The Cursed Prince

Chapter 78 - Prince Mars Lashes Out

Mars immediately waved his hand. "What are you talking about, Lady Preston? You said the people should know that their future king is not an evil monster who would just kill random people ... But now you're telling me to kill a woman just to prove that the curse is broken?"

Lady Preston immediately shook her head and replied, "That's not what I meant, Your Highness. If you were completely free from the curse, then no one would die, wouldn't they? Would you like to continue living like this? You will never be able to touch other women for your whole life? Is that what you want?"

"If I was free from that curse, yes, no one would die. But what if it turns out that I'm still cursed? Isn't the woman I touch going to die? We're talking about a 50% chance I'll kill an innocent girl here," said Mars firmly. He glared at Lady Preston. "Is human life worth nothing to you, Lady Preston?"

Emmelyn was stunned by the words spoken so firmly by the crown prince. Her indifferent gaze gradually turned to attentive.

She didn't expect Mars would immediately reject Lady Preston's suggestion just because he didn't want to kill innocent people to find out whether he was free from the curse or not.

This was completely different from the image that she had heard about Prince Mars out there as the devil incarnate himself.

Mars that she had gotten to know for the past month was nothing like the rumors. He was a bit perverted and shameless .. but he never killed anyone randomly.

Even Emmelyn, who was caught red-handed about to kill him, was not sentenced to death as she should have. Instead, Mars offered Emmelyn a chance to take back her kingdom by fair means.

If Emmelyn gave the prince what he wanted, three heirs, he would return Wintermere to her.

In fact, if he was evil and only wanted offspring, it would not be difficult for him to lock Emmelyn up and force the girl to serve him without getting any compensation.

Now, when Mars heard that there was a possibility that he could find out the status of his curse at the risk of sacrificing just one person, Mars totally rejected the idea.

He said no, even though it means he would be permanently trapped in his current situation, where he couldn't have any direct contact with any women other than Emmelyn.

This made Emmelyn's heart, which had been frozen by revenge, slowly filled with a strange warm feeling.

Suddenly, she saw Prince Mars Strongmoor from a different perspective.

Mars had no idea that his recent decision to reject Lady Preston's suggestion had changed Emmelyn's view of him.

"Your Majesty, The Queen," Lady Preston now tried to persuade Queen Elara to advise her son. "The Draec Kingdom needs an heir to the throne. All this time, the royal family has been stressed by the fact that Prince Mars Strongmoor cannot marry and have children. If he does not produce the next heirs to the throne, you know that there would be civil wars and a power struggle. Do the king and queen want that to happen?"

Queen Elara looked at Mars and tried to read her son's heart. She had heard from Mars earlier that her son loved Emmelyn deeply and wanted to marry her, but was Mars really willing to forfeit ever knowing whether he was free from the curse or not?

What if Emmelyn didn't love him back and would really leave him? Wouldn't his sacrifice mean nothing?

Would Mars continue to hope for just that girl in his life? After all .. as the future king, he did have an obligation to his kingdom to produce offsprings.

"Prince Mars is right." Finally, Queen Elara spoke to mediate the tense situation. "I don't think it would be fair to others if someone would die just so that my son could find out whether he is free from the curse or not. In this case, I support the crown prince's decision."

Lady Preston looked disgruntled. "But if the Prince does not know the truth, then forever he will not be able to marry and have offsprings. Doesn't the prince have OBLIGATION to the Draec kingdom? It feels like sacrificing one person for the good of many people would be understandable."


"Lady Preston!" Suddenly Mars hit the table in front of him. "I don't want to be disrespectful to an older woman, but I think you have crossed the line here. My private life is none of your business. Do you think, as the crown prince, I am so disregarded of my duties that you need to advise me like you would advise a child? Do you think I am stupid and must always be reminded to do my duties?"

Lady Preston's face suddenly turned pale. She hurriedly got on her knees, begging forgiveness from the crown prince's who looked very offended.

"Forgive me, Your Highness..." said the woman in a choked voice. "I don't mean to say that you are stupid or ignorant. I am just trying to remind you out of my love for this kingdom. Maybe I became too excited when I found out that you can touch Lady Emmelyn, that I secretly harbor hope that the curse is really gone ... and you can live a normal life."

Mars spoke in an indifferent and cold voice when he replied to Lady Preston's words. "I don't need to be reminded by you. If I heard you talk like that again, I would consider you insulting my intelligence in making decisions. I know you are smart, but that shouldn't be an excuse for you to tell me what to do. I am the future king of Draec, and my words are law."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I didn't mean it that way ..." said Lady Preston over and over. She seemed to regret that she had brought up the topic. "I wouldn't talk about it again."

Mars glanced at Emmelyn and then spoke while folding his arms across his chest. "There are so many great things I want to do while I'm still young. You don't have to worry about my heirs. I am capable of producing offsprings to be the heir of this kingdom. But right now, I don't want to think about marriage. I can marry any woman I want, but right now I DO NOT want a wife. Do you understand me?"

Lady Preston nodded with a pale face. "I understand, Your Highness."

Mars continued his words in an exasperated tone. "Just like I don't live to eat, I also don't live to get married. I have so many bigger things to do with my life. I want to expand our empire to rule over the entire continent of Terra, as my father wanted. Later, after I am old and bored and in need of a companion, I will find an obedient woman to become my wife. Understood?"

"Understood, Your Highness."

Queen Elara glanced at Emmelyn and saw that the girl seemed to be letting out a sigh of relief.

Inwardly, the queen wondered what made Emmelyn feel relieved.

Was she relieved that Mars didn't want to touch other women? Or was Emmelyn relieved that Mars made it clear that he had no intention of getting married?

Queen Elara could only guess. She didn't know Emmelyn well enough at this point to know what was in her heart.

The atmosphere became a little tense as Mars was angry with Lady Preston and spat out quite the harsh words.

"Your Majesty .. I am sorry, I think my headache is back," Lady Preston got up and bowed to Queen Elara. "I beg your permission to let me go home first and rest. I will think carefully about the Crown Prince's advice not to interfere in the affairs of the royal family. I will learn to hold back and let the prince do what he thinks is wise."

"Lady Preston ..." Queen Elara looked uneasy because now Lady Preston was about to leave their tea tradition. "I hope you don't take offense of what my son said. Mars just said what he had in his mind. Of course, the royal family always values ??your input and opinion."

"I understand, Your Majesty. But I really have a throbbing headache and need to rest. Therefore, I beg you to allow me to go home now." Lady Preston bowed deeply once again and gave Queen Elara a pleading look.

Finally, the queen nodded. She had no choice but to let Lady Preston go.

"Very well, Lady Preston. Please rest so that your headache will be relieved quickly," said Queen Elara, nodding her head.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," said Lady Preston. She nodded at Lady Athibaud and Prince Mars, and pretended not to see Emmelyn. "I will excuse myself now. Enjoy the tea with the queen. Goodbye."

Lady Athibaud nodded back, while Mars just stood motionless in his place, did not say anything. Lady Preston then walked out of the lounge and closed the door behind her.

Uff ... Damn Lady Preston. She almost managed to corner Mars in front of Emmelyn to find out whether he was still under the curse or not.

If it turned out that Mars was already free from the curse, then his relationship with Emmelyn, which was already fragile to begin with, would be even more in jeopardy.

Fortunately, Mars just got to be firm. His mother also supported Mars's decision because earlier in the queen's chamber, Mars had talked to his mother and explained the situation he was having with Emmelyn.

Queen Elara only wanted her only son to be happy. So, of course, she would support whatever decision Mars would make.

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