The Cursed Prince

Chapter 89 - The Prophecy


Emmelyn pressed her chest in shock. She stared at her hand that was holding a knife two seconds ago and at the snake in the corner of the room.

She didn't know if this witch in front of her really turned her knife into a snake or if it was only an optical illusion.

However, she didn't dare touch the snake to prove her doubts.

"Who are you?" asked Emmelyn with a sharp glance at Mrs. Adler. "What do you know about me?"

Mrs. Adler gave Emmelyn a sharp look and did not answer immediately.

After a while, she finally spoke up. "I just know you are jinxed. You are surrounded by bad luck. Anyone who comes close to you will experience misfortune."

"How do you know I'm jinxed? What's the proof? What do you see in me that shows that I have bad luck?" asked Emmelyn urgently.

She did not dare to threaten the witch anymore because she was worried the old woman would retaliate by making more snakes attack her.

"Your aura is surrounded with darkness," said the witch. This time her voice softened. Perhaps she was feeling sorry for Emmelyn, who had such an unfortunate fate.

Emmelyn didn't know how to respond to this witch's words. She had never met a real witch before and did not know how good was their prophecy.

"Have you seen people who have a dark aura before?" asked Emmelyn. "Do they really bring bad luck?"

Mrs. Adler nodded. "Yes, I have, but none of them has an aura as dark as yours. I also see a great war in the future, and you are in the middle."

Emmelyn gasped at the old witch's explanation. She really didn't want to believe Mrs. Adler's words, but ... what if it was true?

"Do you know how far into the future?" asked the girl finally. She really couldn't imagine being in a war, let alone being the cause of that war.

Mrs. Adler shook her head. "I can't see that much detail."

"Hmm ..." Emmelyn nodded. Well, not all prophecy was meant to happen. So, it was up to each person to decide whether they would believe it or not.

Emmelyn had heard of some prophecies before, and not all of them came true. After all, not all witches had good fortune-telling.

"Is there anything I can do to reduce my bad luck?" asked Emmelyn again.

At least, if she was the one who caused the misfortunes that would lead to war, she wanted to know how she could change her destiny.

Mrs. Adler dipped her hand into the basin filled with water and examined something inside. She then let out a long sigh. The sound of her sighing gave Emmelyn a bad feeling.

"I see the source of your bad luck in Draec," said Mrs. Adler afterward. "If you leave here quickly ... chances are you will be able to escape that bad luck. In fact, maybe the war won't even happen."

"Eh, really?" asked Emmelyn in surprise. "That easy?"

"Can you leave Draec easily?" Mrs. Adler asked in return.

Emmelyn was stunned to hear that question. Ah, that's right. She couldn't really leave Draec easily. She was still in agreement with Mars until she could bear three children for him.

That reminded her of her main purpose to come looking for the witch in Bydell Village. She had to ask Mrs. Adler if she could help Emmelyn carry twins or triplets or not.

"I ... I can leave after one year as long as I can give birth to three babies at once," said Emmelyn with a sigh. "Can you help me? If not .. then I will need at least three years ..."

"Ahh .. do you mean the heirs for the cursed prince?" asked Mrs. Adler.

Emmelyn was astonished at the old woman's words. Did Mrs. Adler also know about the curse that befell Mars? Didn't the palace spread the news about the prince hating women to cover up the curse?

"You know about that?" asked Emmelyn in surprise.

"Ahh .. I happen to know the witch who cast the curse on him," said Mrs. Adler with a shrug.

"You do? Where's that damn witch now?" asked Emmelyn quickly. "Do you know where she is?"

"Hehehe ... don't get too excited just yet. I don't know where she is, but I know that the crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. I think you are the only woman who can be close to him because you bring him bad luck, and your presence in his life will make him suffer."


The old witch's words were like lightning striking Emmelyn in broad daylight.

She didn't know the details of the curse that Mars had. She thought the man was just cursed so that he couldn't touch women.

