The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 1 - The Boy Falling To Darkness (I)


In a run-down building, numerous people with unkempt appearances and stained clothing could be seen sleeping peacefully. Though the setting betrayed the room's atmosphere, their rest seemed to be uninterrupted by the poor conditions.


Unfortunately, that couldn't be said for a certain youth. A loud gasp was heard as the young boy jumped from his sleep. His frail body was drenched in a cold sweat while he clutched the worn, patch-filled piece of cloth that could barely be called a sheet.

"It's that dream again. It's just...darkness," the boy muttered to himself as he looked around at the other sleeping serfs around him. The light of day had yet to approach, so there was still time until the bane of his day came through those nearly broken doors.

He was careful not to interfere with their sleep. With silent steps, he walked towards the weathered windowsill. As he peered outside, he gazed at the silver gleam of the moonlight. The light of the moon seemed much more pleasant than the tyrannic heat that accompanied their overbearing sun.

"At least I get to see this beautiful sight before another hellish day starts. I just hope I don't get targeted again today. That seems to be happening quite often these days," the boy muttered.

While he was lost in thought, a voice sounded behind him. It was gentle yet carried a warming feeling, "Apollo, you're up early. Is it a nightmare again?"

The boy, Apollo, turned around. "Oh, Miss Clarice. Yeah, I couldn't sleep. It's the same dream over and over again. I don't know what it means. But, something felt different today. The darkness usually just surrounds me inside the dream, but today, I felt like I was consumed. I don't know how to explain it."

Clarice smiled and cupped his cheeks, "Don't worry. Just take a breather and release the angst from your mind. I know our duties have become tougher these days. I also know that they've been tough on you, but I'm sure a better future lies in wait."

In response, Apollo nodded. It was the truth; the strain they put him through far surpassed any other serfs. While the others would be granted breaks, he wouldn't. This was because of his prior identity. He belonged to the children of the family that owned these serfs.

He was a progeny from the Kaiser Family, which sported an extensive line of reputed Sages and revered Archmages. Yet, in his case, he was unable to tap into the worldly blessing known as Mana. Forget tap into it; he couldn't even sense it.

A short while later, the repeated tapping of heels and boots could be heard in the distance. Due to the sounds, every last serf woke with punctual timing. After all, they were aware of the punishment that followed their failure to present themselves on time.

As the sounds grew closer, Clarice leaned toward Apollo with a smile, "I pray that your day goes well and you make it through yet another day to see the light of tomorrow."

"That sounds good, Miss Clarice. Your words always make me feel better. If only my family could express the same affection. But, instead, they just cast me away here. I want to thank you for helping me find some strength," Apollo smiled in return, thanking her.

Shortly after, the door burst open. The ajar door revealed a lady dressed in crimson robes. Her lilac hair was covered by a magus hat of a matching crimson color. She looked with a disgusted gaze, which soon settled on Apollo.

"What a surprise, everyone is awake today. To commemorate this special occurrence, I think I'll pick a lucky individual to receive extra work today. Ah, it'll be you!" the lady smiled. Unsurprisingly, her outstretched arm holding her wand pointed out Apollo's figure.

"Uh… Headmaster Verina, why don't you pick me instead? Apollo's sleep wasn't the best. I don't think he'd make a good choice for additional work today," Clarice stepped forward to sacrifice herself.

However, Verina was adamant in her ways. She rejected almost immediately, "That's fine. What do you think our mages who specialize in healing are for? All you need to do is know your place and quiet down. Anyway, come along; we need to go."

After announcing her commands, Verina exited the dilapidated premises with an about-face followed by two orderly lines behind her.

From the serf quarters to the training grounds was a decent trek. And, because none of the serfs were experienced in the required magic, it was even longer.

As a result, Verina's expression seemed more frustrated than any other time of the day. If it was her alone, she would have performed a simple flight spell to lessen the travel time, but sadly, that wasn't the case.

Soon enough, her irritated grumbles entered the serfs behind her.

As the serfs behind listened, they heard her complain about being in charge of this menial task. It angered her to have her status demeaned in such a way. And, as a result, she even began kicking her feet and swearing to make someone pay.

This signified the targeting of a specific individual.

Therefore, Clarice turned towards Apollo and mouthed, "I'm sorry."

However, Apollo didn't blame her because he knew she offered to stand in; it was just Verina's decision not to accept the suggestion. Truth be told, he expected this much. With this, he focused his attention on the gravel road while ignoring the close view of the expanse seen every day.

Not too long after, they made it to the training grounds. Upon arrival, there was an alarming number of kids dressed in training gear. Similarly, Verina prepped the shoddy defensive equipment for the serfs.

Afterward, she addressed the new group, "As per usual, those who are studying to become mages, you will be with me. Those of you taking the knight's path, you'll be with Elder Ingrid. We will begin our daily training shortly."

In a trained manner, the other kids followed her directions. After a few short moments, only youths dressed in cloth apprentice mage robes remained. Additionally, they held rudimentary wooden wands.

Each of them picked a serf partner to practice on. Yet, when Apollo saw his pair, he frowned. A girl similar in height, carrying a feigned air of innocence, stood before him.

"Hehe, Apollo. Well, well, well. Tell me, how are you?" the girl giggled. 

Anyone who knew this girl knew the attitude she presented was fake. To describe her in a simple phrase, she was a sadistic cretin.

"Melina," Apollo grumbled. 

While Melina continued to smile, Verina chanted a spell to root all the serfs to the ground. In their now immobile state, they became living training dummies for the youth to practice their spells on.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you. I learned two new spell sequences just for today. If Mom and Dad were here, they'd witness a pleasant sight."

"Begin!" Verina announced.

Immediately after, Melina lifted her, chanting without hesitation. Before the tip of her wand, a fist-size ball of flames grew until it resembled a basketball circumference. Once it was primed, she released it.

When the hit landed on Apollo's chest, he winced. Tiny embers continued to burn his tattered robes, which caused his visible ribs to show.

Although it was painful, Apollo tried to bear with it. He even tried to tolerate the repeated bombardment of that same spell. However, when she conjured a chain lightning skill, Apollo nearly lost it.

"Shouldn't those who practice with lightning spells train under an older member? Why are you here," Apollo questioned. Given Melina's personality, his anxiety ran deep.

"Well, I just learned it yesterday. So, I can't count as an apprentice lightning mage just yet," Melina smirked mischievously. 

"No more questions! Suffer, hehe!" Melina cackled, releasing the chain of lightning. Naturally, with all those volts running through him, Apollo roared in pain.

His screams drew the attention of Verina, who raised her eyebrow in shock. 'Fire and Lightning. A super offensive combination. Some might even say Lightning is a variant of Fire.'

As this scenario repeated itself, Apollo struggled to retain his sanity until, finally, it broke. He looked at Melina with hateful eyes as a mysterious aura of darkness exuded from his body. Subsequently, that presence broke the lock Verina placed on everyone.

He rushed towards Melina intending to kill her. Nothing else mattered anymore because he wanted only to tear her apart.

When Melina felt the wave of hostility assaulting her, she froze. The weakness of an apprentice mage was close combat, and now that Apollo was rushing at her, she didn't know what to do. Apollo sought to take her along wherever his destination may be based on the look in his eyes.

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