The Cute Yandere Next to Me

Chapter 47 Kanako's Desires - Part 1

Several days later, I was informed that Kanako was having her first few exams.

I wished her good luck as I also began making my way to school.

Walking across the courtyard, I looked over at the same scenery I see every morning. The school was practically empty at this time since I would always arrive quite early. The early morning dew wet my shoes a little bit as I stepped on the soft grass. It was a chilly morning, contrasting with the last couple of mornings which were all quite warm.

I eventually made my way into the main building, where all the classrooms were. It was three stories high, and my classroom was on the second floor. I climbed the flight of stairs until I made my way to the sliding door of the class. Pulling it open, the door ground on the rail until it finally showed me what was inside.

As I made my way over to my seat, I noticed that Fujiharu wasn't here today. Well, at least she wasn't as early as she usually was.

I placed my bag down in the empty classroom and took my seat. I had finished reading Being and Nothingness, so I needed to borrow another book from the library. It was the longest time I had ever spent reading one single book. I guess it just goes to say how chaotic the past few weeks have been.

After putting my stuff down, I took the book out of my bag and began making my way over to the library. The schoolyard was still very quiet, with hardly any students having arrived; there were only a small number of teachers in their offices as well. As I entered the haven of books, I took a quick glance at Our Picks. As usual, the books on display there weren't all that interesting.

I walked around, looking at various different books. I didn't really have a specific genre in mind so I would just look around until I found something interesting. As I walked past the classics section I saw something that caught my eye.

It was 1984, by George Orwell, the quintessential dystopian novel. I felt as if it was somewhat fitting, considering the future of National High School. I made my way over to the counter and returned Being and Nothingness before borrowing 1984. I made my way out of the library and back toward the classrooms.

There were a few more students walking around the yard since I spent a decent amount of time in the library. As I entered the classroom once again, I noticed several bags on the ground beside the seats, however, there was still not a single other person sitting inside. Granted, most students just left their bags inside before going outside to socialise.

I took a seat and started to read through 1984. As I began making my way through the literature, more and more students began arriving at school.

Eventually, it was time for the first period. The teacher walked in, looking at everyone who was sitting down.

The teacher made their way over to me.

"Where's Fujiharu?"

"I'm not sure."

"It's almost been an entire week, and she hasn't shown up to school once..."

"That's not good."

It seemed that she still hadn't come to school, which was unusual. Although it was possible that she was sick or had to take a few days off school for any number of reasons. She hadn't come to school for a single day this entire week.

Class began, and the teacher asked everyone to take out their chemistry assignments. I grabbed it out of my bag and placed it on the table.

However, as I looked around, it seemed that most of the other students hadn't finished it. The teacher had a very disappointed look on her face, but eventually, they caved.

"Ugh, well, since most of you haven't finished it, I guess I'll extend the deadline."

There was a celebration in the class.

"But! If you still haven't completed the work by next Monday, expect harsh punishments."

The class went silent.

After that, the teacher brought something up onto the board and began teaching the lesson. As usual, I didn't really have much to learn, so I just sat silently, listening to their lesson. The time went by pretty slowly, but soon enough, chemistry was over, and it was time for maths.

"By the way, guys, we'll be having a maths test in two days."

There was outroar in the class.

"Two days?! That's way too soon!"

"Yeah, I've got other tests this week as well!"

"I've got basketball training tonight!"

People were frantically articulating their various issues.

However, unlike before, the teacher did not budge.

"The test is on Friday no matter what; we're preparing you for next year."

Next year.

"If you don't want to fail, I suggest using this lesson efficiently, I've printed out some practice tests, I highly recommend completing them all."

She walked around, handing out a pretty thick pile of papers to each student.

I looked down at the questions I was given.

In the end, I decided to just read 1984 instead. Since this was just a revision lesson, it shouldn't be too much of an issue for the teacher. Even after seeing that I wasn't revising, they didn't seem to complain, just letting me do what I wanted.

Secrets, 'If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.'

That was certainly something that was true.

It is near impossible to keep a secret once you are aware of it.

Whether it be your subtle movements, your unconscious thought or slight changes in your behaviour, once you realise a secret, you are always giving off hints about it.

The lesson was reaching its end.

"By the way, guys, I will be changing the seating arrangement next week. I'll email them to you by the end of Saturday."

With that, the class was dismissed, and we were allowed to go to recess.

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