The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 30: Something is Wrong (2)

Chapter 30: Something is Wrong (2)

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Chapter 30: Something is Wrong (2)


Mom's hands rested on my shoulder as she stared into my eyes with a serious look on her face.

"If someone annoys you, doesn't matter what their gender is, just bash their head in the concrete wall, get me?"


"Don't worry about the principal or anything, I will manage that old piece of shit. Just do whatever you want in school, okay?"


"Fuu… Gara," Dad facepalmed and rubbed his temples. "You shouldn't tell the kids that. You should instead tell him to hold back. With his quirk, he might accidentally kill someone if he follows your advice."

Gara hmphed. "Shut up. My son is the most precious thing in the world. If some kid dares to antagonise him, they should get sense beaten in their head."


This woman… Why is she so lovely? Haiyaah.

I hugged her abruptly and kissed her cheeks. "I would be okay Mom, don't worry."

The hug lasted a minute before I drew my face back. "Anyhow, it's getting late. Since it's the first day, I shouldn't be late."

Seeing her smile, I turned around and ran towards the car. Before entering, I turned around and gave her a wave before entering the back of the car where Nejire was sitting.

Seeing me come, Nejire avoided eye contact and moved to the corner of the seat, but I can't let her be like this, can I?

I closed the door and jumped towards her, hugging her softly while she yelped.

"Nee-chan!" I rubbed my cheeks with her, as her body stiffened.

I heard the driver, Kimi's, try to suppress her laugh as the car started moving.

Ignoring Kimi, I threw my hands around Nejire's shoulder and hugged her side.

"I've noticed, you've been acting weird – any problem you're facing?"

I leaned my head towards her ear and muttered, "Is it that time of the month-"


Interrupting me, a slap fell on my head, causing me to chuckle.

"S- shut up! It's not that!" She glared at me and threw my hands away from her shoulder.

Well, the mood is lightened now.

I leaned back on the seat and put my hands behind my head.

"Anyway, if it's not that – don't act shy. It doesn't suit you."


Turning towards her, I stared at her eyes. "Then let's catch up to what happened these past 2 years. We didn't get time to talk one-on-one properly."

She turned her head towards me, pouting.

"You start first."

I smiled. "Well, where to start…"

Thus, we spent our time in the car chatting. The time we spent felt like days even though the school is only an hour away from here.



She's very excited, at the same time, nervous. Today was the first day of her Middle School, after all.

Until now, she's been studying in a High-class school that taught from Elementary to High School – she was supposed to study there until she applied for U.A High.

But now, after the government had asked her parents to send her to a specific school, based on Sir Nighteye's words, she had to change her last Middle School.

But honestly? This wasn't a bad change. She didn't have any friends in her previous school, in fact – kids avoided her for whatever reason.

She wasn't that confident since this was a High-class school too, but she still had her hopes up. So she was looking forward to her time in this school.

She sat in the third-last seat of the class, close to the window. She was looking forward to meeting her seatmates – though the start was looking bad already. The girl sitting in front of her has been ignoring her ever since, that's definitely not a good sign.

She was looking outside the window, at the sakura trees surrounding each side of the road leading inside the school, when she heard the commotion in the classroom.

Upon turning her head around, her eyes went slightly wide.


A boy- no, an art had just entered the room.

His crystal-like blue eyes wandered around the classroom, under the mutter of the other students. As his eyes landed on her, meeting her eyes, he blinked – a light of recognition flashed by his gaze.

He walked closer to her, stopping in front of her seat and revealing a smile.

"Hi, this is Neji Hado. Nice to meet you."

She flinched at his casual greetings and gulped her saliva, her dry throat wettening.

"...Nice to meet you too." She smiled. "I am M-"

"Momo Yaoyorozu?" He offered his hand for a handshake, "I have heard about you before, the princess of Yaoyorozu Corporation."

She, Momo Yaoyorozu, stiffened. Did he know her identity? That's rare. Kids didn't usually recognise her.

Something clicked in her. 'Wait… did he say Hado?'

This caused the kids around to start muttering. First, it was about the name "Yaoyorozu", then the topic drove to the name "Hado". Two of Japan's biggest companies, and these two were the children of those giant corporations?

Some smart kids, including the girl sitting in front of Momo, sharpened their eyes at them. They were all from High-class families here, but these two were at the top of the food chain. Meaning, they would either be enemies, or allies.

"Can I sit here?"

The boy who looked perfect from all sides, smiled and asked her – pointing at the seat behind her, bringing her back from her daze.

