The royal guard who greeted the crown prince on a dark night blinked. Rachiel nodded as if it was very obvious.

“right now.”

“…Oh, I understand.”

I received guidance from the guard. How many gardens, hallways, stairs, and corners did I pass?

“This is the place.”

Finally, we arrived at Court Wizard Janetis’s quarters. Rachiel opened the door and entered. Of course, there was an uproar inside.

“Who are you?”

Was he startled when the door suddenly opened and several people rushed in? An old man with a white beard who looked like he would have appeared in the movie ‘The Lord of the Rings’ was seen looking scared in his pajamas. It was the court wizard Janetis.

He probably woke up with a start from a short sleep. Seeing that, Rachiel felt humanly sorry.

But I can’t help it.

Want to try something you’ve come up with? Because it’s better in the middle of the night than during the day when people are wide awake. Because I have come with a favor that can only be done at times like these. I have to do this to treat my child’s epilepsy.

‘That way, the successful treatment case will spread as a good story, customers will flock to the villa’s oriental medicine clinic, and I will receive a bonus life!’

It is not a humane or humane reason for the child. This is so that I can eat well, sleep well, and live a long, disease-free life.

I reaffirmed that thought. I quickly approached the court wizard. A titanium steel plate was placed all over the face.

“I came here because I wanted to ask you something, Sir Janetis. Could it be…”


“Can you just throw one lightning spell on my back?”


Court wizard Janetis was sleeping well when he suddenly received a request. His eyes began to tap dance in confusion and embarrassment.

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