The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 89

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 89

Episode 89 Lie Ticket (1)

Princess of Amboise.

Adeline Beauharnais Amboise.

A powerful figure in the royal family and the first heir to the throne. She also had the nickname ‘The Smiling Angel of Amboise’.

Because she’s a compassionate person like Mother Teresa? Because you have a benevolent and warm personality? It wasn’t.

She was a first-class fighter. It was at the level of a sword expert intermediate level knight. However, he had a unique habit of hitting people. The idea was to trample on the opponent while smiling brightly. That was why she was called the Smiling Angel.

‘Anyway, it was said that apart from her unique tendencies, she was politically a pacifist.’

Rakiel searched for memories.

The content of the original Demon Sword Emperor came to mind. Princess Adeline has never appeared directly in a novel. However, there were quite a few parts that were mentioned indirectly through the dialogues or records of characters in the novel. To sum up the details and deduce….

‘He had a warlike personality that hated losing, but surprisingly he preferred peace to war. He was also said to have wise qualities. But… despite its many advantages, it had a fatal flaw. ‘He died young without even being able to demonstrate his many strengths.’

Death prematurely.

That was the worst weakness that Princess Adeline showed. Although she was extremely healthy, strong, and powerful, she died suddenly before becoming king. As a result, another member of the collateral blood family became king of Amboise.

It was a fisherman’s story. It was also a disaster for Magentano. This was because the person in the collateral blood who became the new king was an extreme and radical expansionist militarist, completely different from Adeline.

‘It was almost like an obsession. He acted like a man born for war. Thanks to this, all the capabilities of the Kingdom of Amboise, which had been on the rise from the beginning, were focused on expanding its military power. Magentano felt wary of such movements, and the conflict between the two intensified until finally, bang.’

A conflict broke out.

It was the beginning of the Great War, the event that led to the downfall of Magentano.

‘We can’t let that happen.’

Rachiel made a promise. And calculated. How do we prevent a major war from happening at this point? We must prevent a radical militarist from becoming king of Amboise.

What’s the best way to do that?

‘Princess Adeline did not die young.’

As long as she doesn’t die. Because he is first in line to succeed to the throne. If she doesn’t die, she will become king. The Kingdom of Amboise will not follow the path of radical militarism. Then there will be no great war.

‘Almost certain. Because there were such references in the novel as well.’

It reminded me of what historians commented on in the novel Demon Sword Emperor. What if Adeline, Princess of Amboise, had not died young? What if he ascended to the throne as planned?

She would have used her strengthened national power to enrich the people. Instead of recklessly starting a war, he would have walked the path of peaceful coexistence with neighboring countries, including Magentano. Did you think that such innocent young people would not have been mobilized to fight in the great war, resulting in a tragedy in which countless people died?

‘So, as long as Princess Adeline doesn’t die. ‘I can do that.’

Rakiel traced his memories even deeper. Even the slightest mentions in the novel Demon Sword Emperor were revisited. The reason why Princess Adeline died young came to mind. The exact name of the disease was not revealed. However, there was an accurate description of the symptoms she suffered when she died.

‘I said it was a sudden illness. He said he complained of severe stomach pain in the evening after training and eating as usual. He said he was in pain, clutching the right side of his solar plexus and breaking out in a cold sweat…’

Within a few days after that, he showed signs of rapid jaundice. He became so weak that he died. As I looked at the contents, something suddenly occurred to me.

‘The symptoms that Princess Adeline experienced seemed to be biliary obstruction caused by gallstones.’

No matter how you look at it, that was it.

In fact, some of my acquaintances experienced the same symptoms. Wonho and Eunsu were best friends at the time when they were in Korea. A web novelist who knew these guys through one leg.

Was his name Baek Kyung?

It was said that Baek-kyung suffered from the same symptoms as the Princess of Amboise. He said that one evening he felt a sudden sharp pain on the right side of his solar plexus. While playing a soccer game, I grabbed my solar plexus and said, “Oh, my God.” In the meantime, the team scored a goal and oh my… Gooooo!

He said he was taken to the emergency room while shouting…

‘That guy ended up having his entire gallbladder removed. He boasted that on the morning of the surgery, he finished the manuscript, removed the intestines at lunch, and edited the manuscript that came back in the evening after the anesthesia wore off.’

Anyway, there are many amazing people in the world.

‘Anyway, looking at the symptoms that Princess Adeline suffered, it is almost certain. The bile duct through which bile flows is blocked due to gallstones. I must have continued to experience tremendous pain, almost equivalent to childbirth, for several days. But there is something scarier than pain.’

Originally, bile is bile that should flow into the duodenum through the bile duct. But what if the bile duct becomes blocked? It’s just like a clogged drain. Bile refluxes. At the end of the reflux? There is a liver.