"S- sure." She stuttered in nervousness. "Go ahead."

Hearing her, the art, put his bag down and sat down beside her, acting as if all the gazes around him never existed.


[CHA: 102]

Apparently, 102 CHA can daze 12-year-olds. Good lord, they're looking at me as if I own a candy factory.

The thing is, I never put a single point in this stat. It became 102 just from levelling up and my own genes, fucking Aiko.

Anyway, this was the third period and I was bored beyond saving. And the fact that I had read all this before – when I didn't have anything else to do before leaving for my journey – doesn't make this any better.

"Everyone, since you're here right now – you can already tell that all of you are future heroes, right?" Everyone nodded. "The government has appointed some of the middle-schools spread throughout the entirety of Japan, such as this one, to prepare its students for Hero High Schools so that they don't need to learn the basics after going to prestigious schools like U.A or Shiketsu."

Osaki Mikoto, a purple-haired 32 years old Milf teacher, explained.

Apparently, she likes flowers, spices, doggy style and deep throat… As for why <Observe> show her sexual preference, apparently, OBOP is a degenerate.

Speaking of the things she just said, recently Nighteye has rejoined All Might, and for some reason, he's been pressing the government using All Might's influence to focus on training the heroes and hero course students.

Meanwhile, he is also working to increase the quantity of the hero-course students by training their quirks starting from Middle-school – thus making them more confident and prepared to chase after their dreams.

I know the government wouldn't have agreed to these no matter how much influence All Might had – unless they were presented with a good enough reason behind all this.

'A good enough reason.'

Now, my INT is at 107 and my WIS is at 100. This doesn't make me the smartest man, nor does it make me the wisest – in fact, this barely affects my actual intelligence and just lets me be a bit quick-witted and do maths faster.

But, my base intelligence is decent enough for me to connect all these dots and reach the conclusion:

Nighteye MIGHT have seen the future where the Gods attack and destroy everything.

It's just a suspicion. The actual reason might just be this world is an AU to begin with too.

But going on with my suspicion – that means one thing… This time, most kids attending U.A would be a lot stronger than canon.

Hah… I am getting excited. I wonder who One for All will–


—Suddenly, the bell rang.

"Ah, and that's all for now. Enjoy your lunch break, kids… And finally," She glanced at us, her eyes stopping at me for a second. "If you get injured, consult the nurse immediately."

She bowed and turned around, walking away with a sway of her hips.

Well… I guess it's time to eat.


Every kid scattered around, finding groups for themselves. Some girls and guys tried to talk to me which I compiled with – though I ended it quickly.

Kids these days. So selfish. Constantly trying to make friends with benefits, haiyaah.

"You're not going to eat?"

I heard the girl in front of me calling me as I turned to her. Our eyes met, but this time she didn't avoid eye contact.

Momo Yaoyorozu. Didn't think I'd meet her here. Two things relating to her interest me: She is very beautiful. She has a useful quirk.

I looked in front of her. There, a super elegant-looking "bento" was served.

"Ah, no. Someone will come to pick me up." I flashed a smile.

Just as I finished talking, a blue-haired girl who was taller than the kids in the classroom, stood in front of the door.

"Neji! Neji! Where are you! I am here!"

Seeing Nejire, who was in 3rd year, I stood up and waved my hand, a smile appearing on her face seeing me. Good to see she isn't acting shy anymore.

I leaned towards Momo. "Alright, then I will go-"

I stopped. Something appeared in my retina.

[A new Quest has been generated!

Objective: Ask Momo Yaoyorozu to join you for a meal in the cafeteria.

Reward: The honour of becoming Momo's first friend.

Failure: Momo would feel lonely.]

A quest. The first relevant-enough quest after I returned home.

The failure doesn't concern me. But the reward does. Having Miss "Creati" as my friend would be of help… and if I come to like her as a person, not only as an anime character, the friendship might even go beyond.

That's just an "if" though. I stopped thinking with my dick.


"On a second thought," I offered my hand. "Wanna join for a meal?"

Her eyes widened. After a minute of hesitation, she glanced at her bento before smiling and putting it away, accepting my hand.

"I… I will be in your care, then."

"It's my pleasure."


As Neji and Momo walked out of the room, a frowning Nejire greeting them, someone was staring at them – especially Nejire and Neji – with bloodshot eyes.

At the last seat on the row beside the window, behind Neji's seat, a black-haired boy stared at them.

"What's his relationship with Nejire Sempai?"

He would have known if he didn't sleep when Neji first entered the classroom.




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