The Cute Yandere Next to Me

Chapter 64 The First Special Exam - Part 3

The school had a messaging application where you could message any other student.




[How many points do you have? I want to make a deal with you]

[I have 2605 points]

[I'll loan you 2000 points for the exam if you pick package one]

[But if you do that you'll be low on points won't you? You only have 4195 points]

[You don't have to worry about that]

[I find it hard to believe that you would lend me that many points]

[I'll transfer them to you right now.]

[Okay then, but are you sure you want to?]



I opened up my bank account to finish the transfer.


Your Account

Current Points: 2,195

Owed: 2,000

Owing: 0


Furukawa spoke up once again.

"You claim that you can cooperate with the upper classes, however, that's not certain, is it? Let me explain. There's a chance one of the upper classes might choose the first package. In that case, that class will be fighting tooth and nail to get every point they possibly can. If that happens, our weak E-class won't have any chance to gather loans."

"What are you talking about?" Yamada couldn't understand what Furukawa was saying.

"The first package guarantees that five students will be expelled, regardless of how many points you may have. Even if you have 100,000 points, it's still possible that you may be expelled if you have the least amount of points in your class."

"Yeah, so?"

"So, every student in the upper classes would fight for as many points as possible. Since they have more capital than us, they can just offer better deals. For example, they may offer a 1,000-point loan and repay the lender 2,000 points. There's no chance we would be able to compete with that because we don't have that many points to start off with."

It took a little while for Furukawa to explain. However, after a few moments, Yamada and the others seemed to understand.

"But why would any of the upper classes choose the first package?"

"There are many possible reasons. Their classes could be disjunct, and they may be trying to cull off the weak. Or they may just be trying to minimise the point expenditure and gain favour and reputation within the class. We don't know what they may be thinking right now."

"I still think that that's unlikely," insisted Yamada.

"All I'm saying is that picking the second option includes unnecessary risk."

There was some chatter around the room.

"Let's have another preliminary vote, hands up," Furukawa suggested.

The vote resulted in 11 votes for package one and 10 votes for package two. Furukawa's reasoning was pretty decent. However, some of the students who were just over the 2,000-point mark still preferred the second package. However, Yuuto's vote was enough to establish a majority for package one.

"Is everyone ready to do the official vote?"

"No way! If we do the official vote now, we'll just lose!" exclaimed the boy next to Yamada.

"Katou, what do you suggest we do then?" asked Furukawa.

"I don't know! But I refuse to participate in something that will just cause me to be expelled."

"We could just run the official vote now, and you can choose not to vote."

"No! That's even worse..."

It appeared that there was no outcome that was ideal for Katou.

It would appear that the vote was all but decided. However, there was a hidden third option which I wanted to achieve.

Now that Katou and Yamada have noticed this sinking ship, it would be very easy to convince them of my plan. All I needed to do was send one message to them.


Furukawa called for a teacher and announced the official vote.

"Everyone inside this classroom will receive a notification on Preseqta."

There was a 60-second timer on the voting screen. Once the timer was up, the app was automatically closed, and the teacher began speaking again.

"The voting period has ceased. Here are your class' results."

She pulled up a screen on the television.


Results of Class-E Balanced Society Vote:

Package One: 10 students

Package Two: 8 students

Did Not Vote: 12 students




"What the hell?" Furukawa was visibly shocked by the results.

The third option.

To purposefully not vote, you could get a no result. This would result in a 1,000-point fine overall, but it was much easier to achieve this result due to the condition that 60% of the class must vote for a vote to be valid. However, the main consequence of such a result is that any student with less than 4,500 (500-point fine + 4,000-point deduction from loan) points would be expelled.

61% was a very specific decimal. Every class only had 30 students. It meant that at least 19 students must vote in order to have the vote be valid.

I received a notification on my bank account.


Your Account

Current Points: 5,195

Owed: 26,000

Owing: 12,000


It was pretty easy to force this result. I simply messaged Katou and Yamada. They were the only two who I knew was guaranteed to be very low on points.

[If you abstain from voting, I will lend you 4,000 points each, which will allow you to pass the exam. In exchange, you will pay me 3,000 points each, every month, for the next 4 months.]

It wasn't a very good deal on their side however, there was no way they'd decline, otherwise, they'd be expelled. This also allows me to gather a large stockpile of points without it becoming obvious.

A few minutes before the final vote, I had communicated with Kimura, who, alongside one of his Class-A classmates, each lent me 6,000 points for a total of 12,000 points. They agreed because otherwise, they'd have to split their loan between many lower-class students, as giving them all to one student would cause that student to then face Condition B and lose points. I assured them that I wouldn't go past 8,000 points, using alternative means, of course.

It was also possible that some of the students from lower classes could ask for fees. There was also the chance that the student they lent their points to might somehow get expelled, which would result in them losing all the points they lent.

BR/N: Condition B) At the same time [4000 is loaned from every student], any student with more than 8000 points will lose 90% of their excess points. E.g. If a student has 8900 points, then 810 points will be deducted and not returned.

I was a safe option for them as they could do the exchange discreetly, without fees and without the risk of me being expelled. I told them that I'd repay them 2,000 points each month for the next three months.

This ultimately was a good result for me.

However, Furukawa and Itsuki were less than content.

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