‘The bile invades the liver. My liver is damaged. Liver cirrhosis is progressing. The spleen and pancreas are damaged. In the end, you will die without being able to do anything.’

What about Mr. Baek-kyung, who was actually an acquaintance? Did you say that when I went to the hospital, my liver function was already 40 times higher than normal? As such, bile duct obstruction caused by gallstones was not a disease that could be considered a joke.

What if I don’t receive the correct treatment? It was a disease that could almost lead to death. So, we must call Princess Adeline here. You have to check the condition yourself.

‘If a certain amount of gallstones have formed in the gallbladder, the gallstones should be removed and preventative measures should be taken to prevent gallstones from forming in the future.’

Then it will be okay.

She will not die young. He will be a peaceful king and will not start a great war. The Magentano imperial family will not fall.

‘Then everyone becomes happy. ‘My beautiful and wealthy royal life will also be protected.’

…It’s the perfect plan.

Rachiel was internally satisfied. I looked at Ambassador Amboise across the negotiation table.

The ambassador’s expression was stiff. The subtle anger hidden beneath the poker face was visible. It’s probably because of what we just asked for.

‘They are asking their princess to stay here in the imperial capital for the next six months. Perhaps he was so angry because he thought it was an act of the upper kingdom holding the royal family of its subjects hostage.’

It was obvious even without looking.

But Rakiel didn’t care. He didn’t even worry about calming the ambassador’s anger. Instead, I prepared a lie.

A lie that could bring Adeline, Princess of Amboise, to the imperial capital. To tell that lie, he used his ‘right to lie’.

[Consumes 1 Lie Ticket.]

[Designated target: Ambassador Count Benjamin of Amboise will trust your one lie unconditionally and permanently.]


Everything is ready. Now is the time to check the power(?) of the right to use lies. Rachiel moistened her lips and opened her mouth. Like a full-bodied pollack roe, he fired out a load of lies.

“The truth is, I am very interested in a constructive and peaceful friendly relationship between our Magentano and your Amboise.”


The ambassador paused. It looked like he was asking what he was talking about. But that feeling only lasted for a moment.

Ding dong!

[The ambassador from Amboise, Count Benjamin, begins to fall for your lies.]

“Is that really what you said…?”

A line that asks a question in a dazed way. The Ambassador’s stiff expression gradually relaxed. He finally seemed to understand the true meaning of this. Looking at that, Rakiel was convinced.

‘do. good.’

Ticket to lies. It was a long time ago, but it seemed real. Rachiel’s lie gained momentum.

“I am also glad that you see it that way. Anyway, I was worried before. “What would be the best way to create a closer and more friendly relationship between Magentano and your Amboise and to maintain permanent peace in the future?”

“Is there a method you came up with?”

“yes. Fortunately, I remembered it. As I mentioned a moment ago, we are inviting the princess of Amboise to the imperial capital to stay for six months.”

“If we do that…”

“We will be able to build friendly relationships by sharing each other’s culture and culture. No, in fact, I would like to deepen our friendship on a personal level.”

“Communion… you mean?”

“yes. I am the future emperor of Magentano. The princess will also become the king of Amboise. So, wouldn’t the future of both countries become more peaceful if the future leaders of the two countries deepen their personal friendship in advance?”

“Oh, I see. “I never thought you would have such a plan…”

The ambassador nodded in admiration.

Originally, I was someone who would never do something like this. The person who immediately began to suspect, ‘What kind of crazy bullshit are they talking about?’ upon hearing Raquiel’s words, was the ambassador, Count Benjamin.

But not now. The lie ticket used by Rachiel. His reason was paralyzed by that absolute power. I only had blind faith in Rakiel’s lies. Rather, I even misunderstood Rakiel’s lie myself.

‘…Could it be that the Crown Prince of Magentano has feelings for our princess?’

Maybe so. His thoughts ran wild with imagination.

‘What if the princess comes to the imperial capital… and stays for 6 months… What if she really shares her heart and eyes with the crown prince?’


Really maybe.

A strong alliance or union may be formed through marriage. The Magentano Empire, a traditional powerhouse, and their own country, a rising powerhouse. By combining the two, an unprecedented empire could be built.

‘Huh. Just imagining it…’

My heart raced. My heart pounded even more at the fact that the meeting between myself and the crown prince was at the starting point of the great empire that was to be built.

‘Maybe my name will be engraved in history forever.’

It might really be possible. A meeting that laid the foundation of a great empire. Benjamin Benjamin, the great diplomat who led that meeting!


The ambassador’s inhalation and exhalation naturally became rough. Thanks to this, Rachiel, who was watching it, had to swallow a bitter smile.

‘The performance of this lying ticket is solid.’

I don’t know what the ambassador is delusional about. However, since I was fooled by this lie, I know for sure that they are doing that. He continued to lie, filling his confidence like nitrogen in a bag of chips.

