The Cursed Prince

Chapter 133 - Slow Dance

Mars' explanation made sense to the king and he realized that the prince was right.

"So, we should just wait?" The king asked his son. He was disappointed but knew there was nothing they could do.

Mars nodded to confirm. "Yes. I am still very young and don't want to be tied down too. So, I think this works for me at the moment."

King Jared let out a long sigh. "Then, we shouldn't make any announcement about any wedding or future heirs. Let this be your birthday celebration and nothing more."

"I agree, Father," Mars said. "I think we shouldn't let people know that I will have a child until we are really sure he is going to be okay."

"Okay, then." The king's expression looked complicated. A minute ago, he was excited for his future grandchild. However, now he was slapped by the reality that the baby might not survive.

King Jared had watched his wife cry so much and suffer beyond measure when their children died one by one. The last one happened a long time ago, yet the wounds always felt fresh like it was yesterday.

Every parent's worst nightmare was to bury their children and the king had experienced it far too many times.

He couldn't bear to experience similar pain if this girl, Lady Emmelyn, would also lose her baby. If that happened, he, too, would give up like Mars and admitted that there was no hope for their family.

To ease the tense atmosphere, Mars motioned the royal butler to start the celebration and serve food and drinks to all the guests present.

"John, let's start the celebration," he said to the butler.

"All right, Your Highness." John bowed down deeply toward the monarchs and the prince and then went to the center of the hall. He clapped with a broad smile on his face and announced to everyone that the royal ball was officially opened.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now that we have the crown prince in here, let's start the celebration! Music is ready and you can dance while waiting for the king and the prince to give their speeches. You can also start enjoying the sumptuous dishes provided by our best cooks and the best wines from Southberry!"

The king took a glass of wine and raised the glass to the crowd of guests. "I would like to raise my glass for my only son, Prince Mars Strongmoor! May his 27th birthday become the turning point in his life and he can find his happiness."

Everyone took their glass and raised it too. Mars smiled at everyone and took a glass from his parent's table. He gave it to Emmelyn and took another for himself.

The girl stared at the man and muttered. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," Mars wanted to kiss her right then and there, but he held back. He turned to his father and bowed down slightly. "Thank you, Father. I am lucky to be born as your son. Thank you mother, for being the best mother any child could ever ask for."

Everyone cheered and then downed their wine. The first round of wine managed to break the ice and soon everyone was enjoying the ball. Beautiful music was playing and King Jared took his wife's hand to go for a dance.

Other couples started to follow suit. Soon, the middle of the hall was filled with couples dancing together.

Mars only stood on the side and watched them. He had never joined the dance because he didn't want to take the space from more deserving couples. If he went down there to dance, all women must leave the floor.

Mars was worried if they accidentally touched him, they would become the victims. So, he never took the risk.

Emmelyn glanced at him and saw a glint of longing in his eyes. Did he want to dance like those people?

Emmelyn immediately understood that for Mars, it was better for him to stay away, than forcing other people to leave the dance floor. Now that Emmelyn knew him well enough, she knew that the prince was actually very selfless.

"Would you like to dance?" The girl suddenly whispered to his ear.

Mars turned to her and furrowed his brows. He didn't understand her question.

"What does my want have to do with the dance?" he asked back. "You know I can't go out there."

Emmelyn put down her glass and touched his cheek. "Who said you can only dance here?"

Mars was dumbfounded by her words. It took him a full minute to understand what she meant, as Emmelyn pulled his hand to walk away from the crowd.

The girl already saw the door to the terrace on their right and decided to take the crown prince there.

"We can still hear the music from the terrace," she explained once they stepped out of the door.

Mars's eyes went round when he realized what she wanted to do. He could hear the beautiful music perfectly from where they were. Ahh.. did she want to dance here?

There was no one on the terrace and they were surrounded by green plants in big pots, giving them privacy from people outside the palace.

"Do.. you want to dance with me?" Mars asked Emmelyn with an unclear voice. He was in a daze.

This was his first dance and he was worried that he would do terrible. However, he had been wanting to do this his whole life. So, he asked her anyway.

In all his 27 years on earth.. this was the happiest day of his life.

Tonight... the woman of his dreams was here with him, ready to take his hand for a dance to beautiful music, on his birthday. And they would soon have their baby together.

What else could he ask for?

Emmelyn smiled when she heard him mutter. She nodded and took his hand.

She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and let him hug her waist. They moved slowly and naturally, following the music.

Mars felt like dreaming.

This was surreal.

He closed his eyes and smiled in bliss.

All his worries and frustration, at that moment, didn't feel relevant anymore.

What mattered was now, and here, with her.

"You're doing well," Emmelyn praised Mars for his natural reaction to music.

The man was stiff for a few minutes, afraid that he would step on her feet.?However, soon, he was leading their steps, as they enjoyed the music together with a simple but beautiful slow dance.

Mars hugged Emmelyn tightly as he felt chilly air blew from the outside.

He didn't want her to feel cold, but he enjoyed dancing with her so much, that he didn't want it to end. So, he tried his best to shield her from the cold.

Having her in his embrace, dancing to the tune, Mars was happy.

He thought maybe.. maybe the curse was really lifted.

Otherwise.. he couldn't possibly feel happy like tonight, could he?

He didn't know why Emmelyn treated him really well tonight. All this time, the girl always tried hard to pretend that she didn't care about him.

Maybe she was nice to him tonight because it's his birthday?

"Emmelyn..." Mars opened his eyes and stared at her beautiful blue eyes. "Thank you."

Emmelyn smiled. "I didn't do anything."

"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for staying..." Mars's voice was hoarse as he was fighting back his emotion. "Thank you for carrying my child. Thank you for the dance..."

Emmelyn smiled but her eyes were starting to get wet.

She loved this man. Of course, she would do those things for him, even if he didn't say thank you and only considered what she did as keeping her end of the deal.

However, apparently, he was grateful and he expressed it openly. Emmelyn's heart that had turned icy when meeting King Jared, now started to melt again.

"Hmm..." Emmelyn finally could only smile and then looked away to hide her eyes that were gleaming with tears.

"Em..." Mars touched her chin and pulled her head toward him, so he could see her face again. His golden irises looked so earnest when he uttered the next words. "I love you."

And then he kissed her lips tenderly.

Mars didn't know why he did what he did, but right at that moment, he had lost his facade. His heart was filled with love to the brim, and he couldn't hold it back any longer.

He loved her.

So fucking much.

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