As it turned out .. he would never be happy?

So ... was that why Emmelyn was able to touch him? Not because Emmelyn was a special woman who was immune to his curse... but because Emmelyn would bring suffering to him?

How horrible!

"So ... I .. can touch him not because I am immune to his curse?" asked Emmelyn quietly. "But because I will bring him bad luck? And also ... It was because ..."

She didn't continue her words.

At that moment, Mars's handsome face crossed Emmelyn's mind, and she remembered the last time she saw him, on the day before he left her to go to Southberry. He looked so handsome dan happy and they just had a really nice week together.

She remembered how the man had always treated her well. Emmelyn always felt cared for and pampered ...

Something inside her felt disappointed at this revelation. She honestly thought that what she had with Mars was special since he couldn't touch any woman except her ...

So, apparently, Emmelyn's presence in Mars life was part of that curse.

"How am I going to make him suffer?" asked Emmelyn, but her tone sounded like she was asking herself that question.

Ah, Emmelyn suddenly pinched herself. How could she forget the fact that she came to the Draec capital to take revenge? Hadn't her original plan been to kill the crown prince?

The man was her enemy. So, when she heard from this witch that Emmelyn's presence in Mars life would make him suffer, shouldn't she feel happy? The man and his family had destroyed her family...

But why, didn't she feel happy about it?

Her mind drifted to the future. If she did give birth to that man's children... wouldn't Mars' suffering affect his children too?

Emmelyn swallowed hard.

"So .. do you mean .. if I get away from Draec quickly, not only will I be able to fix my bad luck and prevent the great war ... but I also won't cause the crown prince to suffer?" asked Emmelyn in a trembling voice.

Mrs. Adler nodded. "The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get rid of your bad luck."

Emmelyn really didn't know if she could trust this old witch. However, Mrs. Adler's firm countenance made her heart tremble and become restless.

What if Mrs. Adler was right? Was Emmelyn really willing to let war happen because of her?

"Can .. can you help me give birth to twins or triplets?" asked Emmelyn finally. She remembered her original purpose for coming to Bydell Village.

Even if she couldn't leave Draec right away, at least she could try to fulfill her commitment to bear children for Mars and ask for her freedom.

Mrs. Adler shook her head. "I am sorry. That's not how it works. If you want to avoid that bad luck, you have to leave before you get pregnant and give birth to a child for the crown prince. If you give birth to his child .. it's already too late."

"Oh ..." Emmelyn was stunned to hear that. "Is it true?"

"Now it's up to you. What you will choose. Get out of Draec as soon as possible ... or you'll witness the bloodbath," said Mrs. Adler. She gave Emmelyn a fixed look before continuing her words. "You should think about it carefully."


Mrs. Adler's words kept ringing in Emmelyn's mind on the way back to the crown prince's castle. The girl looked deep in thoughts. Her expression was so serious that she almost looked scary, making Roshan wonder what the hell was going on inside the witch's hut earlier.

He did not dare to ask Emmelyn because he was afraid the girl would consider him presumptuous. Hence he could only keep his curiosity to himself.

"We have arrived, Your Highness," said Roshan as they arrived at the entrance to the castle.

Emmelyn was moved from her thoughts. She looked out the window and saw the familiar place. She immediately got off the carriage and went up to the third floor to her chamber.

For the first time in months, the girl couldn't get a wink of sleep. She was up all night, thinking about what the witch had said.

If what Mrs. Adler said was true.. then, should Emmelyn just try to flee Draec as soon as possible and forget about her revenge?


In the meantime, Mars and his army finally arrived in Southberry. His cousin Athos came to greet him by the city gates and welcomed him to his palace. They hadn't met for a year and they had so much to catch up.

"Hey.. you come at the right time. You haven't seen my youngest son," said Athos with a broad smile. "Lily just gave birth this summer."

Mars couldn't help but feel jealous when he heard his cousin just had another child. Athos was only two years older than him but already had three sons.

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