“yes. Actually, it wasn’t easy to bring up this story. I thought this was a bit of an unreasonable request. But from my perspective, who dreams of a constructive future for both countries, I had no choice but to bring up the story in the end. This is the peace that we so desperately desire. That’s why.”

Cheap chook. At this point, I wet my tongue once and slowed down.

Full accelerator again.

“I did not want to ask for compensation for the incident in Cremo or to unilaterally adjust trade tariffs. The moment such a request is made, the relationship between the two countries will fall to the level of repeated antagonism and strategic cooperation based on mutual interests. “The particularly close relationship between allies will no longer be possible.”

“Huh… I never thought you would even think of that…”

“Yes, I know it might be a bit unexpected. But this is enough for me. Promoting friendship between the two countries through exchanges with the princess. What reward could be more valuable than this? “Isn’t that right?”

As a finishing touch, her moist eyes sparkled. He looked into the ambassador’s eyes and told an appealing(?) deep lie.

“My sincerity ends here. “I would really appreciate it if the Ambassador would understand my sincerity, which may be a bit embarrassing.”


The ambassador sighed.

Because of embarrassment?

Because you’re embarrassed?

Not all. It was because I was moved.

“I never dreamed that the Crown Prince valued Amboise so much. In fact, I am even more grateful.”

The line was sincere.

Now the crown prince’s words sounded so true. On the other hand, I felt like the preparations I had made before coming to the conference room were very poor.

‘I was just thinking about how to compensate for the Cremo incident so that there would be less damage. But I never thought the crown prince would greet us so kindly. Moreover, he has such a deep and far-reaching vision.’

The ambassador continued to sip his own kimchi soup. In his mind, the crown prince and his princess had already stamped their marriage stamps and were even throwing bouquets. He was highly respected as a great diplomat who had achieved a historic marriage by his side.

So how will my name be engraved in history books? Should I leave at least one plausible portrait? Anyway, the conclusion is clear. This is a heaven-sent opportunity. You’re a fool if you don’t accept this request. The ambassador finished the calculation after some happy delusion.

“I understand what the Crown Prince said. “I deeply sympathized with what you meant.”

“Is that so? “Thank goodness.”

“yes. So, as the person entrusted with the diplomatic authority of Amboise, I would like to give you an answer to the request given by the Crown Prince…”

“What if I give you an answer?”

“I think we can positively consider the request given by the Crown Prince.”

“Hmm, review?”

Rachiel frowned slightly. Of course he wasn’t disappointed at all. It was a fully expected reaction. As expected, the ambassador’s answer was as expected.

“It is the princess who will be staying in a foreign country for as long as six months. No matter how much diplomatic authority I have been entrusted with…”

“As expected. You can’t decide that arbitrarily. I understand.”

“Yes, thank you for understanding. So, it is true that I have some concerns.”

“What are you concerned about?”


The ambassador nodded and spoke in a cautious manner.

“I believe in the sincerity of what the Crown Prince has revealed. I trust and respect the great decision you have made for the sake of friendship between our two countries. But… I’m not sure if my lord and the various ministers at home will believe that. No, I only have some skeptical concerns.”

“You’re saying that they won’t even believe my heart.”

“It’s a pity, but that’s true.”

The ambassador responded with genuine regret. It had to be that way. This was a negotiation that, if done well, could solidify the future of both countries. It was a huge deal that would make him a historic diplomat.

However, the prince’s request was a bit excessive in reality. So I was worried. Let the princess, who is no one else but first in line to the throne, stay in the imperial capital of a foreign country for six months.

If you look at it calmly?

It was an insane demand.

He believes in the crown prince’s sincerity and has calculated the long-term benefits of accepting his request, but what about others? What about Amboise’s numerous subjects? And what about his lord, the king?

‘They’ll just snort.’

Rather, it may cause an emotional reaction. This could have the opposite effect of further deteriorating the relationship between the two countries.

That was what bothered the ambassador the most. It was a pity. It was a pity that people would not know the crown prince’s sincere gratitude. I really wanted to make this negotiation happen. That made it even more heartbreaking.

‘It would be great if there was a way for people to understand my sincerity.’

I couldn’t think of such a method.

But that was then.

“Well, that’s okay. “Because there is a way.”

The crown prince grinned, as if he were trying to read this person’s inner thoughts. It really doesn’t seem like a big deal. It seems like that kind of reaction was expected. He calmly took something out of his pocket. It was a neatly sealed letter.

“This is…”

“This is my letter to the King, ruler of Amboise.”

“To my lord?”

“yes. “I put my sincerity into this. So please pass it on.”

Then it will be okay.

This is unconditional.

I have no choice but to be sure.

‘This letter to the King of Amboise. ‘Because I used the last remaining lie in the contents here.’

Rachiel’s refreshing smile sparkled evilly.

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